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Goa Institute of Management

Area: Systems

Course Outline
Term IV 2009-2011

Software Engineering and Management


Faculty member:

Sameek Ghosh

Introduction In todays business world utilization of Information Technology (IT) plays a major role in all the organizations. We are experiencing the fast rate at which small, medium and large corporations are changing themselves to adapt to new processes and technology. This adaptation brings many challenges, and answer for all those challenges is expected from the professionals who are well versed with the Technical and Managerial aspects of such challenges. This two put together we call them Systems. Professionals specialized in Systems, are expected to understand the business domains, design and develop the System as required by the organization, which will not only include the IT environment but will also encompass the areas of optimum utilization and change management. It is immaterial whether the professional works for his own organization or for external clients. Software Engineering is the most challenging subject in Systems domain as this subject teaches us to transform business requirements into IT systems.

The objectives of this course are: 1. To provide a deep understanding on the day to day issues a Systems professional face in the industry. 2. To build a framework under which the students can take over any assignment on RFP / Tender document analysis, Proposal writing, Software Development agreement writing, Requirements Analysis and framing the Software Requirements Specifications. 3. To train the students in mapping a business process using Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). 4. To build an IT system (project) by following the best practices. 5. To build skills in Project Planning using Microsoft Project.

Primarily discussions in the class will have a priority, backed by presentations. The course will have a lecture component and a project component. Project will be executed by a group (no. of students in a group will depend on the intake) and individual assignments. The textbook for this course will be Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach by Roger S. Pressman 7th edition. Students should possess a copy of this textbook, and bring it in the class. Apart from this various documents and templates will be distributed, which will be treated as a course material.

Expectation from Students

Sameek Ghosh

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Students are expected to spend at least 2 (two) hours in self - preparation, before the schedule sessions. Timely submission of assignments is required, late submission will not be accepted, unless allowed for. Students are expected to correlate and contribute their knowledge from other domain areas, in class and in assignments. All students are expected to contribute in the class discussions. In case any body misses any class S/he is expected to prepare and become up-to-date on his/her own, guidance will be provided on request.

Students are welcomed for consultation with prior appointment only.

Text Book
The textbook for this course will be Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach by Roger S. Pressman (Herein after Textbook) {Chapters referred in the session plan belongs to this book}

Supporting Documents for this course (will be provided) Invitation To Tender / RFP document for the course project Proposal template Agreement template IEEE standard for Software Requirements Specification Project Plan template Quality Plan template

Any other relevant document will be made available as and when required.

Evaluation Components
Component End Semester Mid Semester Group Project (Proposal, Agreement, SRS, , S/w Design, UI Design, Project Plan: 5% each) Individual Assignments (2 nos, 5% each) Weightage 30 % 30 % 30 % 10%

Session Plan (Tentative)

Sameek Ghosh

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Software fundamentals Engineering

Chapter 1 and 2 of Textbook

Assignment / Project work

Assignment 1: Write critique on: a. b. Software is a product or a service? Software process models

Different Phases of SDLC Process models The tendering process The agreement, SRS phase Software analysis UML UML UML Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) Object oriented analysis Writing SRS Estimation- COCOMO Functional point estimation Do Management Do -

Do Do RFP, Proposal Template Agreement & SRS template SRS template, Chapter 10 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Handouts Do Proposal due Agreement due Assignment 1 due Group Project delegated for Proposal submission

3 4 5


7 8 9 10 11




Assignment 2 handover


SRS template, Chapter 21 Chapter 5 Chapter 5, Handout Handout Chapter 3

SRS due

14 15 16 17

Assignment 2 due

Project concepts Do -

S/w & UI design due

18 19 20


Software Matrices Revision

Chapter 4 Project Plan due

Sameek Ghosh

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