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(1) Aeronautical Engineering

- Aeronautical Engineers work primarily on designing, enhancing and testing

aircraft system such as helicopter, airplane, spacecraft and other related
machines for commercial and military organizations. Their duties are also
deal with maintaining and repairing aircraft component to fix any current or
potential issues and to meet safety standards of the machine. They work
with the theory, technology, and practice of flight within the Earth’s.

(2) Agricultural Engineering

- This profession focused on the advancement of agricultural industry. They

work with farmers and companies about agriculture in order to develop
programs, methodologies, and equipment that could increase production or
deal with current problems in farming. Their work often involves dealing with
different technologies that can improve the agriculture industry.

(3) Chemical Engineering

- Chemical engineer conceives, design, and troubleshoot processes for the

production of chemicals, fuels, foods, pharmaceuticals and biologicals, to
name just few. They design experiments, monitor results, and conduct tests
throughout production.

(4) Civil Engineering

- It is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design,

construction, and maintenance of structural works that serve general public
such as bridges, roads aqueducts, canals, building and other types of
(5) Computer Engineering

- Computer Engineer is responsible for designing and evaluating computer

systems such as software and hardware application. They do everything
from mastermind the functionality and features of a program to write the
code, perform test and audits and install update. They also resolve
problems or address any concerns that occur with the hardware or software
and aid in the advancement of computer technology.

(6) Electrical Engineering

- Electrical Engineer is a professional responsible for the designs, develops,

tests, and manages the manufacturing of electrical equipment and
machines such as communication system, electric motors, and power
generators. It is primarily concerned with the large-scale production,
transmission and distribution of electrical power.

(7) Electronics and Communication Engineering

- This field of engineering deals with the researching, developing and testing
of electronic equipment or communication devices like transmitters,
receivers, and integrated circuits. Engineers who specialize in this domain
often need to utilize the principles of digital and analogue transmission and
reception of signals. This field of engineering also involves working with
solid-state devices, satellite communications, microprocessors, circuits and
electronic devices.

(8) Environmental Engineering

- It is a profession that concerned with the protection and preservation of the

environment as well as the protection of populations from environmental
threats. Their duties include collecting environmental samples and data,
performing land assessments and designing systems to safely eliminate

(9) Industrial Engineering

- Industrial engineers are more broadly concerned with productivity and all
the technical problems of management. They work in various branches of
companies: manufacturing, distribution, transportation, mercantile and
service. Their responsibilities range from the design of unit operations to
controlling complete production and service systems.
(10) Geodetic Engineering

- Geodetic engineers are responsible for the creation and maintenance of

maps by gathering physical data (on-site data) on the surface of the Earth
with the use of precision instrument. They typically measure distances and
angles between points on, above and below the Earth’s surface. They
examine land records, survey records and land titles and validate them if
they are up to date and accurate on the ground.

(11) Marine Engineering

- It is a specialist technical professional that deals with the design,

construction, installation, operation, maintenance and repair a variety of
maritime vessels including cargo ships, cruise liners, and oil rings.

(12) Mechanical Engineering

- Mechanical engineers are responsible for designing, building, testing,

analyzing, and developing a wide variety of mechanical devices such as
machines, tools and engines. The are often involved in research and
development but may also work directly with manufacturing or at companies
that offer engineering services.

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