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7 Molecular Genetics and Technology Seetion 10.3 DNA Technology {As our technology has improved a whole new branch of scence called molecular genetics has been created. In molecular genetics, scientists sty DNA molecules ant make changes inthe DNA. These toies have develope ino afield called genetic engineering, which involves making changes 1? onganisa's DNA. DNA Extraction and Gel Electrophoresis Many erent techniques ae tused when st the cell in a process called DNA extract restriction arene are art stay Scientists can ut the DNA extelly Wee neh te a erie Sea ie acne ml ent one eran nclote equene. 60 he CTA eee En hogs sot them to Be eat, Once the DNAs ut no pees called 4c ! fragments are separated by using gel electrophoresis. sts fst have to separate the DNA from the rest of ing DNA, but scien SF NE le are very long, the DNA must be cut into Since most DNA molecu During gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments are placed in a special gel: The ge} 8 turned o, the + chamber that is connected to a power source, When the power saamily choned DNA fragments tant to move tthe postive end ofthe gel. Sealer Fama ove fixer han targer ones s0 the fragments make a pater on the “Thus pattem an be used to compare the DNA of different organisms 0 match I DNA of a specific organism, and to identify one certain gene genes in the genome of one individual. lating (gue 10) Like a Ey ceropvess cparates DNA fagments dtc end esl ea pater of ans tha are a ik DNA flgepin ca be sed op prove or disprove 8 cat ag be us show Feo people are rated to cach oe ee dee i compared two suspects nacre. The DNA TINA Tngrrit ron the evidence Gel electrophoresis is also used in DNA fi fingerprint, each person's DNA is unique that are then treated with radioactive probes, Wot Whe = z = 2 CP WM d LWW be > ) ) is unique o ? criminal’s identity, > other In figure 5) fingerprinting rom Suspect 2 matches the ) » > d ) , , , i. z | Recombinant DNA Besides giving criminal evidence and solving pstermity disputes, why else would anyone want to exact and separate Pari Hours tke alot of trouble, doesn’t 1? Scientists can use these techniques to make something called aA vinuat DNA, and it has many practical applications, Recombinant DNA is made by taking short pieces of DNA IFeDNA of a completly different organism, Once the recombinant DNA is made, from one organism and joining it tot I ina process called transformation, it can be placed back into a living cel “Transformation is very useful in medicine because scientists can transform bacteria so they will have human DNA in thom Why i this pood? Many people do not produce enough insulin a hormone that fs needed when eating Castohydraes. This ck of insulin causes them to have one form of diabetes, For a tong time, diabetics would get igs, but because ths insulin was not identical to human insulin, it sometimes ‘human insulin by using recombinant DNA and bacterial ‘shots of insulin made from sheep o )——¢aused allergic reactions. Now scientists ean produce transformation, ‘student Guide: Mssssippl $ATP Biology m Section 10.3 2008 ais 0 Oven Molocular Genetic and Technology os ‘Seetion 10.3, continued NA Technology Recombinant DHA Bacterial cells are prokaryotic cells they are small simple els that grow and Teproduce quickly in a limited amount nee Bacterial cells ls ontain snl crulrpgces of DNA plasmids. The gene for production of insulin is “ at” from a of human DNA with the same restriction enzyme wed tocar bacteria plasmids. The piece of human DNA is placed in he bacterial plasmid, and the reombinant DNA spt back in the Secteria ctl When he tater gr sd epee he tansfmied cells (containing the insti peducng fem) wil broduce human insulin, which canbe entrada ae ta Imeicine. Since the human inslin gene ised. is nots does not cause a eation pls ican be pradced quik Now scientists are working on methods to “replace” defect beees methods to “replace” defective genes with normal genes If these methods become perfected they could havea tremendous impact on treating ad eliminating genetic dscass like Huntington's seas, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell anemia, diseases that are eatwed by a sigle gene, Transgenie Organisms (Can this new DNA technology be useful in other ways? When organisms contain genes from a different organism, they are called transgenic. Scientists have developed several transgenic animals. Transgenic cows have extra copies of growth hormone genes. These animals will grow larger and faster, and they have meat that is less fatty than beef {from regular cows. As a result, the people who raise them should be able to take them to market more quickly and get ‘more money per animal, and the price we pay atthe store should deerease since more meat will be available ‘Transgenic plants have been produced that are more resistant to diseases and pests, so farmers can get larger crops Without using as many chemicals and insecticides. ‘Transgenic organisms may also have disadvantages. Many people are concemed that transgenic plants could pollinate ld plants and produce plants that could not be controlled with weed killers or that would be harmful to beneficial sects. They wonder ifthe extra growth hormone in transgenic beef could affect the humans who consume it or ifthe antibiotic-esistant genes sometimes used in transformation could spread into the environment and eause bacteria to be antibiotic resistant. All of these concems address a new type of pollution termed “genetic pollution.” Cloning Reproductive cloning i anther ent teshnigue with many possiiies ut also potential dabacks I involves ansfring th genetic materia of «door cll into an a cel hat has had its nucleus ernoved The eggs then stimulated by chemals or electricity to case to divide, Next itis implanted into te uers ofa female for farts wi These ran ray eta oe orginal or parent organism. Clones ae eseially wef n medial research Scientists are developing ways ose clones o sve endangered species. Could we Someday clone a human being? Ie coud, should we? Section 10:3 ded Gude: Matotpl CATR Bictogy | 2 Molecular Gonatics and Technology A RARARARAAAAANDNAARARARRARAR AAR RAR ee ee eee

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