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There are a lot of types of jobs. Popular ones nowadays are connected to computer
science and the internet, but for example dentist and lawyer are popular too. The
reason of their popularity is that people expect a good salary for working in these
fields. Although usually skilled jobs (like hairdresser, electrician) aren’t that popular,
because you need to go to secondary technical and vocational school to learn
specific things. If you start working after the primary school, you can find unskilled
jobs, for example factory hand, office cleaner or dustman. After secondary school
you can go to university to get a degree, and with that you can be an architect, an
economist etc. These types of jobs require having qualifications.
Jobs are traditionally divided up into two large categories: blue-collar and white-collar.
Blue-collar jobs are like factory work, road crews, building and construction, etc. The
white-collar jobs are the office jobs such as bank clerks, office workers, teachers,
computer operators, etc. They are called blue and white collar because of the colour
of the shirt traditionally worn in those jobs.
Jobs can have different working hours. In some places the working hours are fixed,
sometimes you work flexitime, there are full-time and part-time jobs, or you can even
work in shifts. It all depends on the kind of job you have or the company you are at.
There are also permanent and temporary or seasonal jobs. A temporary job is a kind
of job which you only get for a limited period for example for summer holiday. If you
get a permanent job it means you have to do it until they make you redundant or you
If you are still at school but you want to work, you can have a summer job. Typical
summer jobs are babysitting, delivering newspapers or food, working as a hostess,
cleaning, working in store houses or in the fields, do office work etc. Summer jobs are
useful, because you can earn some money, learn responsibility, you can see what
kind of field you want to work later, you can try yourself out in different places, you
can go even if you aren’t done with your school studies yet. Although, they aren’t that
well-paid, and you have less time to have fun at summer.
Let’s assume, you are done with school, have a degree or you have graduated,
everything you need for your dream job. What is the next step? First, you need to
search for jobs, read job advertisements and once you find the one, you apply for the
job. For this, you need to write a CV and a cover letter. In a CV you need to write
down your personal details, schools, your qualifications and skills, your working
experience (if you have) and your hobbies. You can (and sometimes have to) add a
photo of yourself, too. In a cover letter you need to write about why you want that job,
why are you the ideal candidate and what your aims are. Lastly, if you are done with
everything, you have to go to a job interview. You can find a lot of tips on the internet
how to prepare for an interview. You need to know some details about the company,
you need to take care about your look and how you are going to behave, because
you want to take a positive impression.
Some people think that their life will be easier and more interesting abroad. They also
hope to earn much more money than in Hungary, but they might not consider that life
is more expensive abroad.
The advantages of working abroad are that you can learn the local language, get to
know interesting people, and acquire the most recent technologies. Probably you
earn more, although your expenditures can be higher too. The disadvantages include
that you might feel like an outsider, have language problems, and find the people
around you and their customs strange. You might often feel lonely as you are far from
your family and friends.

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