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CC6052 Management Support Systems – FEEDBACK – Presentation – 2022-23


Student ID Student Name

GROUP COMPONENT Maximum Marks Mark

1. Introduction 10

Provide a coherent introduction: give a clear statement of its purpose, and how Decision support system would
assist management decision-making, which may include a number of stakeholders. Use one or more strategic
planning technique(s) (e.g. SWOT analysis) to identify ‘Lock Hood Lock Manufacturing Company’s

2. Organization chart (up to 3 pages; landscape format may be used) 10

Provide a clear diagram indicating each member of staff, including job title and to whom they report. There
should be a description of key features of the organization chart (e.g. departments). Any errors found in the
staff data file should be identified and corrected. Errors/queries identified on organization chart.

3. Decision support system database 10

Describe the management information available at LOCK HOOD LOCK MANUFACTURING

4. Group Critique 10
Present a brief discussion of the development process (what was done well, what could be improved, etc.) and
of the application developed (its strengths and weaknesses).
5. Software Implementation Environment 10
Explain how to install and run the Decision support system, so software can be used. There should be two
Queries /reports by each team member for each management decision selected, which should all run within a
single environment.

6. Technical Design 10

Present the technical details of the solution design, clearly identifying the data it uses and explaining how this
data is transformed to produce useful information.

7. Individual Contributions 10

Provide a brief, clear outline of what each team member contributed to the project. Each team member should
describe at least two decisions related to the given system.

8. Data and Information Requirements 10

Identify the data required to support the decision, including specific entities and attributes in the Decision
support system database, and any other data, such as external sources. Explain why any additional data has
been added to the database, and its source.

9. Selected Management Decision 10

Identify and briefly discuss the Lock Hood Lock Manufacturing Company management decision
selected. Each team member should describe at least two decisions related to the given system
· identify the stakeholder(s) for this decision and their critical success factor(s)
· outline the information requirements of managers making this decision

10. Outline Solution 10

Describe the Decision support system solution in business terms with any relevant illustrations (diagrams and
screen shots from the Decision support system application). This section should include a brief practical
justification of the Decision support system solution for each decision, identifying the key stakeholders and
specifying the benefits this application will offer.

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