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Floorball (also know as Unihockey) is a team sport played by 6 players (5

players and a goalkeeper or 6 players) in each team. The objective of this game is
scoring the ball inside the rival team´s goal using the stick. The match takes 60
minutes long, divided into 3 parts of 20 minutes each and 2 periods of 10 minutes
to take a break.
PLAYING AREA: The court is 40 meters
long and 20 meter wide, surrounded
completely by a 50 cm height fence called

- Players can hit the ball with any part of the stick.
- Players can stop with either the stick or the foot.
- Players can guide the ball with the foot to the stick.
- Players can be supported by the sided fence.
- Players can not rise the stick above the waist.
- Players can not stop the ball with neither the
hands nor the head.
- Players can not pass the ball with the feet.
- Players can not play the ball lying on the floor.
- Players can not stuck the stick or push the opposite player.
- Players can not rise neither the ball nor the stick above the waist.
THE BALL: it is 72 mm and weight 23 g. It is made out of
plastic and has a dual core. It has 26 holes to improve the
FLOORBALL STICK: it is light-weight and made out of
carbon and fiberglass. It has a grip that is similar to tennis
racket, and a blade made of plastic.
FLOORBALL GOAL: for competitions, full size goals are
160 x 115 cm. For training purposes smaller goals may be
REFEREES´ SIGNALS: these are the signals made by the referees:

Out of bounds Penalty Hold or Push Stuck the stick 2 minutes expulsion
Name: Surname: Group:

Activity 1: complete the blank spaces.

Floorball is a sport played with _____________ and a ___________. The objective is ____________ the
ball inside the opposite players’ goal. The court is surrounded by a fence called _______________.

Now, write True (T) or False (F) according to the following sentences. Look for information if necessary.
• Floorball is played individually.
• We can play floorball with our feet.
• The court is 40 meters long and 20 meters wide.
• We play with a heavy ball made out of iron.
• You can not move behind the goal.
• The game starts giving the ball to the smallest team.
• The official game has 3 parts of 20 minutes each.
• Each team must have a goalkeeper compulsory.
• Players can pass the ball with the feet.
• Players can guide the ball with the foot to the stick.
Activity 2: complete the playing area with the missing lines and the distances.

Activity 3: which of these floorball actions are illegal? Circle them and write why.

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