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‫ اإلمتحان‬: ‫اسم النموذج‬ : ‫رمز النموذج‬ QFO-AP-VA-009

( :‫رقم اإلصدار‬
‫ نائب الرئيس للشؤون األكاديمية‬:‫الجهة المصدرة‬ 1
:‫تاريخ اإلصدار‬ 7-3-2019
Philadelphia University ‫ اللجنة العليا لضمان الجودة‬: ‫الجهة المدققة‬
: ‫عدد صفحات النموذج‬ 1
A. Information

Student’s Name: Student's No.: Form: A

Semester: 1 term
Academic year: 2019/2020

Coordinator’s Name: Dr. Rana Saeed Course Title: Remedial English Student’s Grade:

Course Number: 0130099

Lecturer’s Name: Internal Examiner:

Dr. Fayzeh Shrouf
Section Number:

Time: 9-10:30 Date: 29-1-2020 Day: Wednesday

Examination: 1st 2nd Final

B: Information for Candidates

 The exam consists of six parts and the total mark is (20).
 The number of the exam’s pages is ( 4 ), including this page.
 The marks for parts of questions are shown in round brackets.
C. Advice to Candidates
 You should attempt all questions.
 You should write your answers clearly.
I. Basic Notions:Part two(Vocabulary) (12 points) and part three (Structure)
Objectives. The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate the required minimal student
knowledge and skills. Answers in the pass category represent the minimum acceptable
II. Familiar Problems Solving: Part 1(Reading Comprehension) (10 points)and part
3(Writing)(3 points)
Objectives. The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate that the student has some
basic knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve familiar
III.Unfamiliar Problems Solving: Part five ( Thinking skills) (1 point) and part six
(Speaking Exam)(5 points)

Objectives. The aim of the questions in this part is to evaluate that the student can solve
familiar problems with ease and can make progress towards the solution of unfamiliar
problems, and can set out reasoning and explanation in a clear and coherent manner.

Part One: Reading Comprehension. (10 points)

Read the texts carefully and answer the following questions.

Transportion in the future

Meet the Watts.

They are a three-car family in the near future which uses electric vehicles.

Bob is similar to most commuters. He charges his car at home overnight so it’s ready for the
morning rush hour. If he needs more electricity, there’s a ‘charging station’ in the office car park.

Sonia’s car travels about 30 kilometres on a full battery so it’s good for short trips such as going to
the shops or visiting friends nearby. The car also has its own computer which tells her if there are
traffic jams or road works on the road ahead.

Justin works from home but enjoys going on a long journey in his sports car at the weekend.
Instead of going to a petrol station for petrol, he can change his battery on the motorway or plug
into a high-voltage charger. Another device in the car’s engine stops him from going over the
speed limit.

Their neighbours still use a car with a petrol engine but most cars have electric engines. The roads
are quieter and there is less pollution so life is also better for pedestrians and cyclists!

1.According to the text, How is transportation in the future different from transportation


2. Is the morning commut of Bob and Sonia three difficult? Explain your answer.


Part Two: Vocabulary (12 points)

Complete the following sentences with words from the box.

Pedestrians/ traffic jam/ rush hour/ vehicle/ speed limit/ receipts

1.The death rate for___________hit by cars is unacceptably high.

2.I was stuck in a ______________for an hour yesterday.
3.Take alternate routes during the morning______________.
4.A truck driver died last night when his ________overturned.
5.Slow down! You're breaking the_____________.
6.More shops are switching to email _______________instead of paper.

Part Three: Structure (12 points)

Circle the correct answers:

1. My sister is fond of cats. She …………….three cats.

a. have
b. has
c. does
d. is

2.Why ……………you ……………the last meeting?

a. Do/ miss
b. Are/missing
c. Did/ missed

d. Did/ miss
3. Why …………………..many students come late at their lectures?
a. do
b. does
c. have
d. are

4. Kamal always ………………at night. He cannot focus in the morning.

a. studied
b. study
c. studies
d. had studied

5. Did you ………. for a walk yesterday?

a. go
b. went
c. goes
d. going

6. My brother ……………. his final exams last week, and has been too worried.
a. starts
b. start
c. started
d. starting

Complete these sentences with the right verb tense.

1. Mohammad ………………………………….. (talk) with Ali, when Hiba came in.

2. They ………………………………… (study) two hours last night.
3. Aya …………………………………. (sleep) when the telephone rang.
4. The children ………………………….. (play) outside now.
5. She usually ………………………. (read) the newspaper in the morning.
6. I …………………………… (do) my homework now.

Part Four: Writing (3 points)

Use THREE of the following words in meaningful sentences.

gate communication fare price change

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________

Part Five: Speaking and Thinking skills (3 points)
Complete this dialogue with the right phrase.

I only have this carry-on/ May I see your passport?/ window or aisle?

Hello. __________________
Here you are. I don’t have a ticket because I booked online.
That’s ok. How many bags are you checking?
Ok _________________
I don’t mind but can I have a seat next to my friend?
Yes of course. Is he here?
No I am waiting for him.

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