Planets and Wanderers

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There is a history of poor vision in my family. I think about this like an

inconjunction. If you imagine turning 150 degrees to either direction from a focal
point, that is the area humans usually have a hard time seeing from the starting
point. What if that kind of blindness was present all the time? What if you had to
really focus in order to see anything?

In places along the north pole, the sun shines so strongly during its season that
being outside becomes dangerous without special care. What if my ancestors from
the north had to focus so hard for so long in order to see during that season and
survive that their kids were taught to adjust their eyes permanently before they
turned 5 years old? And when their kids left to find a better place to live in the
following decades, they could not adjust their eyes even in dark places? This is the
kind of situation I have to think about when coming to a better understanding of my
sight related problems.

Look at the antiscia and contra-antiscia points on the picture above. If you were a
planet traveling along the orbit shown, the contra-antiscia points are like the 150-
degree angle blindness. We can't see them because they are not natural for us to see

from that place. But as the planet moves along its orbit, the blind spots will move
too. This means there is a way to compensate for each spot since we always know it
will be there.

Consider this issue from a moral standpoint. If I know I usually act unkind to a
certain person at one moment, then my perspective changes, maybe without my
noticing, and another person becomes my scapegoat, then I have made the same
mistake twice. But if I know that someone is always going to be in my moral blind
spot, I also know that I am likely to pick the person who is least like myself in
appearance. If I am a little insensitive to one group of people, and I stop paying
attention to them for a while, then I forget that I have to be careful when I see them
again. I might do something unkind without any real reason. So much is the same for
a planet moving on its orbit towards a point it cannot perceive. Without perspective,
we are both in the dark.

Here is a picture of NASA Spacecraft Juno orbiting Jupiter

Eventually Juno's path modulates quite a bit because Jupiter has a bulge at its
equator. The trail of the path spirals downwards.

What if we measure the distance between Juno and Jupiter at a random point along
its path to find out where those blind spots would be? Perhaps we could make a
figure like this.

The white circle represents Juno's position. x in the triangle represents Spacecraft
Juno's distance to Jupiter along a straight horizontal line. The x should be below the
yellow base of the triangle. y represents the distance from the farthest point from
the line described above to the spacecraft. In order to find the shortest distance
from it to Jupiter, The Pythagorean Theorem can be used - x^2 + y^2 = shortest

To find the blind spots NASA must consider in piloting or automating their
spacecraft we can calculate the approximate angle from Juno to the Contra Antiscia
point, about 30 degrees less than 180 degrees from Juno's current position. As the
orbit spirals down, this point will move with it in a more or less predictable fashion.

The shortest distance from Juno to Jupiter is equivalent to the square root of the
tangent of y^2 divided by x^2 or Hypotenuse = √(tan(y²÷x²))

Using this number, we can calculate the distance between Juno and that blind spot
using a proportion.

Hypotenuse over the angle between x and the hypotenuse = distance to the blind
spot over the angle between Jupiter and The Contra Antiscia point. In other words,

Juno is as far away from its blind spot as it is far away from the opposite point on its
orbit to where it is now minus about 30 degrees. This 30 degrees is the same thing
as however much time it takes for the spacecraft to travel one twelfth of its entire
orbit. It takes 53 days for Juno to do that, so 53 divided by 12 equals 4.4 days. One
half of 53 is 26.5. 26.5 - 4.4 = 22.1 days until Juno reaches the place where it could
not "see" at the point marked above. If the calculations you made 22.1 days ago are
no longer valid, your spacecraft will be in jeopardy. The constant threat of
interference from unpredictable or unknown sources somewhere out there will
always make this danger more severe.

To counteract this threat a programmer must correct for this spot often enough so
that they can alter the spacecraft's course within a few days of possible collision. In
order for this alteration to be possible, they must have a separate system onboard to
create a large enough disturbance in the regular orbit to get out of the way. If I
cannot reasonably alter my path of action before something in my blind spot hits
me, I will be hit and my day may go terribly wrong.

The only way for a human being to move beyond the regular course of their daily
habits is to peek out from that course whenever a problem seems to pop up in our
their emotional "radar". Everyone has felt something wrong without seeing it, but
not everyone acts when they feel this, which is why things can get so out of control.
The only way to remind yourself to act when something small but real feels like it is
going wrong is to always be a little off. It is good to take yourself away from normal
boring life - unclean mental chatter is a serious problem in our time. Recite a mantra
for fifteen minutes, put away your favorite things and think instead about how the
world would work if Jesus Christ had been a snow pea. Anything to shake up an
otherwise monotonous day - a blind spot.

This is very difficult to teach to people. Nobody wants to change what works. They
want to keep doing it as long as they can. But when something goes wrong and they
can no longer do it, they might as well be lost in a foreign sea. The only way to get
out of there is to swim until you find a shoreline. But where would a shoreline be?
You might swim with the tide, or float along with whatever direction you can
manage, but you can't swim against the current. That would be an active denial of
the facts at hand. You would die.

How do we teach people that happiness comes from a healthy balance of body and
mind? Modern patterns of language usage and cultural triggers have made this
nearly impossible. We have to create a new culture that sustains itself on the
subsistence of the individual, not from tyrannical rulers whose ancestors have been
in control for a thousand years. We are not completely aware that this is going on,
but we are making it happen because somehow we know we have to. We know
something is wrong and we know that change is healthy, but we are not familiar
with the methods of magic and Theurgy that was used in primitive religious tribes
before Christ which kept them alive when floods, famines and droughts came to
their doorstep.

To re-familiarize the largest, Wal-Mart and McDonalds-loving part of society with
this truth, is to disturb them with the fact that their lives are truly going so far
wrong that there will be no chance to survive when a real crisis comes. Aggression is
impetus for change. Without it, they continue to sleep in what will be the deathbed
of their culture.

In any case, ignorant people will not survive a cataclysm of planetary proportions
and we would not ask God to save them from a future they cannot live in. But if we
change just a few simple minds to seeing that right now, their futures are not all that
bright, a great spiritual battle will be won - that is the maturation of the babies
currently running rampant over this planet. They do have some latent ability,
waiting to be recognized, that will be needed in the culture to come. Their
appreciation for family bonds and self-respect (currently in the mode of self-
destructive pride) is a basic human instinct and everyone will need it no matter
what happens. To evolve the darker parts of these souls a simple game can be made
to distract them from their own unacknowledged self-hatred and attract them to a
gradual realization of the truth that there really is a god out there that loves them
and will take care of them as described in their holy bible if they respect him.

Hopefully, they will transform that him into a her at some point, and respect the fact
that the source of their current genetic makeup was derived from the animal and
terrestrial worlds which they now pollute. I don't think it will take much
brainstorming to create this game of reawakening these ignorant minds who are
bringing on an apocalypse to this otherwise beautiful world. It only needs to show
them in a veiled way that what they are doing is suicidal and provide an easy answer
- that freedom from this death is as easy as respecting your archetypal mother.
Then, they will not self-destruct.

Here is a view of one of Asteroid Chariklo's positions on its orbit in the distant
future. Its path is marked in white between Light Blue Neptune and Yellow Saturn.

See how it rotates about its axis between Saturn and Uranus. To capture this change,
the NASA technology that made this image used vertical lines to indicate another
dimension of space not indicated in the other planets' orbits, at least as they are
shown in this picture. What if Chariklo's orbit was not circular, but elliptical, like
this -

Chariklo is currently in front of the constellation Capricorn from our view on the
earth, and right now it is below the earth, a little to the east. If Chariklo's position on
its elliptical orbit around the sun is invisible to us right now, the position opposite to
it is visible to us above the meridian and a little to the west. That puts us near the
beginning of Cancer without considering wobble. In order to calculate Chariklo's
blind spot we could add or subtract 30 degrees to this position. I will subtract here
since addition will put us closer to the bright sun, which would get in our way if we
tried to look at this spot. This puts us in the beginning of Gemini. As luck would have
it, this is the moon's apogee, the place where the moon is farthest from the earth in
its orbit, called Black Moon Lilith, or the hole in the Moon's orbit. It also falls in the
part of the sky where the sun's rays become most intense for us. If Chariklo's blind
spot is visible to us where this intense Lilith is, Chariklo might appear to be in a heap
of trouble. It can't see that it is going into to a gruesome hole.

This, of course, is not really true. Lilith is only a character in an old myth and the
sun's rays around 4 or 5 pm have nothing to do with the orbit of a distant asteroid
between Saturn and Uranus. But I used to think this was true. It's easy for amateur
astronomers to get lost in the ocean of information out there, and when you are
starting to learn about a new subject, the urge to combine irrelevant information is
strong. If you want to understand extra-terrestrial physics, you have to be willing to
cope with the fact that there is a vast ignorance of the basic concepts of this science
at this time, and falling into the hole of doing too much at once means doing nothing
at all.

Another good way to visualize planetary motion is to think about it in terms more
familiar to us as earthbound folk. We see birds every year, and they have their own
patterns of movement too.


The Grosbeak migrates from x south to north in the fall and y north to south in the

This large-scale pattern is like the image we see when we look up at the night sky
and see the stars over our heads. Stars rise from the x near the horizon at night and
fall from the y at the meridian back down and out of our view.


The stars appear to migrate like birds because the earth is spinning, and they return
to the "habitat" where they once were every year from our perspective.

If we want to understand how planets move without falling into the trap (blind
spot!) of our limited perspective as earthlings, we have to think about how those
movements appear to an entity the size of the earth.

Mercury's orbit is highly eccentric. It finds a new path to travel on much more often
than, say, Jupiter. But if Jupiter is moving along in a "normal" orbit, we as humans
sill see it as a dot moving up and down over a long period of time, if we have the
patience and memory to remember where it is / was. In order to compensate for
this "blindness" or limitation, we must create an imaginary model of what Jupiter's
path probably looks like from above.


Now we are looking at Jupiter with the Sun as the center of our astral perspective or
eyes. While it is impossible for us to see this perspective on earth, or considering
our size, it is possible to consider the possibilities as to what those astral eyes would
want us to see if they cared.

We go to sleep at night and dream about what the sun sees or what it would look
like if we were the size of the sun. This is how fantasy writers make their living. But
scientists want to look at the consequences of these dream-contents. Like Freud,
they believe that the unknown, the unconscious, has important messages to be
puzzled out through technical means of interpretation and left-brain thinking. The
combination of right and left-brain activity, dream and logic, is what gives us an idea
as to what we might expect to see in the future. A man who dreams about Penguins
might go to Antarctica. A planet that appears to reverse its path might be passing by
the earth. But the only way to know for sure is to find out for yourself. Will you let
the ape of god crush your chances for a new promotion by harassing the new girl?
Will the scientist's dream of fame be lost to alcoholism? One way to protect against a
resurgence of uncivilized behavior is to project it into your dreams. Dreams have no
consequence on work life by themselves, and if you can put up with some
uncomfortable thoughts at night, maybe you can make it to where you want to get
during the day. After all, it is just entropy. And entropy, chaos, is the father of


What if we look at the geometry between stars? If you draw a line between Vega and
Sirius, you will have connected two stars outside the zodiac which are considered to
be in opposition.

On the map below, Vega is between Hercules and Cygnus The Swan on The Upper
Left Side and Sirius is between Lepus The Rabbit and Puppis The Ship of Jason on
The Lower Right.

Vega is the vulture descending on its prey in western mythology and Sirius is the
dog previously worshipped as Nu Isis by The Egyptians in the 3rd century BC. If we
put these two characters together we get the vulture preying upon the sacred virgin
in the underworld, another way of saying the fertility of summer is taken away by
the cold bitterness of winter. Vega is above Capricorn, the constellation where the
sun passes in front of around Mid-January in the west and Sirius is below Cancer,
where the sun passes in front of during Mid-August. The line we imagined connects
these two time periods of the year to create a possible source for the religious
beliefs and emotional patterns of an ancient culture as we understand them. But
many people still experience this phenomenon today. There are two extremes in the
year when crops fail or flourish and people survive or not.

Perhaps the Egyptians had a strong connection with the stars because they lived in a
desert. They had nothing to look forward to without the summer rains of Isis to
water their fields of needed crops. Modern civilization has taken this extreme
condition away from us. The lower and middle classes of civilized societies are taken

care of by conglomerates of land owners and bankers who invest in and provide for
their servile class. This dichotomy is not new. Ignorance and poverty will always
strip humanity of its opportunity for spiritual growth if we do not elect a ruler who
has a sense of human decency.

People naturally look up at the shining brilliance of the stars and planets at night
after they have accomplished their daily regimens. The unknown makes them fall
asleep and dream pleasant dreams of a world that accepts them for who they are
and what they wish to become. But no president would stand up for the right of a
poor man to become rich because it would be a threat to his own well being. Every
individual, no matter how modest, is quickly transformed by wealth and
opportunity once it is realized. War is not a means towards gaining the throne, but
preventing someone else from enjoying it. If all people want to do is stop each other
from imbibing the nectar of heavenly kingship, one must not be too careful in
bringing about revolution.

Marie Antoinette was guilty of corruption, but more importantly she was guilty of
being ignorant of the importance of her position in the context of her country's
political predicament. Everyone likes cake, but not everyone can afford it. Might
Marie (god forbid we call her Isis now) have forgotten about her duties given her
lavish surroundings? Obviously, but she was not forgiven by her people because she
did not do the right thing at the right time. Lady Justice's dessert booth must have
been quite sulpherous to Marie on October 16th, 1793.

But were it not for the "vulture" (read guillotine) descending upon her neck, there
would be no democracy in France today. Nations around the world would have had
no one to look up to and no one to blame for the despicable inhumanity that comes
with revolution. No judge on earth would forgive the people of France for doing
what they did on that day, but no one would have acted differently if they had the
same chance. It's only nature making her way through the desert of the soul. Blood
must be shed on a schedule for the fertility of the earth, no matter how corrupt your
queen is. No rain, no food. No devil, no god. It's all the same. The simplicity of this
truth devours the self-proclaimed innocence of the tyrant, self un-knower, like a lion
eats a baby left alone in the woods. There was no reason for Set to spare Osiris in the
land of the living. His time had come and no cake would save him no matter how
delicious and chocolate-y. When you see Set as the vulture rising in the night sky as
Winter takes the life out of the virgin earth in winter, send up a little prayer for all
the souls lost to needless, inhuman ignorance and you, in turn, will be supported by
their unrealized strength at that time when you need it most. This is the rain which
all your future harvests depend on ☀

To get a more realistic view of the system, we must complicate the picture further;
The Sun is moving on its own orbit towards a black hole at the center of The Milky



As its orbit moves away from its current path, The Sun orients itself towards the
aforementioned Vulture Star.



If Tyranny really is maddening The West to the point of incurable sanity perhaps A
Momentary Lapse of A Lapse of Reason would help us to remember where we came
from. What would cause a person to forget their mother, a bad day-dream?

If the Religious Right is sitting around all day waiting for their Missing Messiah to
show up and avenge their moral indignity, maybe his mother could stop by and
teach them a thing or two about silence. The indefatigable silence of a rock.

Vatican Museum

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