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Do you sell your products online?

We sell our products only in our store, but you can order our products on our

Do you feel threatened by the increasing popularity of online

No, we don't feel threatened by the increasing popularity of online shopping, because
our shop is a nature shop and people would rather buy flowers and plants at a local
shop than at an online store.

Did the rising popularity of online shopping impact your


When did you start your business?

Our business started when the shopping mall opened, which was about 5 years ago.

Do you offer more products online or in your local shop?

We have the same amount of products in our webshop as in our store

Where do your products sell out faster online or at your local

We sell our products in our store and not online, so it's faster at our shop than

What is your opinion on online shopping?

It is very easy for people that don't want to or can't go outside, but it is quite a threat
to the small businesses. But I personally don't really shop online, I would rather buy
my products at a local shop.

What is your opinion on shopping at a local shop?

I personally like to shop at local shops, because you have more contact with the
people there and you can get help, with online shops you can’t.

Where do you have more customers?

Are you planning to expand your list of products that you have?
If it is possible, I absolutely would. More products means more customers happy

Do you want to expand your business, online/offline

Yeah, I would like to, it's always great to expand your business

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