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behind the throne; and, though Alexander had declared war

the battle of Corinth (October 3-4), though on the evening

novels. Verse of a similar kind also first brought into

pp. 78-110, and Huelsen's art. ``Flavium Amphitheatrum''

Americans, to expel the British from the West Indies and

superiority of naval strength on the coast of Virginia, and

consisting of a judge and six jurats, attorney-general,

the angular measurements were made, varied; this would follow

York, 1881), &c.; Sargent's Life of Major John Andre

native flesh-fly, a more objectionable pest, disappears.

fallen back from Manassas towards Richmond, and the two armies

the Kurile Islands, the Japanese chain, the Philippines,

on the isle of Wollin. Absalon's last military exploit was

TABLE XXI.--Outbreaks of Sheep-Scab in Great Britain,

through its regenerator, picking up the heat deposited there,

are due, in part at least, to the subsidence of portions of

by Louis XIII. W. Camden (Remains, 7th ed., 1674) defines

support to the side of France. Arnaud Amanieu, lord of

of Pope Victor (186--197) that he made sequentes cleros,

eastwards, we have before us the wall separating the

Robert Adam--with, there is reason to suspect, some help

natural processes, so far as we can apprehend them at all, into

Aures is another series of salt lakes closely connected with

expedition. The Ruwenzori Mountains proved a great source of

to Beersheba''), in spite of popular approbation, was not

others. In the year 1500, Vicente Yanez Pinzon, in command

their submission. After this both the Khyber and Kohat

Since 1870.

syllables have a less proportion of breath assigned to

milk-testers. In 1898, at Birmingham, a prize of L. 100 was

2 Astr. Nach. No. 2947. 3 Astr. Journal, No. 165.

a spontaneous and satisfactory rectification of an error.

have been practically dependent on Wessex. That Alfred

her. In 1782 she left Drury Lane for Covent Garden. After an

(Venus), expressive of her having sprung from the foam of the

the methods to be adopted for the suppression of the slave

is criticized; E. Belot, Histoire des chevaliers romains,

line. The capital is San Felipe, on the Aconcagua river;

communes), and (3) for the recognition of private ownership

system. But the Abakan river, which rises on the western

engaged the attention of a very large part of the population,

Sturm. The former, Collegium Experimentale sive Curiosum,

Orleansville (3510), on the extensive plain of the Shelif, 130

genuine unless it contains in 100,000 parts (calculated free

of troops behind a certain hill or wood, a rapid ascent may

F. R. de Montalembert, Les moines d'occident depuis S. Benoit

surrounding seas that are economically most distinctive of

Others again include a glyceride of an acid containing still

ethnic disturbances (apart from modern Europeans) are the

without the addition of potash, he began to suspect that

to be objects of general or widely recognized aesthetic value.

L. 24,500,000. About five-sixths of the trade is with

slain by his guards at Seckington (Warwickshire) and buried at

was a war chief elected by the council to carry out its

a time embittered the relations between the two countries.

order to prevent the generation of heat when the bullets set

equatorial forest by a new route to the Congo and the west

series'' of the general formula Cn H2n+1COOH, ethylene

side of the Taurus, and the strong city surrendered without a

777 and 786 built a magnificent palace on the site of that of

councillor. In 1754, after seven years' residence partly in

some fifty or sixty plays, among them dramatized versions of

C3H4O3N2. It is reduced by sodium amalgam to glycouril

with ake, a sharp point), a genus of plants belonging to

limits of the Algerian formations took place. Hitherto marine

brought back reports of tribes ruled entirely by women,

bishops of the district, who rejected the extraordinary

effecting a marriage alliance between his house and Philip's,

were famous over Europe, were collected at Amsterdam in 5 vols.

The secondary literature that accompanied the work of

of means of communication and the extension of effective

is manifest in a certaine place, Naturalis Historiae Plinii,

iron. The other impurities are of minor importance.

or set at an angle (a proceeding which is paralleled by the

of the trade between Europe and the East, caused by the

His Life was written by Ferris Greenslet (1908).

productive huertas or gardens, such as those of Alicante and

which he laid before the king in March 1718, eleven months

times to 653, and was continued by other writers until the

and Lombards, and was occupied by the Saracens in 731. Aix,

close of 1779 Sir George Rodney had been appointed to command

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