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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

Pagadian External Campus
Bulatok, Pagadian City

PED 107
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education

On Becoming a Transformational Leader: What is and What Not?

Topic: Transformational Leader
Group members:
Gandawali, Anaden
Gumapon, Geraldine
Secretario, Alyssa Mae
Tayanes, Ria Mae

Transformational Leadership
 Transformational leadership is a process whereby leaders engage with and influence
others—by paying attention to their needs, raising their motivation, and providing an
ethical framework for decisions. In so doing, transformational leaders can create change
within people, and within organizations too.
 “Leaders and followers make each other advance to a higher level of moral and
motivation” -James Mcregor Burns 1978
 “A type of leadership style that leads to positive changes in those who follow” -Bernard
M. Bass

Transactional Leadership
 Sometimes called “Bartering”
 Exchange of service
 The leaders-followers exchanges necessary for achieving agreed-upon performance
goals between leaders and followers.
 Leaders focus on the transactions between getting work done and the goal rewards.
Goals and rewards still matter, but if you only focus on transactions, then performance
will never be exceptional, it will just be ordinary. People need more.

Transformational Leader
 Transformational leaders inspire employees in ways that go beyond exchanges and
rewards. This approach can increase a team’s intrinsic motivation by expressing the value and
purpose behind the organization’s goals.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
Pagadian External Campus
Bulatok, Pagadian City

Four Components of Becoming a Transformational Leader

1. Intellectual Stimulation
Intellectual stimulation is provided by a leader who asks for and values staff
input, who challenges followers to develop creative and innovative solutions, and who
continually seeks ways to provide growth and development opportunities. A climate of
intellectual stimulation prompts employees to challenge assumptions, reframe
problems and look at new ways of doing things. It also encourages creativity,
innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
How to implement this:

 Understand why you are doing something. Is it because you’ve always done it that way
or does the evidence support this method?
 How can we do this better? How can we do it more effectively? Answering this means
being open to new ideas and trialing new ideas.
 Support creativity at work. Many of the best ideas come from people doing the work
and it’s important to be open to those ideas.
 Think critically. How much is emotion governing your behavior versus reasoning? We
often act instinctually and emotionally— it’s important to make sure you’re thinking
something through rather than reacting. Also, ask yourself if it’s your problem to solve
or if the issue belongs to someone else.
 Ask yourself, “Am I using evidence-based practice?” Read widely and outside of your
practice area.
 Try to bring solutions to the problem. Focus on how you are going to solve the problem
immediately and also ask how to prevent the problem from happening again.
 Think collaboratively. Understand the mindset of the people you’re working with and
respect what each person brings to the table.

2. Individualized Consideration
Individualized consideration refers to the commitment of the leader to coaching
and mentoring, and the leader’s awareness of and concern for the needs of nursing
staff. A transformational leader knows individual staff members’ career aspirations and
is often in a position to guide subordinates to invaluable mentoring opportunities.
How to implement this:

 Learn how someone perceives themselves to find an employee’s strengths.

 Communicate frequently and in different ways—verbally, written, and in ways, others
might respond.
 Push employees gently to move them out of their comfort zone.
 Help people understand the sphere of control and that they need to concentrate on
 Give effective feedback. One thing to remember is that it’s important to give praise
publicly and give negative feedback privately.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
Pagadian External Campus
Bulatok, Pagadian City

3. Inspirational Motivation
Inspirational motivation refers to the leader’s ability to communicate a vision,
others can understand and want to take part in. It aligns individual and organizational
goals to create a sense of purpose. For example, a hospital leader with a
transformational style would find creative ways to inspire staff with a vision for the
future, including meeting with groups of staff or using staff emails to lay out goals and
ways of reaching them.

How to implement this:

 Help others see the big picture and explain the reasons why.
 Don’t micromanage. Instead, give people the freedom to “go do.” There’s more than
one way to do something so give your employees the freedom to accomplish the
 Engage employees. Think about what keeps your employees engaged—and know that
this will change over time. Do this by talking to people and asking them what they want
to accomplish. Also, remember that customizing rewards and recognition is a simple and
effective way to keep someone engaged.

4. Idealized Influence
Idealized influence, sometimes called charisma, describes a leader’s ability to
inspire high standards and serve as a role model for outstanding professional practice.
Such a leader gains the trust and respect of the staff.

How to implement this:

 Actions speak louder than words. Model the behavior you want others to mirror.
Rather than only telling others how you’d like them to act, show them.
 The brain is wired for the negative, so focus on what others are doing well instead of
their shortcomings. Be positive in the face of negativity.
 Never forget the power of saying “thank you;” adding specifics will reinforce the
behavior you want to be repeated.
 Give feedback kindly.
 Acknowledge difficult situations.
 Leverage others’ strengths.
 Remember the 3 “Bs”: Be kind. Be trustworthy. Be visible.

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