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Nowadays, mankind is at a stage where we hear about breakthroughs in the science field

day and night, however, what for some may be a blessing for others is a curse. Should we be allowed
to live forever? Are we not supposed to do what nature dictates?

Many argue this ceaseless modernization is having detrimental effect on the planet and, if
left untouched, our natural reserves are bound to be thoroughly depleted by 2040. Some even go as
far as to state we are already living in an overcrowded and resource deficient society. Materialism
has thus far put us on the brink of doom, how can the planet sustain people living eternally with the
same mindset? To put it simply it cannot. We ought to regard our departure from this world as a gift
from nature rather than a bane.

Nonetheless, there is another perspective on the matter. Previously the prospect of living
infinitely was either preposterous or frowned upon and considered consequence of witchcraft, in
spite of that, today owing to science advances it is no longer fiction and we are able to picture how
life will be if someone’s ageing stagnated. Assuming we have the wherewithal, why should we hold
back on living forever?

Taking into consideration everything that was mentioned, living eternally might not be as
pleasing as the majority believes, it would be boring, the amount of resources misspent would be
alarming, furthermore, we should not cheat nature’s law and be undying we shall follow the
biological path that every living being obeys: be born, reproduce and die. We shall not alter nature.

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