Example Advection Harmonic Wave

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‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Advection close al1 Parameters grid spacing Delta x * % Left boundary % right boundary % % % advection speed wave Length final tine lanbda = 0.53 tend Mesh (xlide:xR-dx)';® spatial grid jength(x);% number of grid points 1st order upwind discretization in space @ = ones(N,1); % auxiliary vector DLL = spdiags([-e,e]/dx, [-1,0], N,N); % left-sided finite diff. Periodic boundary condition D1l(a,end) = -1/de; Forward difference in time T= speye(Wn); % Identity matrix Cs = (0.8, 2, 1.215 % Courant numbers for 4 = aslength(cs) T = sin(2*pi*x/lanbda); % initial condition c= C5C4)5 % Courant number dt =C* dx / us % tine-step size R= I~ urdteDil; % RHS matrix figure(i); % separate figure for each C for t = dt:dt:t_end % time-stepping loop T= RT; % compute next step T_a = sin(2*pit(x-u*t)/lanbda); % analytical solution plot (x,T_a); % plot analytical solution hold ons plot (x,1); % plot numerical solution hold off; title(sprint(‘Upwind, C = %e" sC))s drawnow; end end hitpssituweltuwien ac aupluginie.php/8899984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection ml 1s. ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection inl ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Leapfrog scheme Centered fie diference in space Dic = spdiags([-e,e]/2/dx, [-1,1], NjN); % centered FD Periodic boundary condition bic(a,end) = =1/2/dxs Dic(end,1) = 1/2/dx; for 4 Aslength(Cs) Figure(i); © = cs(i)s dt = * dx /.u 5 % time-step size T Tm sin(2*pitx/lanbda); % initial condition sin(2*pit(x+urdt) /Lambda) ; for t = dt:dt:t_end Tpl = Tw - 2turdt*o1e*T; T_a = sin(2*pi*(x-u*t)/Lambda); % analytical solution plot (x,T_a); % plot analytical solution hold ons plot (x,T); % plot numerical solution hold off; ylim({-2,1])5 title(sprintf( ‘Leapfrog, C = %g',C))5 hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8899984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection hint 36 ‘1130722, 718 PME Advection drawnow; end end Leapfrog, C = 0.8 hitps:ituweltuwien ac aupluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection hint ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Leapfrog, C = 1.2 am i 0.6 oa 02 “0.2 i “04 06 “0.8 41st order upwind for 2 = ().25 0.25; % wave length 8; % Courant number sin(2*pi*x/lambda); % initial condition C* dx /u 5 % time-step size R=I- utdtp1l; % RHS matrix Figure(1); for t = dtidt:t_end RTs % compute next step Ta = sin(2*pi*(x-u*t)/lanbda); % analytical solution plot(x,T_a); % plot analytical solution hhold ons plot(x,T); % plot numerical solution hold off; yhim((-1,2])5 title(sprintf(‘Upwind, C = Xe" 4C))5 drawnow; end hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection inl 515 ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Upwind, C = 0.8 Leapfrog for 1 = 0.25 T = sin(2*pitx/lanbda); % initial condition ‘Tm = sin(2*pi*(x+utdt)/Lambda) ; Figure(2); for t = dtidt:t_end Tpi = Ted - 2*utdto1erT; Tm = T5 T = 1piy Ta = sin(2*pit(x-u*t)/lanbda); % analytical solution plot(x,T_a); % plot analytical solution hold ons plot(x,1)5 % plot numerical solution hold off} ylin({-1,1])3 title(sprintf( ‘Leapfrog, C = %g'.C)); drannows end hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection inl 65 ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Backward-time centered-space larbda xs = err = for i ba br pa at T = 0.5; [0.005,0.01,0.02,0.05]; nan(size(dxs))5 = Anlength(dxs) si) (xLidxtxt-dx) 5 & spatial grid = length(x); | number oF grid points = Speye(NN)3 -X Identity matrix = ones(Ni); _% auxiliary vector 1c = spdiags([-e,e]/2/dx, [-1,2], NN); % centered FD je(Ayend) = -1/2/dx; ie(end,1) = 1/2/dx3 “dx / uj % time-step size sin(2*pitx/lambda); % initial condition L2 T+ utdtoic; % LHS matrix fi fo igure(i); nt = at: Ts t\t T_a = sin(2*pi*(x-u*t)/Lanbda); % analytical solution plot (x,T_a); % plot analytical solution hold ong plot (x,T); % plot numerical solution hold off; ylim({-2,1])5 title(sprintf('BTCS, dx = %g',dx)); drawnow; hitps:ituweltuwien ac aupluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection hint m6 ‘1130722, 718 PME end err(i) = max(T-T_a); end BTCS, dx = 0.005 Advection BTCS, dx = 0.01 i \ I~ 0 0.2 0.4 Oe hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection inl ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection BTCS, dx = 0.02 aff 0.6 oa 0.2 0.2 “04 06 “0.8 0 0.2 0.4 Oe BTCS, dx = 0.05 og figure(t) 5 Loglog(dxs,err); hold ons Loglog(dxs, 1e1*dxs) ; Loglog(dxs ,1e2*dxs.*2)5 hold off; xlabel('$\Delta x$","Interpreter*, “latex”); ylabel( error’); title('Brcs"); Legend( ‘numerical error’, "$\belta xs", "$\belta x*2$", "Interpreter", “Latex”, "Location’ hitps:ituweltuwien ac aupluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection hint southeast"); ons ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection 10° a 10? - Tanceioal rar az Art 10? 107 Ar Lax-Wendroff for i = a:length(dxs) dx = dxs(i); x = (xLidx:xR-dx)'5 % spatial grid N= Length(x); % number of grid points I = speye(N,N); Identity matrix e = ones(N,1); % auxiliary vector Dic = spdiags({-e, e] /2/dx, [-1, 1], NyN)s % centered FD Dac = spdiags([1,-2,1].*e/ax"2, [-1,0,1], NN); dt=c*dx/ uj % time-step size T = sin(2*pi*x/lanbda); X initial condition Ra T- utderone su*2*de2/2%02¢5 % RNS matrix R(a,end) = R(2,1)5 R(end,1) = R(end-1,end) 5 Figure(i)s for t = dt:dt:t_end T= RT; Ta = sin(2*pit(x-u*t)/Lanbda); % analytical solution plot (x,1_a); % plot analytical solution hold ons plot (x,1); % plot numerical solution hold off ylim({-2,1])5 title(sprintf('Lax-wendroft, dx = %g',dx)); drawnow; end hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/ advection himl 1015 ‘1130722, 718 PME Advection err(i) = max(T-1_a); end Lax-Wendroff, d Lax-Wendroff, dx = 0.01 oa 0.6 oa 02 o 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.8 \ 1 02 04 6 08 hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/ advection himl ns 1 ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection 0.2 “04 06 \ “| \f A Oe Lax-Wendroff, dx = 0.05 Figure(1); loglog(axs,err); hold on loglog(axs, 1e1*dxs); loglog(dxs, 1e2*dxs.*2)5 hold off; xlabel('$\0elta x$*, "Interpreter", latex"); ylabel(‘error'); ‘title( ‘Lax-Wendroff"); Legend(‘nunerical error’, "$\belta x$", ‘$\Delta x*2$", "Interpreter", "latex", "Location" ,"southeast"); hitps:ituweltuwien ac aupluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection hint 126 ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Lax-Wendroff 10° error aaa ra —r, ar 10 Ar Lax-Friedrichs ax = 0.0; % grid spacing c= 0.85 % Courant number (xt :dx:xR-dx)'5 spatial grid % % N= Lengtn(x)5 rnunber of grid points T = speye(NsN)5 Tdentity matrix fe = ones(N,1); auxiliary vector Dic = spdiags({-e, e] /2/dx, [-1, 2], NN); % centered FD bac = spdiags([1,-2,1].te/dx2, [-1,0,1], NN); A = spdiags((@.5,0.5]."e , [-1, 1], NN); % averaging matrix de Ct dx / uj % tine-step size R= A- urdttDic; % RHS matrix R(Lyend) = R(2,1)5 X Periodic BC at x0 R(end,1) = R(end-1,end); % Periodic BC at x=1 lanbdas = [0.25,0.5,2]5 err = nan(size(lambdas)); for 4 length (lanbdas) Janbda = Lanbdas(i); T = sin(2*pitx/lambda); % initial condition Figureti); fon t = dtsdt:t_end Te RT Ta = sin(2*pit(x-urt)/lanbda); % analytical solution plot (x,T_a); % plot analytical solution hold ons plot (x,1); % plot numerical solution hitps:ituweltuwien ac aupluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection hint 1316 ‘1130722, 718 PME Advection hold off; ylin([-2,1])5 title(sprintf('Lax-Friedrichs, lambda = %g" lambda); drawnow; end err(i) = max(T-T_a); Lax-Friedrichs, lambda = 0.25 hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/fadvection inl 1416 ‘1130722, 718 PM Advection Lax-Friedrichs, lambda = 1 os 0.6 oa 02 0.2 “04 0.6 “0.8 Figure(1); plot (lanbdas err) ; xlabel('$\lanbda$" ,"Interpreter™, “latex"); ylabel( ‘error’ )3 title('Lax-Friedrichs'); Lax-Friedrichs 0.9 08 or 06 05 = oa 03 02 02 03 OF O05 O06 O07 O08 09 2 d hitps:ituweltuwien ac alpluginie.php/8839984/mod_resourcelcontent/ advection himl 19115

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