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Coaching Welcome Packet

Support Sheet 1 – Where you’re at right now.

Answer these questions each week, before your coaching session, to

ensure a focused and productive session. Please email this sheet to me
each week in advance of your session to:

What are your 3 most common thoughts?

Before I write my three most common thoughts, I am really moody! And
that actually makes me have different thoughts each period of time.
But my main common thoughts could be:
1. I am a failure when it comes to relationships, I can’t keep one,
and eventually each relationship I am in is going to end.
2. I make a lot of mistakes and feel that I am going to be punished.
3. I am not beautiful at all.

If I can add one more point I always think about running away, wanting
to start over.

What are your 3 most common emotions?

1. I am negative towards almost everything related to my life and
positive towards others.
2. I am scared most of the times of people finding out things about
3. I feel alone surrounded by family and friends.

What do you most deeply desire at this point in your life?

I want to establish a family and have kids.

What has prevented you from achieving this desire so far?

I guess it’s me! As I was married as I was thinking of divorce! So I am
preventing me.

What are you most content with in life right now?

If you haven’t met last Sunday, I would have said my work. But now
after our talk, I changed my mind.
I am not content about anything I want to change everything!
What’s not working for you right now?
1. I always wanted to have a PhD, not working right now.
2. My love life is awful as it has been all these years.
3. As for my career, I feel a little bit bored, and I want more.

Who/what do you feel deeply connected to in life right now?

I feel deeply connected to any man in my life for a short time then I am
over that person or feeling. To tell you the truth I feel disconnected to
almost everything.

Who/what do you feel disconnected from in life right now?

From almost everyone I know, my old friends, my family especially my
mother, and my colleagues as well.
Support Sheet 2 – Where You Want to Be
The questions in this support sheet are designed to get you thinking
about your dreams and desires. Go deep and wide and get super clear
on what it is that you want…go wild! Don’t hold back! The clearer you
get on your desires, the easier they are to achieve.
What is your highest aim and biggest vision at this point in your life?

What feelings/emotions do you expect to experience when you achieve


How much money would you ideally love to receive?

What would you like to be different in your life in the next 12 months?

What would you like to release yourself from in the next 12 months?

What would you like to receive in your life in the next 12 months?

To where would you love to travel?


Do you believe you can achieve your highest aims, desires and vision?

Do you believe you deserve these things? (Explain)

Support Sheet 3 – Your Expectations
Answering the following questions will help you become super-clear on
what you want to achieve during our time together. As you gain greater
clarity, these goals will become closer and closer.

What do you desire to achieve in 3 months?


What do you desire to achieve at the end of 6 months?


How do these goals tie in with your big aim/big vision?


What three tangible outcomes would you like to achieve in the next 6

How do you want to feel across the next 6 months?


What do you think is unachievable in the next 6 months?


What personal changes do you think you’ll need to make to achieve

your 6 month goals?

Support Sheet 4 – Mindset

These questions will allow you to become clear on whether your
thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your life are supporting your
desires, or holding you back from achieving them.

What are the 3 most common thoughts you have about yourself?
What are the 3 most common thoughts you have about money?

What do you think about the past, the present, and the future?

What, in your life, do you think about with the greatest love and

What 3 things are you most grateful for in life?

Support Sheet 5 – Mastery
The following questions will support you in establishing what mastery
means to you. A vital part of achieving your goals is that you know
what it will look and feel like when you get there.
What are you currently masterful (an expert) at?

When you are an expert at your goals, what will that look like?

…and what will it feel like?


How much money will you be earning?


How many clients will you have?


How many hours will you be working?


How will you be spending your time?


What will be next for you when you’ve reached this level?
What will you think and feel about yourself?

What will you think and feel about your life?

How are you feeling right now?

Restate your exact goals and definite desires below.

In what ways have I been working towards my desires this week?

What have I achieved this week that I set out to do?

What have I not done that I still feel motivated to do?

What did I have difficulty with this week?

What have been my biggest WINS this week?

What am I grateful for this week?

What worked for you in your coaching session this week?

What didn’t work for you?

What do you want to discuss next session?

Please prepare the specific questions you’d like to address in your next
session here…

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