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present day Cape Breton island, it is a community along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

are the sounds of sea birds and waves crashing against the rocks. There is also the smell of salt
and kelp in the air. Nova Scotia where the Acadians are from, where they lived as farmers and
fishers. When the British ships show up 6 days earlier than the Acadians thought , the British
only give them 15 min to pack and leave their homes. As the ships leave the dock, British
soldiers are setting their homes on fire and shooting their livestock. Marie LeBlanc and her
family were sent in the second wave after the British stopped sending people to the 13 colonies,
so her family was sent back to France. Sadly the ships got caught in a violent storm off the
coast of Greenland, three of the five ships sank to the bottom of the sea. A d estructive
windstorm which traveled at great speed across land and sea, about 1,649 died by drowning, or
disease on that boat ride. Marie's father and mother were sick and had lost all their strength and
fell into the water. Marie lost her entire family except for her two cousins and her uncle Pierre.
She was devastated and scared of what happened and what is going to happen to her.

Two weeks later they arrived on the Normandy coast, they took a carriage to Paris with the
money they stole off one of the British men, when leaving her home. Marie brushed up against
one of the British men and reached into one of his pockets and quickly shoved it down her
dress. However, upon arrival they quickly realized that they needed to make some hard
decisions about their future. Marie and her family got jobs and living at workhouses,
workhouses was an institution where those unable to support themselves financially were
offered accommodation and employment. Workhouses were dirty, Marie found herself
surrounded by disease and she was treated harshly, they all had to wear uniforms that were to
be worn for the entirety of their stay.

One day while walking through the market she saw a poster about free land in Spanish
Louisiana and decided to use her money to book a ticket back to North America leaving her
family behind. It was Tuesday when she arrived in New Orleans. The first thing she noticed was
how hot and humid it was and there were many black slaves amongest French and Spanish
speaking settlers. Marie got a job working as a waitress in a tavern to pay for a place in the
bayou for a house on stilts.

One night Marie was working at the tavern , a man nothing like the others, dressed nice and
smelled good, walks in and takes a seat at the bar. He orders a two finger whiskey and starts
talking up the bartender, Maries good friend Denis Charbonneau.

Two days later he comes into the tavern again and orders the same thing,but he didn’t just
come in for a whiskey, he had eyes for Marie Leblanc. They start talking, Marie finds out his
name is Philippe Doucet and that he lives in the french quarter and that he owns a plantation.
That night on her way home from work she gets mugged in the alley and takes all of what she
has. Philippe sees and steps in and saves her and gets all her belongings back, he drops her
safely at her home in the bayou.

They grow to like each other very much, so he decides to ask her to marry him. She is hesitant
at first, but Marie says” yes’’. They get married in June, soon after Marie moved in with Philippe.
Many years later Marie finally gets used to the rich lifestyle and she is now part owner and
manages the money for the plantation.

A Lot of time goes by and everything is good till one day at one of their parties in the summer.
Everyone is having fun, the party is going well, Marie announcese that she was pregnant with a
boy moments later her husband Philippe starts shaking. He is having a heart attack, Philippe
Doucet dies of a heart attack. Marie is in shock, she has lost her husband. Marie inherits
everything and becomes full owner of the plantation till her son is born. When her son is born he
will become half owner of everything.

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