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Modal and Semi-Modals

A. Circle the correct answers.

1. I have test at 8 a.m. I have to / could / may get to school on time
2. My uncle should / can / must speak four languages - Hebrew,
Arabic, English and French.
3. The teacher told the students that they don't have to / might not /
mustn't use pencils on the test. They can only use pens.
4. When my sister was three years old, she had to / was able to /
should ride a bicycle. Today she takes part in bicycle marathons.
5. We don't have to / couldn't / might not be at the concert before
7:00 p.m. But I want to get there at 6:30 so we can get good seats.

B. Complete each sentence with modal or semi-modal.

1. I…………………. go on a trip this weekend. I haven’t decided yet.
2. Let’s call Sandra before we go visit her. she………………… be at
3. All cars…………………. stop when the light is red.
4. ………………… you help me with my bags? They are very heavy!
5. My doctor told me that I………………… exercise every day to stay.

C. Circle the correct answer to complete each question.

1. Your sister is in the army, is she / isn’t she?
2. Why did you / Why you call me so late?
3. You watched the game last night, didn’t you / weren’t you?
4. How far from school do you live / you do live?
5. Do / Are you help with the cooking at home?

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