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Case Study: Fukushima

and Thyroid Cancer

In March 2011, a tsunami overcame the nuclear power system in
Fukushima, Japan. This caused an explosion that released
radioactive material. The authorities debated whether to give out
tablets that contain non-radioactive potassium iodine, since
thyroid cancer can be caused by radioactive material. Potassium
iodide helps block radioactive iodine, so it doesn't become
absorbed by the thyroid gland. The authorities were scared that
people would take too many tablets, which can be harmful and
very toxic.
Radioactive Isotopes

Radioactive isotopes, When we get

if used properly can exposed to radiation
cure diseases, but if that is not controlled
used harmfully, could our body soaks it up,
kill. instead of using it on
a specific area in need
A small numbers of of treatment.
radioactive isotopes
would not affect The energy that a
human health. Doctors radioactive isotope
put such a small releases cause
number of radioactive changes in human
isotopes into the body cells because
that they die radioactive isotopes
before they can kill diseased cells.
cause any harm.
Human Health-Application
Although nuclear energy and the use of radioactive isotopes can be seriously harmful
to humans, both are essential in our society.

Nuclear Energy Benefits:

Nuclear energy uses low-carbon energy, which is environmentally friendly. It is also
reliable and inexpensive to use.
Radioactive Isotope Benefits:
They can cure many diseases such as bone metastases, brain cancer, thyroid cancer,
bile duct cancer, liver cancer, and neuroblastoma.

I believe humans should use the resources on earth to the best of our ability. While
nuclear energy and radioactive isotopes can be harmful in some ways, they are
incredibly useful in others. Our society wouldn't be where it is today if we didn't take
advantage of the resources we have.
Biblical Application

Proverbs 16:4 says, “The Lord has made everything for its

This verse verifies that God has created all things like
animals, chemicals, medicine, and people all in His design
and in His plan. That includes radioactive isotopes. From
the beginning of time God made radioactive isotopes and
said that His creation was good.
The benefits of radioactive isotopes far out way their negative
side affects. Radioactive isotopes are used for diagnostic and
cancer cures. Gods plan for mankind was not only to find
radioactive isotopes, but also to be able to use their properties
to benefit society.
This case study taught me that when are bodies are exposed to
certain radioactive isotopes, you are likely to get diagnosed with
thyroid cancer. I also learned that taking tablets of non-radioactive
potassium iodine could help block the radioactive iodine from being
absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus protecting your body from
potential thyroid cancer. Despite the option to distribute the tablets,
health officials chose not to distribute the tablets. Many argue that
this was a good decision, while others debate that this decision was
detrimental to the health of others.
• Radioactive Isotope | Description, Uses, & Examples. (2022, September 20). Encyclopedia
Britannica. Retrieved September 27, 2022, from
• Radiation Studies - CDC: Properties of Radioactive Isotopes. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27,
2022, from
• “100 Bible Verses about God Made Us Perfect.” What Does the Bible Say About God Made Us
• "What Are the Advantages of Nuclear Energy?" Retrieved September 27,
2022, from
• "Radioisotope Therapy" Retrieved September 27, 2022, from
Team Contributions
● Research - Alli
● Radioactive Isotopes - Savannah
● Human Health Application – Hailey
● Biblical Application - Kyle
● Benefits – Kyle
● What was Learned - Naomi

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