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Cyber Security Workbook for On Board Ship Use, 1st

Edition, 2019
Just Published
Рабочая книга по кибербезопасности для использования
на борту судна, 1-е изд., 2019.
This publication has been produced by BIMCO, ICS
(International Chamber of Shipping) and Witherby
Publishing Group.

Цена, руб.: 17000 в РФ

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Год издания: 2019 eng

Издатель: BIMCO, ICS, Witherby Publishing Group


In recent years, the shipping industry has undergone a digital revolution:

internet connectivity on board has become common and ship’s systems are increasingly digitised and integrated.
With this growing level of connection, comes greater risk. Ships are now a common target for hackers worldwide
and it has become crucial that the entire crew has an understanding of how and when cyber attacks can occur.
Using detailed, step by step checklists, Cyber Security Workbook for On Board Ship Use provides a ship’s crew
with the practical skills to identify cyber risks and to protect vulnerable onboard systems. It also gives guidance
on how best to detect, respond and recover in the event of a cyber attack.
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См. MSC.428(98) * - Управление киберрисками в морской отрасли в системах управления безопасностью
(СУБ) = Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems.
В ней говорится, что в утвержденных СУБ должно учитываться управление киберрисками и
функциональными требованими МКУБ (ISM Code).
ИМО призывает администрации обеспечить надлежащее устранение киберрисков существующих СУБ не
позднее первой ежегодной проверки Документа о соответствии компании после 1 января 2021 г.
*) указанная резолюция не опубликована в Сборнике № 57 резолюций ИМО .


Section 1 – Introduction

Section 2 – Identifying Risks
2.1 Vulnerable Ship Systems
2.2 What is a Cyber Attack?
2.2.1 Attacker Profiles
2.2.2 Types of Cyber Attack
2.3 Cyber Security Risk Management
Section 3 – Protection, Prevention and Training
3.1 Prevention of Malware Attacks
3.2 Software Updates
3.3 Endpoint Protection
3.3.1 Anti-virus
3.4 Passwords
3.5 Cyber Security and the SMS
3.5.1 Cyber Security and the Ship Security Plan (SSP)
3.6 Crew Training
3.6.1 Cyber Security Familiarisation
3.6.2 Ship Cyber Response Drill
3.6.3 Crew Training Cyber Security Checklist
Section 4 – Detect, Respond and Recover: General Principles
4.1 Detecting a Cyber Incident
4.2 Detecting a Cyber Incident Checklist
4.3 Incident Response
4.3.1 Cyber Recovery Plan
4.4 Responding to a Cyber Incident On Board
Section 5 – Detect, Respond and Recover: Ship’s Business Systems
5.1 Onboard Business Computers
5.1.1 USB Ports and Drives
5.1.2 Personal Devices and USB Ports
5.1.3 Onboard Business Computer Checklist
5.2 Network Segregation On Board
5.3 Network Segregation
5.4 Wireless Networks
5.4.1 Business WiFi
5.4.2 Crew WiFi
5.4.3 Guest Access
5.4.4 WiFi Network Security
5.4.5 Virtual Private Network (VPN)
5.4.6 Networks (Wireless and Wired)
5.5 Satellite Communications Equipment
5.5.1 Satellite Communications
5.6 Cellular Data Connections
5.7 Connecting to Shore WiFi in Port
5.7.1 Shore WiFi in Port Checklist
Section 6 – Detect, Respond and Recover: OT Systems
6.1 Understanding OT Systems
6.1.1 OT Systems Checklist for Crew
6.2 ECDIS Security
6.2.1 Recognising Genuine NAVTEX Messages
6.2.2 ECDIS Cyber Security Checklist
6.3 GNSS Security
6.3.1 Cyber Security Checks on the Nav Bridge during Watchkeeping
6.4 Engine Department Considerations
Section 7 – OT Cyber Security: Onshore Office and IT Department Considerations
7.1 Ship’s Architecture and the IDMZ
7.2 Asset Management
7.3 How is Data Transmitted?
7.3.1 Convertor Security
7.4 OT Systems Risk Assessment
7.5 Securing OT Systems
7.6 OT Systems Checklist for IT Department/Onshore Office
Annex 1 – Regional Regulatory Guidance
Annex 2 – Checking for Windows Updates
Annex 3 – Creating User Accounts
Annex 4 – Checking for Segregated Networks
Annex 5 – How to Check that Anti-Virus Software Updates are Applied
Annex 6 – Understanding NMEA 0183
Annex 7 – EXAMPLE Cyber Security Familiarisation Checklist for New Crew Members
Annex 8 – Abbreviations/Definitions
Annex 9 – Further Resources

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