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Lesson 2 page 32

What did you say ?

Exercise number 2 page 33

1. The term feedback, though, denotes a widely spread notion in the West.
2. The term feedback has different meanings in different contexts. We will speak of feedback from
the point of view of communication to a person (or group) which gives that person information
about how s/he affects others.
3. Personal feedback helps to make us more aware of what we do and how we should do it, thus
increasing our ability to modify and change our behaviour and become more effective in our
interaction with others.
4. It is not always easy or pleasant to receive feedback, or to give it to someone. The giving of
feedback requires skill, understanding, and respect for self and others.
5. Feedback is meant to help the person grow and improve
6. Feedback does not have to be given only verbally. It can be communicated through gestures, eye
contact, body language, and distance between people.

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