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Here is the procedure to perform the exorcism.

The exorcism should be performed by someone who is experienced, from the one who fears Allah. 1. Make wudhu, and make sure that the house is clean, and that there are no images in the house. Remove all amulets that may be on the possessed person, so it is free from shirk. 2. Then place your hand on the forehead of the possessed person, and speak close to the ear of the possessed. 3. Start by reciting istaadha (saying i seek refuge in Allah against the cursed shaitan). All the recital should be done loudly, and slowly. 4. Then prayers for the prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). 5. Then say several duas asking Allah's protection, like Oh Allah protect us from this enemy., 6. Then surah fatihah. 7. Then observe the person, you will notice some or all these symptoms: a) Yelling , shouting, screaming. b) Yawning much or much laughter. c) Staring at you. d) Staring down. 8. Then some ayaats from surah Baqarah the beginning, at least the first 10 ayats, then ayatul qursi, and the last 10 ayats of surah baqarah. If one knows the whole of surah baqarah, then recite the whole of baqarah. If one is knowledgable, one can say ayats from different places in the Quran, like a dars. The jinn will at this point try to start conversing. Try avoiding conversing, as the jinn will try to weaken your resolve, and become strong. 9. If one does talk, one should only ask a couple questions to the jinn. It is recommended not to ask too many questions to the jinn, just a couple

questions. The jinn will try to weaken the persons resolve by conversing. One could ask the jinn if it is a muslim or nonmuslim, and why it possessed the person. Then immediately command the jinn to exit the body. 10. If the jinn is a muslim, you can tell the jinn that muslims are friends of each other, and it should leave the person, as he is also a mulsim. If the jinn is a nonmuslim, one can invite the jinn to Islam. If it accepts, tell him that it is prohibited to possess someone. If it rejects, then tell it it must leave. 11. The jinn will come up with excuses on why it can't leave. Most of the time these excuses are usually lies. The jinn might say something like that it doesn't have food, and it will go hungry if it leaves. For this excuse one could tell the jinn that it could eat the bones that is thrown out by the people. It might also say that it is afraid of being harmed for some reason. One could then tell the jinn that it can recite ayatul kursi or some other ayats for protection. It might say that it has no place to go. One could then tell the jinn that it could go the masjid, namely the minaret of the masjid, and be with company of the pious jinns. 12. The jinn may also threaten to kill or harm family members if it is not left alone. This is a lie, and the person performing the exorcism should tell the jinn, that if it claims that it will kill or harm someone else, why doesn't it harm or kill me who is right in front of it. 13. One should continuously recite ayats from Quran, as it works like a laser in expelling the jinn. 14. Some of the jinns are peaceful, some strong, some want to fight, some are knowledgable, some are ignorant, just like humans. 15. If the jinn does not know how to exit, tell him to listen, and command him to exit with the breath. One could also put a needle on the tip of the finger, and observe the color of the blood.

16. To check if the jinn has exited, recite ayats from the Quran. If the jinn is still present, you will notice the sysmptoms mentioned in 7. If the jinn has left, the person would awake and be conscious and talk normally. 17. In the case the jinn still has not left, one should start beating the possessed person in two places: Either the palms of the hands, or the soles of the feet. One should hit these two places with a stick or rod until the jinn leaves. The possessed person will not feel the aftereffects of the beating in these two places afterwards. 18. Keep reciting the Quran until it exits. 19. In some cases, the jinn may come back and repossess the person. In this case tell the person to make wudhu immediately, recite ayats from Quran, pray, repent to allah, and dhikr, to prevent the jinn from reposessing the person afterwards, and protecting himself. 20. In some cases the person becomes possessed because of sihr (a magic spell), in this case the person may show symptoms of crying, or vomiting, or stomach aches. In this case bring some water, recite some ayats and duas on the water, and tell the person to drink the water. Take some black seed oil (Alhabbatu Sauda), mix it with honey, and give it to the person to drink, two spoonfulls two times daily. 21. The person should be in a program to pray on a regular basis, and say much dhikrs on a daily basis, and not to listen to music, avoid backbiting, avoid movies, and other things that make a person susceptible to the jinn. All praises and glory be to Allah, I bear witness that there is no god except Him. I seek His forgiveness and repent to Him

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