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Tri gger your Passi on


Passion for the hunt provides an
innite source of energy.
It sharpens our senses and improves
our performance, allowing us to be at
one with nature and experience all it
has to offer.
We sense the wild and react
instinctively, condent in both our
ability and Blaser technology.
Perfecting the functionality and skilled
use of the rie is the foundation for
successful hunting.
As the embodiment of practical active
hunting, Blaser hunting ries are the
focus of our passion.
about hunting
Index Page
Blaser Product Philosophy 4 17
Safety Accuracy Reliability
Huntability Versatility
Single Shot Ries K 95 18 29
K 95 Baronesse Attach
Grades Specications
Bolt Action Ries R 93 30 53
R 93 Attach Stutzen Octagon
Professional and Professional Tracking
Semi Weight Varmint Match Rimre
Success Selous Safari Modular System
Grades Specications
Over and Under Ries
B 95, B 97 54 65
Over and Under Shotgun Rie Bergstutzen
Double Rie Grades Specications

Drillings D 99 66 75
Drilling Duo - Double Rie Drilling
Trio - Rie Drilling Grades Specications
Double Rie Shotgun Rie S 2 76 85
Double Rie Shotgun Rie
Double Rie Safari Grades Specications
Over and Under Shotgun F 3 86 91
F 3 Game F 3 Competition
F 3 Game Competition Modular system
Tips and Comments 92 101
from the Blaser Team
Hand Engraved Blaser Ries 102 117
Inspiration Creation Grades
Super Luxus Exclusive Super Exclusive
Imperial Custom Imperial Wood selection
Art of details
Accessories 118 135
Rucksacks Hat Rie sling Knives
Recovery kit Foldable deer carrier DVDs
Fast-access belt pouch RZ-sight
Magna-port muzzle brake Kickstop
Recoil pad Gun grease Gun stock care
Rie cases and covers Shooting glasses
Shirts Shooting vests and jackets Caps
Courteney Boots Blaser active outts
Rie and Optics 136 143
Saddle Mount Illumination Control
The manufacture of hunting ries is
a fascinating endeavor that combines
the glory of nature with a desire to ad-
vance technology.
It is our passion. Everyone who works
at Blaser, from development and pro-
duction to sales and administration, is
fully committed to equipping hunters
with the very best.
Ideas for new developments come
from our own hunting experiences.
Our network of skilled professionals,
technology experts and sales people
then spread this innovation around
the globe.
A smooth operation requires more
than well thought-out process man-
agement and brilliant programming.
Good teamwork and a strong indivi-
dual commitment towards the com-
mon goal are essential. This denes
the way we work both inhouse and
with our partners. A shared passion
and vision, the fun of swapping stories
and working together as a team are
what drives Blasers success.
Being in awe of creatures and understand-
ing the principles of hunting are core values
that span generations and remain signicant
What does change over time are the condi-
tions and motives for hunting. The preserva-
tion of ora and fauna is becoming a prior-
ity in our cultural environment. Game is also
widely regarded as high-quality food, which
directly impacts our health and quality of life.
As hunters, we help to maintain a healthy
game population and a large number of spe-
cies. This makes hunting even more important
today than ever before.
Many psychologists agree that a fullled
existence stems from our primeval genetic in-
heritance, and hunting is a fundamental com-
ponent of this legacy. Indeed, it guaranteed
human survival for a long time. By permitting
hunting, we are preserving something natural
and giving ourselves the opportunity to be at
one with nature, something deeply rooted in
us all.
The making of hunting ries and evolution
of active hunting are inextricably linked. As
a manufacturer of state-of-the-art weaponry,
we are partly respon sible for shaping modern-
day hunting.
Through technology, we offer hunters secu-
rity, scope for physical activity and abundant
opportunity to develop their passion. By de-
signing every inch of our ries for maximum
accuracy, we are doing our utmost to contrib-
ute to successful and professional hunting.
All Blaser hunting ries promote sustainable
and exciting hunting by optimizing ve design
Safety 8/9
Accuracy 10/11
Reliability 12/13
Huntability 14/15
Versatility 16/17
Hunting Quality Why we hunt
Whether Im
walking to the
raised stand,
stalking game
or on a driven
hunt, I always
feel safe because
Blaser ries can be carried uncocked. If
I need them in a hurry, however, they
are quick and reliable. This is one of the
reasons why I have been loyal to Blaser
for years.
Klaus Fischer,
Proprietor, Fischer Group of Companies
Blaser manual cocking system
Immediately prior to ring a shot, the ring
pin spring is cocked by pushing the safety slide
forward. This movement is virtually silent and
will not alert game to your presence. If no
shot is red, simply return the safety slide to
its original position for maximum safety.
No set trigger
If a rie is cocked and set, the slightest lack of
concentration can mean grave danger. Blasers
direct triggers are preferred by competition
shooters around the world, as they permit
controlled contact between the nger and
trigger and make the set trigger superuous.
above al l el se
Passion and safety go hand-in-hand when
hunting. Careful handling of the rie is vital
and must be second nature to any hunter.
Equally important is choosing the right re-
arm technology.
Self-cocking hunting ries that are carried
loaded and cocked are always a risk. There is
a chance the rie could fall from the raised
stand or the hunter could slip on ice while
stalking game.
When hunting with a loaded weapon, only
an uncocked lock offers maximum safety. With
this in mind, all our guns are equipped with
the Blaser manual cocking system that is acti-
vated just before the shot is red.
This innovation offers the best of both
worlds uncompromising safety and readiness
to re and has been a Blaser success story for
over 40 years.
In just one season in Pakistan, I shot all
three types of sheep that may be hunted
two at over 400 meters and one at
about 300 meters using my Blaser R 93
.257 caliber Weatherby Magnum. I also
took a Himalayan ibex at 350 meters
with my Blaser. The R 93 never lets me
down despite inclement weather, frequent
takedown and everything else it endures
when traveling with me.
Bla Hidvgi,
Author of hunting books, Budapest
World class: Blaser direct triggers
Blasers direct triggers are legendary through-
out the world. Renowned for being the best
contribution to an expert shot, they make set
triggers an unnecessary risk factor.
Barrel accuracy
Blaser rie barrels and chambers are cold-
hammered in one step to avoid tolerances.
Only extremely hard and tempered quality
steels are used.
Free barrel movement
All Blaser barrels are free-oating. Combined
calibers can be adjusted to each other. This
guarantees that even the slug is on target.
i s e v e r y t hi ng
Original Blaser Saddle Mount
The tension-free assembly directly above the
chamber does not affect the swinging of the
barrels, and ensures that the strength and
repeating accuracy of the Saddle Mount are
The locking system: wisdom embodied
When it comes to accuracy, lock design is just
as important as barrel quality. Maximum sta-
bility and an extremely large locking surface
characterize every Blaser locking system.
Preserving the traditional art of hunting
should not deter us from improving techno-
logy wherever possible. After all, a hunters
most important ethical obligation is to hit the
target, and doing everything in their power to
do so is a sign of respect for the wild.
International success allows us to be meticu-
lous in our rie development and work to-
wards perfecting accuracy.
In addition to keeping current with the latest
ndings, we invest considerable time and mo-
ney into research, prototypes and testing.
Our developments in barrel, lock and trigger
technology enable todays procient hunters
to shoot much more precisely than their fore-
Robust action and barrel nish
We anodize the surface of the action and
nitride the barrels, using an environmentally
friendly procedure, to provide maximum pro-
tection against corrosion and damage.
Consistent performance
Blaser hunting ries are designed to guarantee
reliable function and accuracy. Extreme tem-
peratures and wet weather are merely vari-
ables that we factor in.
Rel i abi l i ty
f a i t h i n y o ur g un
Everything we do, from technical design to
material selection and workmanship, is aimed
at giving hunters complete faith in their re-
arm. Even under the toughest conditions!
Wet weather, uctuating temperatures, high
shot frequency, rough handling and repeated
takedown are typical of active hunting. Our
ries are designed to meet these extreme and
challenging conditions over a long service life.
Every new development must pass a series of
exceedingly tough tests before it is included
in the range.
Professional hunters all over the world sub-
ject our ries to endurance testing. Likewise,
every rie we produce is checked for perfect
function as part of a seamless quality control
Easy to clean
All Blaser ries can be taken down quickly
and easily, making the removal of tough dirt
a breeze.
As a professio-
nal skier, I know
that superior
equipment often
turns out to be
a crucial ad-
vantage. Thats
why I trust my
R 93 when I go hunting. Heat, cold, dust
or mud even under extreme weather
conditions it never fails. From red deer
to chamois or wild boars, it has always
proved to be the ideal rie for the fast
and safe shot.
Silvan Zurbriggen,
Suisse downhill skier, runner-up World Cup
and passionate hunter
I n a wor d:
Huntabi l i ty
Fluent form and operation
All Blaser ries share the same handling
features. Once you have mastered the
basics, it is easy to become procient
with any model. The ergonomic gunstock
form, superior trigger function and other
advanced features culminate in skillful
Compact design
All Blaser ries are designed to be as compact
as possible so that they will be undetected and
easy to maneuver in dense vegetation, dif-
cult terrain and on narrow raised stands. Op-
tional short barrels further increase freedom
of movement.
Perfectly weighted and balanced
The weight of every rie is distributed evenly
to optimize performance. A full range of
barrel and gunstock options allow hunters to
ne-tune the rie to their individual needs.
As a profes-
sional hunter in
South Africa,
confrontation with
danger ous game is
an everyday occurrence. Faith in your
rearm is important, as is its safe,
easy operation, which should be second
nature. I was very impressed the rst
time I came across the Blaser double
rie: it was perfectly balanced, easy to
handle, safe and an excellent shot. What
more could a hunter want?
Karl Dedekind,
Dedekind Safaris,
Pongola, South Africa
Active hunting tests both the body and mind.
The combination of physical exertion and
mental concentration is like no other. Like-
wise, being at one with nature and having to
rely on instinct and ability is empowering for
the soul.
Nothing should interfere with the dynamics
of hunting. Your rie should be comfortable to
carry, and must be balanced, motionless and in
tune with the body when aiming. Movements
and actions must be intuitive, especially when
it matters. Only then the rie is truly hunt-
Comfort, freedom of movement and many
other attributes from ergonomics to practi-
cality are quintessential to every Blaser rie.
Takedown and storage
Blaser ries can be dismantled and reassem-
bled very quickly. A shifting of the point of
impact is not an issue once the rie has been
adjusted properly. Our carrying cases are
elegant and very popular. Your rie will be
fully protected and virtually inconspicuous in
the compact case.
Barrel exchange and caliber selection
A standard rie can be adapted to suit the
most challenging requirements simply by
exchanging barrels or choosing a different
caliber. With over and under guns, the barrel
combination permits both a change of caliber
and rie type. For example, a drilling can be
made into a double rie drilling, and an over
and under shotgun rie can become a Berg-
Versati l i ty
The f r e e d o m o f hunt i ng
After getting my
Blaser as a birth-
day present I have
hunted a Grizzly in
British Columbia,
taken six outstanding
trophies in Zimba-
bwe, and nished
the year with a
marvellous bull elk.
The exibility of the multiple barrels and
the breakdown capability of the R 93 gave
me the ability to hunt with one rie. Eleven
months, 21,000 air miles, running river
rapids in Canada, weeks of tough stalking in
Zim and a blinding blizzard at 10,000 feet
along the Colorado border and my Blaser
worked perfectly.
Sandra Summers, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Changing the rie scope
The Blaser Saddle Mount was the rst to offer a
straightforward and convenient change of op-
tics. Using several rie scopes or aiming devices
on one rie has never been easier. Optics can
be changed any time to suit any type of hunt-
ing. Once professionally adjusted, the scope
can be removed and replaced in seconds as
often as required.
Innite choice
Blaser offers ries for all hunting styles and re-
quirements. Product lines run the gamut from
the lightweight single shot to the bolt action
rie, and from the versatile over and under and
side by side guns to the drilling. In particular,
the R 93 bolt action rie range offers excep-
tional choice, including a synthetic gunstock
for harsh conditions and a special barrel for
New hunting environments. Changing re-
quirements. Flexibility to meet new challenges.
Customizing a favorite rie to a unique style.
While not all hunters are this demanding, with
Blaser they can always get exactly what they
want and need.
Modern-day transportation has not only
broadened our horizons, it has transformed
the way we live and hunt. Even those who
prefer to stay close to home rather than travel
abroad move about a lot. Recognizing this
trend over twenty years ago, Blaser produced
a modular line of ries that could be special-
ized in a variety of ways, easily taken down
and transported.
Hunters who carry a Blaser rie are always
condent of how it operates, aims and shoots,
even under unfamiliar conditions. This assur-
ance makes any hunting opportunity a suc-
cessful one.

Whether you are pragmatic or emotional,
daring or unadventurous, informal or tradi-
tional, we will custom-design and equip a rie
to suit your specic requirements.
There is a Blaser to suit everyone.
The K 95 is only cocked just before shooting. If
no shot is red, returning the safety slide to its
original position ensures maximum safety. To
protect the K 95 from unauthorized use, the
locking block can be removed in a few easy
On target
The physical intensity of stalking an animal
combined with the mental strength required
to watch and wait for exactly the right
moment is what makes the hunt so exciting.
If encountering wild animals were a matter
of course, then hunting them would lose its
appeal. Hunting requires time, perseverance
and the ability to put oneself in the position
of the wild animal and be in tune with its
superior instincts. True hunting will guarantee
tension but not the out come of the hunt.
The Blaser single shot rie embodies this
philosophy. Lightweight and compact, it is
comfortable to carry either over the shoul-
der or in a rucksack. Loaded with just one
cartridge, the K 95 is always ready to shoot
quickly and nish the hunt with 100% reliabil-
ity and precision accuracy. Even just stalking
with the K 95 is an experience in itself.
Hunting is as much about the
ambitious pursuit of a target as it is
about a successful outcome.
The Blaser single shot rie is a hunting
rearm in the truest sense.
The accuracy of the Blaser single shot rie is
legendary. Playing a vital role is the tilting
block locking system as well as the ne direct
trigger, which is impressive in any situation.
Its easy to forget that such a graceful rie
packs so much power. The tilting block locking
system may be compact but it is designed for
maximum gas pressure, offering reliable per-
formance even under tremendous strain. The
velvety nish of the barrel and action protects
against corrosion and damage.
The K 95 is the most lightweight and sleekest
of all Blaser hunting ries. It is comfortable
and unobtrusive to carry and transport, either
over the shoulder or taken down. It is also fast
and easy to assemble, and can be ready to
shoot in a matter of seconds.
The K 95 is the rie of choice for physically
demanding hunts and can be used for all
game. The interchangeable barrels are avail-
able in every popular caliber. Once profes-
sionally tted, every barrel will be on target
instantly after insertion.
Bri l l i ant yet si mpl e sol uti ons
K95 Stutzen Luxus
with optional extras
K95 Luxus
with optional extras
K 95
The Blaser K 95 single shot rie has
ruled under tough hunting conditions for
over 25 years and continues to embody
the archetypal hunt: Active stalking in
a vast area. The ergonomic shape and
compact design offer an advantage, both
in familiar and unfamiliar territories.
The K 95 Stutzen is one of the most
compact hunting ries in the world.
octagonal barrel is standard
available from grade Luxus
split forearm for continuous precision
even in extreme weather
sleek stock design
black forearm tip
overall length 94 cm (37)
K 95
Slender elegance shapes the K 95,
giving it a unique appearance. A quiet
charm invites closer inspection. Delicate
engraving and highly intricate design
work enhances its powerful appeal.
The result is the Baronesse.
Enhanced by beauty
K95 Baronesse Stutzen
with optional extras
K95 Baronesse
with optional extras
choose wildlife scenes or
ne ornamentation to adorn
the long action side plates
octagonal barrel
selected stock with a black forearm tip
locking block titanium-nitrided, trigger
an ABS compact case and a rie sling
complete the package
An el egant prof i l e
K 95
Obviously different, yet inconspicuously
charming, the K 95 Attach is the rie
of choice for hunters who favor sleek
elegance and sophisticated functionality.
The clear, harmonious design is the
perfect backdrop for the natural beauty
of the walnut wood. An octagonal barrel
emphasizes its sleekness.
The K 95 Attach is also available as a
K95 Attach
with optional extras
K95 Attach Stutzen
with optional extras
action is anodized in black
wooden side plates blend with the
select stock
octagonal barrel
locking block titanium-nitrided, trigger
forearm features a black end piece
an ABS compact case and a rie sling
complete the package

Basic grade with plain action and
grained side plates. Beautiful walnut
heartwood. Wood grade 1*.

Discreet arabesque engraving.
Selected grained walnut.
Wood grade 2*.

Arabesque engraving on the action.
Great choice of engravings for the side plates.
Selected, beautifully grained walnut. Wood grade 4*.

Long side plates, a discreet pattern
of manually engraved arabesques and
wood grade 5*.
With its classical beauty and valuable
features, the new Comtesse gives you
the luxury you crave, at a price that is
within range.
* Please nd an overview of all Blaser wood
grades on the pages 112/113.
K95 Standard
K95 Prestige
K95 Luxus, Thistle Leaves K95 Luxus, Fine English Arabesques
K95 Luxus, Roe Deer, left side K95 Luxus, Roe Deer, right side
K95 Luxus, Wild Boar, left side K95 Luxus, Chamois, right side
K95 Luxus, Red Stag, left side

Choice of engravings: Wildlife scenes or ornamental engravings.
Baronesse features see page 23.
Wood grade 7*.
plain action with Luxus side plates
at your own choice
also available with barrel length
52 cm (20 )
wood grade 2*
with ZEISS riescope
Victory Varipoint 2,5 10 x 50 T*
or 3 12 x 56 T*, reticle 60
all prevalent calibers
Content: K 95, saddle mount and scope
Please nd hand engraved single shot ries
on pages 102 111 or visit our online gallery
K95 Comtesse
K95 Baronesse, Red Stag, left side K95 Baronesse, Roe Deer, right side
K95 Baronesse, Mountain Sheep, left side K95 Baronesse, Chamois, right side
K95 Baronesse, Fine English Arabesques
K95 Compact Package
Speci f i cati ons Cal i bers
Please note, that we can not guarantee the
permanent availability of all listed calibers.
Single Shot Rie
K 95
Super Luxus
Super Exclusive
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
60 cm (23 )
104 cm (41)
2.4 kg (5 lb. 4 oz.)
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75RS
9,3 x 74 R
65 cm (25 )
109 cm (43)
2.7 kg (5 lb. 15 oz.)
.257 Weath. Mag.
.270 Weath. Mag.
7 mm Rem. Mag.
.300 Win. Mag.
.300 Weath. Mag.
8 x 68 S
68 cm (26 )
112 cm (44)
2.9 kg (6 lb. 6 oz.)
10,3 x 60 R
(only octagonal
Single Shot Rie
K 95
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
60 cm (23 )
104 cm (41)
2.4 kg (5 lb. 4 oz.)
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75RS
9,3 x 74 R
65 cm (25 )
109 cm (43)
2.7 kg (5 lb. 15 oz.)
.257 Weath. Mag.
7 mm Rem. Mag.
.300 Win. Mag.
8 x 68 S
68 cm (26 )
112 cm (44)
2.9 kg (6 lb. 6 oz.)
10,3 x 60 R
Single Shot Rie
K 95 Stutzen
Super Luxus
Super Exclusive
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
50 cm (19 )
94 cm (37)
2.4 kg (5 lb. 4 oz.)
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6,5 x 57 R
7 x 57 R
.308 Win.
8 x 57 IRS
K95 Comtesse
K95 Baronesse
K95 Baronesse Stutzen
Special Turkish Walnut
Endl ess spaces
Our vision to tailor a hunting rie specically
for modern hunting was groundbreaking.
From this revolutionary idea came a family of
bolt action ries able to meet every conceiva-
ble requirement. Today, the R93 is recog nized
worldwide as the most successful hunting
rie system of the 20th century.
It is straight, smooth and lightning-fast when
repeating, and has all Blasers advanced safety
features. The combination improves both the
dynamics and success of the hunt. The lock-
ing system of the R 93 bolts in a straight line
with out rotational movement in the barrel,
giving it an edge when it comes to accuracy.
The R 93 also raises the bar on basic features
common to all Blaser ries, making it a highly
resilient and adaptable weapon with virtually
boundless potential.
Not only is hunting an individual
sport, but every hunter is completely
unique, their instincts and decisions
both highly personal. The only common
denominator: the R 93 bolt action rie.
The R 93 is carried uncocked, completely
protected against unintentional release. It
is readied for shooting by pushing the cock-
ing slide forwards. The accurate direct trig-
ger makes the set trigger an unnecessary risk
factor. The entire procedure quickly becomes
second nature.
The barrel is mounted exclusively in the metal
action and is accurate under any condition.
Also fundamental to accuracy is the Blaser
direct trigger. Indeed, every detail of the R 93
is designed for maximum precision.
All lock functions are free of wear and tear to
a great extent and enclosed to keep out dirt
and snow. Simple takedown makes the R 93
easy to clean, even when in use. The robust
barrel and action nish increases overall
resistance to the elements.
Perfect weight distribution, reduced length
and a manageable shape make the R 93 safe
and stable when aiming. It can also be taken
down in seconds.
Numerous caliber and barrel options allow
the R 93 to be converted into a special rie
within seconds. Different gunstocks, from
the Offroad to the Safari, are available for
particularly challenging applications.
Success through i nnovati on
The R 93 minimizes body movement during
repeating. It is also faster than conventional
actions, allowing more time to aim and re-aim
for subsequent shots. This is a particular ad-
vantage on driven and big game hunts. The
R 93 bolt locks directly in the barrel. The en-
tire rearm is renowned for its accuracy and
resilience. All components, from the barrel
and nish to the trigger and scope mount, are
extremely robust and designed for the long

The invention of the R 93 straight-pull
bolt action was nothing short of a revo-
lution. When repeating, the bolt assem-
bly pulls back and pushes forward in a
straight line. There is no rotation of the
bolt handle upwards or downwards.
R93 Luxus with optional extras
Si mpl y subl i me
black anodized action, wooden side
uted barrel with express sight
titanium-nitra ted bolt head and
gold-colored trigger
wooden ball on the bolt handle
wood category 7
black forearm tip
including Blaser ABS riecase and rie
The Attach is a special edition of the
R 93. Professional yet stylish, it is well
suited to pragmatic hunters with rened
taste. The distinctive wooden stock,
carefully selected for its natural beauty,
pairs perfectly with the black-anodized
action. Indeed, the rie is a unique
synthesis of modern technology, profes-
sional mobility and timeless beauty.
R93 Attach
with optional extras
R93 Stutzen Luxus
with optional extras
R93 Octagon
with optional extras
New agility in a traditional guise

divided forearm ensures consistent
accuracy and is rened with a black
octagonal barrel accentuates the R 93
Stutzens sleek prole
overall length 97 cm (38 )
available from grade Luxus
black anodized action, wooden side
Semi Weight barrel (approx. 350 g/12 oz.
heavier than the standard barrel)
octagonal barrel, 52 cm (20 ) length
wood category 6
black forearm tip
1 cm-slip pad ()

The R 93 Stutzen takes a nostalgic and
elegant approach to the challenges of
modern-day hunting. When it comes
to seeking out thrills, many hunters
would agree that active stalking in steep
and densely wooded terrain is the most
exciting form of hunting there is. Such
surroundings require maximum mobi-
lity, making the compact Stutzen bolt
action rie an exceptional value and a
tremendous advantage.
The functional elegance of this well-
balanced rie reminiscents of the R 93
Attach. In addition to combining all
the advantages of the Semi Weight and
shorter 520 mm-barrel (20 "), the
R 93 Octagon sports a visually appeal-
ing octagonal prole.
Perf ect f or harsh condi ti ons
R 93

The tougher the conditions for hunters
and rearms, the more robust a hunting
rearm must be. The R 93 Professional
symbolizes the Blaser philosophy: a
harmonious design offering unlimited
practical suitability. The technology has
proven itself more than a 150,000 times
all over the world and is coupled in this
instance with an extremely resilient
R93 Professional Natural Stone
with optional extras
R93 Professional Tracking
(Rie sling not included)
R93 Professional Slate Grey
with optional extras
elastic inserts in the ergonomically
opti mized pistol grip and the forearm
area ensure secure handling
shatter-proof and thermo-stable
left-handed version optional
great color range:
Slate Grey
Dark green
Natural Stone
Mossy Oak
Signal Camo
Slate Grey
Dark green
Natural Stone
Signal Camo
barrel length 50 cm (19")
express sight
one-piece dark green
synthetic stock
R 93
The R 93 model was developed specially
for bloodhound handlers. The retainers
positioned in different places for the
swivel ring facilitate exible mounting
of the shoulder strap for customized
Mossy Oak

A f ocused deci si on

Extensive testing shows that the R 93 Semi
Weight consistently improves the shooters
performance. Even when shooting freehand
or with a support that is less than ideal, the
Semi Weight barrel stabilizes the rie and
minimizes recoil. This, in turn, helps instill in-
ner calm and greater self-condence two
factors that directly impact your success.
muzzle diameter of Semi Weight barrel:
19 mm ()
Semi Weight barrel (approx. 350 g/12 oz.
heavier than the standard barrel), also
available as uted barrel
R93 Standard Semi Weight with black
anodized receiver (extra charge) and
optional extras
R93 Attach Semi Weight
with optional extras
R 93

Precision is a matter of stability.
The perfect weight distribution pro-
vides a solid and secure position when
shooting, even at great distances.
The Semi Weight barrel will enable you
to improve your shooting performance.
Far- reachi ng capabi l i ti es

uted match barrel
individually adjustable comb
wide forearm offers a a stable support
integrated rail for the optional bipod

Accurate shooting over long distances
and from different shooting positions
places great demands on any hunting
rie, but the R 93 Varmint rises effort-
lessly to the challenge.
The uted Match barrel of the R 93
Match was specially developed for target
shooting and is truly outstanding when
it comes to accuracy. Like the R 93
Semi Weight, the heavier barrel weight
increases accuracy. The wide forearm
helps ensure a steady posture, even with
free-hand shooting.
R 93 Varmint
with optional extras
R 93 Match
with optional extras
With the innovative modular system
R 93 Rimre, every R 93 can be con-
verted into a rimre rie within seconds.
For the rst time it is now possible for
the R93 owner to use his beloved R93 for
training purposes with rimre ammuni-
tion inexpensive, with minimal recoil
and low noise pollution.
The R93 Rimre is also ideally suited to
hunt small game.
special elongated bolt head
bolt catch insert replaces the
regular magazine and makes for an
extremely short bolt cycle
new compact ve-shot magazine is
inserted directly into the barrel on the
right side below the scope mount
modular system with bolt head, bolt catch
insert, barrel and magazine
R93 Rimre
modular system
R93 Rimre Luxus
with optional extras
Sol i d posi ti on
R93 Success
with optional extras
and special wood
stabilized position of the shooting hand
also available with laminated wood

Competition shooters have long
appreciated it. Now hunters can also
benet from its advantages: The new
Success stock is an interpretation
of the traditional hole stock for the
demanding hunter. Due to its perfect
ergonomics, the Success stock allows for
perfectly relaxed shooting posture and
improves your success in the eld as
well as on the range.
Tomorrow s saf ari l egend

The R 93 Selous uniquely short action
design combined with an all-steel receiv-
er provides unsurpassed pointability,
guiding you intuitively towards the safe
and success ful shot that can be para-
mount in danger ous game situ ations.
The heavy barrel, broad forearm and
kickstop in the buttstock, make the
R 93 Safari relatively pleasant to shoot
regardless of caliber class.
R93 Selous
R93 Safari Luxus
with optional extras
Safari barrel
caliber .375 H&H Magnum and
.416 Remington Magnum
kickstop tted in the stock, select be-
tween two versions (see page 127)
classic stock
steel receiver and pistol grip cap made of
custom case hardened steel
Selous barrel with buckhorn rear sight,
front ring sight saddle with silver bead
and swivel ring
Caliber .300 Win. Mag., .375 H&H Mag. and
.416 Rem. Mag.
kickstop tted in the stock, select be-
tween two versions (see page 127)
red Silver recoil pad
forearm with ebony nish
compact design for perfect weight
distribution and extremely comfortable
shooting performance
Gold colored Selous lettering, steel
ball on the bolt handle with gold inlay
and gold colored trigger.
A system for each requi rement
Caliber changes with the R 93
R 93 ries can accommodate any barrel varia-
tion. When using barrels in different caliber
groups, the correct bolt head is required and
can be changed quickly and easily at any
time. Every R 93 barrel is supplied with a cor-
related magazine.
Model changes with the R 93
All R 93 ries can be retted to meet Semi
Weight, Match or Safari specications. This
requires exchanging barrels and adding the
correct forearm.
Subsequently each R 93 can be tted with
another gunstock coming with an action that
is categorically integrated within the trigger
group. When retting, only the barrel, maga-
zine and bolt are inserted.
Interchangeable gunstocks are also available
for Semi Weight, Safari and Match barrels.
All stocks can be adapted to the new barrel
Left-handed R 93
Each R 93 can be tted with a left-handed
bolt and stock. A right-handed bolt assembly
can be exchanged for a left-handed one at a
later date.
Bolt action rie R 93 / R 93 Attach Bolt action rie R 93 Semi Weight Bolt action rie R 93 Stutzen Bolt action rie R 93 Match, Varmint, Safari
The Modular System R 93
Caliber group Mini
Caliber group Standard
Caliber group Medium
Caliber group Magnum
Caliber group Ultra Magnum
Caliber group Swiss
Caliber group Schrot
Exchangeable stocks
for different models
Octagonal barrel (optional)
Octagonal barrel (optional)
Semi Weight barrel
Semi Weight barrel Stutzen barrel
Divided forearmof the R93 Stutzen Forearmmatching Semi Weight contours
Professional Stocks for any R93
Broad forearm, suitable for barrel contour of the
Safari and Match barrels
Varmint stock for Match barrels
Match barrel / Varmint
Match barrel / Varmint
Match barrel / Varmint
Safari barrel
Caliber group Rimre
Rimre modular system
Professional Natural Stone
Professional Slate Grey
Professional Signal Camo
Professional Camo
with single shot insert
with single shot insert

Basic-Grade with grained action side.
Walnut heartwood.
Wood grade 1*.

Discreet arabesque engraving.
Selected grained walnut.
Wood grade 2*.

Great choice of animal engravings. Also available is a ne arabesque engraving
and the wood edition with wooden side plates. The R 93 Luxus is also available
with a black anodized action. Selected, beautifully grained walnut. Wood grade 4*.

The attractively priced, elevated grade. Plain elegance and classic
ornaments blend together with beautifully grained walnut. Wood grade 5*.
Trigger guard, top and underside of action are hand engraved.
* Please nd an overview of all Blaser wood
grades on the pages 112/113.
R93 Standard
R93 Prestige
R93 Luxus, Red Stag, left side R93 Luxus, Roe Deer, right side
R93 Luxus, Wild Boar, right side R93 Luxus, Chamois, right side
R93 Luxus, Moose and Bear, left side R93 Luxus, Mouon, right side
Please nd hand engraved bolt action ries R 93
on pages 102 111 or visit our online gallery at:
R93 Luxus, Elk, left side
R93 Luxus, Fine English Arabesques
R93 Luxus, Wood Edition
R93 Grand Luxe Wood, Oak Leaf R93 Grand Luxe Wood, Old German Arabesques
R93 Grand Luxe Wood, Fine English Arabesques R93 Grand Luxe, Oak Leaf
R93 Luxus, Kudu, left side R93 Luxus, Buffalo, right side
R93 Grand Luxe, Old German Leaf R93 Grand Luxe, Fine English Arabesques
R93 Luxus, White Tail Deer, right side
Speci f i cati ons Cal i bers
Model Caliber group
Caliber group
Caliber group Standard Caliber group
Caliber group Magnum Caliber group
Ultra Magnum
Swiss caliber
R 93 .22 lfb .222 Rem. .22-250 6,5-284* 7 x 64 7 x 55 .257 Weath. Mag. .300 Win. Mag. 7 mm STW 10,3 x 60 R
R 93 Professional .22 Win. Mag. .223 Rem. .243 Win. 6,5 x 65 RWS .308 Win. 6,5 x 68 .270 Weath. Mag. .300 Weath. Mag. .300 Rem. (Single
R 93 Success .17 HMR .25-06 .270 Win. .30-06 8 x 68 S .270 WSM .338 Win. Mag. Ultra Mag. loaded
6,5 x 55 .280 Rem. 8 x 57 IS 9,3 x 64 7 mm Rem. Mag. .375 H&H Mag. model)
6,5 x 57 7 x 57 8 x 64 S .300 WSM
7 mm-08 8,5 x 63*
9,3 x 62
Barrel length 57.7 cm (22 ) 57.7 cm (22 ) 57.7 cm (22 ) *65 cm (25 ) 65 cm (25 ) 65 cm (25 ) 70 cm (27)
Overall length 102 cm (40 ) 102 cm (40 ) 102 cm (40 ) 109 cm (43) 109 cm (43) 114 cm (45)
Weight approx. 3.1 kg (6 lb. 13 oz.) 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.) 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.) 3.1 kg (6 lb. 13 oz.) 3.1 kg (6 lb. 13 oz.) 3.2 kg (7 lb. 1 oz.)
R 93 Attach .222 Rem. .22-250 6,5-284* 7 x 64 .257 Weath. Mag. .300 Win. Mag.
.223 Rem. .243 Win. 6,5 x 65 RWS .308 Win. .270 Weath. Mag. .300 Weath. Mag.
.25-06 .270 Win. .30-06 .270 WSM
6,5 x 55 .280 Rem. 8 x 57 IS 7 mm Rem. Mag.
6,5 x 57 7 x 57 8 x 64 S
7 mm-08 9,3 x 62
Barrel length 57.7 cm (22 ) 57.7 cm (22 ) *65 cm (25 ) 65 cm (25 )
Overall length 102 cm (40 ) 102 cm (40 ) 111 cm (43 )
Weight approx. 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.) 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.) 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.)
R 93 Octagon 7 x 64 .30-06 9,3 x 62 .300 Win. Mag.
.308 Win. 8 x 57 IS
Barrel length 57.7 cm (22 ) 65 cm (25 )
Overall length 102 cm (40 ) 109 cm (43)
Weight approx. 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.) 3.1 kg (6 lb. 13 oz.)
R 93 Stutzen 7 x 64 .30-06 9,3 x 62
.308 Win. 8 x 57 IS
Barrel length 50 cm (19 )
Overall length 94 cm (37)
Weight approx. 3.0 kg (6 lb. 10 oz.)
R 93 Safari .375 H&H Mag. R93 Selous also
R 93 Safari Professional .416 Rem. Mag. in .300 Win. Mag.
R 93 Selous
Barrel length 62.7 cm (24 )
Overall length 107 cm (42 )
Weight approx. 4.0 kg (8 lb. 13 oz.)
R 93 Semi Weight 6,5 x 55 .30-06 9,3 x 62 .270 WSM .300 Win. Mag.
R 93 Semi Weight Professional .308 Win. 8 x 57 IS .45 Blaser .300 WSM .338 Win. Mag.
8,5 x 63* .375 H&H Mag.
Barrel length 57.7 cm (22 ) *65 cm (25 ) 65 cm (25 )
Overall length 102 cm (40 ) 111 cm (43 )
Weight approx. 3.4 kg (7 lb. 8 oz.) 3.6 kg (7 lb. 15 oz.)
R 93 Jagdmatch .222 Rem. .22-250 6,5 x 55 .300 Win. Mag.
R 93 Jagdmatch Professional .223 Rem. .243 Win. .308 Win.
R 93 Varmint
Barrel length 62.7 cm (24 ) 62.7 cm (24 ) 65 cm (25 )
Overall length 107 cm (42 ) 107 cm (42 ) 111 cm (43 )
Weight approx. 3.4 kg (7 lb. 8 oz.) 3.4 kg (7 lb. 8 oz.) 3.5 kg (7 lb. 11 oz.)
R 93 Professional Tracking .308 Win. 8 x 57 IS .45 Blaser
.30-06 9,3 x 62
Barrel length 50 cm (19 )
Overall length 94 cm (37)
Weight approx. 2.9 kg (6 lb. 6 oz.)
Magazine capacity: 3 rounds, except:
4 rounds in caliber .222 Rem., .223 Rem.
2 rounds in caliber .270 WSM, .300 WSM, .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.
R 93 exchangeable shotgun barrel caliber 28/70, barrel length 57.5 cm (22 )
(only in single load version) is available for all models.
Easy handling helps rule out operator error.
The B 95 and B 97 are carried uncocked and are
only cocked just before shooting. The front
trigger essentially serves the lower barrel,
while the rear trigger controls the upper
barrel. Top-class direct triggers make the set
trigger unnecessary.
A cut above
The story begins in 1963 with the legendary
Blaser over and under shotgun rie, which
established our safety concept, the manual
cocking system. Further developments culmi-
nated in 1995 with a technique that allowed
adjoining barrels to behave independently,
oat and expand freely.
Cumbersome side effects, such as the rising
point of impact when shooting in succession,
suddenly were a thing of the past.
These two innovations revolutionized the over
and under product range and initiated its two-
way expansion:
Firstly, the B 95 over and under shotgun rie
and Bergstutzen with single lock action. After
each shot is red, the rie is uncocked again.
Secondly, the B 97 over and under shotgun
rie, Bergstutzen and double rie with double
lock action. Two ring pins are cocked at the
same time and the second shot is ready to re
without re-cocking.
Hunting is either an escape from
everyday life into a more natural world,
or a regular duty and very hard work.
In both instances, Blaser combination
guns have been used
successfully for decades.
Each barrel is free oating, expands and
remains focused on the point of impact.
Target coverage is unaffected by the other
barrel. The barrels can be adjusted to each
other, which is a great advantage when using
slugs. Having two direct triggers is reassuring
in any situation.
The locking strength of Blasers over and
under guns is due to the large underlug lock-
ing. It can handle a high number of shots and
intense use without any problems. The velvety
barrel and action nish protects against corro-
sion and damage.
The rie is compact and perfectly balanced. All
components are ergonomically arranged and
its operation is logical. Blaser over and under
guns offer maximum room for maneuvering.
Changing to a different caliber or model is
easy and inexpensive. Within the B 95 and
B 97 lines, the barrel combination can also be
used to change the rie type. For example, the
double rie can become an over and under
shotgun or Bergstutzen, and an over and
under shotgun can become a Bergstutzen.
Blaser over and under shotgun ries in caliber
12/76 and 20/76 are designed to handle the
requirements of steel-shot and are magnum
proofed. (The stamped V and Lily of the
proofhouse indicate magnum proong with
additional steel proong).
The combination of shotgun and rie
is a Blaser classic. Your gunsmith will
easily be able to regulate the barrels to
each other, making your Blaser over and
under shotgun rie unbeatable when
using slugs.
The BBF 95 stands for increased safety:
the rie is uncocked after every shot.
The BBF 97 is equipped with a double
lock action for fast, successive and
accurate ring of bullet and slug.
Spot on!
Over and under shotgun rie BBF 95
Special Shot with grey anodized action
and Luxus side plates
12 gauge (3), all common rie calibers
black anodized action with grained
side plates
optional: grey anodized action with
Luxus side plates of your choice
wood category 3
integrated extra full choketubes,
titanium-nitrided, additional choketubes
titanium-nitrided trigger
shotgun barrel aligned with rie scope
over 35 m (38 yd.) with Rottweil Magnum
BBF 95/BBF 97
Thanks to their adjustment option, all
Blaser combination guns from the
Special Shot edition are aligned ex
works, so that the aiming point com-
plies exactly with the center of the blow
pattern on 35 m (38 yd.). Thus the most
effective shot coverage is achieved, even
at maximum shooting distance.
BBF 95/BBF 97 operation
Lower barrel
Upper barrel
Over and under shotgun rie BBF 97
Special Shot with black anodized action
and grained side plates

Two accurate ries with different
calibers in one compact rearm. Ideal
for all-around hunting in any type of
terrain. The upper barrel is embedded
in a support bore and can be regulated
precisely to the lower barrel. An inter-
changeable rie/shotgun combination
barrel enhances versatility.
A perf ect match
BS 95/BS 97 operation
Lower barrel
Large caliber
Upper barrel
Small caliber
Bergstutzen BS 97 Luxus
with optional extras
Bergstutzen BS 95 Comtesse
with optional extras
The Bergstutzen BS 95 is uncocked after
every shot. Two ring pins are cocked at
the same time in the Bergstutzen BS 97.
The second shot is ready to re without

extremely slim appearance and reduced
weight (approx. 3.2 kg/7 lb. without
rie scope) due to the soldered barrels
with ZEISS rie scope Victory Varipoint
1,1 4 x 24 T* or 1,5 6 x 42 T*, illumina-
ted reticle 0 or 60
Blaser Saddle Mount
caliber .30-06, .30 R Blaser, 8x57 IRS,
9,3x74 R
double trigger upon request
barrel length 56 cm (22)
overall length 99 cm (39)
available grades start from Luxus

The double rie has always been a very
popular rie on driven hunts. Many
passionate driven hunt shooters prefer
this elegant, light and handy rie.
The BB 97 Classic Double Rie with
soldered barrels exceeds all expectations
with superior huntability in a tradi-
tional design.
Double rie
BB97 Classic Luxus
Twi ce as good
BB 97
The double rie was originally developed
from social hunting. No wonder that
the BB 97 is in its element with moving
game. A single trigger is available upon
request. The high accuracy and adjust-
ability of the barrels also makes it ideal
for shooting over great distances.
Single trigger
The BB 97 double rie can be tted with
an optional single trigger. Due to the
xed succession of shots (rst shot from
the lower barrel, second shot from the
upper barrel), the single trigger can not
be combined with an over and under shot-
gun rie or Bergstutzen interchangeable
barrel assembly.
Double rie BB97 Luxus with
single trigger and optional extras
BB 97 operation
Over & under
(double) rie
Double rie with
single trigger
Lower barrel
First shot:
Lower barrel
Upper barrel
Second shot:
Upper barrel
Two ring pins are cocked at the same time.
The second shot is ready to re without
ne English arabesques on the side
plates with plain action
selected grained walnut,
wood grade 2*
choice of scopes:
Zeiss Victory Varipoint M
3 12 x 56 T*,
reticle 60
Swarovski Z6 High Grid 2 12 x 50 SR,
reticle 4AI

Basic grade with plain action and
grained side plates. Beautiful walnut
heartwood. Wood grade 1*.
The popular package offer
attractively priced including quality
scope and saddle mount.
B 95/ B 97 PRESTI GE

Discreet arabesque engraving.
Selected grained walnut.
Wood grade 2*.
B 95/ B 97 LUXUS

Arabesque engraving on the action. Great choice of engravings for the side plates.
Selected, beautifully grained walnut. Wood grade 4*.

Long side plates and discreet arabesque
engraving. Selected grained walnut.
Wood grade 5*.
* Please nd an overview of all Blaser wood
grades on the pages 112/113.
B95 B97 Standard
B95 B97 Prestige
B95 B97 Luxus, Roe Deer, right side B95 B97 Luxus, Roe Deer, left side
B95 B97 Luxus, Wild Boar, right side B95 B97 Luxus, Wild Boar, left side
B95 B97 Luxus, Fox/Ducks, right side B95 B97 Luxus, Red Stag, left side
B95 B97 Luxus, Arabesques
B95 B97 Comtesse
Please nd hand engraved over and under
combinations B 95/B 97 on pages 102 111
or visit our online gallery at:
Berg-& Talstutzen B95
Speci f i cati ons Cal i bers
Please note, that we can not guarantee the
permanent availability of all listed calibers.
Specications Caliber
upper barrel
lower barrel
B 95 and B 97
Over and Under
Shotgun Rie
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
60 cm (23 )
103 cm (40 )
2.5 kg (5 lb. 8 oz.)
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
Short version Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
52 cm (20 )
95 cm (37 )
2.4 kg (5 lb. 5 oz.)
12/76 .22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6,5 x 55
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 57 R
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
8 x 57 IRS
9,3 x 74 R

B 95 and B 97
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
60 cm (23 )
103 cm (40 )
3.4 kg (7 lb. 8 oz.)
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 57 R
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75RS
9,3 x 74 R
B 97 Double Rie Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
56 cm (22)
99 cm (39)
3.4 kg (7 lb. 8 oz.)
upper and lower barrel
7 x 65 R
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
B95 Over and Under
Shotgun Rie grade Luxus
B97 Bergstutzen
grade Luxus
B97 Double Rie
grade Luxus
The cocking slide cocks both locks immediately
before the shot is red. Likewise, when the
rie is opened, both locks are automatically
uncocked. Operation is logical and intuitive.
When i deas come together
Take the drilling, for example. Invented by our
great-grandfathers, it combines the double-
barreled shotgun with a stalking rie. This
basic notion has developed in many different
ways and in 1999 we breathed new life into it
with numerous innovations. The current D 99
line brings together the ideas of many genera-
tions. It is traditional, yet modern and t for
the future all at the same time.
There are three models to choose from: a
traditional drilling with two shotgun barrels,
a double rie drilling and a drilling rie.
Initially, it is the unconventional barrel arrange-
ment with one rie barrel over two lower
barrels that catches the eye. Each barrel is free
oating and shoots with the utmost accuracy.
The extremely stable tilting block locking
system guarantees maximum locking strength
and service life, even with intense use and
large calibers. D 99 drillings are safe, easy to
use, have brilliant trigger characteristics and
outstanding balance, are comfortable to shoot
and visually appealing.
The rst technical advances made by
mankind can be traced back
to the development of hunting weapons.
The evolution of hunting weapon
technology is not only fascinating;
it proves that it is
worth rening a good idea.
The D 99 is the only drilling to have all three
barrels free oating and temperature-indepen-
dent. Shooting accuracy is not affected by the
order in which the barrels are red or the quick
succession of shots. The tilting block locking
system also plays a key role in the consis tently
high level of accuracy.
At the core of Blaser drillings is the tilting block
locking system, which ensures long- lasting,
reliable performance. The sophisticated barrel
nish and robust action coating make the D 99
an extremely resistant companion for active
and extreme hunting.
The Blaser drilling is as it appears: easy to handle
and carry, quick and easy to point. Excellent
joining of the barrels, awless balance and
expert stock design make it perform just like
a perfect side by side shotgun.
The three barrels can be combined in any way
the user sees t: either as two shotgun barrels
and one rie barrel, or as a Duo with one shot-
gun barrel and two rie barrels using the same
or different calibers.
The Trio offers the enthusiast virtually any
combination of rie calibers.
The drilling D 99 with two shotgun
barrels and one rie barrel is perfect for
small game hunts, when a stalking rie
is needed on top.
Uni versal tal ent
Drilling D99 Standard
with optional extras
Blaser Drillings D 99 and D 99 Duo are designed
to handle the requirements of steel-shot and
are magnum proofed. (The stamped V and
Lily of the proofhouse indicate magnum
proong with additional steel proong).
D 99, D 99 Duo/Trio operation
Selector switch
in upper
position (red
dot visible)
Selector switch
in lower
position (red
dot not visible)
Upper barrel Right lower
Left lower
Left lower
Two ring pins are cocked at the same time.
The second shot is ready to re without
The art of combi ni ng
Drilling D99 Duo Luxus
with optional extras
Serves as a double rie with an
additional barrel for either varmint or
big game hunting, or as an inspiration
for experienced hunters with three
different calibers in one compact,
accurate rearm.
D 99 DUO
Two identical rie calibers combined
with a shotgun barrel.
A shotgun with both a small and large
rie caliber.
Blaser Drillings D 99 Duo are designed to
handle the requirements of steel-shot and
are magnum proofed. (The stamped V and
Lily of the proofhouse indicate magnum
proong with additional steel proong).
Please nd hand engraved drillings D 99 on
pages 102 111 or visit our online gallery at:

Discreet engraving with small
arabesques. Beautiful walnut.
Wood grade 1*.

Hand engraved arabesques all over the
action. Grained walnut. Wood grade 4*.
* Please, nd an overview of all Blaser wood
grades on the pages 112/113.
Speci f i cati ons Cal i bers
Specications Caliber
upper barrel
Caliber right
lower barrel
Caliber left
lower barrel
Drilling D 99 Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
57.5 cm (22 )
101.5 cm (40)
3.4 kg (7 lb. 8 oz.)
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
20/76 20/76
Drilling D 99
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
57.5 cm (22 )
101.5 cm (40)
3.9 kg (8 lb. 10 oz.)
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser*
8 x 57 IRS*
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
20/76 .22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser*
8 x 57 IRS*
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
identical or
different calibers.
Drilling D 99
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
57.5 cm (22 )
101.5 cm (40)
4.2 kg (9 lb. 4 oz.)
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser*
8 x 57 IRS*
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
6 x 70 R
.243 Win.
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
6,5 x 57 R
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser*
8 x 57 IRS*
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R

identical or
different calibers.
* Warning:
For safety reasons the calibers .30 R Blaser and 8 x 57 IRS can
not be combined. The 8 x 57 IRS cartridge can be loaded in the
.30 R Blaser barrel by mistake.
Drilling D99 Standard
Drilling D99 Duo
grade Luxus
with semi beavertail forearm
Drilling D99 Trio
grade Luxus with semi beavertail forearm
and special wood
Please note, that we can not guarantee the
permanent availability of all listed calibers.
The S 2 has the Blaser double-lock manual
cocking system. Both locks are cocked imme-
diately before ring by pushing the cocking
slide forwards.
Strong paral l el s
Over the last 35 years, Blaser has introduced
numerous improvements that have perfected
hunting and captured new markets worldwide.
The rst innovation of this millennium was the
S 2 side by side line, a masterful enhancement
of a popular hunting rearm. It includes special
models for both big game and driven hunts.
These double ries with adjacent barrels are
true classics. A versatile side by side shotgun
rie rounds off the range. Tried and true
Blaser design features, including free oating
barrels, the tilting block locking system, direct
triggers, double-lock manual cocking system,
easy takedown and barrel exchange, ensure a
top quality hunting experience.
Versatility and freedom of style
characterize todays hunting culture,
in both traditional rearms and modern
creations. The S 2 line proves that
progressive technology and traditional
style are not mutually exclusive
and can exist side by side.
The S 2 is the rst side by side rearm with
two free oating, temperature-independent
barrels. Rie barrels on all S 2 models can be
adjusted to the same point of impact at the
muzzle. Blaser direct triggers contribute to an
expert shot.
Destined for arduous use on driven and big-
game hunts. The robust tilting block locking
system is the foundation for the ries reliable
accuracy and lasting resilience. The velvety
barrel and action nish protects against corro-
sion and damage.
The sleek form and small opening angle make
it comfortable and quick to operate. Fast,
steady aim even when swinging is ensured by
the balanced weight and nely tuned stock
Like its name suggests, the S 2 side by side
shotgun rie combines both rie and shotgun.
The two calibers of the double rie can either
be the same or different. All standard calibers
are available. Barrel combinations are easy to
S 2
The S 2 range covers all applications:
driven hunts, high raised stands,
stalking, hunting abroad and safaris.
It skillfully combines a high level
of specialization with universal
possibilities. Whether ring shots in
quick succession or over long distances,
patrolling hunting areas or proving your
skill in a challenging big game hunt: the
S 2 is all Blaser, completely versatile,
extremely resilient and very stylish.

Si de by si de: mobi l i ty and constancy
S2 Double Rie
Super Luxus
with optional extras
S 2
When using two identical calibers, it
stands out as a traditional double rie
with speed and accuracy even at long
range. Combining a small and large
caliber the S 2 displays its strength as a
sophisticated stalking rie.
Single trigger
The S 2 double rie with identical caliber can
be tted with an optional single trigger. The
rst shot res the right barrel, the second shot
res from the left. The S 2 Safari is not avail-
able with a single trigger.
The S 2 is the rst side by side shotgun
rie to feature the extremely strong Bla-
ser tilting block locking system, which
enhances accuracy and resilience.
Blaser shotgun ries S 2 are designed to handle
the requirements of steel-shot and are mag-
num proofed. (The stamped V and Lily
of the proofhouse indicate magnum proong
with additional steel proong).
S 2 operation
Front trigger Right barrel
Rear trigger Left barrel
Two ring pins are cocked at the same time.
The second shot is ready to re without
Safari experts agree that the perfect
safari double rie must be a fully-
edged rie with both barrels, locks and
triggers. The S 2 provides the answer.
It offers lightning-fast 100 percent rie
performance per barrel which means
twice in one elegant, compact rearm.
The S 2 is adjusted to 100 m (109 yd.)
in the factory with an assembled scope,
making it completely universal.
200 percent accuracy
S2 Safari Double Rie
Super Luxus
caliber .375 H&H Mag., .500/416 Nitro
Express, .470 Nitro Express and
.500 Nitro Express
barrel length 62 cm (24 )
weight distribution of the gun is set
individually to each caliber
solid steel sights
trigger pull of 1500 g (3 lb. 5 oz.) is
optimized to the class and weight
of the caliber
stronger buttstock with a straight back,
traditional Monte Carlo cheek piece and
Pachmayr decelerator rubber gunstock
recoil pad
kickstop in the buttstock reduces recoil

Discreet engraving with small
arabesques. Beautiful walnut.
Wood grade 1*.

Hand engraved arabesques
all over the action.
Grained walnut. Wood grade 4*.
* Please, nd an overview of all Blaser wood
grades on the pages 112/113.
Please nd hand engraved side by side com-
binations S 2 on pages 102 111 or visit our
online gallery at:
Speci f i cati ons Cal i bers
Please note, that we can not guarantee the
permanent availability of all listed calibers.
Specications Calibers
right barrel
left barrel
S 2 Side by Side
Shotgun Rie
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
57.5 cm (22)
101.5 cm (40)
3.2 kg (7 lb. 1 oz.)
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser
8 x 57 IRS
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
S 2 Double Rie Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
57.5 cm (22)
101.5 cm (40)
3.5 kg (7 lb. 11 oz.)
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser*
8 x 57 IRS*
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
.22 Hornet
.222 Rem.
5,6 x 50 R Mag.
5,6 x 52 R
.243 Win.
6 x 70 R
6,5 x 55
6,5 x 57 R
6,5 x 65 R RWS
.270 Win.
7 x 57 R
7 x 65 R
.308 Win.
.30 R Blaser*
8 x 57 IRS*
8 x 75 RS
9,3 x 74 R
identical or
different calibers.
S 2 Double Rie
Barrel length
Overall length
Weight approx.
62 cm (24 )
106.5 cm (42)
5.3 kg (11 lb. 11 oz.)
.375 H&H
.500/.416 N.E. (3 )
.470 N.E.
.500 N.E. (3)
.375 H&H
.500/.416 N.E. (3)
.470 N.E.
.500 N.E. (3)
* Warning:
For safety reasons the calibers .30 R Blaser and 8 x 57 IRS can
not be combined. The 8 x 57 IRS cartridge can be loaded in the
.30 R Blaser barrel by mistake.
S2 Super Exclusive
Side by Side Shotgun Rie
S2 Luxus Double Rie
with semi beavertail forearm
S2 Safari Double Rie
grade Super Luxus

Inertial Block System: The Blaser IBS

ably prevents involuntary second pull or fan ring, the
drawback of so many single trigger systems. Within a
split second the F3 trigger turns the thought impulse of
the shooter into igniting mechanics. In conjunction
with its extremely fast locking system, it turns the dy-
namics of the shooter straight into sure shots. 1,400
grams (3 lb. 1 oz.) trigger pull out of the box.

Ejection Ball System: Always reliable. The

ejector springs are cocked after the shot has been red,
when opening the gun. They are uncocked when the
gun is closed.
Blaser Balancer: Innovative system for individual
balance adjustment.
Steel-Shot Proong: As Standard.

Bore Design: The perfect combination of

high muzzle velocity, homogenous shot pattern and
moderate recoil.
Combi Safety: Safety striker catch system plus trigger
Well thought-out F3 Modular System: A large
variety of moduls and options allows for an extremely
versatile use of the shotgun in the eld, at the stand
and in competitions.
A whole bundle of dynamic ideas aimed
at the passion of enthusiastic shot-
gun shooters to satisfy even the most
demanding requirements.
Loaded wi th I nnovati ons
Over & Under Shotgun
When Blaser rst started to develop the
F3 in the late 90s, a groundbreaking
innovation in shotgun history was born.
Since introducing it to the market in
2004 project F3 has been nothing but a
success: The elegant shotgun with a
technically and ergonomically thought
through design has lead to countless in-
ternational victories. With the addition of
American Skeet and American Trap, the
F3 has also become a global winner.
The design of the F3 has been
continuously enhanced.
F3 Competition Sporting, grade Attach
F3 20 Gauge
The 20 gauge barrel is offered in Game and
Competition models. Its low prole action
enhances a perfect silhouette. Total weight,
balance, weight distribution and the rib of
the 20 gauge are identical with that of the
12 gauge shotgun. 12 gauge and 20 gauge
barrels are compatible.
F3 Game Competition, grade Luxus
F3 Game, grade Baronesse
F3 Game, grade Imperial
Wi nner by Desi gn
Merging specic hunting qualities with
competition features result in a completely
new F3 model: the perfect shotgun for the
eld as well as Combined game shooting.
The lightweight Game Competition barrel in
combination with HIVIZ

bead offers the low

weight that is benecial for use in the eld.
Using standard balancer weights on the
barrel and in the stock, the total weight
can simply and individually be increased by
350 grams (12 oz.). The optimal balance is
quickly dened providing a key advantage
for Combined game shooting.
Ideal for Sporting, Compak Sporting and
Olympic Skeet. All barrel lengths have
approximately the same weight and bal-
ance, therefore featuring almost identical
handling and swinging characteristics.

All F3 Competition models come with Origi-

bead and a set of interchangeable

beads. The Sporting stock with steep pistol
grip and palm swell allows for a relaxed
shooting position. Barrel balancer and slip
pad perfectly round off the equipment.
Ideally suited for hunting thanks to the new
F3 Game stock with Prince of Wales-like
pistol grip, real wood pad and classic English
Style forearm design.
The minimal angle of the comb relative to the
rib considerably improves handling and recoil.
The slender Game barrel comes with a classic
front bead made of nickel silver.
Over & Under Shotgun
F3 Competition, 20 Gauge,
grade Attach
Get your free copy of the new F3 catalog
at your qualied Blaser dealer!
F3 Game Competition,
28 Gauge, grade Attach
New: F3 28 Gauge
Based on the successful F3 12 gauge and
20 gauge, the new 28 gauge shotgun is
available in Game and Competition models.
It features the identical total weight, bal-
ance and rib as all the other F3 barrels.
370 (345-390)
30 40
40 (38) (36) 55 (50) (48)
370 (345-390)
38 50 38
370 (345-370)
34 50 34
370 (345-370)
B1 B2
370 (345-390)
40 (35) 55 (50)
38 (40) 50 (55)
370 (345-390)
Modul ar System
Over & Under Shotgun
Competition barrels: 86 cm (34), 81 cm (32),
76 cm (30) or 71 cm (28)
American Trap barrel: 81 cm (32)
Trap stock
optional Monte Carlo stock
Sporting stock
Forearm English Style
Game barrels: 74 cm (29), 71 cm (28),
or 68 cm (27)
Screw-in chokes
The F3 comes with a standard option of two ush
to muzzle Briley screw-in chokes of your choice.
Unlimited steel proong up to half choke.
Briley Spectrum extended screw-in chokes
Titanium Spectrum extended screw-in chokes
(not steel-proofed)
Forearm, Fluted
Game stock
Forearm English Style
Game Competition stock
Forearm options:
Game Competition barrel: 74 cm (29)
or 71 cm (28)
Monte Carlo stock high
Monte Carlo stock
American Skeet barrel: 76 cm (30)
Forearm English Style Schnabel Forearm Forearm, Fluted
Forearm, Fluted
Forearm, Fluted
Under-Single barrel: 86 cm (34)
Forearm English Style
Competition barrels: 86 cm (34), 81 cm (32),
76 cm (30) or 71 cm (28)
A = Length of pull
(measured with trigger in middle position)
B = Drop
C = Pitch
F3 Game Competition, F3 Competition
Sporting and F3 Competition Trap
Standard: 10.5 mm (.4) tapered to 8.5 mm
Optional: parallel rib, alternatively 8.5 mm
(.3) parallel or 10.5 mm (.4) parallel
F3 Game
Standard: parallel rib 8.5 mm (.3) with clas-
sic front bead
Optional: 10.5 mm (.4) tapered to 8.5 mm
(.3) with classic front bead
Lead choke Restriction Notches
steel shot
Cylinder* 0.000 mm Skeet
Skeet 0.125 mm
/4 Choke

Choke 0.250 mm I
/2 Choke
/2 Choke** 0.380 mm
/4 Choke
/2 Choke 0.500 mm II
/1 Choke
/4 Choke 0.625 mm III
/1 Choke** 0.750 mm
/1 Choke 0.850 mm IIII
/4 Choke** 1.050 mm
*only available with chokes ush to muzzle
** only available as elongated version
(Spectrum choke)
F3 Monte Carlo Stock High
A 370 mm (14.6) (standard)
Stock length shorter than 370 mm (14.6)
at extra charge, longer than 370 mm (14.6)
with adjustable recoil pad (optional)
B1/B2 34/34/50 mm (1.3/1.3/2.0)
F3 Monte Carlo Stock
A 370 mm (14.6) (standard)
Stock length shorter than 370 mm (14.6)
at extra charge, longer than 370 mm (14.6)
with adjustable recoil pad (optional)
B1/B2 38/38/50 mm (1.5/1.5/2.0)
F3 Trap Stock
A 370 mm (14.6) (standard)
Stock length from 345 mm 390 mm
(13.6 15.2) on request (at extra charge)
B1/B2 30/40 mm (1.3/1.7)
F3 Sporting Stock
A 370 mm (14.6) (standard).
Stock length from 345 mm 390 mm
(13.6 15.2) on request (at extra charge)
B1/B2 40/55 mm (1.6/2.2) (standard)
B1/B2 38/50 mm on request (1.5/2.0)
(no extra charge)
B1/B2 36/48 mm on request (1.4/1.9)
(no extra charge)
F3 Game Stock
A 370 mm (14.6) (standard).
Stock length from 345 mm 390 mm
(13.6 15.2) on request (at extra charge)
B1/B2 40/55 mm (1.6/2.2) (standard)
B1/B2 35/50 mm (1.4/2.0) on request
(no extra charge)
F3 Game Competition Stock
A 370 mm (14.6) (standard)
Stock length from 345 mm 390 mm
(13.6 15.2) on request (at extra charge)
B1/B2 38/50 mm (standard)
B1/B2 40/55 mm on request (no extra charge)
Ti ps & comments
f r o m t he Bl a s e r Te a m
Hunter proles
Character, personal history and reality shape
the style and prole of every hunter. Similarly,
a passion for hunting evolves from many
things: family tradition, inspiration from
friends, professional reasons, an afnity with
nature or a yearning for the wild. Many op-
portunities exist. Some we pursue, others
remain an exciting dream. Do we venture
abroad or stay close to home? Do we seek
active and challenging new adventures, or do
we prefer watching, waiting and stalking in
peaceful solitude? How and where we choose
to hunt, as well as personal preferences and
experiences, will inuence the choice of re-
arm an exciting process in itself. This part of
the catalogue gives you an insight into what
Blaser employees have to say, which rearms
they prefer and why.
Ti ps & comments
f r o m t he Bl a s e r Te a m
R 93 Semi Weight
Grand Luxe: compact
and timeless
I spend a lot of time on the road,
both for business and hunting, so I
need a gun that travels well. For me,
perfect balance is having the weight
evenly distributed to both hands.
With its short action, the R 93 is
already one step ahead in terms of
design. On home ground, I use the
.308-caliber Semi Weight model with
an 52-cm (20) barrel. Overseas,
I opt for .300 WSM and the 57.7 cm (22) Semi Weight
barrel with uting and quick alignment sight. Both models
have almost exactly the same balance. To me, the Grand Luxe
with selected root wood embodies timeless style.
Bernhard Knbel, Managing Director
K 95 Stutzen Baronesse:
beautiful and accurate
In my opinion, the traditional K 95
single shot rie is the best hunting
rie of all time. It is perfect for con-
centrated ring and selective hunting,
which is just what I need. Anyone,
like me, who has stunned Benchrest
shooters with their K 95s outstand-
ing accuracy, knows how it feels to be
secretly proud and satised at having
been underestimated. My personal
recommendation is the K 95 Baronesse Stutzen with delicate
arabesque engravings and gunstock magazine. One visit to our
gunstock warehouse and you will understand why I gave in to
temptation and invested more.
Gunther Stoschek, Product Manager and Head of Marketing
Ti ps & comments
f rom t he Bl aser Team
B 95 Over and Under
Shotgun Rie: pure skill
My favorite is to hunt foxes in the
winter. Every time I venture out,
I experience something new, like
spotting unexpected martens or a
lone sow. Nothing beats seeing the
moonlight glisten on the snow, and
shooting a fox from a distance of
30 meters (33 yd.) or more with my
B 95 over and under shotgun rie.
Plus, the perfectly positioned slug makes
a perfect backup for any scenario.
Franz Zapf, Gunsmith
B 97 Double Rie:
red up
An invitation to a sow driven hunt
will often cause a spontaneous
change of plans. After all, one must
have priorities! For me active hunt-
ing is about hearing the dogs, feeling
your pulse race, and shooting safely
and quickly. The B 97 double rie
gives me the security I need and the
success I crave. I chose the single
trigger for quick successive shots
not only for driven hunts but also
for hunting roe deer in my home
Helmut Mller, Assembly Manager
Ti ps & comments
f rom t he Bl aser Team
S 2 Double Rie:
long range success
S 2 guns have always fascinated me.
Unfortunately traditional designs are
restricted to shooting over short dis-
tances. The Blaser S 2 is my dream
rearm. It shoots just as well over
long distances from a seated posi-
tion as it does when hunting moving
John Wiedemann, Assembly
A side by side shotgun rie
exchangeable barrel for the S 2 double
rie rounds off my personal package.
Handling a familiar gun gives me
self-condence and success, very
important on social hunts where
everyone knows Im from Blaser.
I found my ideal root wood in our
gunstock warehouse and have had it
initialed on the pistol grip to make
my rearm unmistakable.
Siegfried Mayer, Sales
Drilling D 99 Duo:
take your chances
A lot has changed at home, with
some saying that sitting and waiting is
pointless. If and when an opportunity
does present itself, I want to be ready
with a gun that shoots to my satisfac-
tion, which is no mean feat given that
I have high standards and work in
the industry. The rie barrels and the
shotgun barrel of my D 99 Duo never
let me down when it comes to accu-
racy. For style, I would recommend the
semi beavertail forearm.
Andreas Huber, gunsmith
Ti ps & comments
f rom t he Bl aser Team
R 93 Safari:
ever present
I rst came across Blaser many years
ago in my homeland of Namibia, when
many of our hunting guests raved
about their Blaser guns. This was one
of the reasons I ended up pursuing a
career in Isny, Germany. Today I am
fortunate enough to accompany hunt-
ers on their travels to Africa, and the
R 93 Safari always comes too. For
me, it is much more than a tool of the
trade. Numerous professional hunters
and their guests have found my enthusiasm contagious.
I would never travel without the .416 Rem. R 93 Safari Luxus
with a .300 Win. Mag. Semi Weight exchangeable barrel and
the discreet rie case that goes with it. I still have one last
dream, though:
the S 2 Safari Imperial
Double Rie
engraved to my specication. I can see it now...
Hartmut Liedtke, Purchasing Manager
engravi ngs and speci al edi ti ons
The function and practical value of a
rearm are in no way inuenced by its
appearance, whether engraved or made
with rare high-grade stock wood.
Regardless, nearly every hunter invests
money in engraving and precious wood.
Ultimately the rearm reects the
hunters personality, depicts his
way of hunting and embodies
his passion.
Over the course of history, hunting and
gun making has always had a strong
culture. Hunters recognize that the re-
arm is much more than a tool.
Their emotional investment in its
appearance clearly demonstrates how
closely the inspiration to hunt is
linked to their reverence for
nature and its creations.
For more information on Blaser master
engravings visit our online gallery:
engravi ng styl es and techni ques
The creativity of the engraving process
is as important as the handcrafted excel-
lence. Endless concentration is required
to create something of intricate detail
and strength of expression that marks
the grand tradition of rearm engraving.
Connoisseurs of the art know that even
casual admirers have to invest almost as
much time as the engraver to really ap-
preciate the subtleties, nuances and am-
biance of the custom engravings.
An exquisitely designed hunting rie
originates in the imagination and takes
shape with engraving motifs, decorative
ornamentation, distinctive wood grains
and other exquisite design features.
We work closely with our distribution
partners, advisors, gun makers and en-
gravers to bring your ideas to life.
Aside from producing designs by cus-
tomer request, Blaser also creates and
custom nishes true one-of-a-kind re-
arms. Keeping the hunting culture alive,
each creation is visually unique, timeless
in beauty and of enduring value.
Engraving motifs
The scene for an engraving can be inspired by
a hunting scenario, photograph or drawing.
It can even be motivated by pure indulgence.
We will be pleased to bring your ideas to life,
or you can choose from an existing engraving
and add your own personal touch.
There are essentially three types of engrav-
ings: traditional animal images, scenes based
on real or ctitious events, and motifs from
paintings and historical templates.
Even at its most discreet, the interweaving of
leaves, grasses, light and shadow authenti-
cates the art, imprinting the values of hunting
on the action, stock and barrel.
The possibilities are endless. Designs range
from elaborate to reserved, and from tra-
ditional to modern. Ornamentation is used
mostly to frame or accentuate a motif and
usually depicts the vegetation most appropri-
ate to the game or historical era. Fans of dis-
crete elegance are often satised with simple,
neutral ornamental engraving.
Engraving techniques
There are four basic techniques: traditional
at engraving, ne Bulino engraving, deep
engraving and relief engraving. Particularly
elaborate pieces show the motif in relief be-
cause this is the most three dimensional effect.
On the other hand, ornamentation is often
at or feather engraving. Continuous relief
engraving that extravagantly emphasizes and
models the ornamentation is particularly im-
For more information on Blaser master
engravings visit our online gallery:
hand engraved hunti ng ri f l es
Both sides of the action plate on the Super
Luxus feature two animals in a traditional at
engraving. English arabesques, oak or leaf
arabesques frame the motif. Pure ornament
engravings are also possible.
Single shot ries are decorated on the barrel
base, bolt action ries on the trigger guard.
The action of the D 99 and S 2 models has long
side plates. Beautifully grained walnut is cho-
sen. The pistol grip has a silver cap that bears
either an animal engraving or a monogram.
Super Luxus
R93 Super Luxus
K95 Super Luxus
D99 Super Luxus
BBF95 Super Luxus
For more information on Blaser master
engravings visit our online gallery:
hand engraved hunti ng ri f l es
Model Exclusive
Both the hunting scene and decorative orna-
mentation are deeply engraved. Two animals
your choice of game are featured on either
side of the rie. English, oak or leaf arabesques
cover the remaining space. Other decorative
elements are also possible.
Fine ornamentation is found on the barrel
base, and on the trigger guard and bolt hous-
ing of bolt action ries. D 99 and S 2 models
have long side plates on the action and a silver
pistol grip cap that can be engraved with an
animal scene or a monogram. The exquisite
walnut grain features elegant carvings.
Model Super Exclusive
Choose four animals to be engraved in a at
style on each side of the action. One animal
adorns the underside. More exotic orna-
mentation, such as thistle leaves, arolla pine
branches, maple leaves and other decorative
engraving are possible. The trigger guard is
nely engraved, and the barrel base features
R93 Exclusive
R93 Super Exclusive
with optional extras
K95 Super Exclusive
S2 Exclusive
Model s Exclusive Super Exclusive and
a delicate gold inlay. The bolt housing is fully
engraved. All single shot ries have elongated
side plates. The pistol grip is nished with a
silver cap that is engraved with an animal or a
monogram. The rare walnut stock is decorated
with lavish, yet tasteful carvings.
For more information on Blaser master
engravings visit our online gallery at:
hand engraved hunti ng ri f l es
The Imperial is Blasers crowning glory. Its
impressive relief engraving is lavishly chased
in artistic detailed work. Four animals of your
choice are depicted on each of the long side
plates, with one animal on the underside.
More exotic items can be selected for the
lling and gunstock carving. The trigger guard
is equally ornate, and the barrel base features
a delicate gold inlay. The bolt action rie
has a fully engraved bolt housing. All single
shot and combination ries have elongated
side plates. Triggers are gold-colored. The
locking block on K 95 single shot ries is
titanium-nitrided, also the bolt head on the
R 93 bolt action rie. The silver pistol grip cap
is either monogrammed or engraved with an
animal scene. Superior root wood, in your
choice of grain and coloring, is used for the
Custom Imperial is the crown of individual
and artistic creativity.
The R93 No. 100,000 is a piece by master engraver
Jrgen Gser.
A masterpiece that combines the nest Bulino and
relief engraving. Fromthe elaborate background
and lively depiction of wild animals to the imagi-
natively arranged gold inlays and other creative
details, an unparalleled amount of time and effort
went into creating this fascinating work of art.
S2 Imperial Double Rie
Red stag scene with oak. Optional extra:
Filigree locking lever with ramhead
Double Rie S2 Safari CustomImperial
Game scene with gold inlays, ne arabesques.
Single Shot Rie K95 CustomImperial
Chamois / Ibex with Edelweiss and gold inlays.
Filigree locking lever with ramhead design.
Elaborate gunstock carving.
Model s Imperial
Custom Imperial and
For more information on Blaser master
engravings visit our online gallery at:
Natural Beauties
wood categori es
First class walnut wood from trees that are
over 300 years old is used to give the stock
an inimitable appearance. This wood is found
in the highlands of Caucasus, where the long
cold winters make the trees grow exception-
ally slowly. The harsh climate and prolonged
growth is what enhances the woods resistance
and shapes its ne and beautiful grain.
There are eleven quality grades of woods to
select your stock from. We will be pleased to
source the character of the wood and color
that best suits your specic demands.
If you have more exclusive requests, please
make an appointment and we will invite you
to our stock warehouse.
Color and grain vary within each grade.
The stocks shown are only examples.
el aborate stocks
Fine wood grows slowly over decades; its
growth lines are unique. This makes every
wooden gunstock inimitable in its grain and
coloring. The higher the class, the more strik-
ing it appears, its value enhanced by the scar-
city of the grain. Quality grades go up to the
extraordinary century timber, which fea-
tures an exquisite marble grain. In each model
class, the gunstock can be increased in value
yet further by investing more in the wood. If
you would like an extraordinary wood, please
make an appointment to visit our gunstock
Gunstock carvings
Engravings in the action continue as a lavish
carving on the gunstock.
Shown above is a deeply carved woven motif.
Scale checkering
Traditionally a rening feature of beautiful
gunstocks, it enhances your hold in the pistol
grip and forearm.
Fine checkering
Enhances the grip and subtly renes the
gunstock artwork.
Cheek piece with double rabbet
Semi beavertail forearm
Optimizes handling. Optional on D 99 and S 2
side by side guns.
Wooden ball on the bolt handle
Featured on the Attach R 93, optional
on all other R 93 models. The wooden side
plates match particularly well.
Wooden site plates
Featured on the K 95 Attach and
R 93 Attach, optional on all other R 93
Black drop shape
makes a stylish gunstock end.
Art of Detail
sophi sti cated metal works
Fine detailing renes every rie with classic
elegance and completes the look of a lavishly
engraved model. Regardless of style, every
gun is individualized.
Engraved trigger guard
Left: partly engraved
Right: fully engraved
Gunstock magazine
Four cartridges, snugly stowed so they will
not rattle, enhance the functionality
of the gunstock.
Right: simple, reserved engravings.
Underneath: fully engraved arabesques, old
German leaf and oak leaf. Animal portraits,
initials and other engravings are possible.
Pistol grip caps
Engrave the silver pistol grip with a favorite
animal or your initials elegantly surrounded
by English arabesques, old German leaf or
oak leaf. We can also bring your ideas to life,
whether it be a portrait of your hunting dog,
a golden rose, a coat of arms or miniatures of
thrilling hunting scenes.
Top row: caps for initials with arabesques,
old German leaf or oak leaf frames
Second row: animal motifs
Bottom row: special editions

Pistol grip
cap and gun-
stock magazine
can be added at
any time.
Titanium-nitrided, gold-colored elements
The breech bolt is titanium-nitrided on the
K 95 Imperial, and on other models upon
request. The bolt head on the R 93 bolt action
rie can also be titanium-nitrided. Triggers
respond well in both cases.
Right: titanium-nitrided K 95 locking block
Bottom: titanium-nitrided R 93 bolt head
Titanium-nitrided trigger.
Steel bolt handle ball (special edition)
Anodized in black, with optional gold inlay.
Filigree locking lever
Choose an animal portrait,
complete animal scene or
decorative ornamentation.
4 4 4 116
The f i nal steps
Those of us who work for Blaser and are pas-
sionate about hunting are never really com-
pletely alone, even when indulging in our
favorite hobby. We are always thinking profes-
sionally about how to perfect our equipment.
Just developing a rearm is not enough. We
take it one step further, asking ourselves: what
accessories make for perfect active hunting?
We apply the same quality standards here as
we do to gun making and only include what
we would use ourselves.
We also recognize that hunting is a living,
breathing culture and long-standing tradition,
hence we look at both practical value and
NEW! 6
The high-grade backpacking system includes:
silent, water-repellent material and water-
resistant zippers
extra pockets for accessories, documents,
ammunition and binoculars
bag for game transport
ergonomic, meshed back
adjustable strap system
padded strap system with snap closure
built-in space for hydration packs
ap to x the binocular strap
waterproof protective cover in bottom
protective hood in signal orange
protective cover for travelling
capacity: 75 + 10 l
measures (empty) height/width/depth
approx. 75 x 40 x 24 cm (29 x 15 x 9 )
weight (without detachable accessories):
3.5 kg (7 lb. 11 oz.)
The f i nal steps
1 NEW! Hunting Backpack Expedition
The combination of physical strain on
expanded tours and hunting activities
calls for special solutions when it comes
to equipment. Blaser has now developed
a backpacking system that offers the
functionality and comfort of a modern
trekking rucksack and, at the same time,
meets todays demands of hunting.
The rie can be fastened in the middle or
on the side of the rucksack without be-
ing dismantled. However, barrel, stock,
riescope and spotting scope can also be
transported separately in spacious outer
2 Blaser Hat
Keeps you warm on cold days and pro-
vides shade from the sun. The wide
brim protects spectacles and binoculars
against rain.
Blaser Hunting Rucksacks
The handcrafted Blaser rucksacks feature
premium materials and a lavish nish.
They perfectly combine hunting function
with timeless design.
spacious cut
conveniently placed pockets
back pocket for seat cushion
noiseless, without metal parts
3 Elk Leather Rucksack
It is made completely from high-quality elk
leather, which belongs to the most demanded
leather types worldwide. The shoulder straps
have a non-slip Neo prene

pad integrated
into elk leather.
4 NEW! Hunting Canvas Rucksack
Soft yet hard-wearing calf leather combined
with rugged canvas. The easy-care outer fab-
ric is water-repellent.
Blaser Rie Sling
Carrying lighter: Thanks to the soft and
broad shoulder strap, the Blaser rie
slings offer maximum comfort. They
perfectly complement the look of any
sophisticated hunting rie.
wide elastic shoulder strap
integrated ammunition carrier for two rie
integrated detachable swivel rings with
quick-release fasteners
adjustable length
5 Blaser Neoprene

Rie Sling
Also available as tracking version.
6 NEW! Blaser Rie Sling
in Finest Calf Leather
Sharp sol uti ons
Argali Integral Knife
Powder metallurgical steel CPM S 90 V
with 58 HRC features the ideal hardness for
smooth re-sharpening with common sharpen-
ing means. The grips, made from exquisite
Turkish Walnut, complete the elegant design.
This exclusive Blaser product truly deserves
the title Made in Germany being manu-
factured in Isny and enhanced by the hand-
crafted design of Peter Herbst.
The knife comes with a high-quality calf
leather sheath and a sturdy Neoprene

fully integral knife with a total length of
21.5 cm (8 )
9.5 cm (3 ) long droppoint blade
Each knife is CNC-milled and CNC-
ground on ultra-modern machines in the
Blaser factory in Isny ensuring minimal
tolerance and a perfect base for the hand-
made nish.
Hunting knife Professional
Developed for hunters using the R 93. It
perfectly complements the features of the
R 93 Professional. Using the tilting allen key,
you can handle the barrel exchange eas-
ily and swiftly. The drop point blade made
from stainless steel (length: 9.5 cm / 3 ) is
exchangeable with a reversing saw blade. The
grips are of original Blaser R 93 Professional
stock material and feature R 93 Professional
elastomer inlays for safe use. The uorescent
insets make it easy for you to nd your knife
in the dark.
uorescent insets
sheath made from
rugged Cordura

handcrafted calf
leather sheath
Blaser Video-DVD
Shooting at moving Game - Successful hunt
with safety rst
The new Blaser production: a unique docu-
mentary on driven hunts, originating from
and being specically designed for hunting.
A valuable guide for all hunters
suitable equipment and clothing
shooting on game in motion
obstacles in the trajectory
shooting with slugs
fragmentations when shooting
dangers of ricochets
and many more interesting topics!
Blaser Video-DVD
Accurate Shooting Correct Hunting
The Blaser production with helpful ndings
about the accurate rie shot. Simply realiz-
able and appealingly demonstrated tips for
successful shooting on the hunting ground.
control and test ring of the rie
correct adjustment of the reticle
long-range shooting
short-distance shooting
correct aiming when
stalking and
on the pulprit
Blaser DVDs demonstrate how techni-
cal equipment relates to the progression
of success. Safe striking in any shoot-
ing situation is always a combination
of prociency, expertise and technology.
Put this knowledge into practice properly
and you will hunt more successfully and
Hunting utility belt in signal orange
the adjustable rope now features a carabiner snap
link facilitating the game recovery on steep terrain
the adjustable rope can be used in combination with
the extremely sturdy stainless steel hanging hook to
ease bleeding-out and cooling
two bird hooks are included
Deer carrier, foldable
Extremely versatile and always at hand the
new foldable deer carrier from Blaser:
space-saving transportation
waterproof, tear-proof and robust
offers extraordinary capacity: holds up to
three roe deers or one young boar
straps adjustable in length: can be either
used as comfortable shoulder straps or
hand grips.
LxHxW: 60 x 40 x 40 cm (23 x 15 x 15 )
Wel l - prepared
125 125
1 Blaser Fast-access pouch
Enables the hunter to be ready for shooting
quickly: the leather cartridge pouch has a Vel-
cro fastener so that it can be attached to the
rie or around the wrist. Holds two cartridges
of different or identical calibers.
2 Blaser Fast-access belt pouch
Elaborately made, two-part solution for quick
access to ammunition consisting of an exte-
rior pouch, which can be attached to the belt
and a removable elastic ammunition holder
for six cartridges. Both components are made
of Cordura

and Neoprene

and are lined

with ne leather.
The ammunition holder comes with a Velcro
strap adjustable in length so that it can be
exibly attached to the shooters arm or the
weapon. Suitable for all cartridge calibers
from 5,6x52 R to 500 N.E.
I ndi vi dual f reedom
3 RZ Quick Alignment Sight
The RZ sight was developed for instances
when the hunter has to shoot very quickly
over a very short distance. The target can be
acquired quickly and precisely over the red
rear sight and the yellow front sight. Cover-
ing of the goal is minimal. Available for all
R 93 models.
4 Mag-na-Port, the Muzzle Brake
Four ports or slots in the immediate vicinity
of the barrel muzzle, reduce the recoil by ap-
proximately 20 %.
The Mag-na-Port can only be used on
single-barrel arms. Caution: Mag-na-Port
increases the blast by 1 to 1.5 decibels. Please
always wear ear protection during shooting!
5 Kickstop, Recoil Reducer in the stock
The stainless steel cylinder, lled with tung-
sten beads, is inserted into the stock and
reduces recoil by about 20 %. It is suitable
for all rie models. The higher weight of
the stock improves the balance of ries with
heavy barrels. Two versions are available:
Length: 156 mm (6), weight: approx.
430 g (15 oz.)
Length: 126 mm (5), weight: approx.
370 g (13 oz.)
6 Rubber Gunstock Pad
The rubber pad attenuates the recoil and
ensures that the rie can be placed down on
the ground noiselessly and without danger of
sliding away.
7 Blaser Gun Grease
In collaboration with the company Klever,
Blaser developed a new gun oil.
maximum rust protection under extremely
rainy and cold conditions as well as under
heat and high humidity even in touch with
sweaty hands or sea water
neutral oil remains uid until it reaches a
temperature of -50 C (-58 F)
reliably water-repellent
does not resinify and disperses excellently
8 Gun stock care
Maintains the beauty of stock wood on a
natural base:
protects against humidity and dirt
rejuvenates natural wooden surfaces
natural ingredients
simply apply and rub in
odor-free after drying
Saf e transport
Blaser Leather Case
For ries and over & under combinations:
A: Max. barrel length of 67.7 cm (26 ) with
demounted forearm, as well as for 1 rie scope.
LxWxH: 72 x 26 x 9.5 cm (28 x 10 x 3 ).
B: Max. barrel length of 70 cm (27 ), as well
as for 1 rie scope. LxWxH: 82 x 30 x 9.5 cm
(32 x 11 x 3 ).
C: Max. barrel length of 70 cm (27 ), 1 ex-
changeable barrel and 2 rie scopes. LxWxH:
82 x 34 x 9.5 cm (32 x 13 x 3 ).
For over and under shotguns:
B: (without image) LxWxH: 87 x 20.5 x 9 cm
(34 x 8 x 3 ) for 1 shotgun with accessories.
C: LxWxH: 87 x 26.5 x 9 cm (34 x 10 x
3 ) for 1 shotgun with exchangeable bar-
rels and accessories.
Oak & Leather Shotgun Case
Available for both precious single and double
ries. The leather case is hand- and custom-
made. Features: Reddish-brown leather, qual-
ity brass ttings, oak wood frame, soft pad-
ding, document section under the cover and
combination locks.
Blaser Covers
made of highly durable Ballistic Nylon, with
outer pocket for accessories and detachable
carrying sling.
A: Suitable for the Blaser R 93 bolt action
rie and over & under combinations with
mounted rie scope; max. barrel length 60 cm
(23 ). Total length: 106 cm (41 ).
B: Suitable for all ries with mounted rie
scope; max. barrel length 68 cm (26 ).
Total length: 120 cm (47 ).
C: Suitable for all popular shotgun models.
Total length: 153 cm (60 ).
D: F3 Slip Bag for all Blaser shotguns.
Total length: 140 cm (55).
Blaser ABS Rie cases
A: For ries with scope. Forearm disassembled.
LxWxH: 70 x 26 x 9 cm (27 x 10 x 3 ).
B: For ries with assembled forearm and scope.
LxWxH: 78 x 26 x 9 cm (30 x 10 x 3 ).
C: For ries with assembled forearm.
Additional compartments for exchangeable
barrel and second scope.
LxWxH: 78 x 35 x 9 cm (30 x 13 x 3 ).
ABS Shotgun case: For all F3 shotguns with a
max. barrel length of 81 cm (32). Compart-
ments for accessories. LxWxH: 89 x 30 x 12 cm
(35 x 11 x 4 ).
ABS Shotgun case
Shotgun case C
Covers A, B and C
with combination lock
All around the F3
in 2 colors,
F3 Cap,
Beige, 100%cotton
Shooting Pad
in 3 sizes
Blaser Jeans,
F3 Shooting Vest Parcours,
for right-handed as well as for left-
handed shooters, 65%polyester,
35%cotton, Lining: 100%polyester
* F3 Shooting Gloves,
70%Ramtex, 30%polyester
F3 Summer
Shoting Gloves*
Blaser Clay Range Bag
F3 Shoe Protectors, black,
made of Neoprene

, leather
and Cordura

F3 Allround Shooting
Gloves *
F3 Poloshirt Sporting,
in 4 colors,
Al l Around the F3
F3 Cap
Beige, 100%cotton
F3 Cap, Navy,
65%polyester, 35%cotton
F3 T-Shirt,
in 5 colors,
F3 Poloshirt,
in 5 colors,
Beige, 100%cotton
F3 Shooting Vest
for right-handed as well as for
left-handed shooters, 65%polyester,
35%cotton, Lining: 100%polyester
65%polyester, 35%cotton
F3 Shooting Vest
Blaser Cap,
Olive, 100%cotton All-Year Shooting Vest
for right-handed as well as
for left-handed shooters,
65%Polyester, 35%cotton,
Lining: 100%polyester
F3 Blouson,
F3 Jeans
Shooting Gloves
Summer Shooting Gloves,
70%Ramtex, 30%mesh lining
F3 Shooting glasses,
with interchangeable
lenses and sturdy case
F3 Poloshirt,
Olive, 100%cotton
For the Real
African Adventure
Please nd more information and a list of qualied dealers at
Further information and catalog order at:
Ammunition for Larger Game Hunting
CDP Controlled Deformation Process.
Upon impact, the CDP-bullet rolls up in a con-
trolled manner, mushrooming symmetrically
in four directions, irrespective of velocity and
target resistance. This effect was obtained
through innovative design and precise calcu-
lation of the individual components of the
bullet and their behaviour during the shot.
During mushrooming, the diameter of the
bullet multiplies by 2.5 of its original caliber,
while the weight remains virtually the same.
Hence, the CDP-projectile achieves a high
shock effect and a large penetration force
at a low bullet weight. This produces an exit
wound, and spares the game to the highest
extent possible.
Extensive testing in the fall of 1999
showed the following results:
in 78 % of shootings, eeing distances
measured from zero to less than 20 meters
in 94 % of shootings, over two thirds
recorded very low game devaluation.
Selection of Calibers
Bullet Caliber
6.5 g CDP .243 Win.
8.2 g CDP 6,5x57, 6,5x57 R, 6,5x65 R
8.4 g CDP .270 Win.
10.0 g CDP 7x57, 7x57 R, 7x64, 7x65 R
10.7 g CDP 7,5x55, .308 Win., .30-06,
.30 R Blaser, .300 Win. Mag.
12.7 g CDP 8x57 IS, 8x57 IRS, 8x75 RS, 8x68 S
18.5 g CDP 9,3x62, 9,3x74 R
The combination of Nosler high-per-
formance AccuBond bullet, Norma
progressive manufacturing technology
and leading Blaser WSM caliber ries
is a real boost to hunters shooting
strong game at long range.
The awlessly aerodynamic bullet uses
the best materials, has the ideal center
of gravity and prole and boasts the
orange-colored, polycarbonate
ballistic tip.
Its jacket and core are bonded in
a complex thermochemical process
that prevents separation of the core
from the jacket.
Controlled expansion under any con-
ditions means optimum energy trans-
fer and impact at all times.
For actively hunting large and medium game.
Precision: ideal center of gravity, boat tail and
polycarbonate tip maximum accuracy at long range.
Performance: bonded core design for reliable
expansion and penetration.
Today, hoofed game comprises mostly wild
boar and deer, and is frequently
shot on driven hunts.
The typical short to medium ranges require a
special choice of caliber that will bring down
the animal and not be impeded by obstruc-
tions in the trajectory. This is every bit as
important as sparing the game as much as
Together with the ammunition manufactur-
er W. Romey, Blaser has revitalized the classic
.45 caliber. The .45 Blaser cartridge with its
semi-jacketed (SJ) 22.7 g round nose (RN)
bullet meets all the requirements of driven
R 93 Semi Weight in .45 Blaser
The R 93 Semi Weight barrel is predestined
for the .45 Blaser caliber.
A system with an exchangeable barrel desi-
gned for standard calibers renders
a second breech chamber superuous. The
diameter of the .45 Blaser cartridge head has
been tailored to the specic size.
Blaser Ammunition is not offered and
distributed in the United States of America.
The big caliber for driven hunts
Cases and cartridges are available separately in va-
rious calibers for reloaders.
Blaser Ammunition is not offered and distributed in
the United States of America.
1006 m/sec Weight: 9 g (140 g) E
4263 J SID 205 m
Distance (m) 50 100 150 200 250 300
Trajectory (cm) +0.8 +3.9 +4.0 +1.0 -4.5 -18.0
Energy (J) 3974 3702 3446 3206 2980 2767
Velocity 971 938 905 872 841 810
905 m/sec Weight: 11.7 g (180 g) E
4725 J SID 189 m
Distance (m) 50 100 150 200 250 300
Trajectory (cm) +1.6 +4.0 +3.5 -1.5 -6.5 -22.0
Energy (J) 4401 4097 3809 3539 3283 3042
Velocity 869 838 808 779 750 722
Manufactured by NORMA in cooperation with BLASER
.45 Blaser caliber ballistic data (11.7x55)
22.7 g SJ RN bonded core SID 120 m
V 620 m/sec E 4429 Joule
V50 536 m/sec E50 3258 Joule
V100 473 m/sec E100 2537 Joule
Insert the Saddle Mount in the notches on
the barrel while the locking levers are open.
Push down the locking levers with your
thumb. Now the mount is locked on the barrel
without causing tension.
This is how the rie scope is mounted correctly.
After zeroing in, the rie scope can be detached and
reattached as often as required without changing
the point of impact.
Fold down the locking levers,
so that they do not disturb when
using the rie.
Return to zero
In 1993, Blaser developed and
patented a quick release rie scope
mount that soon replaced all others
in the Blaser product line.
All Blaser ries and combination guns are
equipped for the saddle mount. It can easily
be mounted without further adjustments and
without using an additional mounting base.
Four inconspicuous notches which are aligned
with the chamber hold the one-piece mount-
ing base without causing tension. Thus, the
barrel can oat freely. By just a few turns, the
rie scope can be detachted and reattached.
After zeroing the rie scope to the barrel
once, the Saddle Mount allows you to remove
and reattach the scope at any time while the
point of impact stays exactly the same. Never
before it has been so easy to use different
rie scopes with one barrel. All popular rie
scopes can be mounted with the Blaser saddle
Rie scope is mounted on base with rail.
Available for all popular rail systems.
Rie scope is mounted on base with rings.
Rings are available in all popular sizes.
Ri f l e cocked = I l l umi nated dot acti vated
A more relaxed shooting preparation
The advantages of the iC concept are crystal
clear: even when being under great pressure,
forgetting to switch on the illuminated dot can-
not occur anymore. Through the cocking slide,
the illuminated reticle is activated and remains
illuminated as long as the rie ist cocked, no
matter in which position the control button
on the rie scope is adjusted. Thanks to the er-
gonomically favorable position of the cocking
slide of the R 93 iC, the trigger hand remains
on the pistol grip, whereas the leading hand
must no longer be removed from the forearm
to switch on the illuminated reticle on the
scope. Shooter and rie are connected as one
unit. Lefthanders will be particularly pleased
with this innovation because they no longer
need to deal with operating the illumination
of the reticle via the rie scope.
Retrotting the R 93
Every R 93 can quickly be retrotted with the
iC at an affordable price. The Blaser dealer
sends the bolt assembly to the Blaser factory
where the iC cocking slide can be tted.
Communication of rie and rie scope
A small magnetic encoder in the cocking slide
of the R 93 iC is connected to a sensor on the
underside of the Varipoint ocular thus acti-
vating the illuminated reticle. The memory
function which is integrated in the Varipoint
iC ensures that the light intensity which has
been adjusted last, is provided immediately.
Independent from the position of the cocking
slide, the light intensity is adjusted when the
control button is pulled out and is saved when
the button is pushed down.
Launched by the two innovation leaders
Carl Zeiss and Blaser, Illumination Con-
trol (iC) represents a technology connect-
ing the control of the reticle illumination
to the operation of the rie. A sensor in
the eyepiece recognizes the position of
the cocking slide and automatically regu-
lates the switch-on/-off function of the
Varipoint illuminated reticle.
The following situation is well-known to
many hunters on a driven hunt:
when silently and unexpected
a fox or wild boar comes into
view, there is very little time to
take the opportunity to shoot.
The rie is quickly mounted
and aimed and then the shoot-
er realizes: the illuminated
reticle is not on. Being irritated to
such an extent, it is hardly possible to
hit accurately. The same can also hap-
pen when hunting from a stand by night.
With the R 93 iC, events like this are a
thing of the past: the hunter carefully
mounts his rie into the correct position,
silently pushes the cocking slide forward
and aims accurately thanks to the illu-
minated reticle which was automatically
activated when cocking the rie.
The R93 iC is available with the
following rie scopes of the Victory
Varipoint line by Carl Zeiss:
Victory Varipoint 1,14x24 iC T*,
Reticle 0, 60
Victory Varipoint 1,56x42 iC T*,
Reticle 60
Victory Varipoint 2,5 10x50 iC T*,
Reticle 60, V69
Victory Varipoint 312x56 iC T*,
Reticle 60, V69
All rie scopes of this product line
can also be mounted on ries not
featuring the iC function.
New: Reticle V69. Illuminated dot or cross
integrated in one rie scope.
Reticle 0 Reticle 60
ZEISS hunting optics are consistently aligned to current
requirements. Every product is a compact and robust
concentration of groundbreaking developments. Above
all ZEISS riescopes stand for the exible and efcient
combination of optical strength and the high-precision
shooting performance of todays hunting ries. Any
hunter who chooses the ZEISS
brand experiences an immediate
expansion of his senses. Visions
become reality out in the eld
and beyond.
With ZEISS premium optics, compromise is a thing of the
past. The Victory range includes riescopes, binoculars
and spotting scopes that introduce an expansion of the
senses through the highest optical performance. The eye
of the hunter experiences fascinating image brilliance
and brightness extending into a broad, high-resolution
eld of view. Even under extreme
conditions, the excellent visibility
remains. Easy-grip and sophisti-
cated oper ating elements make
handling safe and comfortable.
With ASV, the sight line is precisely aligned with the trajectory
path. It is no longer necessary to compensate for the bullet
drop by holding over. The ASV turret rises out of the locked
position, adjusts to the appropriate distance, and then relocks.
Unintentional re-adjustment is avoided. The ASV feature comes
with diverse ASV strips for individual scaling, according to the
Eliminating Boundaries
Broad, Br i l l i ant Fi el ds of Vi ew
Flexibility and Elegance
Rel i abl e Car l Zei ss Rai l Mount
The hollow rail integrated into the body holds the mounting ele-
ments absolutely secure even against heavy recoiling. Removal,
adaptation and replacement of the target optics is easy and
straightforward. Also the positioning of the riescope on the
weapon is exible.
Solid and Trusted
Wat er proof, Hi ghl y St abl e Desi gn
Ask your local dealer for the
new ZEISS catalogue or write to:
Carl Zeiss Sports Optics
Gloelstrae 3 - 5
D-35576 Wetzlar/Germany
The Spect rum of Perf ect i on
Protective Layer
for Clear Vision
Lot uTec

Lens Coat i ng
As with the surface of the lotus leaf, the

coating on objective and ocular lens-

es ensures that water is repelled immediately
and without residue. Thus dirt, grease and nger prints can
easily be removed with no risk of damaging the high-quality
lens. Maintaining optical devices with LotuTec

is extremely ef-
fortless. Even in heavy rain the LotuTec

coating guarantees a
perfect vision.
The riescope housing is extremely robust and nitrogen lled. It
is fogproof and waterproof even under harsh conditions.
The overall construction of ZEISS riescopes is designed to pro-
vide the largest possible eld of view in every range of magni-
cation. Sharpness and contrast are optimised to the outermost
All lenses in the optical system of a ZEISS riescope have the
elaborate Carl Zeiss T* multi-layer coating. Light transmission
values for all ZEISS riescopes are over 90 %. The result: An
amazing image brightness is guaranteed even at twilight. The
hunting day will last on, even when the light fades or comes in
from an unfavourable angle.
Extending your
Hunting Day
Maxi mum Li ght Ef f i ci ency
Accurate Aiming over
Long Distances
ASV ( Bul l et Drop Compensat i on f eat ure)
f rom Car l Zei ss
3 4 5 6
3 4
(M) 3 12 x 56 T*
Extremely compact and lightweight, this premium model guaran-
tees the highest possible performance even in fading twilight.
1st Image Plane: Reticles: 4, 8, 42, 43. Illuminated Reticles: 40, 43, 44,
60, 66. 2nd Image Plane: Illuminated Reticle 60, RAPID-Z 5.
Victory Diavari
The highest possible level of accuracy either with a
standard reticle or an illuminated one for low light con-
ditions. The Victory Diavari is identical to the Varipoint
riescopes, both in terms of optics and ergonomics.
Some Victory Diavari models offer a choice between the
reticle in the rst or second image plane.
The new Victory
Varipoint Generation
Illuminated Reticles Victory Varipoint
(M) 2,5 10 x 50 T*
With its 50 mm lens diameter this compact service package
provides a sensational eld of view (14.5 metres at 100 metres).
Stunning bright images even at twilight.
1st Image Plane: Reticles: 4, 8, 42. Illuminated Reticles: 40, 44, 60, 66.
2nd Image Plane: Illuminated Reticle 60, RAPID-Z 5.
Further Diavari models
(M) 1,5 6 x 42 T*, (M) 2,5 10 x 42 T*, 6 24 x 56 T* and
6 24 x 72 T* FL.
With the Varipoint range, Carl Zeiss was the rst manu-
facturer of hunting optics to implement an illuminated dot
suitable for daytime and nighttime hunting. Still among the
brightest and nest on the world market, it can be dimmed
precisely and automatically adapts to changing lighting
conditions. The latest generation of Varipoint riescopes
with V69 reticle and Illumination Control (iC) enters new
dimensions in terms of ergonomics and handling safety.
(M) 1,1 4 x 24 T* / M 1,1 4 x 24 iC T*
Extremely lightweight and easy to handle. Hardly any other rie-
scope for driven hunts offers such a large eld of view.
Illuminated Reticle: 0, 60.
New: The Revolutionary Illuminated
Reticle Concept V69
Being unique on the world market, the V69 offers unrivalled
exibility: There is a choice of illuminated dot on the second
image plane or illuminated crosshair on the rst image plane.
By one rotation either the illuminated dot or the crosshair are
New: Reticle V69
Illuminated Reticles Victory Diavari
Reticle 60 RAPID-Z 5
Available with reticle in the
1st or 2nd image plane.
Illuminated Reticle RAPID-Z

5 and

Innovative ballistic reticles for distances up to 500 or 700 me-
tres. To compensate for crosswinds, the holdover lines also fea-
ture windage markings. The RAPID-Z

reticles are adjustable to

different cartridge loads. (RAPID-Z

7 is exclusively available for

Victory Diavari 6 24 x 56 T* without rail.)
Victory Diarange
The Victory Diarange combines the commitment of a
high-performance riescope with the innovative technol-
ogy of a laser rangender. Sighting, measuring and aim-
ing merge into one process.
M 2,5 10 x 50 T*
Thanks to a smaller entrance pupil, the Diarange M 2.5 10 x 50 T*
is extremely lightweight and compact. Qualied for alpine hunt-
ing and physically demanding terrain.
Reticle in the 2nd Image Plane: 43, 60, 66, 70, 77;
M 3 12 x 56 T*
Increased performance in low light conditions for more detailed
and higher contrast images, when game becomes active.
Reticle in the 2nd Image Plane: 43, 60, 66, 70, 77
Victory Diavari 6 24 x 72 T* FL
The peak of performance: Even at great distance and with the
highest magnication this high-performance riescope offers
excellent image quality down to the nest detail. Equipped with
high-quality FL lenses it excels in its high intensity as well as its
oversized exit pupil when hunting at night. The 624x72T*FL
offers a lockable reticle adjustment with extended range.
2nd Image Plane: Illuminated Reticle: 40, 43, 63. Available without rail.
Br i ght Range Di spl ay
Light diodes display the mea-
surement result for 3 seconds.
The reticle is in the second
image plane and remains
very ne when magnication
Mi ni mal Target Cover
Reticle 60
Further Varipoint models
(M) 1,5 6 x 42 T*, (M) 2,5 10 x 42 T* and (M) 2,5 10 x 50 T*
New: Illumination control (iC)
The new Varipoint iC line is available in the following versions
(exclusively with rail): M 1,1 4 x 24 iC T*, M 1,5 6 x 42 iC T*,
M 2,5 10 x 50 iC T* and M 3 12 x 56 iC T*.
See pages 138/139.
(M) 3 12 x 56 T* / M 3 12 x 56 iC T*
Crucial for stand hunting at night, this model offers an extra
amount of light. The illuminated reticle can be nely dimmed
and is as prominent in bright sunlight as in twilight.
Illuminated Reticle: 0, 60, V69.
W5 - The ammuniIion counIs.
lurlher inlormalion on rile carlridges you will lnd in our PWS brochure
or on our websile.
Impressive peneIraIion -
even wilh bone hils!
Venison preservaIion -
almosl !00 residual weighl due lo Power
fIexibIe appIicaIion opIions
consislenl delormalion al all shooling dislances
and on all lypes ol game. lls exlraordinary
penelralion is exlremely elleclive on larger and
heavier game.
uIIeI Iip
A solid bohd!

!or rapid, deniIe mushrooming,

secure leeding and good aerodynamics
NickeI pIaIed Tombak jackeI
lor barrel proleclion and oplimized
inlernal ballislics
uIIeI core bonded viIh jackeI
lor almosl !00 residual weighl
uIIeI IaiI viIh baIIisIic caIoIIe
lor excellenl precision and lexibilily in lhe
Nora Prec|s|or AB,
doo4|e|z| Soft Nose & |a|| Meta| Iacket:
.1!5 H&H Maz.22,7 /350 r .1!5 ||. Maz..%22,7 /350 r .101 R||. NE Ieffer29,2 /450 r
.1J Re. Maz.29,2 /450 r .1J R|zb29,2 /450 r .500/1J NE 29,2 /450 r
.150 R|zb R||.35,6 /550 r .15& |ott 32,4 /500 r .1!0 NE32,4 /500 r
.500 Ieffer36,9 /570 r .500 NE 1" 36,9 /570 r .505 Maz. 0|bbs39,0 /600 r
Acti ve al l over the Worl d
Our distributors and dealers are happy to
offer advice. Simply visit the Blaser specialist
near you, pick out your preferred rearm,
and test its balance, operation as well as its
huntability for yourself.
Simply send an e-mail to or a
fax to +49 (0)7562-702-343 for information
about Blaser partners in your area.
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Subscribe to the Blaser E-mail Newsletter on
In September 2007 we invited all visitors of the
Blaser website to take part in our international
photo competition by sending in their most
stunning hunting pictures. The jury selected the
winning photo by Francisco Miguel Gonzalez Ribas
fromBarcelona out of 500 entries. It was taken
when hunting chamois in the Spanish Cadi
mountains. (picture above)
Armeria Andorrana, Andorra La Vella
John Mialls, Frankston VIC
Viktor Idl, Lienz
N.V. Pletsers, Sint Truiden
Special Tactical Supplies Ltd., Soa
R. Nicholls Distributor Inc., Qubec QC
Fanzoj-Inox d.o.o. , Zagreb
Oploemboriki a.e.p., Kiti
Czech Republic
Eduard Kettner spol. s.r.o, Slapanice
Guntex AS, Skjern
AS Schotter, Tallinn
All Optics Oy, Vantaa
Rivolier S.A., Saint Just - Saint Rambert
Great Britain/Ireland
Alan Rhone Ltd., Wrexham
Sot. Nafpliotis A.B.E.E., Thiva
Blaser Magyarorszag KFT, Debrecen
Ellingsen, Reykjavik
Jawag OHG, Marling
Hokuto Trading Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Korgan Center LTD, Almaty
SIA Purnavu Muiza, Riga
Sports & Hunting, Metn
Volfora UAB, Vilnius
Franwin Sport Co. LTD, Tarxien
Robert Le Maire Ltd., Port Louis
Ahrens Guns + Ammunition CC,
Prosperita Windhoek
New Caledonia
Omnium Caledonien Importation,
Noumea Cedex
New Zealand
Stger Sport N.Z. Ltd., Alexandra
Norma AS, Oslo
M.K. Szuster, Warszawa
GROUSE Comercio de Artigos de Caca, Lda
IBCOL Technical Services SRL, Bukarest
Attache Ltd., St. Petersburg
LLC Gun Store ARSENAL, Moscow
LTD World of Arms, Moscow
Capriolo d.o.o., Backa Topola
Dynax, Povazska Bystrica
Ancelj d.o.o., Novo Mesto
Fanzoj d.o.o., Ljubljana
Ulov d.o.o., Portoroz
South Africa
The Powder Keg, Auckland Park
Excopesa 2000 S.L., Len
Normark Scandinavia AB, Malung
J.K. Defence Industrial Co., Ltd., Bangkok
Blaser USA Inc., San Antonio TX
Limited Liability Company Europa Arms, Kiev


We would like to thank all hunters joining
the foto shooting.

All information subject to change without notice.
Models can vary from country to country.
Blaser hunting rifes are distributed through
qualifed Blaser dealers exclusively.
Blaser Jagdwaffen GmbH
88316 Isny im Allgu
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