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Av. II Cayetano Tarruel S – O y Manuel García Moreno.
Teléfono: 3844-285
Año lectivo 2022 – 2023

Materia: Ingles
Docente: Lcda. Diana Rivera
Fecha: 09/01/2023
Curso: 2do básica
Contribution questionnaire for the second part - Cuestionario de aporte del
segundo parcial
1. Draw and write about your real or imagined pet (Dibuja y escribe sobre tu mascota
real o imaginaria).

(What animal is it?)

This is my pet. It is a _____

(What color is it?)

__It is a ___________

2. Complete the sentence, wrtite am, are, or is and connect with a line (completa cada
oración con am, are o is y une con línea).

• He ________________ tired

• We _______________ Tired

• She _______________ noisy

• They ______________ noisy

• I __________________ hungry.

3. Color the correct answer (colorea la respuesta correcta).

They are not quiet.

They are quiet.

Av. II Cayetano Tarruel S – O y Manuel García Moreno.
Teléfono: 3844-285
Año lectivo 2022 – 2023

We are not sad

We are not happy.

4. Circle the following words in the Reading: hungry, thirsty, noisy, angry and tired
(encierre las siguientes palabras en la lectura)

My friend and I am thirsty.

Look at Ben and his friend.
They are noisy.
Look at Betty and her friend.
They are angry.
We are hungry.
Mom is tired.

5. Answer based on reading and join with line (contesta en base a la lectura y único
1. Jimmy and his friend is angry
2. Betty are noisy
3. Mom is tired
4. Ben and his friend are thirsty


Firma del Docente

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