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Account NumbeAccount Name Header Account Type

1-1000 Current Assets Header Asset

1-1100 Cash in Bank Bank
1-1200 Petty Cash Bank
1-1300 Account Receivable Account Receivable
1-1400 Allowance for Doubtful Debt Other Current Asset
1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Other Current Asset
1-1600 Store Supplies Other Current Asset
1-1700 Prepaid Insurance Other Current Asset
1-1800 Prepaid Rent Other Current Asset
1-1900 VAT Receivable Other Current Asset
1-1910 VAT In Other Current Asset
1--1920 Prepaid Income Tax Article 25 Other Current Asset
1-2000 Long Term Investment Header Asset
1-2100 Stock Investments Other Asset
1-1300 Fixed Assets Header Fixed Asset
1-1310 Land Fixed Asset
1-1320 Buildings Fixed Asset
1-1321 Acc. Depreciation Building Fixed Asset
1-1330 Equipment Fixed Asset
1-1331 Acc. Depreciation Equipment Fixed Asset
1-1340 Automobile Fixed Asset
1-1341 Acc. Depreciation Automobile Fixed Asset
2-1000 Current Liabilities Header Liability
2-1100 Account Payable Account Payable
2-1200 Accrued Expense Other Current Liability
2-1300 VAT Payable Other Current Liability
2-1310 VAT Out Other Current Liability
2-1320 Income Tax Article 21 Payable Other Current Liability
2-1330 Income Tax Article 23 Payable Other Current Liability
2-1340 income Tax Article 25/29 Payable Other Current Liability
2-2000 Long Term Liabilities Header Long Term Liability
2-2100 Mandiri Bank Loan Long Term Liability
3-0000 Owner Equity Header Equity
3-1100 Stock Capital Equity
4-0000 Revenues Header Income
4-1100 Sales Income
4-1200 Sales Discount Income
4-1300 Sales Return and Allowances Income
5-0000 Cost of Merchandise Sold Header Cost of Sales
5-1100 Cost of Merchandise Sold Cost of Sales
6-0000 Expense Header Expense
6-1100 Utilities Expense Expense
6-1200 Office Supplies Expense Expense
6-1300 Doubtful Debts Expense Expense
6-1400 Spoilage Expense Expense
6-1500 Depreciation Expense Expense
6-1600 Insurance Expense Expense
6-1700 Rent Expense Expense
6-1800 Wages and Salaries Expense Expense
6-1900 Advertising Expense Expense
6-2000 Others Operating Expense Expense
8-0000 Other Revenues and Gain Header Other Income
8-1100 Interest Income Other Income
8-1200 Dividend Income Other Income
8-1300 Gain (loss) on Sale of Stocks Other Income
8-1400 Freight Collected Other Income
8-1500 Late Fees Collected Other Income
9-0000 Other Expenses and Losses Header Other Expense
9-1100 Interest Expense Other Expense
9-1200 Bank Service Charges Other Expense
9-1400 Income Tax Article 4 (2) Expense Other Expense
9-1450 Income Tax Expense Other Expense
9-1500 Late Fees Expense Other Expense

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