Storming The Bastille

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Storming the Bastilles

By: Walid Azdar

What is it?
The storming of the bastille is when a mob of angry French citizens and
rebellious soldiers who attacked the Bastille on July 14, 1789. The Bastilles
was a armoury fortress and political prison it represented royal authority in
the centre of Paris. This event
became a defining moment in the
Revolution that followed.
Why did it happen?
Their were many driving factors that lead to
the Storming the Bastille. The first factor
was that there was rising bread prices and it
was near impossible to buy bread. The second
factor was the concentration of foreign
soldiers around Paris. The last one was all
the counter-revolutionary measures the king
has put in place, such as the dismissal of
Jacques Necker. All of these factors together
were the leading force for this attack on the
What were the effects?
The Storming of the Bastille had many lasting effects on the revolution:
● The king recalled Necker who was a finance minister of the king at
the time.
● The king accepted the National Assembly
● It became a symbol of rebellion against tyranny
● Was considered the start of the French Revolution
● July 14, 1789 is now considered French Independence Day

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