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리스닝씨드-워크북2속표지-1022.indd 5 13. 5. 7. 오전 11:48

01 Greetings
A Listening Task 1 T1-7

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Brenda: Hello, I’m Brenda.
Peter: Hi, Brenda. Peter.
Brenda: Nice to , Peter.
Peter: Nice to meet you, too.
What’s your , Brenda?
Brenda: It’s Smith.
What’s your last name, Peter?
Peter: Jackson. I’m a here.

B Listening Task 2 T1-9

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Hi, is Green. My is Seed. I go to Tree

Elementary School. I have a . He is a cat. He is .
His name is Lewis. is Seed. He is part of

2 Unit 1·2
02 Colors and Shapes
A Listening Task 1 T1-19

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Ella: Tim, look. This is a !
Tim: A robot? Umm… is it?
Ella: It’s ! It has so !
Tim: What shapes do you see?
Ella: I see one , one and four !
Tim: That’s not a robot! Those are my !
Don’t them, Ella!

B Listening Task 2 T1-21

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Colors make ! Red and yellow make .

I and color three orange ! Blue and yellow
make ! I draw and color one green .
Look! What do I have? It’s an cone!

03 Body Parts
A Listening Task 1 T1-30

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Mr. Smith: Children, the Seed Elementary School
Mask Festival!
Ella: Hi, Mr. Smith! I’m Ella.
Mr. Smith: Oh, hi, Ella. You have .
Ella: Yes, I do. You have .
Mr. Smith: Yes. Where is Tim? three eyes?
Ella: Yes, that’s him!

B Listening Task 2 T1-32

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Hello! My name is Boo. This is Ba. We are

Mars. I have . I have . My friend Ba has
a . And he has three eyes and .
We are you. But to be your

4 Unit 3 ·4
04 Family
A Listening Task 1 T1-42

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Bill: Hi, Jane.
Do you have any or ?
Jane: Yes. I have brother.
How about you, Bill?
Bill: I have sisters.
Jane: Really? Do you a lot?
Bill: Yes. We love to !
Jane: Wow! My younger brother and I love to !

B Listening Task 2 T1-44

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Hi, I’m Linda. This is my . There are

in my family: my , my parents, a younger
, an older and me. We have a
! It’s a power. My grandparents love to
flowers with magic. My mother always with magic.
We are a magic family!

05 Time
A Listening Task 1 T1-54

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Ella: , Tim.
Tim: Hi, Ella. Good afternoon.
is it now?
Ella: It’s 3:30.
Tim: 3:30? I have a soccer game !
Ella: Oh, no! You’re ! Run, Tim!
Tim: Okay. Ella. tomorrow!

B Listening Task 2 T1-56

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Hi, I’m Beth. Today is a very . I have a baseball game

at in the morning. I have a
at 3:30. In the , I have . It is my grandmother’s
. Her party is . I have a special
for her. It is a birthday !

6 Unit 5 ·6
06 Days of the Week
A Listening Task 1 T1-66

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Ella: Tim, is it today?
Tim: Today is .
Ella: Tuesday? What now?
Tim: It’s 2:20.
Ella: 2:20? Oh, no! I’m a piano lesson.
I have a piano lesson : on Tuesday.
Tim:  , Ella. And don’t our soccer game!
Our soccer game is : today!

B Listening Task 2 T1-68

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Hi, I’m Billy. Is busy? My week is , too.

I go to ballet class and . I go to the
library . , I play soccer and baseball.
I watch TV . , I visit my grandparents.
I clean my room . My week is very busy.

07 Special Days
A Listening Task 1 T2-6

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Tim: Ella, what’s today?
Ella: It’s .
Tim: Really? is my mother’s birthday!
Ella: on your mother’s birthday?
Tim: My father and I .
And we a birthday for her.

B Listening Task 2 T2-8

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

New Year’s Day is 1st. I watch . Halloween is

31st. I as a witch. Christmas is
25th. I get a from Santa Claus. And December
is my birthday, too! I for my birthday and

8 Unit 7 ·8
08 Food
A Listening Task 1 T2-18

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Tim: Ella, do you like ?
Ella: Yes, I do. They are .
I also like !
Tim: I noodles, too. But I fried rice.
It’s !
Ella: Well, my mom’s fried rice is .
Let’s together!

B Listening Task 2 T2-20

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Look at Tom! He likes . But he

hamburgers. Susan likes . But she doesn’t like .
Look at Jane. She noodles. But she sushi.
Oh, look at Peter! He likes fried rice, , and salad.
He loves !

09 School Subjects
A Listening Task 1 T2-30

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Tim: Do you like , Amy?
Amy: Yes, I do. I like my and .
Tim: That’s great. What’s your ?
Amy: My favorite subject is . How about you, Tim?
Tim: My favorite subject is . It’s !
Amy: Really? I like my math . But I
math. It’s .

B Listening Task 2 T2-32

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Jack and Kate are . They go to school together

. But they are . Jack likes and
P. E. His is science. But Kate likes
and . Her favorite subject is English. Their favorite
are different. But they love to !

10 Unit 9 ·10
10 I’m Eating Snacks!
A Listening Task 1 T2-42

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Mother: Honey, I’m home. Tim, what ?
Are you a game?
Tim: No! I’m a book.
Mother: is your father?
Tim: He is in the . He is chicken for
Mother: That sounds ! Wait, what is that ?
Tim: Oh, no! The is burning!

B Listening Task 2 T2-44

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

We are a family . Look, Grandma is .

Father is cooking. My is reading a book. Mother is
with Grandma. My cousin is . Look, my little sister
a hamburger. What am I doing?
I am !

11 Musical Instruments
A Listening Task 1 T2-54

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Ella: Wow! This is a great !
Tim: Yes, it is. Can you play , Ella?
Ella: No, I . But I can .
Tim: Really? I can play the .
Ella: That’s great! Let’s a band.
We can be a !

B Listening Task 2 T2-56

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Hi, my name is Emily. My family loves . My father

the guitar. But he the piano. My mother
can play . But she can’t .
My little brother can play the . But he can’t play the .
can play the drums? I can!

12 Unit 11 ·12
12 Pets
A Listening Task 1 T2-66

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Tim: Ella, look at the dog. It’s .
Ella: Yes, it is. I want a dog. Do you ?
Tim: Yes, I do. I have a .
Ella: A spider? Spiders are !
Tim: No, they aren’t. They are .
Do you have a pet, Ella?
Ella: Yes, I do. I have a !
Tim: What???

B Listening Task 2 T2-68

A. Listen and fill in the blanks.

My parents and I are a pet. I want a .

But my mother a dog. She thinks dogs are
! She wants a cat. But my father doesn’t want a cat. He
doesn’t think cats are . Look at the !
It is not noisy. And it is friendly. It is the !


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