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Similarity Of Free-Vortex At Horizontal

a a a
Habib O. Anwar , James A. Weller & Michael B. Amphlett
Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford, England
Version of record first published: 25 Jan 2010.

To cite this article: Habib O. Anwar , James A. Weller & Michael B. Amphlett (1978): Similarity Of
Free-Vortex At Horizontal Intake, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 16:2, 95-105

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Hydraulics Research Station, Wallingford, England
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Summary An investigation was conducted to study the onset of air-entraining vortices at a horizontal intake, with
and without a bellmouthed entry, when the intake was projected into the experimental flume or mounted
flush with the side wall. The basic non-dimensional parameters that govern the onset of vortices at a
horizontal intake in model and prototype have been derived and determined experimentally. The results
of measurements are given as a set of curves, which can be used for the design of a vortex-free intake
and also for the selection of appropriate model scales. The results of the measurement showed that flow
conditions in an air-entraining vortex is not affected by surface tension and the viscosity of the test fluid
when the radial Reynolds number, and the Weber number are larger than 3 x 1 0 ' and 10" respectively.
In this case the formation of vortices depends largely on circulation, submergence head and discharge
into the intake.
It was found that the bellmouth did not improve the performance of the intake, but its performance
was improved considerably when the intake with or without bellmouthed entry was flush with the
boundary wall.

Resume L'ctude presentee a été effectuéc en vue d'un examen approfondi des conditions d'apparition dc vortex
a entrainemcnt d'air au droit d'une prise horizontale, avec ou sans entonnement, et soit faisant sail lie
dans 1c canal d'essai, soit débouchant a ras de la paroi laterale de celui-ci. Les paramètres réduits fonda-
mcntaux, conditionnant l'apparition de vortex au droit d'une prise horizontale sur un modèle, ou dans
la nature, ont été déduits, et determines par voie expérimentale.
Les résultats des mesures eflfectuées sont présentés sous la forme de courbes, utilisables, a la fois pour
calculer une prise sans vortex, et pour choisir des echelles de modèle bien adaptées. Ces résultats ont mis
en evidence que, pour des valeurs du nombre de Reynolds radial supérieures a 3 x 10\ et des nombres
de Weber dépassant 10', la tension superficielle et la viscosité du fluide experimental restent sans
influence sur Ie comportcment d'un vortex entrainant de 1'air. Dans ce cas, la formation du vortex est
eonditionnée dans une large mesure par les conditions de circulation, la hauteur de submersion, et Ie
débit penetrant dans Ia prise.
En conclusion, il est apparu que la presence d'un entonnement ne modifie guère Ie fonctionncment de
la prise, mals que la disposition de celle-ci a ras de la paroi, avec ou sans entonnement, en améliore tiès
scnsiblement Ie comportement.

This paper deals with similarity conditions on the onset of air-entraining vortices at a horizontal
intake, and, so far as the writers are aware, little investigation has been undertaken on the
formation of such vortices. The experimental studies were undertaken for an intake, with or
without bellmouthed entry, positioned at various distances above the floor of a flume. The

Received July 4. 1977 and revised December 19, 1977

Anwar, Weller and Amphlett / Similarity of free-vortex at horizontal intake 95

intake was either projected into the flume or mounted flush with the side wall. The vortices that
developed in the flume were similar to those observed in prototype installations, namely, having
a slender air core with an irregular orbital motion. An optical device was therefore designed to
measure the mean circulation directly. From the measured data, the parameters that govern the
formation of vortices at a horizontal intake were determined. It was found that the vortex flow
is not affected by surface tension and viscosity when the Weber number, (defined later), is high
and the radial Reynolds number, (defined later), is greater than 3 x 104, using water as the test

Earlier studies comparable to this work were carried out by ANWAR [2-3] to determine the param-
eters that govern the formation of free-surface vortices at a vertical pipe intake. Similar studies
were undertaken by EINSTEIN et al. [7] on the vertical pipe intake, and by STEVENS et al. [12] on
horizontal orifices to examine the performance of such intakes subject to vortices of various
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intensities. HAINDL [8] examined the effect of falling water levels on the onset of free-surface
vortex flow at a horizontal orifice. DAGGETT et al. [6] and ZIELINSKI et al. [14], using water,
water-glycerine mixtures and various grades of oil as test fluids, studied the effect of viscosity
and surface tension on the size and the shape of the air core when vortex occurred at a horizontal
orifice. The results of these studies showed that the flow of a free-surface vortex is not affected
by the viscosity and surface tension of the test fluid when the Reynolds number, based on the
dimensions of the outlet pipe, is larger than 3 x 104, and the Weber number, based also on the
same dimensions, is higher than 104.
The results of the present work are shown as a set of curves and it is intended that they should
be of practical use to design engineers.

The detailed structure of flow in air-entraining vortices is complex and cannot be fully described
in formal analytical terms. A few definitive experiments have been undertaken [2, 6, 7, 12, 13]
in which an attempt has been made to measure the structure of the flow. But a useful insight into
the problem can be gained by making use of dimensional analysis, which also gives a guide to
experimentation if a correct choice of variables is made [9, 11 ]. An appropriate set of variables
for a general description of the study on the formation of vortices at a horizontal intake is as
follows. Submergence depth, h, above the intake, circulation F= F^, where Ve, is the tangential
velocity measured at radius r from the vortex axis, intake diameter D, clearance b measured from
the floor to the axis of intake, Q the discharge through the intake (see Fig, 1), v kinematic viscosity
of the test fluid having a mass density g and surface tension ■&, and finally, g, acceleration due to
gravity. These variables lead to six independent non-dimensional parameters, so that we can
write the following relationship:

V S D A-Jlgh D vh A2aJ
where A = nD2/4 is the cross-sectional area of the intake or that of the inlet pipe for the intake
with a bellmouthed entry. Equation (1) can be re-written in the following form:

/(™A,C,A,K^) = 0 (2)

96 Journal of Hydraulic Research / Journal de Recherches Hydrauliques 16 (1978) no. 2

in which C = Q/A\/2gh denotes the coefficient of discharge, RR = Q/vh because of its form will
be termed radial Reynolds number [12], W = QQ2hjA2a is the Weber number and finally the
non-dimensional paramter h/D, which can represent a local pressure drop in the body of water.
This, it has been argued [4], can cause the formation of air-entraining vortices. Equation (2)
may be re-arranged to give

c./,(f,AA,*„„) a,
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Definition of terms for air-entraining vortex Fig. 1. Croquis de definition de 1'ensemble expéri-
at horizontal intake. mental: étude d'un vortex a entrainement
d'air au droit d'une prise horizontale.

In equation (3), ƒ, denotes the universal function of the arguments in the parantheses. These are
non-dimensional independent parameters which represent the conditions of dynamic similarity
between model and prototype when the two systems are geometrically similar. The non-dimen-
sional parameters of equation (3) as pointed out by DAGGETT et al. [6], can also be obtained from
the equations of motion [2] by using the appropriate boundary conditions. Moreover it can be
seen that it is not at all obvious that laboratory experiments have relevance to the prototype
vortex phenomena because it is impossible to model all non-dimensional numbers in equation [3].
Furthermore the radial Reynolds numbers RK and Weber numbers W of prototype are usually
orders of magnitude greater than those in the laboratory. Nevertheless it is possible to design
laboratory models in which RR and W are large enough so that viscosity and surface tension
become of negligible importance in the model. This was confirmed by the results of studies carried
out by others [2, 6], in which it was shown that the coefficient of discharge C and circulation
parameter FD/Q are less dependent on surface tension and fluid viscosity when W and RR were
greater than the values given previously.
In order to determine the non-dimensional parameters given in equation (3) and to define the

Anwar, Welter and Amphlett / Similarity of free-vortex at horizontal intake 97

range over which the effect of some parameters become of negligible importance, an experimental
study, described below, was undertaken; bearing in mind that such a study must be carried out
in an idealized system with results that can be applied to specific cases.

To determine various non-dimensional parameters given in equation (3) and to investigate the
importance of viscous and surface tension effects on the formation of vortices at a horizontal
intake, an experimental model study was carried out in a flume 13 m long, 0.92 m wide and
0.92 m high. The horizontal intake was positioned near the flume end; baffles were placed at the
entrance of the flume to provide a smooth and uniform flow as was confirmed experimentally.
The horizontal intake was a transparent pipe of 76.2 mm internal diameter with a wall thickness
of 6.40 mm and the edge was radiused to a semi-circular section. The bellmouth, constructed of
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wood, had an outer diameter of 180 mm with a parabolic transition into the 76.2 mm diameter
intake pipe. The length of the parabolic section was 38 mm. The experiments were carried out
when the intake with and without a bellmouth entry was flush to the side wall of the flume or

A typical air-entraining vortex at a horizontal Fig. 2. Exemple-type d'un vortex a entrainement

intake. d'air, au droit d'une prise horizontale.

98 Journal of Hydraulic Research / Journal de Recherches Hydrauliques 16 (1978) no. 2

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Expansion of the air core because of reduction Fig. 3. Dilation du noyau gazeux, du fait de la réduc-
of submergence /;. tion de la hauteur de submersion /;.

projected 0.3 m into the Hume (see Fig. 1). Water drawn from the flume through the intake was
discharged into a reservoir beneath, from which it was recirculated to the flume over a calibrated
weir. The discharge was also determined by measuring static pressure by tapping in the wall
around the circumference of the pipe at a distance of 0.18 m from the intake entrance (see Fig. 2).
This is the distance at which the measured velocity profile was similar to the conventional profile
in pipe flow. The calculated discharge from pressure tappings was in good agreement with that
obtained from the weir. The water level in the flume was maintained at a constant level by
adjusting a gate valve placed at the end of the inlet pipe.
Preliminary tests showed that the vortices studied here were weak and tended to "wander"
round the intake. This made the measurement of swirl extremely difficult. In order to facilitate
measurement, a stabilizer [1, 10] consisting of 10 guide vanes was positioned around the intake.
By setting the guide vanes at specific angles it was then possible to produce vortices with various
strengths over the range of submergence heads, h, for a given discharge, Q.
The stabilizer considerably reduced the orbital motion of the air core, although fluctuation in
tangential velocity was still evident. Hence conventional methods could not be used easily to
determine the swirl in the body of water. A method was therefore adopted in which a parallel

Anwar, Weller and AmpMett / Similarity of free-vortex at horizontal intake 99

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Vortex-pair made visible by dye injection. Fig. 4. Visualisation d'une paire de vortex par injec-
tion de colorant.

beam of light, directed onto the free surface of the vortex, was refracted, producing a circular
shadow on the floor of the flume [1, 5, 10] (see Fig. 1). The diameter of this shadow was found
to be a function of the circulation, f, in the body of water for a given water depth, the relation-
ship being given by:

r = <r(o.424</)'- 942 (/7 0 r 0 - 442 ( 4)

where, d, is the shadow diameter, g the gravitational constant and h0 the total water depth, i.e.,
h0 = h + b (see Fig. 1). In equation (4), f represents the circulation at radius r where the parabolic
curvature of the free surface tends to become horizontal. This is the region in which r remains
a constant, i.e., F = K,/= const. The mean circulation, fm, was determined from equation (4)
by measuring the mean diameter, d, of the shadow using a grid on the floor (see Figs. 3 and 4).

Experimental results
Fig. 2 shows a typical air-entraining vortex considered here and is a type in which the slender air
core begins to enter the intake. This type of vortex was taken as the limiting condition. Observa-

100 Journal of Hydraulic Research j Journal de Recherches Hydrauliques 16 (1978) no. 2

tion showed that for a small increase in discharge or a decrease in submergence, /;, the air core
became progressively larger, noting that an increase in Q or decrease in /; will result in an increase
in circulation I'm. With further increase in Q or decrease in //, the flow in the vortex reached a
stage where a sudden expansion of the air core was observed (see Fig. 3); in this case a great
deal of air was drawn down the inlet pipe. During the course of the investigation it was observed
that a second vortex appeared between the intake and the floor. This was made visible by injecting
dye at the floor of the flume (see Fig. 4), and it was found to have sufficient strength to pick up
particles and carry them into the intake. Both vortices were observed to have the same rotational
direction in the body of the How in order to produce opposite direction of rotation in the intake.
The strength of the second vortex was reduced by roughening the floor of the flume using expanded
metal mesh; this had no apparent effect on the air-entraining vortex. Increased roughening of the
floor will result in the further reduction of radial flow that is necessary to maintain the supply
of energy needed for the existence of the vortex pair.
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The discharge, Q, was varied between 0.0025 and 0.009 nv'/s over a range of submergence head
0.16 < A < 0.8 in. The upper limit on discharge was determined by the maximum suction head
that was available in the experimental set up. The relevant measurements were made for various
flow conditions in order to evaluate the non-dimensional parameters given in equation (3). In
Fig. 5 the measured non-dimensional circulation parameter FmD/Q, for the type of vortices shown
in Fig. 2, is plotted against the radial Reynolds number RR for various values of h/D when the

Dependence of circulation parameter on the Fig. 5. Variation du paramètre de circulation, en

radial Reynolds number. function du nombre de Reynolds radial.

Anwar, Weller and Amphlett / Similarity of free-vortex at horizontal intake 101

non-dimensional intake height 2 ^ b/D ^ 6. The solid lines in Fig. 5 were drawn by inspection.
This figure shows that the circulation number becomes less dependent on radial Reynolds number
when RR > 3 x 104. Fig. 5 further shows that the circulation number r,uD/Q becomes more
dependent on the non-dimensional submergence height h/D for /?K > 1 x 104. The radial Reynolds
number in the prototype is usually large so that the vortex flow in the prototype is independent
of this number. Hence in order to minimise the scale effect the model should be designed to
operate in a region in which the radial Reynolds number RR> 3 x 104. Similar results were
obtained by others [2, 4] in experiments on a vertical intake.
The results of experiments carried out by ANWAR [2] with water as the test fluid and that by
DAGGETT et al. [6] with two different types of fluid (water-glycerine mixture and various grades
of oil) showed that the surface tension does not affect the flow of an air-entraining vortex when
RR > 3 x 103. In Fig. 6 the circulation number T'mD/Q is plotted against Weber number
W'= Q2gh/A2(T for the case presented here. It can be seen that the circulation number rD/Q is
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dependent on h/D. Fig. 6 further shows that the range over which the effect of W on rD/Q
becomes small, decreases as h/D increases. Although the results shown in Fig. 6 are not conclusive
because water alone was used as the test fluid, from the present results, together with those obtain-
ed elsewhere [1, 2, 6], it can be concluded that the flow in an air-entraining vortex is not affected
by surface tension when the Weber number W and radial Reynolds number RR are high.
In Fig. 7, the measured circulation r'mD/Q is plotted against the coefficient of discharge Cover
a range of h/D values when the intake height b/D varied between \ and 6; hence the h/D curves

The effect of surface tension on the circulation Fig. 6. Influence de la tension superficielle sur Ie
parameter. paramètre de circulation.

102 Journal of Hydraulic Research / Journal de Recherches Hydrauliques 16 (1978) no. 2

are independent of h/D. The coefficient of discharge, C, however, becomes dependent on b/D
when b/D < 4 as shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 7 further shows that the value of C can be greater than
unity, because the physical head, h, (see Fig. 1) has been used in the evaluation of C and not the
total head, which, in turn, consists of suction head and friction losses. The physical head, h, is,
in fact, one of the basic parameters which controls the formation of vortices at an intake.
From the trend of the RR curves shown in Fig. 7, it can be inferred that, for constant C values,
the non-dimensional height h/D becomes less dependent on the radial Reynolds number when
RR > 3 x 104. It can be concluded from the above results that, in a model study, the appearance
of an air-entraining vortex depends only on the non-dimensional parameters rmD/Q, C and h/D
when RR is larger than 3 x 10 4 ; provided that the Weber number W is significantly large so that
surface tension effects can be neglected (see Fig. 6).
The curves of Fig. 7 can be used to predict the appearance of a vortex when the values of the
non-dimensional parameters, rmDjQ, C and hjd, are known for RR > 3 x 104. When the calculated
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values of these non-dimensional parameters indicate a point in the vortex region a strong vortex
will form, the size of which depends on the distance of the point from the corresponding h/D
curve. If on the other hand the calculated point falls below the corresponding h/D curve in the
dimple region then a depression at the free surface will occur; points falling on the h/D curve
represent the onset of air-entraining vortices similar to that shown in Fig. 2.
The above results were obtained from a pipe intake, without a bellmouth, projected 0.3 m.
into the flume (see Figs. 1 and 3). In the case of the bellmouthed entry, with 0.3 m projection

Variation of coefficient of discharge with Fig. 7. Variation du coefficient de debit, en fonction

circulation parameter. du paramètre de circulation.

Anwar, We Her and Amphlett / Similarity of free-vortex at horizontal intake 103

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Effect of intake height on the coefficient of Fig. 8. Influence de la hauteur de la prise sur Ie
discharge. coefficient de debit.

length, measurements did not indicate any improvement in the intake performance compared
to that of a projected intake without bellmouth. In the case of an intake, with and without bell-
mouth, mounted flush with the side wall of the flume it was noted that the boundary wall reduced
circulation and the water surface almost reached the intake lip before air-entraining vortices
occurred. Hence an intake can be sited closer to the water surface when a boundary wall is

The work described herein was carried out as part of a research programme undertaken for the
Ministry of Overseas Development, and the paper is published by permission of the Director of
the Hydraulics Research Station. The authors would also like to thank reviewers for their
encouraging and helpful comments.

104 Journal of Hydraulic Research / Journal de Recherches Hydrauliques 16 (1978) no. 2

References Bibliographic

1. AMPHLETT, M. B., Air-entraining Vortices at a Horizontal Intake. Hydraulics Research Station, Report No.
OD/7, April 1976.
2. ANWAR, H. O., Formation of a Weak Vortex. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1966.
3. ANWAR, H. O., Prevention of Vortices at Intakes, Water Power, October 1968, pp. 393-402.
4. ANWAR, H. O., Discussion on Experiments on Unstable Vortices, Proc. A.S.C.E., Vol. 99, No. E M I , February
1973, pp. 227-278.
5. BERGE, J. P., Etude des Phénomènes de vortex dans un liquide a surface libre. Methodes optiques expérimen-
tales d'étude, Bulletin, Centre de Recherches et d'Essais de Chatou, No. 13, 1966, pp. 3-23.
6 DAGGETT, L. L. and G. H. KEULEGAN, Similitude in Free Surface Vortex Formations, Journal of Hydraulics
Division, Proc. A.S.C.E., Vol. 100, No. HY 11, November 1974, pp. 1565-1581.
7. EINSTEIN, H. A. and H. Li, Steady Vortex Flow in a Real Fluid, La Houille Blanche, August-September 1955,
No. 4, pp. 483^196.
8. HAINDL, K., Contribution to Air-entrainment by a Vortex, Paper 16-D, International Association for Hydraulic
Research, Montreal, 1959.
9. LANGHAAR, H. L., Dimensional Analysis and Theory of Models, Chapman and Hall Ltd., Third Printing 1957.
10. LEVI, E., Experiments on Unstable Vortices, Proc. A.S.C.E., Vol. 98, EM3, June 1972, pp. 539-559.
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11. PANKHURST, R. C , Dimensional Analysis and Scale Factors, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London 1964.
12. STEVENS, J. C. and R. C. KOLF, Vortex Flows through Horizontal Orifices. Journal of the Sanitary Engineering
Division, Proc. A.S.C.E., Vol. 83, No. SA6, December 1957, pp. 1-22.
13. THEW, M. T. and C. BLACKMOORE, Vortex Flow Study - Progress Report No. 1, March-June 1973, Southamp-
ton University, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Report No. ME/73/27, October 1973.
14. ZIELINSKI, P. B. and J. R. VILLEMONTE, Effect of Viscosity on Vortex Orifice Flow, Journal of the Hydraulics
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A Cross-sectional area of intake pipe RR Radial Reynolds number
b Height of intake axis above floor of r Radius at points in flow
flume Vg Tangential velocity at radius r
C Coefficient of discharge W Weber number
D Intake diameter r Instantaneous circulation
d Shadow diameter rm Mean circulation
g Gravitational acceleration v Kinematic viscosity of test fluid
h Submergence depth above intake axis g Mass density of test fluid
Q Discharge through intake a Surface tension of test fluid

Anwar, Waller ami Amphlett / Similarity of free-vortex at horizontal intake 105

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