Tarot Reading Lesson 12 Notes

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Diploma in Learning the Tarot

Major arcana:
Strength, the
Hermit, and the
Wheel of Fortune

3 Lesson outcomes

3 Strength (VIII)

5 Reversed Strength (VIII)

6 The Hermit (IX)

8 The reversed Hermit (IX)

9 The Wheel of Fortune (X)

11 The reversed Wheel of Fortune (X)

13 References

Lesson outcomes
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

Uncover the symbolism of the Strength, the Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune
Understand the meaning of the upright Strength, the Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune
Explore the meaning of the reversed Strength, the Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune

Practical lesson outcome:

Apply the meaning of the upright Strength, the Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune
Apply the meaning of the reversed Strength, the Hermit, and the Wheel of Fortune

Strength (VIII)

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Strength card shows a woman calmly holding the jaws of a fully grown lion. Even though the lion looks menacing and
strong, the woman seems to have power and dominance over it. Notice how gracefully she controls the lion. She is calm
and collected, which is representative for being in control and disciplined especially in times of great adversities.
Her control of the lion, without being too rough, shows love and compassion.

The lion is a symbol of courage, raw passion and desire which are necessary for survival and related to our consciousness
on the instinctive level. If these feelings are not kept in check, they can lead to our eventual destruction. The woman, on
the other hand, is a representative of our higher spiritual energy. She has managed to gain control over these intrinsic

The woman wears a white robe, showing her purity of spirit. Her belt and crown of flowers represent her connection to
nature. Over her head is the symbol of infinity, representing her infinite potential and wisdom.

The woman has a slight smile as she gently but firmly closes the mouth of the lion. This reflects that she is not using force
to achieve her purpose, but rather the focused intent of love and compassion. She acts with grace and sensitivity, rather
than brutal force. Her face is serene, her posture is calm, and she does not struggle. She is using her inner strength.

The upright Strength (XIII)

The upright Strength in a general reading:

• Courage
• Bravery
• Confidence
• Compassion
• Inner power

The Strength card indicates that you possess a wealth of great qualities — courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, and
inner power. Like the Chariot card, Strength represents strength, determination, and power. However, while the Chariot
signifies outer strength and will, the Strength card speaks to the inner strength and the human spirit's ability to overcome
any obstacle.

Strength is about knowing you can endure life’s obstacles. You have great stamina and persistence, balanced with
underlying patience, composure, and inner calm.

The upright Strength shows that you have inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. You must
remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. You have great patience, compassion,
balanced with underlying stamina and persistence.

You are a patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that you put your mind to. Strength represents the
correct use of personal power to overcome obstacles. You have incredible courage to face any opposition that confronts
you. If you are feeling burnt out or stressed, the Strength card encourages you to find the power within yourself to

The Strength card urges you to ‘tame’ your animal instincts, gut reactions, and raw emotions, and channel these
responses constructively. Be conscious of your instinctive or animalistic urges and bring them into balance.
It is normal for feelings such as anger, rage, sadness, guilt, or shame to arise in certain situations. However, it is how you
navigate these emotions that is important.

The upright Strength in a love reading:

The upright strength card in love depicts a sense of patience and will to overcome difficulties.

If you are in a relationship it may be saying that you have endured a challenging time and are now able to move forward
into a more peaceful, loving, and honest level of love.

If the relationship is not equal or no longer serving you, this card reflects that you have endured enough and you have
gained the inner strength to confront the necessary changes that need to take place. You will stand strong in your inner
convictions, needs, and wants and will have the will power to ask for what you need but to also walk away if necessary.
You have the inner reserve and confidence to set boundaries for your own self-preservation.

The upright Strength card can also be alerting you to the fact that you are ready to manifest a genuine love that matches
your vibration of self-power and inner strength. It may also be suggesting that someone of equal strength and awareness
and value will enter your life.

The upright Strength in a career reading:

Strength is all about your ability to assert yourself in a diplomatic and constructive way. Getting the job done with poise
and grace.

The upright Strength card in a career spread tells you that you have all the key features for success. It predicts persistence,
courage, and endurance. Your passions influence your work, but you can channel them into creative progress without
creating conflict or chaos. If you have been considering making big changes in your work environment, this card signals
that you have the talent and the skill, and you only need to muster your courage to take the leap.

If you are experiencing any workplace conflicts, this is a clear message that a compassionate response is needed. Use a
gentle hand to guide your team. If you are dealing with influencing someone, be subtle in your approach. If you need to
give feedback, be kind about it.

The upright Strength as the best course of action:

Engage passionately in life and creativity. Hold faith in yourself, be disciplined, enduring, and consistent no matter what
others are doing around you.

Own your strength and take power. Tame your fears and guide your passions. Do not be scared. You can do this. Keep your
eye on the goal. Express yourself openly, without masks or defensiveness.

The reversed Strength (XIII)

The reversed Strength in a general reading:

The reversed Strength card shows that you are feeling overwhelmed by a task or situation. You are allowing your fear to
swallow you. You are feeling oppressed or controlled.

You could be feeling like you are in the lion’s den or the lion itself, wildly out of control. In its shadow form, the reversed
Strength card can signal that you are prone to explosive behaviour, lashing out at others and becoming aggressive. You
may act without thinking and end up doing something you regret later. The key is not to repress the raw emotion, but to
learn how to channel it so it will not harm others or yourself.

The reversed Strength in a love reading:


The reversed Strength card in a love reading can indicate that force and power are becoming apparent themes in your
relationship. One partner may be becoming more and more domineering, instead of empathic and understanding. Ensure
that one partner’s needs aren’t being trampled over in favour of another.

The reversed Strength in a career reading:

When the Strength card is reversed, you are feeling unsure about your value in the workplace. You feel like an imposter
and worry that you do not have what it takes to make a success.

You need to restore your core power and self-confidence. Your fear of making mistakes is preventing you from taking bold
steps forward, but without taking some risks we would stay stuck forever

The reversed Strength as the best course of action:

The reversed Strength card suggests that you must accept that you may not be able to control this situation.

Things may be beyond your sphere of influence. You may have to surrender and stop attempting to influence a situation. It
could also be a warning to step away for personal safety. If you find yourself lashing out, this is a call to withdraw and
subdue yourself.

The Hermit (IX)

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Hermit card shows an old man standing alone on the top of a mountain. The snow-capped range symbolises his
spiritual mastery, growth, accomplishment, development, and success. He has chosen this path of self-discovery and, as a
result, has reached a heightened state of awareness.

The Hermit carries a staff in one hand and a lit lantern in the other. His lantern represents his search for truth and
knowledge. His staff represents power, authority, and signals the importance of his journey. Inside the lantern, you will
notice a star with 6 points which is also known as the Seal of Solomon. This symbol represents wisdom.

The man depicted on this card is alone, in an isolated place. He has much time to contemplate the big existential
questions in life. He has embarked on a long journey, yet his lantern and staff show that he is determined to stay on his
path. He is at peace with his solitude in this search for answers.

The Hermit looks down from the mountainside, which indicates that he is willing to share his wisdom with those that seek
it. The Hermit is humble. He bows his head down as he knows that he will never have all the answers. However, this does
not stop him from seeking wisdom; his study is sacred.

The upright Hermit (IX)

The upright Hermit in a general reading:

• Soul-searching
• Introspection
• Being alone
• Inner guidance
• Self-exploration
• Voyage of discovery

The upright Hermit signifies that you are in a period of self-reflection which will allow you to find a better sense of your
values and self. You realise that your most profound sense of truth and knowledge is within yourself and not in the
distractions of the outside world.

The Hermit often appears when you are at a pivotal point in your life and considering a new direction. You may begin to re-
evaluate your personal goals and change your overall course. You will look at your life with a deeper, more spiritual
understanding and a few of your priorities will change as a result. The Hermit may also appear in your life as a spiritual to
raise your vibration and enhance your consciousness.

This may require a voyage of discovery and a break from routine. The Hermit denotes a period of self-examination to
search for a new definition of personal truth.

The upright Hermit in a love reading:

The upright Hermit indicates that you are primarily concerned with self-love. You are on a personal journey and through
meditation and contemplation, learning to appreciate yourself for who you really are.

The Hermit advises to let go of old emotional hang-ups and unresolved conflicts, as they will interfere with current or
future relationships. Search for truth by addressing any emotional baggage that you or your partner may have to
strengthen your bonds.

The Hermit is a lonely card. He goes within to seek for secret knowledge and spiritual insight. Therefore, the Hermit in a
love reading can signal that you may need some time alone to develop personal insight before forming a romantic
relationship with another person. This period may feel a bit lonely, but it will place you on the right path to finding the love
you are meant to have.

The upright Hermit in a career reading:

The upright Hermit suggests that you may be at a point in your life where you question what everything means. You may
be spending time thinking about what you want out of your career right now. You are searching for answers. This could
mean questioning whether your job is right for you or if you should consider a career change.

The Hermit indicates that now is a good time for truth-seeking and personal development. Reflect on whether your current
job aligns with your values or how you can best solve a problem at work.

The upright Hermit as the best course of action:

The upright Hermit asks you to take time to be alone. Withdraw from unsatisfying and superficial activities. Commit to a
greater purpose, especially those which represent your highest ideals. Define your values and live by them. If you are
needing advice, seek out the wisest person you know.

The reversed Hermit (IX)

The reversed Hermit in a general reading:

• Loneliness
• Isolation
• Recluse
• Being anti-social
• Rejection

The reversed Hermit indicates that you are experiencing isolation and loneliness. You may also be refusing to listen to
good advice and counsel. Engaging in frivolous activities as a way of avoiding meaningful contemplation.

The reversed Hermit in a love reading:

The reversed Hermit in a love reading symbolises romantic rejection, loneliness and feeling emotionally distant
from your partner. It can indicate a period of loneliness, one that is being forced on you instead of initiat ed.

If you have already been spending a lot of time reflecting on your inner self, then the reversed Hermit may
suggest that you may be taking this isolation thing too far. Should you already be in a relationship, you may find
that one of you feels distant and is drifting away.

You could be a literal hermit and cutting yourself off from others . Do not underestimate the value of staying
connected with others, even while you are going through your spiritual journey. Be mindful, too, of other
people’s needs. You do not want to become so absorbed in yourself and your personal dilemmas that you shut
out those you love.

The reversed Hermit in a career reading:


The reversed Hermit can indicate being forced to work alone, leading to feelings of loneliness, or being an outcast
amongst your coworkers. This may also be a suggestion to reconsider the leadership of another or this may be a call for
you to step down from a leadership position at this time. The Hermit may also be a sign that you will soon be let go or
fired, so take this time to evaluate your career options. Seek out a mentor or career guidance from someone you trust.

You could be putting too much focus on money, and not enough on your personal values and relationships. It may be
valuable to take a break from the materialistic demands of society.
At times, the reversed Hermit can signal coming out of a period of contemplation. You may be ready to rejoin society, this
time with a clearer understanding of what it is you want in terms of your career. You may need to do a bit of realignment,
whether it is looking for a new job or networking to find new mentors and teammates. On the other hand, it can also
suggest that your period of solitude will be extending further.

The reversed Hermit as the best course of action:

The reversed hermit can be a call to get back out into the world and reconnect with your support systems. You may be
feeling alone and unsupported. Examine your assumptions and values. Consider other points of view.

The Wheel of Fortune (X)

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

At the center of the Wheel of Fortune card, lies a giant wheel, covered in esoteric symbols. The Wheel appears between the
clouds in blue sky, symbolising hope, clarity, and a breakthrough on a spiritual path. The Wheel in motion is destiny at

There are different creatures that surround the wheel: the angel, the eagle, the bull and the lion. These four animals are
also representatives for the four evangelists in Christian traditions, which is perhaps the reason that they are all adorned
with wings. Each of the figures are reading a book, suggesting intelligence and self -understanding.

The middle wheel has the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water, and salt, which are the building
blocks of life.

On the wheel are the letters TARO which stands for the first Five Books of Moses, which contain the Hebraic
Laws of righteous living. If we rearrange the letters, we come up with ROTA, the Latin word for ‘wheel’ and in
between these are the Hebrew letters that spell out YHWH (Yahweh) Hebrew for God of Israel.

Surrounding the wheel are three creatures of mythology — the sphinx, the snake, and Anubis. The snake is the
Greek god Typhon, descending toward the left side of the wheel just as evil descends into the material world.
The snake also represents the life force plunging into the material world. On the right side rises the Anubis, the
Egyptian God of the dead who welcomes souls to the underworld. He rotates the wheel. The sphinx sits atop the
wheel, representing the gods and kings, as well as the importance of staying balanced amidst change .

The upright Wheel of Fortune (X)

The upright Wheel of Fortune in a general reading:

• Change
• Cycles
• Fate
• Decisive moments
• Luck and fortune
• Unexpected events

In the major arcana sequence, the Wheel of Fortune as card X marks the halfway point in our tarot journey. We now turn
from the outward-looking phase, which focuses on our relationship with the external world, to another phase that begins
our inner, spiritual journey.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you that the wheel is always turning, and life is in a state of constant change. This card
signals that the universe has a plan for you and you are going to fulfill your destiny. Something in your life is going to
change and usually for the better. But it is also a reminder that life operates in cycles, so prepare yourself for sudden
change and remember that both good and bad luck are temporary.

It is also important to remember that the Wheel of Fortune is also known as the wheel of karma and reminds you that what
goes around comes around.

This card can show a critical turning point in your life. Opportunities you could never imagine are suddenly available to
you, and you have the chance to make a significant change in your life. While it may be unexpected and unfamiliar, see this
as an invitation to turn things around and take an entirely new direction in your life.

The upright Wheel of Fortune in a love reading:

The Wheel of Fortune in a love reading can signal great changes in your relationship, perhaps one that you did not see
coming. These are not necessarily bad things, but adjustments may have to be made. Fate is at work. Life is full of
unexpected changes, and love is no different.

The commitment you have with your partner may be tested now and change is forthcoming, and both of you may have to
put in some effort or sacrifice to remain together. It is important to understand that whether the changes are positive or
negative, they are not forever, for the wheel is always turning. If you are single, this can mean that you are going to meet a
partner soon, so now is a good time to put yourself out there.

The upright Wheel of Fortune in a career reading:

The Wheel of Fortune is a good omen for career change – big changes are coming your way. Now is the time to start a new
project or apply for a new job. This card can also mean that a promotion is coming your way. Be aware and open to
opportunities surrounding you.

Sometimes, the changes that are coming your way may be initially difficult and challenging, but these are blessings for you
to develop your skills and get you ready for future growth. Embrace these changes and make yourself adaptable as these
changes are likely to bring you success.

The upright Wheel of Fortune as the best course of action:

The Wheel of Fortune as a best course of action is telling you that you need to take a chance in this life. Take advantage of
current opportunities. Be positive, seize the day. See the abundance in your life. Expect success. Choose optimism.
Consider changing your job or be open to other means of reward.

Make sure you are adaptable! External forces are always at work. How you respond to these forces marks its success or

The reversed Wheel of Fortune (X)

The reversed Wheel of Fortune in a general reading:

• Bad luck
• Lack of control
• Clinging to control
• Unwelcome changes
• Delays

When the Wheel is reversed, it means that luck has not been on your side and misfortunes have been abound due to
external influences that you cannot control. Like the wheel, our luck and our fate are always in motion, and sometimes we
are on the bottom. Be assured that the wheel will turn again, and you will be okay again soon.

When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune represents chaotic energy and an upcoming change for the worse. Negative external
forces have been influencing your life and taking you off your path. This card means that you need to handle change with
grace and learn to accept that there are things you cannot control.

This reversed card also means being stuck in a rut. Struggling against events, an unfortunate turn of events, especially
ones that seem to be out of your control. Taking a financial hit. You are on the downswing of a cycle. A negative viewpoint.
Things not going your way.

The lesson is to let go and release. If you hang on, refusing to adapt, it can only bring more suffering. When we learn to
accept, we also learn to forgive ourselves. We learn to move on, and move forward – and eventually, we learn that this
feeling of acceptance can push the wheel forward again and move it towards a new cycle.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune in a love reading:

The reversed Wheel of Fortune in love means that external factors may be affecting your relationships right now, and you
may have to adapt to it, and accept it with patience rather than attempting to control this situation.

If you are in a partnership, try and tackle these problems as a team and communicate openly. Consider what role your
earlier actions have played in your present circumstances. Even when you think everything is beyond your control, there is
often something you could have done differently that might have changed where you are now. Contemplate how you can
learn from this situation and apply it to your future life.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune in a career reading:

The reversed Wheel of Fortune can also reflect resistance to change, particularly if forced upon you. This card suggests
that change has become a source of significant stress, and you may be trying to stop events consciously or even
subconsciously from running their course. Accept that change is inevitable, and you will have a much-improved
experience when you can go with the flow.

Are your responsibilities changing at work? Do your project’s requirements keep updating? This can be very frustrating,
but instead of resisting change, it is important to flow with it.

Also be wary of taking risks when it comes to your finances, as this card can suggest unexpected and unwelcome events.
This is not a good time to lend money. This card can also be a call to be frugal.

The reversed Wheel of Fortune as the best course of action:

The best course of action with the reversed Wheel of Fortune is to hang in there – new circumstances are coming.
It is not the time to make a radical change in your life. It is best to ride it out.

You feel as if you are at a roadblock. Nothing advances or moves forward. Learn from what has transpired. Take things
slowly as it is advisable to not forge ahead. You may be on the wrong path. Reconsider. Wait for a better time.

• A Little Spark of Joy. 2021. Strength Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More. [ONLINE]
Available at: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/strength-tarot-card-meanings/.

• A Little Spark of Joy. 2021. The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Money, Health & More. [ONLINE]
Available at: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/the-hermit-tarot-card-meanings/.

• A Little Spark of Joy. 2021. The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More.
[ONLINE] Available at: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/wheel-of-fortune-tarot-card-meanings/.

• Biddy Tarot. 2021. Hermit Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE] Available

at: https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/hermit/.

• Biddy Tarot. 2021. Strength Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE] Available

at: https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/strength/.

• Biddy Tarot. 2021. Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/wheel-of-fortune/.

• Labyrinthos. 2021. Strength Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list/strength-meaning-major-arcana-tarot-

• Labyrinthos. 2021. The Hermit Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list/the-hermit-meaning-major-arcana-tarot-

• Labyrinthos. 2021. The Wheel of Fortune Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE]
Available at: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list/the-wheel-of-fortune-meaning-

• Tarot Explained. 2021. Strength Tarot Card Meanings. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.tarot-

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