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Difficulties with Videoconferencing Ske s]2|9| HAS WHleS TD St Sls st Aol BFAtd US AML, De) dal remote meeting vict2t ale] meet face-to-face 1 gic} Nt parson meeting cizi a21 get aread on ~2a)2/sKct subtle reactions vise ye read someone's expression #22 ec} feel self-conscious URSIC IS] AKIO] SfAjsicp Difficulties with Videoconferencing, old-timer 241. <3 take it as a given 1214¢71 7c} feel completely at home with ~B HS Bap il A2ISICE Wednesday01 007 bie | PRACTICE Sees SOO] 42401] Chet O1OF7 IaH FAL, BSUS Clot WICH S97} SESHEISACH, LE FA SHY SIONS CO] SED 2c BE Ss S] She SSO] MCh. SIS 7tAl Mots SIL] A yl SS al Bol Bch, TE Bie! EPES: RICE PM, Aelo] SBo| Qa SHeiol] S+2H2] Ala Sch. LH SHO! Stet olf S71] BE! Oe Blatst7 [= Sich, Tals Slo] 97/L} CHE AHS] olast wSS La > G7! chSoll Stals| SMStch Aveta} AHEIO! SPS GHLt CHOY SIONS SHE ZO] MR AHS Cf Stoball MSS + VE 7 Bf, OFC LHF LEOI7E SA APSLIO[7| CHOY OSA <= AAS SECt, 20~30cH BE SESE SY Slots AACA 7/1 OFF Hels GA HE ch. EEE sre, 4 Do you prefer in-person or online meetings? Explain your preference. 2 Describe some of the ways COVID-19 has changed the way we work. ® Think of ways to make working from home more efficient and effective. 008 20) S01= so Upgrade your speaking skis a Talk about the difficult aspects of videoconferencing. Remote meetings have become widespread because of the coronavirus. Ihave been attending many videoconferences myself. Of course, it comes with a lot of benefits. It saves a lot of time and money since there is no need for business trips. But on the flip side, there are a lot of drawbacks, too. First, the sound echoes and there is a slight delay on the screen. | also feel self- conscious when my face fills the screen. It's definitely inconvenient that | can't get a read on the atmosphere of a meeting, or the subtle reactions of the other people. | think meeting face-to-face for in-person meetings is a better way to. get across a point more clearly. | may just feel this way because | am an old-timer at work. My younger coworkers in their 20s and 30s may take it as a given that we videoconference and fee! completely at home with it En EXPRESSIONS remote meeting {cH 5/91 get a read on ~8 "I/sic+ i = become widespread ='2#i=\-} © subtle reactions o/s2¥ = come with a lot of benefits 2#91%c! < meet face-to-face */# 2iUich save a lot of time and money in-person meeting “i 214) erie ener get across a point °4i8 Haak} on the flip side ve! old-timer 2, a slight delay °12!91 Aint take it as a given 7/21A2271 017(C} feel self-conscious feel completely at home with ‘21BYSICH, HI AIO] SAISICE 3 049 Bish Meech fill the screen #88 715 AFC Wednesday 01 009 ©) a PRACTICE save a lot of time and money Aiz!#}#is3 al Betstct BSS 771 Mois SIL API} wISe aa ol Ect It saves a lot of time and money since there is no need for business trips. -Sajel 2M aiel Alziat wigs a WIR! + Let You can save a lot of time and money by searching online. PALE ARON OFFS of SHAY AZ B/S S71] BOUCHE. We saved a lot of time and money by reserving in advance. old-timer 28.8 OPA LIE L417} Si 22 10]7| OEROL Oa S7= ABA SEC}. | may just feel this way because | am an old-timer at work. TEBE US 21 we + oe You can learn a lot from the old-timers. LUE OM BOlI BE SaewO| Weel et ECL | am an old-timer, so | let my younger coworkers decide. 03) feel completely at home with ~2 % Heri s2sIct 20~ 200 HE SASS IAS OF HRSI Lz HE eich My younger coworkers in their 20s and 30s may feel completely at home with it. Ute OF 210] Stats] Q1BSIAHE Ct | don’t feel completely at home with it yet. URS AES BiAtol a OSHC, Right away, | felt completely at home with the new policy. 010 201 S01 so 0 Wi, T upgrade your speaking skils My Life’s Motto LH a2] Se "ES = welx SASS Blah A Fal, Cate) dal the true meaning azét ojo) words one lives by 221 5 s¥8'= 2 maxim 2a et give one’s best 2163 cisict enjoy the present exw S7Ict be in the moment extol 2wsict lingering regrets ole 0} a= $3) My Life’s Motto go back in time apie zopic} in the present nt lead to new problems si22 1 Sach Thursdayo2 013 Vass | PRACTICE SSS Sol SZ HS Ly 10] SEO CHa O17 lah FMI. CHE 10CH OHS Allo] APS eH SSS MIC 2 OFS EAC SS Bet) S Uf 12) SEE SISCL ASO Al 2 YO| Neral LARCH Tell Lyol7} S+S 2 Bel TASS SOS MHL EIRACH, 20tH Mi (LHe) Shah YES ST jo] BEE cS SnsyAct, ole! Alzt HS che Y B29] FLISSS OS Sale| SISAAS BS wT! Ssh AE Zech, Stale ate at AES & MBS AS MANOA F CHE SAS ‘Sil SICH, Oe Ht Al Sate BA Seyst By 2 act. RHA LHS BEAK ABS) 07/2 SHrote SIMS Choy S7leiD cesich, Ae4et Ute] Bf AA, SMH, led} SASS! BCH BSH Olaf WEch, EEE sven, 4) What is your favorite line from a movie? Explain what it means, and why you like it. 2 Does your family have a motto? What is it, and how does it guide you? 3 If you could teach your younger self one thing, what would it be? 014 gol Eol= sei Upgrade your speaking skis xa Describe how a movie inspired your life’s motto. I watched the movie “Dead Poets’ Society” as a teenager. Ever since then, “Carpe diem (Seize the day)" has been my life's motto. At first, | just thought it sounded cool. But as | got older, | came to understand the true meaning of the line. Watching the movie “The Butterfly Effect” in my 20s further crystallized my motto. Characters in this type of time travel movie usually go back in time to fix things that trouble them in the present. But changes in the past always lead to new problems in the new reality. Despite repeated attempts, there is never a perfect solution. ‘That's why | try to treasure the present and give my best to enjoy each day. | believe this will make me happy, even if my past, present and future aren't perfect ea EXPRESSIONS asa teenager 10:i.t lead to new problems: . sound cool 224 Sect AMES BNIB WOE the true meaning 22! 210] repeated attempts oii 2!9| A= further crystallize i #a#\71 Ic} a perfect solution 218! 2% time travel movie AZ! oft! 28 treasure the present 2x 46) 017/c) go back in time 2/712 SoP ict give one’s best = CIeict in the present 2s Thursday02 015 OTT PRACTICE 0) the true meaning #8? 2101 Lol7t S47 gto} ret ofa mkII SIRI As | got older, | came to understand the true meaning of the line. ABHSE J Felol THYB! Slols soteHCt People have forgotten the true meaning of the holiday. Us 7} at Bie! ato] ZIEE }olz OfsHs Ix] Seat. | didn’t understand the true meaning of what he had told me. 02) go back in time 212 Zopit Ole! Baio] ABS cheeks AHS Hee A7| Poh BAe BO! Characters in this type of movie usually go back in time to fix things. SFE] apis SoD HE ct 2 Everyone wants to go back in time sometimes. DPS SO + QICHP Of] St 40K? What would you do if you could go back in time? 03) give one’s best 2 clsict cat LHS ahRSIR AIMS chat Bzleta Lever That's why | try to give my best to enjoy each day. US SS Cle] azo | gave my best, so | had no regrets. BF7} 0| DEAES Hal AS challot Sich, Everyone needs to give their best for this project. 016 eo) Sol soi upgrade your speaking skils Hoisting the Taegeukgi EHS7| 27] "ips Salat 18) AL De) dal national flag 37) patriotism oa NCA netidrel pride a7i21xe4 Independence Movement Day 231 Constitution Day xs National Liberation Day w= Hangeul Day sas Hoisting the Taegeukgi offer condolences 49s Heit fly the flag at half-staff 2712 asict observe a moment of silence =A 2 sict Fridey03 019 Vos | PRACTICE PeILEHS| SB 7/2! EHS] S7IoHl Chat OOF 7 Ish MZ. A= 6H CU BSLOl O0|} al HATS SAD BUCH, Mt OMS t= RAB Set 3] HAZIE SUMEA, LSS SHot= 780] Wal MS A ASU ASS Says THE SES Of THES SOAS! AZfoK=S SBLUCH PeILEHS Hel SHS! SSS 714 ‘SHE Boll SHANBILICE PAE SH FAUT Sel Soll HS71S SUCH scl SBVUS AVA, MHA, Beal, HS B, SSSA, ASUS AS HSS SOletA| GHATS Che SHO] ZF CHELICH, 2 Jie ACSC, Of= EHS7| ZIPS] Me oleh Wei CH= ZINC, AH 6H 6LOll EHSA7HE SA Al SIS W7t SICH, OlEMel oBOe Paes Xl74 A BHoll BAS] OSS HHS YSLICh, GITTETITA questions , Do you put up the Taegeukgi on national holidays? Why or why not? 2) Desoribe some ways you express your patriotism. 3 How do you feel about using the Taegeukg! for fashion or decoration? 020 Ho) Sol= so} Upgrade your speaking skis a Talk about hoisting the Taegeukgi, Korea’s national flag. I plan to hoist the Taegeukgi with my child on June 6th, Korea’s Memorial Day. When | was young, we did this as a matter of course on national holidays. But nowadays, not a lot of homes seem to take part. People only think of national holidays as days to get some R and R or to travel. They don't meditate on the people who sacrificed themselves for our country. We hoist the Taegeukgi for the five major national holidays, and for Armed Forces Day. The five major holidays are the Independence Movement Day, Constitution Day, National Liberation Day, National Foundation Day, and Hangeul Day. Memorial Day is a day for offering condolences, so the Taegeukgi is raised a little differently. We fly the flag at half-staff. It is lowered from the top by as much as the height of the flag. On June 6th, | will hoist the Taegeukgi and observe a moment of silence. | want to express my gratitude to the people who selflessly protected our country. Ea EXPRESSIONS hoist the Taegeukgi £15718 “zeit Independence Movement Day 3:13 ° Korea's Memorial Day #82 offer condolences 2°18 25i+} = as a matter of course S251 7/4271 fly the flag at half-staff 4712 7izsict national holiday 222! ‘observe a moment of silence take part S#siC! BA 248 oct get some R and R #413 #3Ict express one’s gratitude AAS OBS Hsict selflessly protect Ir#io= 2seit meditate on ~2| 2/018 =i47\¢}, 2elsiet sacrifice oneself ~A=# =/eIct Fridey03 021 ©) a PRACTICE as a matter of course Svs), 114871 AIP} OBS tte BZGIOl otal OFA MALICE When | was young, we did this as a matter of course on national holidays. Us AIH SIG01 OFF xIIABIH QIRFS BlcI, | brush my teeth as a matter of course right after a meal. AletS0| “1243 ete O77] AIRC People started to take it as a matter of course. get some Rand R #412 #sict Neee 23Us HE weet ACh. People only think of national holidays as days to get some R and R. USe SAS & Foro, | really need to get some R and R. NRPS BUG aS 2S lotetal BEC. Working from home does not mean getting some R and R. i) observe a moment of silence #4 suet ME 6H 6201 E715 G2 BAL S8S B71 BILICH On June 6th, | will hoist the Taegeukgi and observe a moment of silence. Pals BAIS APIOISIAI BA BBS BC We observed a moment of silence at the start of the ceremony. Sale BA S48 stoi et SPB ARSC. We began work that day by observing a moment of silence. 022 dol £01 so upgrade your speaking skils Memorial Day ase TOHEHA SOHHAIS 7ICHeI= Witty] BAAtes AS AL, Cate) dal veteran 28184} military service 2 => warhero #2332 lay down one's life 24% usc be laid to rest etaisict be killed in action ajsict remains =i Memorial Day © pay homage eis Helct the significance of ~9 2192) the true meaning of ~2| 222 201[212%) Monday06 031 Vass | PRACTICE BS Aol CHa O1Or7 lal MLZ. 62 6US FE Wl SSB UIE! 01S] ORNS lee HSOIct, CHE sHOtct SSO 7ST Stl RE MS BHSHS SECh SAO LletonHxle| Hay ‘Sf SOILS] FBO] LA|s/Of Ich SISOMIALES 19504 SF AOA MASHAEKH, 70 Of Mo] Akt MRIS SBS AA| RST VCH, ML HOR YH ojos, LO} ODL OMHA|o] ASS AIOE PH 7/SSHAICh, 20000} SeiLtet SUHOME MAMHSS Fol WS AS Alact Akal Ob 13,0000] H2] Fes SSAC Toil OY dopo] ST SS SSSI Pel} GL RICH LHS] SOMHZHES! Oleh, PSSA] REA AE SSSO| ANISO HSE AHO] Bos ESS] HOlO71S Zeal Hietch, GITTTTA auestions ; 4) What are some things you do to express your patriotism? 2 How do you think soldiers and veterans should be rewarded for their service? Do you know any soldiers or veterans? What would you like to say to them today? 032 ol Hol= Bei Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about Memorial Day. June 6th is Memorial Day, when we honor the patriotism of people who: laid down their lives to protect the homeland. Every year on Memorial Day, | pay a visit to Seoul National Cemetery with my family. My grandfather's ancestral tablet and my grandmother's ashes have been laid to rest there. My grandfather was killed in action in 1950 during the Korean War. Even now, over 70 years later, his remains have not been found. My grandmother was widowed by the war, and my mom remembers her father's face only through pictures. In 2000, our Ministry of Defense launched a project to excavate the remains of soldiers killed in action. Around 13,000 remains have been recovered to date. Still, the remains of too many national defense heroes are exposed to the elements. | sincerely hope that all those lost heroes, not just my grandfather, will soon be returned to the country they helped to protect. ea EXPRESSIONS lay down one's life 88% Uist only through pictures Aiio20r * protect the homeland #5 47(¢} launch a project ==AI=91 Atssict pay a visit to ~# 2Séict ‘excavate the remains #28 Wael} ancestral tablet #1! todate 2xi7/*| be laid to rest °HI5IC} exposed to the elements +/20l <3! be killed in action “sic! sincerely hope 2#2i0|vizict be widowed st?x#8 o12\¢! Mondey06 033 ©) a PRACTICE lay down one’s life 243 ust BSA Be ISO AS ult 1B 7c On Memorial Day, we honor the people who laid down their lives to protect our country. alot cyst OOS Sal 7710] Sasolebe UE = QICh. Most parents are willing to lay down their lives for their kids. P27} OA Mop 4+ Uke AS WE AetS0] Sas Use| WSOICH. We are able to live comfortably now because many people laid down their lives. be laid to rest esc Role SIsoHeIAte| Sue} S1BtOIL|9} $2] PFAISIO| BIC. My grandfather's ancestral tablet and my grandmother's ashes have been laid to rest there. ‘MOLH Bown] SxFeIoH SARIN, My grandmother was laid to rest next to my grandfather. ABE Dato BaIsIeICh, He was laid to rest in his hometown. 03) launch a project 224401 << SSHOUME MASS] $r5H Bat AIS APRIL. The Ministry of Defense launched a project to excavate the remains of soldiers killed in action. 2 BRMES A6i7| HO Alzto| C Beate}. We need more time before we launch the project. SAO 17/2 BAS Ht eee oll 4}4-9Ech. The company launched a project to reduce waste. 034 eo) Sol so upgrade your speaking skils Avoiding E-Books RIKI ZI] 8 ISS QMS! Baltted AY FAL Cate) dal Paperback em, 30/41 hardcover w= mobile device 2u/2! 717| can’t seem to focus 2%| 20) 4 2! sic tire out someone’s eyes =3 0|#5}71|4Ic} tactile 4219) portability eck Avoiding E-Books old-fashioned 21 get with the times alctot sraect behind the times Aisiot ts Tuesday07 037 Nig | PRACTICE ZAK} 71a] ASBOH| CHsH O1O}7I8H EMI CHEBOWA BSStD Qe ASS] SI HSS OWS FAD PRICE ASO stololAl Al ERO! SHS ASS KCL eH AIS Cte AES Tons SBI ‘SIAIRE SAHHS] BE Moll SHSH, LHS OMS] FAO! Sols Tash SHSHE B BO] UCL AMOS E Br] USO] Ot Sh TSS OE Ol SSI MSH | HS OlCh. IPSS LS OS MCHeLD welzle, TABIOS SHS AS ASeV l= HE BASE We 22 we. ‘SHORE A|CHO BISL7| HoH TAH ALSS Alot SQAIOH AOHRCL QBS BHE\ S}oh OM BAOS ASE ASS MO A SASS LIA, OFS ABE SETE LIA ot Sch GEE terns, Why do you think paper books still remain popular? 2 How is an e-book reader different from a tablet PC? How are they similar? @ What are some of the drawbacks of reading text through screens instead of paper? 038 eo) S0l= so} Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about your avoidance of e-books. Because of the subject | am majoring in in grad school, my textbooks are massive tomes. For a lot of them, | have to order direct from overseas. That's why most of my friends have purchased e-books for their studies. But despite all the advantages of e-books, | still tend to buy good old- fashioned paper books to study. | can’t seem to focus with an e-book. The biggest reason is that they tire out my eyes. My friends poke fun at me, saying | am from the analogue generation. But studying with e-books is hard to get used to, and | don't really plan to do so. I tried using e-books once, to get with the times. But it didn’t work out. | understand the need, since a lot of tests these days are taken in real time on a computer screen, but | still can't bring myself to use them. a EXPRESSIONS major in ~@ 238} poke fun at ~# sic! * massive tome 229712 * hard to get used to 42517| 0k order direct from overseas get with the times Alsiol 2128} selarm ot not work out =! fick, anksict ‘00d old-fashioned! 7Slite S= understand the need 82 ols#éIct can't seem to focus %#/2:501 2/2! in peal time wAiziow ire out someone's eyes bring oneself to SiXIa2i= ~2ict se HIBSPI sit Tuesday07 039 OTT PRACTICE 0) tire out someone’s eyes =3 usb sic AHS O}Bste! tO] MzsHEIch, Using e-books tires out my eyes. OFS HA HOP! feo] meatal + Ick Reading in the dark can tire out your eyes. Us SLES LIP Say BOIC|Ae 0] MBAKRICY, Staring at a monitor for too long tires out my eyes. 2) poke fun at ~ alt SPSS US Ofte MClet welch, My friends poke fun at me, saying | am from the analogue generation. SPSS Ae HOR see of eel, You shouldn't poke fun at your friends like that. U7} OP SX2ets BOSCH? OFY7t wweICE My wife pokes fun at me because | still enjoy video games. 03) hard to get used to 4geH71 cz MUAMIOS SHE AE Ssh 7b Hach. Studying with e-books is hard to get used to. O| ABS AE MOS 4BOi7/71 BEC This new software is hard to get used to. HE OME 242 uh SA/o| *Iol 2! OF ICH. The food was hard to get used to when | first moved. 040 Ho) S0l= S01 ap (8 upgrade your speaking skils Mom’s English Pronunciation Hore] So] eS rojnfo) wee ee! HSS Seal Bets AS ML, De) dal enunciate sei waste} intonation se RA SPST ‘ae ay have a hard time ojaieoict take ages 4/20] 049 274 BeIct sound out #2! Mom’s English Pronunciation SB af} speak out loud 2! L444 watch, Ssssict native speaker 2oj2! second language 20 keep at it p61 sict Wednesday08 043 Vass | PRACTICE AOS] Sol StSoil chat Olof ish al. OFS THE] SONS HOS LHS SOS VSS A OIL QAICh StAIS StS SOMO S Of SES AAS SOE HAS YSSH SISOS. SOk= Sot SHE AS SSS G] BES Alz!0] Bech Sol ASolk= Stes, f, v, th 2A/7t BIZ! HOSS SS) O14 Hewich 2/201 Sov t earthquake(AlSet= Eols Hel Wash Sei SsHsc 2 EOE at th Ae7} ASOS YO VO} FA BSOlSHACH, Le Soy} BSS A Betstail B+ at SS 512] HA Vel SRACH Sialet B So] Slxhe eect. Hote] So BSO! Zorrleiet Sask Alzio| BB 2 Ach. eke Yoke Sel Asstt AAI] 22 B7[s}A| WOM AOI Lt= Bors S QUESTIONS @ What has been the hardest part of studying English for you? 2 Share some effective ways to practice speaking and improve your pronunciation. 3) What would you do to encourage your parents when they learn something new? 044 ol Eol= Be: Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about your mom’s English pronunciation. Ihave read English books since I was little, so speaking English comes naturally to me. But my mom started reciting English only recently, so she struggles with certain difficult sounds, It takes ages for her to recite what she learns each day. She especially has a hard time with words that contain the r, f, v, and th sounds, which don’t exist in Korean. Recently, my mom tried to sound out the word ‘earthquake.’ The word contains the r and th sounds in succession, so my mom really found it difficult. | explained to her where her tongue shauld be, so that she could pronounce it more accurately. But it didn’t do any good. It will probably take a while for my mom's English pronunciation to improve. But she is practicing diligently and won't call it quits. | am rooting for her. ea EXPRESSIONS since one was little oie! Arse in succession 0101 * come naturally to ~0i7i eal rich find it difficult. #501eict only recently #2 S01Xo} not do any good struggle with ~ol ioisict £80] Sir] QC} BAPE etch take ages Ai20| ole 224 22Ic} take a while Ai2lo| #251 2eIc} have a hard time oie#9st-t call it quits 2718 erect sound out #25] wea eh Sc} Groot tor “MSA Wednesday08 045 OTT PRACTICE come naturally to ~oit 21 L7iaict Li S04 BH 24 OFBI] adc Speaking English comes naturally to me. UE SHE She 240] OfBIAl Gal Late Giving presentations comes naturally to me. PLS] 11 NIRS OIE Sake AlztOl Bic, Learning new languages comes naturally to some people. have a hard time iivisict a v, th Adit Soizh Hols o2/ sitet My mom has a hard time with words that contain the r, f, v, and th sounds. Us CHS} a8iol ASsk= 20] 182iCt | had a hard time adjusting to college. CHRO] ABIEO] ABOlS O124e/8ICE Most people have a hard time at first. 03) call it quits 27I8I<1, aeHFc} 046 HOKE SAS] Sesotat AAIoY Zs B7/sAl BLO HoIct My mom is practicing diligently and won't call it quits. 27 (517 | Ml St HC} Ala St. Try it one more time before you call it quits. LE UF BBO ASHE a etch | was so tired that | wanted to calll it quit 20] EOI eo upgrade your speaking skils Domestic Arguments He tS "Yamagishi Minako 84 Ald A AL, De) dal lover's spat stews disagreement c= argument 2c thoughtfulness eis) considerate Ajei v2 back down esisict sic} big-hearted aicie!, ogo! we Domestic Arguments pick a fight uie2 zt lock horns Aiz.a'ect butt heads 2 uc} Thursday09 049 bie | PRACTICE AES MESO! CHsH O1OF7 Ish EMI. ‘ABO Lhe BES A] GOO] Siaixiet SE HS MSS st AO] Sich, Best Al At et SINS GUE Holl Shs TH SotsS Aol Uc SHS uit sta He BS chs MAR] 742k8] OY FERACH, ‘HHS SHLISIL} BO} 7H DE + Ske BS WRZCHT pS, TA + She AS To} Fe MAAS Seal FACh UF SSO The BAO LHe MS ISS guein wee Ch sHBS/RACh. ASONE U7 “Sts Lt SXICE AS SHYOL SAIS AE AMO|AUS O10F7| B oH SL"2t Bek S SLU AMS “A Aol Chait YO| S 7Hev= Sf SO] VU. Fe VS sel Sarl S ‘B SEA, AYOS ore, Sal H."2kT Sch, Ot SAS SHE ASA MSS S + Atel Bel? QUESTIONS ) 4 What are some common causes of disagreements between spouses? 2 Share some tips for sincerely but casually reconciling after an argument. When you get in a fight, who usually apologizes first? Explain why. 050 210) S01= soi Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about domestic arguments. It has been 80 years since my husband and | tied the knot, but we have not had a single domestic spat. Not long after our wedding, | listed all my grievances to my husband. He listened quietly until | had had my say. He went over each thing, promising to change what he could and patiently explaining why some things couldn't be fixed. They were such convincing explanations that | lost the will to fight and it resolved my complaints. Recently, | complained “I always do alll the talking. You should say something fun, too.” He answered, “I have no excuse for that. I just don't know what to say. | am sincerely sorry. Please forgive me.” How can | pick a fight with a husband like that? Ba EXPRESSIONS tie the knot 2251+ lose the will to ~2i2it 2x8 sic} ° = domestic spat 4g, 22 uis; © resolve one’s complaints list one's grievances Se!Ai@sisict Mt EIS afateict have one's say # 82 sic} do all the talking £12! 218 ¢ 5ic} go over 3c}. cz} have no excuse Pierce wanton con +B YOI Sec, BAS OFNI gic Ula 4 St AE ebPCHLaalet] pick a fight 483 act convincing explanation =50| 7 #2 Thursday09 051 OTD PRACTICE 1) have one’s say #2 sit SBS U7 SD HES BS Ct et mR! 712s! Boi ech. My husband listened quietly until | had had my say. Use HIEAI UH St S12 atoFaich | demand to have my say. BRO QE7h 2h VS spa I OIC. Everyone will have their say eventually. 2) lose the will to ~siai= 21712 uct LE NS 91S gueICE | lost the will to fight. Algoll SAIS OF LH= SHAS SIH URACH, | lost the will to study after | failed the test. A-F UeOHASSHeNE SAIS BOIAHE oF ECE You shouldn't lose the will to continue because of that mistake. 03) pick a fight “22 act OR! PHS AHS O18 MES Ot + let tele? How can | pick a fight with a husband like that? U0)7} Ci 4 O10}7} 72) Soir Bs Beta sAch An older kid tried to pick a fight with my daughter. Ae ae luxe 28 ele, He always talks like he's trying to pick a fight. 052 dol Sol so upgrade your speaking skils Requesting Topics “ Oo a“ on “2ES “S1EOY o| Em ALBISI7| BES SSH2>2| SAA SHAS VS ML, De) dal conversation topic 2! =x) interests 2aAt \ hot topic. 2 submit a request 28 sich 188 sich send in arequest (4 Soi) with a fine-tooth comb S&éi, 2st © write in with (dé Sol) ~@ Mai sch it’s no biggie 22] 01242 Wol of-Ict give it a try Aish sc} hang back #201! #5(siC} submit a request just go for it ial wel exteich 8 Brick, A188 sict oogive it a shot =2l ect sense of pride #52. *'¥41 Monday13 069 OTD PRACTICE with a fine-tooth comb #31, sais! Ate BS Ste WHS Ses So} Msuict. | went over the process for posting with a fine-tooth comb. AISEAOL MIS S171 Mol OF SBSH ZEsHot Act, You should go over the contract with a fine-tooth comb before you sign. Fale 1 BES OF BAO AeotD LUC We are reviewing the information with a fine-tooth comb. 02) it’s no biggie 321 oz: Yo! oct BF ABH OFFS Wol Oak Ae Wal SILC, | found out that it's no biggie after all. le| O24 UE OIL LPF St 4 ICE | can do it, it’s no biggie. of24F] WO[RIeL, ARS sal OfBIRI eACt, It looks difficult, but actually it’s no biggie. 03) just go for it #xteta! cect, sete Soi FH Vat & Mel eb Pst LICL | urge them to just go for it and give it a shot. Up} StH Exel SIS BS 24 ac | think you should just go for it. FABIA Oa 3 MC+OH, o|Bo| Ix] YS Zo|ch. If you just go for it, you will have no regrets. 070 201 £01 so ir upgrade your speaking skils My Life, 20 Years From Now 2014 =| Lt2| at TIS Sante 48 SAL De) dal retirement si*| 251 resignation 4}. 24) \ os career 2258 ‘ aging population nao 20 reesei high turnover rate 2 oe Now voluntary resignation 2i0isI| early retirement =) 214) go for alight hike Miz sus att laugh it up oigsct be in good health zzsict Tuesday14 073 Vass | PRACTICE 2014 + SI SS LEO} Stoil CHsH O1OF7 Ish EMI2. TABS ASI7t SIT O|AHBO| SOLRIMAY A= SIA] O15 LEO] afO| OFA] BIH M7] ALAR BUC} LSS BAe] 70] Asstt WSLICL Bows|AOlLt 7) S|A}S wlare St Ho} S}AS LIC HH SIS] HOLE AS ZEIT ABLICL, ZS SIS sk RES] SES sto}, ork} SOW O1BOILE 74S SANS Chel + 9171 SEEILICE eID 7hsstet A292] Aol Wiest HEIKO] SSSA Spal Loci st + lor Bw suc, OSS S SIA] FH OF7E ANS HY 4 QUE HONS 27] HSH SIS MP SUCH HAL Sot Ml ASS Hol 0} We ales HS BILICH EEE ston, @ Explain why it’s important to have long-term goals. @ How has your life changed in the past 5, 10, or 20 years? ® Discuss how people's attitudes toward retirement have changed in recent years. 074 ol Hol= Bei Upgrade your speaking skis a Describe what type of life you would like to have 20 years from now. With an aging population and high turnover rates, |'ve started giving some thought to what my life will be like after retirement. The concept of jobs for life is now declining. Voluntary resignations and early retirement have become quite common. | would like to remain in good health after | retire. | exercise regularly to stay healthy, and | hope to travel and go for light hikes even in my 60s. And if possible, I'd like to work at a second career, laughing it up with coworkers who are in my age group. Finally, | am making plans to have a hobby that will help me pass the time after | retire. That's why my plan for this year is to take cello lessons as a hobby. @a EXPRESSIONS aging population eis} 2+ in good health 226 id high turnover rate =< 0/5 go for a light hike 7b#2-5N@ sic} give some thought to ~@ 22181 ¥} laugh it up 9122! 2c} jobs for life 3432 in one’s age group ¥i#! 22:ch2] voluntary resignation 2184 pass the time Aizhs Suit early retirement =| =| take cello lessons 2 aie@ wct Tuesday 14 075 OTT PRACTICE 1) high turnover rate #2014s E}ZO}| O|AHBO| SORIA Xt SIAfol ChaA Delo 47] APYIRKSLICH, With the high turnover rates recently, I’ve started thinking about retirement. A SUE SS BO} PHollte BPSD OfAiBo| ech That company has a high turnover rate despite their high pay rates. LO) HAH OF HO! ECL His department has a high turnover rate. 02) go for a light hike 72 Ss oct GOCH7 SIOLS CHHO|Lt 7HHS SAS Chel -P 2171 BHRLICH | hope to travel and go for light hikes even in my 60s. US Xict BIO 7S SANS ACh | went for a light hike last weekend. ARE 7S SAS sy I04 AesICt. It's a good place to go for a light hike. 03) laugh it up sis scr N22 ASO SSSzt shal Lo} as! + gloet Sweseic. I'd like to work at a second career, laughing it up with coworkers. S17/BPA LD 2B AIO] ICI. We don't have time to laugh it up. APBD} Stott SD UL] 7hto| YW BOPAch. | felt much better after laughing it up with my friends. 076 dol Sol so Wednesday upgrade your spexkng sis Positive Influence Ast See "BSIOIL] Salat A a, Cate) dal buzzword shel g01, sot social media 4 o|clo1 influencer euo1A, donation i= charity x4 cai contribute >\oisIc), 21st community esx Positive Influence in various ways 2st wAloe do volunteer work 4) a5 ict in a meaningful way 20) sbi, 23171 Wednesday 18 079 Nig | PRACTICE Mt SSHOHl Cs OOF 7 tat MIA. QBS ‘Mt YweP OAKS Clo17; HO] Haske 2 ASCH CIO] OME + TEX! Ql SSRI MS SHAS WHS + USUICL IBol Sit 7S SHE AQUI SES BNO! 7S QUAAIGL, OSE! HOM O24 CAE BOS 7S SF ASLCh OWA 0x] ote BOIL} VB 7H xe! Etdlol THK + VSLICh, EH eIsIS AVIS BQO FE SAA! 7M PE USUCH HS FS H71 SBMS MEO Se Se SSUCL, Pe Ais 74 SHS & CHE SIUC ME CS BOR ME SHO] SASH OMS LS ASSO C| BOOM SASL] Ch Bail SIP Pz) Ofo/S0| B Cl OBED MaO| abe ols FS + US WAILICh EEE esrens, 4) What are some ways you have been a positive influence on others? 2 Why do you think people these days are so interested in how influential they are? Describe a time when someone had a positive influence on you. 080 20) £0l= so Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about positive influence. The term “positive influence” seems to get thrown about a lot these days. Anyone can exert their influence in a kind way in day-to-day life, even if they're not famous. One way is to make a donation. There are material donations, of course. But if you set your mind to it, you can donate in many different ways. You can take items or clothing that you don't use at home and donate them to a charity. You can also collect disposable utensils and donate them to a soup kitchen. Worn-out towels can be sent to animal shelters. Free talent donation lectures are another option. Ihope that more and more people will join in and share their positive influence in various ways. That way, our children will be able to enjoy a more beautiful and loving future. ea EXPRESSIONS get thrown about 72s). efesict disposable utensils Y= 47| - exert one's influence S#is 2rsict soup kitchen #5 244 day-to-day life 28 worn-out #2 make a donation 7/2 is} animal shelter #7/ 58. “| set one's mind to it 012% %C) talent donation *i5 7! donate something to a charity join in Sésict itd eto 8 ZIRSICE in various ways ‘2% 8o= Wednesday15 081 ©) a PRACTICE exert one’s influence ##ei weisict PEOlo| OM OLS + HEX] ME ISIAIS MART + SISUICh Anyone can exert their influence in a kind way, even if they're not famous. Dr ARO SSIS west] AIBC. He is starting to exert his influence at work. HOlSOIA| Chtst arson QIStets SBAISICE Parents exert their influence on their kids in various ways. 02) set one’s mind to it sig2 ect OFBet OS Ofal Clee OS 71s 24 SLICL If you Set your mind to it, you can donate in many different ways. OfG8! GIGS] SLO HSE BIS a Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. Pelt oeS 2 AS BhBR + SUCH. We can solve this problem if we set our minds to it. 03) donate something to a charity + eal ~2 7/78c+ 082 HOA AX] BE SRO VS 7A} AKA CeaOll 71S > VUSUICL You can take items or clothing that you don’t use at home and donate them to a charity. PAS BOOS] BASS AM Chatoll 751712 RCh. We decided to donate our daughter's toys to a charity. ARS Cheol BIKE 7151 At SIRKS WSAIe SECt If you donate something to a charity, you might receive tax benefits. eo] SOK 04 t 25 upgrade you speaking skis Biometric Technology dal] QI] 71S Skee! Saeted WS EAL, De) dal facial recognition wz “1 fingerprint scan x2 24) gait sez) cutting-edge iscsi next-gen xisicie} security st financial transaction as 7 Biometric Technology ID someone “#2 sisi, 12S GANS atch present ID swas xiasict peace of mind az Thursday16 085 ie | PRACTICE ABH QIAY 71S! CH OOF ISH FEMI. Sal SY Bee BS DRS SIS SSsl7] HHO Mokgo| Sch, TAHA Cet HOF OWA ZIMICH Ot 7/ Be BSsla7 Ich 1 71BS ANBAHSO! ALS CIMOIL} Bz OM] BAlOm SHES SSACH MBE + oui] ‘af Eth, 8] SE BS SS st SS 7eHS Sm HSSich, Seok OAS S AEH BSS CAS + Vi 7hsO| 7HulSlo} BAS] Welsict, CHSLS, wla7| HSS Hal Sls a Set AWE AMS Sols + Vict Ak Seer st A, Ot SACHS Zits MEA SIS + UCL SES USS NSS YL Wd, SS AMA 7ICHRE AIZHS EHR EE + Sth. QUESTIONS Think of some useful ways that biometric technology can be used in day- to-day life. 2 What are some concerns people have about widespread use of biometrics? Would you sacrifice some privacy for greater security or convenience? Why or why not? 086 eo) £0l= soi Upgrade your speaking skis a Talk about biometric technology. Biometric information is highly secure because it uses characteristics that are unique to each individual. That's why it’s being used as next-gen technology for security in various fields. The technology helps users to efficiently use a phone by scanning fingerprints or through facial recognition. It's especially useful for unlocking a phone or for financial transactions. Recent technology enables facial scans even when wearing a mask, which is very convenient. Next, it's possible to ID someone using a palmprint when preparing to board a flight. If you register in advance, you can breeze through the security check. There's no need to present ID, and you can save the time spent waiting in line. @a EXPRESSIONS biometric information 95152 2 ID someone ° highly secure ol 2!=!, elo] aixizt AE S19l6ict, ANE ZUN8 atch unique to each individual ict 7¢31_\ Prepare to board a flight next-gen technology */ici 71a reer . eran treed aaa yeee © register in advance i 5Sict © breeze through the security check cy ree aeetes sous ote ws Wot MHS Ziel Mea Balsch eee amen aoe present ID {1858 sizsict financial transaction 32 7/21 5 time spent waiting in line facial scan Wz 214 BS MM JIE Al when wearing a mask SlA=8 28 Thursday16 O87 OTD PRACTICE next-gen technology *iti 7s CHQFEE ZOMOLA AALS Wor 7S BIBSIM IC It's being used as next-gen technology for security in various fields. SHBISIE of2{ 7141 ZiaicH 71 27101 BS RoIch The convention is a good place to see a lot of next-gen technology. 27|7 it SIMIC 7}ONe 7 BO) EHEIOY SUC The device uses next-gen technology for its camera. 02) unlock a phone #® #3 ata sic S3| RUE Be He SPI SS 7e4w V Ml SSAct. It's especially useful for unlocking a phone or for financial transactions. “LEAKE CIS OFRt6h7 SNE I OB Ste WB tet Sor The company is developing a more secure way to unlock a phone. OAAS 4 AHS FUE Bes HMI Bt + QICt. You can unlock a phone while wearing a mask. 03) ID someone wae sieisict, ses ate sict 088 HIY7] SSS Hot SUS Avis Boe Aes sels + sick It's possible to ID someone using a palmprint when preparing to board a flight. FRE PUSiAT 2! AHS] eS BAS Ale PEC The employees might ID you if you want to buy liquor. AVlaS O1Ssd A MASH! Qa ABS Sols! + ach New technology can be used to ID someone without direct contact. eo] SOK 04 upgrade your speaking skils Atopic Dermatitis Oem TS "Mol ANE MSS ojatar Qo} ASI A Fal, Cate) dal skin condition 4 ae affliction ss eczema wz, at! rash wt itchiness 723 sleeploss 421% infection za Atopic Dermatitis ointment 2 prescription medication »%21 moisturize #saict Fridey17 091 Upgrade your speaking skis a Talk about atopic dermatitis. | always knew eczema was a distressing affliction, but | thought it had nothing to do with me. | only started to look into it after my 3-month-old baby was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a type of skin irritation with an unknown cause. It most often occurs as an allergic reaction of the skin, and major symptoms include rashes and itchiness. This itchiness can cause all sorts of problems for eczema patients, including sleep loss and secondary infections. People often feel self- conscious when their skin turns red, which can be very stressful. Atopic dermatitis patients take medication or apply ointments for treatment. They also have to adjust their lifestyle. But the scariest part is that the causes of eczema are unknown, so it might require treatment for the patient's entire life. €a EXPRESSIONS 2 eczema tie, St! S rashes and itchiness We 7123 . distressing affliction 122 821 cause all sorts of problems have nothing to do with fe ERIS OF FIC Rh Ot IBMICL sleep loss #2 93 look into wots, avsict secondary infection 231 ei be diagnosed with ~2= 2:38 8+ feel self-conscious #2'°| Asia eit skin irritation shee! take medication °!8=25ic1 an unknown cause %+ i= #2! apply ointment @21 #l2c} allergic reaction 224271018 adjust one’s lifestyle #8 28 7itvoict major symptoms 72.54 require treatment */=(227} H23Ic} Fridey17 093 ie | PRACTICE OETI SS T5204] Chal O1OF7 IaH FEMI. AE THRO] BSS WOKS BS UME UAE List Mel YES Veloletn 2h SMGLICL Saleh 4 7HS El ai OfO|7} Ofemls DH Bom TES en LMF ol cet BOT] APIS LICH OPENS HS HOS Ott B= MISH] UBLILIch, MH] Steer] SOR 71 = Shi LEHLIOl, FQ SAS Ost Wat 7S AILICh Ol FHASQE ClsH OEM] WHS SASS Hel Bat At SS Ole 7] Sls 7 ie BIUICH, DPI} ROIS Sf] ALIS AE SIS} I] S/O] ASaIAS SSBILICh, OE] TFS SSS Aes Hai SS SSsI7IL} SIS vHSUCh ISS Fst ye Set S 7HASHOF BUCH SERRE TK SAMS 2S OEMS] HOS Qt + B70 Bes Ale} BA SFE Uc SU, EEE estes, 4) What are some effective ways to prevent or cure skin problems? 2 Describe the skin-related problems you have experienced. @ Why do you think atopic dermatitis seems to have become more ‘common lately? 092 dol Sol so OTT PRACTICE 1) rashes and itchiness #22 7s OfED| miFeIo| Fe SYS nl went 7peH BOLI, Major symptoms of atopic dermatitis include rashes and itchiness. ABH URS UE Welnt 7HISS SU + VW, Dry skin in the winter can lead to rashes and itchiness. Us SA ael2712 184 Wala} 7240] A711 BIC, My food allergies cause rashes and itchiness. 02) cause all sorts of problems oi 2412 oP lsict 0] 7@4BO-z Oleh Ue RAISE Of2) 7IAI SEMIS 2171 SILICh This itchiness can cause all sorts of problems for eczema patients. AE QS H2| SHB OPIS + ect Even a small error can cause all sorts of problems. AL HOlIAS otek 2 SLA f2f SRD weet Bech The virus caused all sorts of problems at our company. 03) adjust one’s lifestyle #2 ez 7esIc OED) U)5e SSS ANB SPAS Ah MeHOF BILICL Atopic dermatitis patients have to adjust their lifestyle. ES mie et SS GENS 7HAtsHOF SIC. To lose weight, you have to adjust your lifestyle. LKE USS Gt OFS ANS SEIS BHO sch. | had to adjust my lifestyle after getting married. upgrade your speaking skils Watching Video Content Sus Ala "S43 Sats Ua SAL, De) dal streaming video Aezl2 ei VOD sacri! \ oc vegout sae addictive ase! Watching ; Video binge watch (aeze) Content fatigue ez depression 225 moderation ax quality 2=s01 discussion 2 Monday 20 103 Nig | PRACTICE E22] SIE AS Boul Chet O07 lst Eal2. LO] BS Sars APS SAO] Ly BA! AHS PHESh= AOICH HOlA| HH, SLSt Also) ‘SASH LH BAS JIC SHSE SHOWS FS SHS! MHSACL Ble! OO! BSS SHY ti SSS Aol OL! S47), 2B Jel], A 87/9 VS SSA! SSS Msgict BUSS SHOMES SHO 7S SES OM MS SIBS A} SSL} OSS si} Be} AM BFUS SE MC} BS ANH 7/0) ON ACE Rar, BIS TV SOIL RICH L= 1B] BAUS UHR HASSE SSo| SAY LMS PSUS AE At 2 OlF, X1 LE! SAS ASS SAIS alspil Slgict. QSS FE FST SHS SHS! Hel SUBS AGC etal SD LA LBS UE Holl WHO] SICH OFKETHS 7K SSS CHAMEAS Bo, ERIDKS FR MAP} EIENSE SSH TV Sets = ch GEE custens, 4) How do you choose what content to watch online? 2 Do you prefer to binge watch entire series, or just one episode at a time? Explain why. @ How have streaming video services changed the way we watch movies and programs? 104 201 £0l= Bor Upgrade your speaking skis a Describe how you watch video content. The way | watch videos is a measure of my mental state. Looking back, usually got into video content when | was in limbo, waiting for results after sitting for an important exam. But when | was relaxed, | preferred active pursuits like writing, drawing or reading, rather than watching videos. Whenever I was in a state, | watched so many videos that it bordered on addiction. | would choose a British or American TV show and binge watch it. | stayed up all night watching episodes and even ate in front of the TV. That's how | dealt with anxiety. As a side effect, | suffered from depression that felt like severe fatigue. After that, | made it a point to avoid watching too many videos. ‘These days, | mostly watch video content for the shared experience with my family. The point is to share our feelings after watching something together. | watch family-oriented movies and documentaries with my kids. With my husband, | watch movies or TV shows with tight plotting. @a EXPRESSIONS ~ ameasure of ~2) 4S, ~S 7tsdte 215 ~ deal with anxiety =2!2iol ciaeict . mental state 3421 suffer from depression 78% =42iC! be in limbo S2t/?! Hct ‘severe fatigue 4? 24 sit for an important exam make it a point to 218122 ~2ic} ‘Sac eet shared experience with ~2! 32! 22 acthe pursults S532 #5 the point is ~ol ¥6Kc, #o|c} bein.a state Meisel Sac. maleic share one’s feelings “2 aeict border on addiction 450 7!2¢t fasraly-orierried movie 215 #8 binge watch (es88) JF Hic) tight plotting Eee at Stay up all night #2 Alc} Monday20 105 OTD PRACTICE 1) border on addiction #501 712 Lhe SSO 77S BES OF WS SASS zich. | watched so many videos that it bordered on addiction. EBSlol HB! We] AS Bal 7A. Her love of chocolate borders on addiction. Off ARAES O13] SSE! RY SNSB A/gsich, The way some people use social media borders on addiction. 2) binge watch (222) aFsict LE SEL LES StLt Bel BFS She ACh | would choose a British or American TV show and binge watch it. Asalg) MUAB ogee! mea SNR BHeh PI At Streaming services make it easy to binge watch entire shows. UE Bolot stolat CAME) Alas aesaBRICt | stayed home and binge watched a documentary series. 03) deal with anxiety #2!2oi cixisict Lhe Sia] 26S APHRICL That's how | dealt with anxiety. ASS RIA} CHE BAOm Beebo CHAIEICH, People deal with anxiety in different ways. ue f= he HBOS were Antec | deal with anxiety by eating. «a=» ) | upgrade your speaking skils Learning the Piano TOLS He 2H =o "S82| Sct Mates Bate LS AL, Cate) dal Piano lessons )o}te ae academy =z instructor 24 be forced to axi= ~oict voluntarily x02 dressing down ole! 2 grit 27) ony Learning the Piano rote (ol 2/6) 271 hit a wall evi ysisich call it quits =7jsict Tuesday21 109 Nig | PRACTICE TOS HHS ZEOil Chet O1OF7 ISH FEM. AS] OLAS Pc HOA TOMS ASKS TOLIAGSS S HAasHASlict, al MAi7} OF! £SStanol] UStSt7 l= Holl, Sul Tobe Soll lei7} aes wil SHASUCL ‘SHANE OE! AP AIS Dlobe Ss0] Stat LiF AT SISASLICH B77t HRAeH Stelal HS ASSHS 20] DEAE LMBSUCH SS ASS she, SAolAd Mavelall AEE OPEL SAWUSLUCL AE SS SUA MOS BOMSUC BS SSlaa SHA Ul Dope B7Ist AY SISASLICH. ALY SHAH AHS St WAH YS St USUCH MAS SONAL, O14LI7} Alri] DOP WPA SIA] SRUCHSHE AHS BS WS Siriloll HSAS AILICH OLS SOVHAEM, Of SAS OfDLI2] OSS Cf & allofey Slr) Vt A Lie FSI7} SLICh QUESTIONS 4) What are some of the benefits to be gained from leaming to play an instrument? 2 How is learning an instrument as an adult different from learning as a child? @ |s there an instrument you would like to learn how to play? Why does it appeal to you? 110 201 £01 Boi Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about your experience of learning the piano. My mother was always envious of pianists who took the stage to play the piano. So before | even hit grade school, she took me to the neighborhood piano academy to take piano lessons. But as a kid, practicing the piano always bored me stiff. It always felt like a chore. Maybe it was because | lacked grit, but practicing each day was like torture. Even after practicing so hard, | often got a dressing down from my teacher at the academy. | often returned home in tears. So in 9th grade, | called it quits. But nowadays, | am working as a music teacher. Looking back, I would have hit a wall many times if my mother hadn't made me learn the piano. My mother has passed away, and | am filled with regret that | didn't understand her better when | was young. Ea EXPRESSIONS take the stage 7001 sc) get a dressing down St} ° hit grade school 252100 e/sic+ intears #241 take piano lessons mol ele@ Yc} call it quits =7/5Ic} bore someone stiff ~S 0 XI@SI21) dict hit a wall 2i7101-#S!6Ic} feel like a chore iC! #iC1 pass away WAlsic? lack grit 27171 ¥5eie} be filled with regret i= #215} Tuesday21 111 OTT PRACTICE bore someone stiff ~s oS a!#shi sic HE Molde SO] SA AIABELIEE Practicing the piano always bored me stiff. PHS FA Alat olOW HE B71 Stale, UE LAF aURSICL My friends love talking about the stock market, but it bores me stiff. UBF “L47} XR 20] seo GEC, | could tell that | was boring her stiff. get a dressing down #uict AME SAO Metidall AHF OFS NRSUCH. | often got a dressing down from my teacher at the academy. US AHS HOH OFS BKC. | got a dressing down because | was late. 0] UE Le SSI Set Zi0Ict, | know | will get a dressing down for this. 03) hit a wall eaoi-¥s¢sIet ODL AIL Wolo HHSPAA SExI BIRICIONA XH lar WS Blo SIeES ZARILICt | would have hit a wall many times if my mother hadn't made me learn the piano. TDs U7t SIMON SESE! MHOC} OHI, She helped me whenever | hit a wall. LHe Bat SUA! AO Sirdoll S!sIch, | enjoy golf, but | have hit a wall lately. 112 dol E01 Boi Wednesday upgrade your spexkng sis Jigsaw Puzzles aA HS HHBSH A} 24Alzt0| BxSt Malate Aa Fal, Cate) dal pass the time 4iz'g uct pastime #0) hobby #0) puzzle piece wis 22 Jigsaw piece together 2215 719#\ 2c: Puzzles famous works of art $2012 4 have it framed sxx}oi| act meditate esc} stave off dementia *iis oetstct sense of accomplishment iz) Wednesday 22 115 Nig | PRACTICE Ale HBoll Cat OOF 1st IZ. Lhe 23 4 TBO S wy Ch HS A2hS SHEE BS Zeetch, Sxl eles Ch St Fr AAS MS SRSICL Te LA Bal TBS Sovstol Walsh= 22S Steet. PENOR AS HE Fol OOS tel] Por HSS SgsIch, ‘Bs, SS, onLlololM BH S Cieest Blo] Ich, ui7t AY DS Alow FS HAS et TS UC WS B22] SIS SAotO| Ste APIS AloH olletollse SaPsoletn Sich, HSS Sraistel OHxtol| SPH He ICH StAlet St Het Stat BLH7IONE OS 2 ZO LHS BS Ofef HH OtE7 | SIC LH= 1500|4 SHE} AlAtolO] A'S 1,000M|A HSM Al SHE SOICH. LSE 2,000M/ Ae} 3,000M|A Soll Kat B aZHOICh, ERE curstens, 4 Why are simple activities like jigsaw puzzles and coloring books regaining popularity? 2 Describe a strategy for successtully completing a large jigsaw puzzle. @ What are some children's activities that you still enjoy? Why do you enjoy them? 116 ol £01 Boi Upgrade your speaking skis xa Talk about jigsaw puzzles. | am really into jigsaw puzzles these days. Piecing together the puzzles is simple. You start by completing the border and grouping the pieces by color. Then, you refer to the full image to find matching pieces. You put them together in pieces, and finally combine them all together to complete the puzzle. There are various images, including famous works of art, landscapes, and scenes from animated films. | can even have one made to order, using a picture | choose myself. The process of analyzing the characteristics of the puzzle pieces is said to be effective at staving off dementia Once you finish a puzzle, it's possible to have it framed. But | usually put them together several times, since it would be a shame to complete them just once. | started out with 150 piece puzzles, and now | am up to 1000 piece puzzles. Later on, | plan to have a go at 2000 and even 3000 piece puzzles. En EXPRESSIONS be really into ~91 sich have one made to order #2 423i} ° = piece together 27 771 BSCE Stave off dementia *HS siwetct group the pieces by color have it framed 2%} Sct ae nee Lit would be a shame Ol 20lc} refer to ~# asic} start out with ~2 Aeich combine them all together 1201 221 he up to ~7x| laptel, ntact famous works of art £2 01a 8 have ago at ~ol £8isich AIeAtct animated films olt-ioloks 8+ Wednesday22 117 OTT PRACTICE piece together 243 71 v4ct IS 2718 WHE Be ZetsIch Piecing together the puzzles is simple. UE MEE 2 Hel a Alzio| algaict | need time to piece together all the information. Sais EMER MIA Se BIS OAT 8H RICH. We tried to piece together the evidence and find an answer. famous works of art #2 01a 8 AA BONE BSH SY S CvS! 3eIo| eich, There are various images on jigsaw puzzles, including famous works of art and landscapes. Pals MERON SAE OG AES Bol HEC We saw many famous works of art at the museum. MANE Sal 32 Olde AHS Oe 20] SRA} exch, Many famous works of art were gathered for the exhibition. 03) stave off dementia iis orwsict ALA WSS. Alo oft: Sasfolek Bich Jigsaw puzzles are said to be effective at staving off dementia. gO! BES XIOHS ofesotte I OF BC. Moderate exercise is great for staving off dementia. APES Chi SNCS TIP Rowse oS! + VICh Meeting friends and staying active can stave off dementia. 118 do) Eol= Bor Wi, iC) T upgrade your speaking skills Career Slumps Zep MEIO| Beis Test SAS BPS ae! Baate AS FAL Cate) dal workplace = workload 92s work life a se beinarut sa= aor enthusiasm 9 lose the will 912 act get the hang of ~oi| a BIC During my diet, eating late at night was out of the question. 03) keen eyesight s2 41 CHYG| O15F FPAHE GtO1 Aletol AF SRALSI ICL Thankfully, | have maintained my keen eyesight, without any side effects. OW/SS O1E0i bist Ale{0] Sct. Kids have keen eyesight compared to adults. OFF 2] BS AHS 7H Ato lets O/B OFF PH OPA bax] Vt Zio|ch. Even with keen eyesight, no one could see anything when it’s so dark. 130 201 £01 Boi upgrade your speaking skils Feeling One’s Age Lfo|ol] CHEt t2t TSACHM|7HO] SAlOllA| BEIO| Sot BFAts AS AL, Cate) dal physical stamina = memory 27%, 71021 fatigue mez latest trends 20! at behind the times Aicioi 01x old-fashioned 342] old-timer 121 2a Feeling One’s Age farsightedness 2, 2 reading glasses =| a vision je Monday 27 139 Nig | PRACTICE LtO|7 SO1ztol het “77= Zesoll CHsH O1OF7 Ish MLZ. 2OrHoHAl SOCHE UH LtOlS| QIztl7} WHE MOS HEHE 47] S XZACh eel Abs 40ck 7t SIL, Sz OfS0| BS Sek! AS Ba AAsIct, SHS BS UE AH Atel7t Hetil Seiad, HAs 71VS Sti] Reh SS AAAS st CPP ESI] SRC SE H ASO] SASHA, TS olay Le blo] 40) Of] YS oH SA] SCH AUS WE Beh 4ei7to] spojojwoe = PHEO| Of SIgich fol SOKOxtobt chs OF8 SB ASS OMSS Seu7|S RCL IAG] QSL Sul OfSolet LyyeyD a= 7S 4 Alzlo| BRsich, soll Heme AS Llol7+ SASS L7n eh. GEE estes, 4) When do you most feel that you are getting older? Does it bother you? 2 What are some positive aspects of getting older? What aspects of life have improved? Describe how the concept of “old age” has changed in your lifetime. 140 201 £0l= Bor Upgrade your speaking skis xa Describe how you feel about getting older. When | entered a new decade, going from my 20s to my 30s, | didn't feel a major change. But now, in my 40s, | can really tell the difference in both my body and mind. Once, | had a coughing fit when | swallowed my saliva wrong and it went down the wrong pipe. | dry heaved for so long that | was in tears. When it was all over a few minutes later, it made me wonder what life would be like in my old age. When I was younger, a 4-day trip abroad wasn't enough to slake my thirst. As soon as | got back, | would try to cheer myself up by planning my next trip. But these days, | need time to muster up the energy just to go to the local grocery store. | am really feeling my age in many ways lately. Oe :XPRESSIONS enter anew decade N2= 1040 HOISC! . deday trip abroad 42:7!21 sizioie ° feel a major change 2 2188 <7I¢+ ‘enough to slake someone's thirst ‘tell the difference *olS =7F, @zieict ‘BBs sAsi7iol SEE have a coughing fit =!) 7:8 aict cheer oneself up ol&2 zeit go down the wrong pipe Aiaizi sc} Plan one's next trip (2 0188 #sioict dry heave 7258 ic} muster up the energy 7/28 (9) Lict bein tears 1 local grocery store St 0= in one’s old age 01 feel one’s age “fo! SUS8 AeteIct Monday 27 141 OTD PRACTICE 1) tell the difference *ols S71, eztsit Bah algo] 2F Sele 24 at Ae. | can really tell the difference in both my body and mind. Oat U4 AION 7K] Bt Ak You won't be able to tell the difference. 252/940] SEPRAICL, CHES] APIS S R101 LIt| Ich, The recipe changed, but most people can’t tell the difference. 2) in one’s old age =voi 1s Olst LE LAO] SO] O1BAI Abate S711 SICH. It made me wonder what life would be like in my old age. SSSA Sc kto} Satoh AIA 21 ick My parents seem to be happy in their old age. Us ‘Viol S21 #17} wesich | need a hobby to enjoy in my old age. 03) feel one’s age ‘loi sue szsict Rial olaSe Be Lot USS Lia ict | am really feeling my age in many ways lately. OS C2 SSO8 YE YO} SHBS Aztec, The pain | felt the next day made me feel my age. BE 217] = BekS So} WOH ut LYol7} SSS aizeh Etc, | feel my age when | listen to music that’s popular these days. 142 201 £01 Boi Wi, bs: i upgrade your speaking skils Kindergarten Hours for Homemakers MeizHo| Sel Alzt ‘olaet SAAte US FAL De) dal me time xiaeie Het A) Aizt alone time =xi2| 42+ Xa some time to oneself exizt2} ize clear the breakfast table Offs 812 ANE AIC run the washing machine 418718 ZeIct throw out the recycling sass uc} Hieicr do household chores welzis sict Kindergarten Hours for Homemakers personal growth 21 4a self-help x12| 21% x2! time flies by Aizol aM aui7ict Tuesday28 145 Nig | PRACTICE OfOI7E FAIBOH LS CH SHE Soll chal O|OF7 ISH FEMI. Lhe 7 OSS IFES BEES OSS Omi FAI Bol CHICL Of0|7t SHEE Alz! Sok Lf Satete| Alto] Bz 24 BOA 7ICHS MIC}. TeILt Sts OLE SHAIZ! F Holl Bot LH SHS LBS] AZ 2h AS AS VO! OWAch. Abed QS Lhe Yojoll 5 wy SICH, TeHA| Bol Sxtopry OF) HS ASS IGT 'AEYS B20 BA SYS Sich. SAD UA MEVIS Sela, HS Beloit, MYSSs vICt Hetof Sth ela pe AASS OHS MHBONA ALO] 0[0] EO] AILt SAch. U7} FAY SOSH SOY SH AH! S PRS AL LAF ORICH Ate UH 2letollAd OfB7] Sol Bst7} AHIME Ao] URL Sets B EOIct, GEE estes, 4 Share some tips for being more efficient in the early morning hours. 2 What do you most enjoy doing when you have some time to yourself? Describe your morning routine, from the time you wake up until lunchtime. 146 20i £0l= Bor Upgrade your speaking skis a Talk about what you do when your child is at kindergarten. Jam a full-time homemaker with a 7-year-old son. My son now attends kindergarten. | had been looking forward to it, since it would give me some time to myself while he was there. But even after sending him off to kindergarten, it wasn't easy getting some alone time when | got home. I've actually been immersed in English lately. So as soon as | get home, | clear the breakfast table and tune in to “2i=&" to study for a while. ‘After that, | have to run the washing machine, pick up the toys, and throw out the recycling. And by the time I cook side dishes, a lot of time has already passed. | regret that | never have enough time for my English studies, which | enjoy so much. | actually amaze myself, as | have never longed to study English so much. Ea EXPRESSIONS full-time homemaker 25% pick up the toys 228 22l6Ict ° be looking forward to ~8 7/6} » throw out the recycling some time to oneself =*12!9 A+ AESE UC weit send someone off to ~# ~ol SUC} «a lot of time has already passed alone time 712191 iz DE tee eee © be immersed in ~o1 S41 oo cla the breakin table ee eee yer tune in to ~# 8c, AIsICE Jong to ~3/718 2+85| Hic run the washing machine 4Fi?|= g2Ict Tuesday28 147 OTT PRACTICE 1) some time to oneself &x9! 412 OFFS $3104 UHL] LYBHO| AIZIO] & AEC Sending my son to kindergarten gave me some time to myself. ‘HBIO| Bxisio} AIZHS 22at 4ioH ACL My husband wanted some time to himself. Us Ute] AZO] BR mg SA4BIOH ZAC, When | need some time to myself, | visit the library. 2) run the washing machine 4&7/2 sei: BO] SHS Ft FOI MES Betot Sch | have to run the washing machine after | study English. Oe MIIIE Belts 218 Zim LOMB | forgot to run the washing machine today. UE BSS AlztOIS SIS ATEI7 IS well BNECL | never run the washing machine /ate at night. 03) have enough time for ~s ## 41210) sic ol BY Alto ss aS! A IS OFFIC | regret that | never have enough time for my English studies. P20 Bt I BEY AR! OE Ve 24 VCH. | think we have enough time for a quick break. TEED MSS Bi AlZI0| 249] sich. | rarely have enough time for family activities. Wednesday : upgrade your spexkng sis The Death of a Pet HHSSS SLY & Olof | "QJokot Stil SHES OSH ALI AlalAte AS SA, Cate) dal companion animal vise pet weiss family member 43.78 #42 grieve (gs) susict emotional trauma 4\%{ =2/¢0} animal welfare = =| look after ssc The Death of aPet cross the rainbow bridge =xvcjzie act funeral 21 memories #21 Wednesday29 151 Nig | PRACTICE HASES MU Z SHOl Chat Olof ish FMI. ADE 181 OF LIPASE APHIS F1O1R. OBS HAM. am Faz oz Abniot SHEE SRO ot Go] A HOWELLIC!. 447 ZA ee IAS ol AL} wet S¥t0l BROI, A BAS SB Xl chat S BE, ZO OFY SBS FIFE HO] wieilshr] QChe AZ Mel MAS RRQ. Fre AHOREG, MESSI ASAIA of Fol] PAPAS ACT SRST UHR, FH7h CLE LAY BH SEZHS BHO] St GHOICH Ofe 7} OS Be 2 Saeuect WASSS Sol BE AS AWS SWLLIch FLISS ValVals Sori SAAl S FS ASahof SUCH, vletSH0] 1,000c!e! LS WS Alciol| OMA Hist Wosa|s 2 Bc Bake, GEE cursrens, @ Why do people form such strong bonds with their pets? 2 How is losing a pet even more difficult for children? How would you help them recover? @ Is it a good idea to get a new pet soon after the previous one dies? Why or why not? 152 201 £01 Boi Upgrade your speaking skis xa Describe a time when a companion animal died. When I was in 1st grade, | raised a pet sugar glider. Her name was Shu- Shu. With huge, round eyes, she was as cute as a button when she nibbled on apples and yogurt. Whenever anyone saw videos of Shu-Shu eating her snacks, they couldn't help but fall for her. | didn’t know much about animal welfare at the time, so it never occurred to me that it might be bad to raise wild animals at home, Shu-Shu was a female, and my best guess is that she crossed the rainbow bridge because of loneliness and stress. For months after she left us, | cried so much my head hurt whenever | thought of her. Burying companion animals is currently illegal. Owners have to use funeral services or standardized waste bags. In this day and age, with 10 million companion animals in our country, | think it might be time for a change. Ea EXPRESSIONS raise a pet SHEE ~8 7/51 cry so much one’s head hurts ial as cute as a button i= ole Oje|71 OF 2IE= BCT nibble on ~% 2828 2 ‘currently illegal vi viel can't help but fall for ~of ¢!2 401 gic} funeral services Salzial. Sil |< animal welfare $= %%| standardized waste bag S24 = itnever occurs to ~@ 6/42ix|20ic} in this day and age 23 22 Alctol best guess 712) S22 25 time for a change ‘8i71 28! ai cross the rainbow bridge Sexpiciels ct Wednesday29 153 ©) @) 154 a PRACTICE can’t help but fall for ~ol est +¥toi gict FETA Se SES I AL} BIS HHO BRIS, Whenever anyone saw Shu-Shu eating her snacks, they couldn't help but fall for her. APRESS = PHSIEfoH Wt 4HoHl Sc Viewers can’t help but fall for the character. AI7} LAP HEYOLOLAY BiB st09 BIeICE She was so charming that | couldn’t help but fall for her. cross the rainbow bridge =xviciaie auict ‘HE ASSO ASaA wo] SxPHCEIS Zo1g, Shu-Shu crossed the rainbow bridge because of loneliness and stress, 9al DYOIE OVS SXDICEIS Ae KS AMIS 221 Ch | know our cat will eventually cross the rainbow bridge. ieiZIO| SPADHCHAIS ZAS WH Li OSA IH BAL BACH, My son and | cried all night when our dog crossed the rainbow bridge. in this day and age 22 22 Alciol 25 22 Alto! OME Bap} BESIIS BECD AZIEe In this day and age, | think it might be time for a change. Ue 22 BE AlniON OME AfeS0) 3243 Heche 20) welch, It amazes me that people still believe that in this day and age. 25 VE Alchol AopEzS welch. In this day and age, smartphones are a daily necessity. eo] SOK 04 Setting Up a Blind Date ANNE Mot] “AE BAe Solshs ZEN Sainte A EAL De) dal acatch (olsotri) afel gi At soulmate 29) Ha pie bachelor 02 2% o1# es arrange an introduction ed 7151 oles, Atel Ct blind date 21s be made for each other v2 oi? = o1g2Ici hit it off “2 40) act Setting Up a Blind Date double date #2 22 get hitched aesici married life 2 32 Thursday30 157 ie | PRACTICE BOA AAHSS FAtoh S BELO CHsH O1OF7 Ish MLZ. BS OO] SAKE] JSOURE TS St URAL. AS a Wt SS Ate Vitor MOIS, TAHA EF APEtSoll7i| A7Hel B ksh Aretol Skea] Bolsa CekSuct, AE 2tBoll Me] APeoll WAS Afeto] SUCHE AS elall Slol, MetS FARSUCL S Ol ME @ OBA 2 WRSUCH, AYO] 4 Ae] Vol Moe, GHA Ae 1 Sep HSS Us SH oH Beal, Wet oko] Al ABOScich OM, 1 ABS Sei BES S OVULIC My} tzist S ABO] BES shi Sic] UF RELIC, S0| MEO] PASS th FAM Sl BSst SS YS Sue SASL ERE cursrens, 4 Has anyone gotten angry at you over a blind date you set up? Describe what happened. 2 What are some of the different ways singles meet each other these days? Describe the worst blind date you have ever been on. What happened? 158 201 £01 Boi Upgrade your speaking skis xa Describe a time when you set up a friend on a blind date. Ihave a close friend who was single, despite being a catch. | wanted her to meet her soulmate. So, | asked around to see if anyone knew a guy | could introduce her to. | found out there was an eligible bachelor at my husband's workplace, so | arranged an introduction. They seemed to be made for each other. That was 4 years ago. My husband and | went on double dates with them several times, and they were a really affectionate couple. Now, they are planning to get hitched this year. | am so proud that a couple | brought together are getting married. | hope they will make up for each other’s weaknesses and lead a happy married life together. Pa EXPRESSIONS a catch (olor) ci Sit Ait goon a double date 718 228 sic} ° meet one's soulmate 3 2c} affectionate couple #0) Sxi= 715 ask around #01 20H} get hitched 2@oict eligible bachelor “= 3018 BS bring together #281 #1 arrange an introduction make up for each other's weaknesses ted 7101 OfBsakch, Ato Ect Az PREIS 31 SCH be made for each other lead a happy married life Hz OFF 2 OFFICE wage! 2 BS SEL Thursday30 159 OTD PRACTICE 0) meet one’s soulmate #2 #!ict Hie aF7} BE Aig Blow! HIS, | wanted my friend to meet her soulmate. OG Slt Us HS Oks & eltct | thought | would have met my soulmate by now. UM ARS AIBIES OIL} HX] LOO! Kir] MHS Ohad + StS OIC, You won't meet your soulmate unless you go out and meet new people. 2) be made for each other = wis # o}gelct 20| ME 2 oBele A ASUCt. They seemed to be made for each other. 257} 2 BO] Mz ob? 8 O1BEICED AIRC Everyone thought that they were made for each other. SLICE OHSS Mz OF BI OFBEICH, My sister and her husband are made for each other. 03) lead a happy married life #2 2% 22s suict 2 SO] BH SHarst IE AIRS SUP! BAKSUICh | hope they will lead a happy married life together. US SES YO| sick UMS= BSS GS wes ALT BIC. | joke a lot, but | actually lead a happy married life. BE MBS etPl Ze Eo] Bech. Honesty is the key to leading a happy married life.

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