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Eghosa Agunu

Houston, TX
Phone: 832.438.7775


Highly skilled DevOps Engineer with substantial experience in development and production systems, automation, and
assisting in complex projects. Proven ability in managing and supporting well-ordered DevOps operations. Generously
contributes to tasks as needed, collaborating with developer teams to readily resolve issues. Improves organizational efficiency
through performance analysis with a focus on optimizing the deployment process. Sharp technical acumen with notable
leadership, project management, and problem solving skills.

Core Competencies
DevOps Engineering Cloud Engineering
Database Design and Build Build and Release Engineering
Project Management Configuration Management
Agile Methodology and Tools Application Virtualization
Continuous Integration and
Process Improvement
Technical Troubleshooting
Team Building and Leadership

Platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP Cloud, UNIX, Linux, VM, Tomcat, WebLogic,Windows

Databases: Oracle SQL, MySQL

Tools: Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Ant, Maven, Nexus, JFrog Artifactory,

Slack, Azure DevOps, Swagger,API Proxies,ELK,Prometheus,Grafana

Source Code SVN, Git, BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab


Scripting: Groovy, JSON, YML, Shell Scripting,Python

Code Quality: SonarQube, JaCoCo, Veracode

Configuration Ansible, Terraform, Docker,UrbanCode Deploy


Senior DevOps Engineer
July 2021 – Present
Worked with elite team to build a CloudBees CI pipeline and integrate with ucd codeStation.UMT tool was implemented to
automate ucd pipeline process such to create component,processes ,application and resources.Puppet tool was designed to to
automate agent installation processes.As part of requirement powershell script was created to check agent status,install and
uninstall and start agent automatically when agent is offline.
As part my daily activities:
1.Work with ITOC team to fix ucd issues
2.Fix agent when agent goes offline
3.Troubleshoot ucd pipeline issue during application deployments
4.Work with Developers to fix CloudBees CI pipeline issues
5.Work with IBM team to update ucd plugins and apply patches in ucd servers
6.Manage pod,services and kubernetes resources across namespaces
Technologies: GitLab, CloudBees CI,UrbanCode Deploy, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Nexus,Argo CD,Black

DevOps Engineer
T-Mobile, Naperville, IL
September 2020 – June 2021
Respond to on-demand requests for data and services by migrating Jenkins continuous integration (CI)/continuous
delivery (CD) to cloud GitLab. Integrate tools (Ansible, SonarQube, Splunk, Prometheus,AppDynamics) and produce
quality code. Collaborate with onshore and offshore teams, providing mentoring, coaching, and clear direction. Debug technical
issues and roadblocks with the team.
Technologies: GitLab, Jenkins, Ant, WAS Kubernetes, JIRA, Docker, SonarQube, Telemetry,Slack, Spliunk,
Prometheus, Grafana
Built CI/CD pipelines for micro services integrated with Kubernetes, Splunk, Maven, GitLab, SonarQube, Docker, and
Exposed web services by creating external ingress and deploying API proxies.
Utilized monitoring tools to debug issues with Splunk, Prometheus, Telemetry and Grafana tools, enabling
virtualization and application monitoring.
Collaborated in a fast-paced configuration environment to deploy the latest services.
Deployed full data loads and cleared and restarted services after successful deployments.

DevOps Engineer
Highness HealthCare (HHC), Laurel, MD
June 2019 – August 2020
Migrated legacy applications to the cloud platform using DevOps tools. Launched nightly builds by integrating tools
(SonarQube, JaCoCo) and producing quality code. Oversaw onsite and offsite teams, providing mentoring and direction as
needed. Integrated Git into the CI environment with Jenkins. Constructed and launched applications with AWS.
Technologies: GitHub, Jenkins, Maven, Kubernetes, ACR, JIRA, Docker, SonarQube, Slack, NRPE, Prometheus,
Authored Ansible playbooks in YAML including installation and troubleshooting and developed an automated platform.
Built CI/CD pipelines for micro services integrated with Kubernetes, Splunk, Maven, GitHub, SonarQube, ECR,
Docker, and Slack tools and submitted feedback to DevOps teams for postcode check-in. Supported Agile teams
by constructing Git repositories and SSH Key in GitHub, allowing developers and DevOps to clone local
repositories and push code to GitHub.
Installed and configured Nagios Servicer monitoring tools including Splunk, plugging, NRPE, Prometheus, and Grafana,
which enabled virtualization and application monitoring.
Orchestrated automated builds in Jenkins by configuring Webhooks in GitHub and increased efficiencies.
Developed a POM file with built-in dependencies by converting JAVA projects into Maven projects to generate artifacts.

DevOps Engineer
Cybercloud, Lagos
February 2015 – December 2018
Drove AWS resources and the CI/CD pipeline in a robust development environment. Implemented DevOps
transformation in collaboration with Agile teams to launch applications using AWS. Managed an eight-member team in
completing builds, deploying the QA box and source control tools (Git and GitHub), and resolving issue tickets. Technologies:
Git, GitHub, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Jenkins, Docker, Nagios, Java, J2EE, Windows Servers, XML, JIRA,
Reduced defects by 30% by introducing test-driven development (TDD) in the first three months. Built quality gates
using SonarQube dashboard and identified failed pipelines lacking criteria. Detected defects in the initial development
phases by configuring Sonare Lint plugins for the developer workstation. Constructed a Docker file with automated
docker image creation including image push into the Docker registry using Docker Spring Boot application.
Installed Jenkins on Linux with master and slave configuration and multiple parallel builds through a build farm.
Demonstrated technical skill in automating, building, and deploying codes in DevOps, quality assurance, and production

Java Developer
Amaco Galadima Ltd., Lagos
July 2013 – December 2014
Converted XML to PDF documents for Java Report Generator. Created secure dynamic PDF reports with a reliable
design to serve as a stand-alone Internet application.
Technologies: WebSphere Application Server, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Core Java 2.0, JSP, XML, HTML, CSS, Oracle 9i, SWL
queries, PHP
Spearheaded requirements gathering, created several modules (Java Server Pages), and queried the database with JSP for
Designed prototypes to reflect requirements using HTML (TR/TD and DIV concepts) and JavaScript.

Bachelor in Computer Science | UNIBEN
Certified Kubernetes Administrator

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