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Athens nights in Covid-19 Outbreak

Council of Primogens, Athens:

Murdok, the mad-bull, Malkavian:
Former Special Ops psychiatrist, he believes that the blood curse is a virus, openly. No one has
seen him loose his mind and no one knows his condition. He is a profiler and a master of various
martial arts. His past or age is unknown.
It is known that served as sheriff for the years 2000-2005, in Athens, after Fotis (former Sheriff -
Gangrel) murdered.
During his time as a sheriff he trained Fotis’ best soldier (Giannis) to handle the sheriff’s position
and returned to continue his primary work: Being one of the most trusted profilers and leaders
of the clan for the European Camarilla.
He was disappointed by the fact that Camarilla didn’t put him on the case of Fotis murder. The
sect decided that he was inappropriate for the case due to his friendship with Fotis.
Cezar, the two-face, Lasombra:
He comes from Romania. Due to the love of power and narcissistic behavior, some open minded
Lasombra vampires from the Balkans, decided to leave the sect, during the 60’s. They were under
blood hunt from the sect for years and learn how to protect and hide their nature. One that
survived the hunt was Cezar. He pledged faith to Marina in mid-80’s, after 20 years hiding in small
villages in Northern Greece.
Marina’s trust quickly given to him, causing the community to doubt the princess’ judgement,
towards a hunted Lasombra. Even to this day, he is considered by conspiracists as a Sabbat agent.
He is a former actor and poet. Due to his age, Marina gave him the privilege to be a primogen of
his clan, as the community of the clan growth over the years in Athens. Although, the clan
members are less than 30.
Mina, the blonde warlock, Tremere:
Mina’s past is a bit clear. She lived in Athens from 19 th century and was one of the establishers
of the sect in the city, after the rebellion. She and Marina are very close.
Many mouths in the city say that they are not just friends, and some believe that they are in a
relationship. Some others claim that they are openly together among friends. After all, they have
been seen many times in Lohan’s private rooms, giving each other a not so friendly touches and
She is into a wide variety of interests, from the city’s galas and museums -along with Marina- to
the logistics of a probable war. While she is still obsessed with finding Fotis’ murderer, she holds
the economics of the sect in Athens and its occult knowledge.
Evangelos, the shadow-lord, Nosferatu:
2000 was a year full of fear for Athens. After 20 years, still the community talks about the murder
of Fotis. The bottom line is: “The assassin was so good, even Evangelos didn’t see it coming”.
Community members imagine him in a control room, monitoring every internet move from
paranormal entity in the whole country, watching all the cameras that are in place. While no one
actually knows what he is doing it is known that his haven is somewhere in the tunnels of Athens
bellow Acropolis.
Members of the vampiric community of the city don’t show themselves if they are Nosferatu. If
they do, you don’t know that they come from the clan, holding mastery to hide their looks. This
is Evangelos’ politics and it’s a knowledge among proven vampires of the city.
Nektarios, the saint, Brujah:
Nektarios is well known for his search of salvation. He travels the world and data bases, to find a
way to become mortal again and experience a proper final death.
Many members of the community consider him mad. He is determined to find the truth about
the blood curse. They say that his sire was in the Anarch revolt. As he saw all the blood bath of
the war back in the revolt, he concluded that the blood curse is to blame.
Thus, he is constantly searching for a way to place an end to “all evil”. He is open minded in the
cause of the curse. Wherever it comes from, even if it is a mutation or a virus or something
religious or supernatural, he wants to put an end.
He respects life in all forms.
That is the reason behind the title “the one that reached Golconda”, that have been given to him
by the community across Europe.
Rory, the Architect, Ventrue:
Rory, the Architect, was one of the most infamous CIA operators, during the time of the cold war
in 1960’s. Cunning, intelligent, very humorous and a loner, he is the man behind big operations
regarding espionage towards the USSR.
He is a quietly young vampire that has climb his way fast in the ladders of Camarilla, being the
youngest vampire among the Primogens of Athens. No one can say that he doesn’t deserves to
be there, looking at his known past. At the same time no one can say that he does, because he is
a Ventrue. He doesn’t seem to have ambitions to climb more and become a prince, in some city.
After all, the art of manipulation has its victims unaware of their condition.
It is rumored that he works side by side with the shadow-lord, in order to prevent attacks and
that he organizes the anti-espionage infrastructure for the whole country.
Giannis, the dog-eyed Sheriff, Gangrel:
Giannis, the dog-eyed Sheriff, is, definitely, one of the best fighters in the European Camarilla.
Trained in combat in every style imaginable by his Sire and predecessor Fotis, he holds the
“Police” of the Athens’ Camarilla.
Strong minded, loyal to the cause and loyal to his Princess, Marina. Sad about the death of his
He believes that the murder was a job of the Camarilla itself for various reasons.
1. Why the Camarilla didn’t make Murdok the head of the investigation?
2. Why the assassin didn’t diablerized his Sire? It seems that only a Camarilla individual
wouldn’t do that. After all his Sire was a legendary vampire, centuries old.
3. If the assassin came from the clan of Assamites, he had in his hands very confidential
information about the city and his Sire in particular.
With that in mind, he is doubting some of the Primogens about their dedication to the city’s
peace, like Rory and Cezar.
Rumor has it that he even possesses the powers of Auspex and Dementation, learned from
Murdok, in his 5-year training.
Usually, he is wearing sunglasses because of his frenzy side effect that he had, that night in the
November of 2000. The most painful night of his undead life.

Marina, The princess of Athens and the daughter of Michael the Archangel of Constantinople:
During the middle ages, Constantinople had 3 masters and above all was Michael, the Archangel.
Michael favorite child was Marina. She learned from him the dark powers and the love for the
arts. Michael was an in-love vampire with the undead life.
After the fall, she traveled the world to find answers. Answers about the fall of Constantinople.
Answer in the question “Why this heart of gold, she had for home, went on fire?”. She never had
the chance to witness her father’s death. She doesn’t really believe sometimes that he is dead.
Side by side, with Mina, they build the Athens’ Camarilla short after the Turkish occupation left
the Greek territory, and they manage to make Athens the capital of Greece, under hard work and
constant pressure to the higher ladders of the sect.
No one knows stories from the past. She never talks about her Sire, the legendary vampire that
stood away from the Jyhad -the great war between the Antediluvians and the Methuselah- and
the Anarch Revolt and made his own cradle of civilization, culture and arts at the very city that
betrayed him, Constantinople.
Marina is an extraordinary vampire, with love for the city she runs and its vampires. Master of
arts. She loves to party and attend the Elysiums at regular bases.
Mentionable Attributes:
Appearance: 7
Other NPC’s of Interest:
Mary, the red three-eyed creature, clan unknown:
The legend has it she lives in Parnitha mountain, but her haven is untraceable. Most community
members are thinking of her like a shaman. The tail is that she helps a good will vampire in time
of need. Her age is not known.
She has animals as companions with various tails for what they are. She has been seen as a wraith
with a lion, by one of them. Some say she has three eyes. Giving the chills to Rory, every time her
stories come up in Elysiums. He believes that she not a vampire. At least, that’s what he usually

Suzan, the gunmaker, Brujah:

Suzan is an ancilae that considered to be very influential for neonates. She holds a gun store and
she is a gun mechanic herself, with very expensive prices. The store locates in Psiri. She is very
literate. Controversial looks.
Notable Attributes: Appearance 5.
Nick, the tattoo artist, Tzimisce:
Nick is a friend of Suzan and a tattoo artist holding a tattoo studio near the Port of Piraeus.
Vampires use to hit his door if they want to change their looks for cosmetics or other shady
reasons. Affordable prices.

Minerva, keeper of Elysium, Toreador:

Minerva is the general keeper of all 3 Elysiums in Athens.
One take place in a mansion that no one uninvited can come in, located in Ekali. High profile
vampires and travelers are going only after invitations.
The second takes place in the Museum of Acropolis, hiding its nature in plain sight. It is open to
anyone and it’s the place where high profile vampires, such as Primogens can meet the rest of
the community.
The third is located in N. Faliro and its home is SN Foundation. Most neonate vampires hang
around in this one.
Minerva likes to be present in the Southern Elysium. Keeping an eye and ear for valuable
information and beliefs from the young ones. She is the grandchild of Marina, although her sire
is unknown.
Mentionable Attributes:

Right before the announcement of total lockdown in Greece, Camarilla had given the vampiric
community supplies of blood for a bit more than 1 month because of the difficulties it would have
in hunting.
Supplies are starting to run out and the council is starting to concern about the results.
Werewolf community:
The werewolf community is based on the Northern Greece near Olympus. It is unknown if they
have some of their kind based in Athens. According to the peace treaty by the end of the Turkish
occupation, due to the major dominance of the vampiric community in the Greek territory, they
are not hunting the damned and they got the privilege to settle in their beloved North.
Mage community:
The only thing that is known about the Athenian Mage community is that they are holding
magical artifacts and precious books.
Hunting is prohibited in the following areas:
1. Market places
2. Malls
3. Famous clubs (Bolivar, Lohan, Banana etc.)
4. Art Facilities (museums, concert halls etc.)

The Anarch Community:

The community of the Anarchs (a term that the Camarilla uses) is based in Pagrati, since early
80’s. In Athens they refer to themselves as the Awaken. Their leader is one of the most influential
figures in the global Anarch community and his name is Achilleas. In Athens, the community also
refers to him as “the Father”.
The incident of 2006:
In 2006 a group of mortals was hunted down by a team of Camarilla vampires. The hunters
wanted to acquire something specific from the mortals. The rumor has it that these mortals
where mages, or some of them. The vampires spotted the group in Pagrati. The Shadow Lord
gave the word to the vampires to procced to the operation -ignoring the territorial violation-, so
the vampires attacked, or at least they tried. 14 Camarilla vampires had final death that night,
with the leader of the operation staked and packed back to Rory with the word “Trespasser”
engraved in his chest, missing his legs and arms.

Achilleas, the Father, Ravnos:

The Father was a Primogen, a representative of the clan Ravnos, and the lover of the Princess,
Marina, for several decades. In early 80’s, the relationship ended. The reason behind this break
up was the turn in ideology of the Father.
Many vampires with the Anarch ideology followed him. The conflict was big and bloody. The story
of the conflict shaped with different versions of what happened, over the years. The most
common tale, about its end, is that the Father and the Princess had a duel. By the end of the duel,
the Father where in the ground. The Princess whispered in his ear: “Take your dead heart and
Pagrati and never -NEVER- look me in the eyes again”, while she took of his eyes.
How exactly the Father perceives his environment is a mystery. He constantly wears a white
ribbon (Appearance:6, after the duel) around his head covering his eyes. Some say he uses
Auspex to understand the environment in a master level. Every now and then he attends the
Elysium in the South. Doesn’t try to get people on his side. He knows that when he shows up all
ears of the council is on him, watching his every move.
Why Marina didn’t kill him? Among the damned, true deep love is the worst of the flaws someone
can have.

Morpheus, the Bane, Lasombra:

An undead legend in Europe. Few have seen him. Doesn’t make public appearances. Doesn’t talk
much. Fearsome, eccentric and with “practical solutions”, some would say. Morpheus doesn’t
remember his embrace. Potent blooded. One of the few vampires that Giannis hesitates to duel.
He is the main protagonist behind the incident of 2006. His powers are unpredictably strong
causing the Athenian Camarilla to fall back when the Anarchs protect their rights in the city. The
council of Primogens speculates that he possesses unimaginably potent blood, leaving questions
about his age and his sire.

Nefeli, the Justice, Assamite:

An instrument of chaotic deadly energy. Nefeli trained in the middle east, in the Assamite
quarters. She is in a constant journey, trying to find her identity as a mortal and her place in the
existential realm.
As the Shadow Lord has put out, she came to Athens with Morpheus during the 2000-2005
period. After the investigations started by the European Camarilla in regard of Fotis’ murder.

Tales, myths and stories about Athens:

1. Many politicians are ghouls of the Camarilla.
2. Socrates and Plato are vampires that till today live in Athens.
3. The government of colonels where a dirty trick of the Sabbat to occupy Athens. While the
colonels where ghouls of Sabbat archbishops.
4. After Fotis’ murder, there was a Justicar in the city, making investigations in the shadows,
as the message of the Inner Circle bear. The Justicars are instruments of “Law
Enforcement”, chosen directly by the Inner Circle. They work in the shadows and they
have the “right to kill”.
5. Rory is an Archon. Archons are chosen directly by Justicars and are their eyes and ears,
around the globe.
6. Marina doesn’t like the Camarilla. After the conflict between her and the Father, some
say that she actually likes the idea of the Anarchs but was too afraid to apply it. While she
had the power to turn the city into an independent place, she considered the aftermath
that this action would have, in terms of dead kindred. Such action doesn’t come without
the Inner Circle noticing. So, she gave her former lover a territory to look after and walk
free, letting his final death come, possibly, by the hands of a Justicar.
7. The Father is a cocaine junky.
8. Morpheus doesn’t exist. Instead in his place there is a demon. This tale possibly came
from his demonic form of Black Metamorphosis.
9. Morpheus and Justice are in love.
10. Morpheus never sleeps. Many attempts of the Camarilla to send mortal agents, to clear
the place during the daylight, failed. Ending up in a blood bath. Someone could say that
this is an application of his “practical solutions”.
11. The Father can’t control Morpheus, unlike Justice, but Morpheus respects and loves the
12. There is possibly a Sabbat agent in Athens, among the high-profile vampires. This agent
possibly helped during the coup in 1967. This is heard with whispers during the Elysium
in the center of Athens.
13. Murdok possess the Mind’s Phylactery. A powerful artifact that protects the mind from
any mental derangement.

Notable NPCs of the Anarch Community:

Witzak, the deal maker, Malkavian:
When someone wants to contact the Anarch Leadership, all he has to do is go to the Calimarmaro
stadium and wait there for a ten-minute period. Then, a vampire will appear next to him from
the shadows. This vampire is Witzak, who can make an appointment between the person that
wants to see Justice or Achilleas.
Witzak is never alone, but his company is unseen. He is really talented, although super mad, in
telling the lies from the truth. He also can deliver messages if the message doesn’t require self-
He has his precious lighter, which he calls Jack, always with him. He talks to Jack and cares about
him. Some say that Jack is, in fact, a tool to communicate with the Father, when necessary. Thin,
with long brown hair, usually wears small sunglasses and a long brown jacket that hides a katana
sword. His face is gentle and quiet. Always talks with a bit of theatrical tone in his voice.
Liza, the slut, Followers of Set:
A nymphomaniac Setite, with talent in infiltrating facilities that can not be hacked. Long black
hair, really beautiful (Appearance:5). A seducer, poisonous bitch. Prefers black latex pants. She
likes to be on the field, getting bored easily which is getting her into trouble with the dog-eyed
sheriff several times. She has her ways getting away from these situations of curse.
She wears neutral sunglasses that protect her from strong lights and eccentric hats.

Bounties and other characters of Interest:

Boris, the well-paying-bishop, clan Brujah:
Boris have been embraced quite old. His apparent age is about 50 years old. He comes from
Russia and he is about 2m tall. Nothing further is known about his appearance. Former wrestler.
He is one of the most wanted vampires in Europe and a bounty is on his head by the Athenian
Camarilla. The Council wants him alive, otherwise the bounty will not be paid. The bounty comes
to 11 million euros, for everyone who will participate in the operation. The reason behind this
huge bounty is that he was a Bishop of the Sabbat in Tirana, for 3 decades.
As the Shadow Lord announced, he entered the Greek territory around 1992. His movements
and actions since then, have not been published. The Council announced the bounty in 2010 after
certainty that he is in Athens. The Shadow Lord says he is a bit crazy, experiencing episodes of
persecution complex. A major type of paranoia. This madness hit him after he diablerized the
Archbishop of Tirana, in 1990. By this action he caused the community to chase him, due to the
respect they paid to their Lasombra Archbishop. Shadow Lord has announced, for anyone brave
enough that wants to go for bounty hunting, that more details about his movements will be
known if someone proceeds to the case.

Mini, the Devil’s-doll, probably Tremere:

Bounted by the Inner Circle of Camarilla. 100 million Euros is given for this vampire, alive, 67
million if dead, to each participant of the operation. In addition to the money prize, a chance of
claiming a place as an Archon, in the territory the hunter wishes, is provided.
The Devil’s doll is a child, early teenage life. Her apparent age is around 14 years of age. The
official intel is that she has multiple personas. The Mad Bull believes she doesn’t really remember
her original personality and that she has selective memory. Which makes her really difficult to
catch. She probably moves from one place to another regularly.
She has been photographed once, in 1997, through a video-camera of a Sheriff’s soldier, in a
village of Montana, USA. The soldier ended up in pieces and the Sheriff, who was on site, found
diablerized. She is extremely beautiful (Appearance: 6) with long black hair, that reach the knees,
and green eyes. Her skin is white with freckles in her cheeks. In the photograph she wears a red
dress, she wears make-up and gloves where covering her hands. The gloves where ripped apart
by her fangs, a power that basically is owned by the Gangrel. The Camarilla believes that she is
a Sabbat experiment that went out of control.
In December of 1999, the Primogen of clan Malkavian of London, send a dispatch to the Inner
Circle making the case that Mini moved in Europe. Further intelligence, in regard of the case of
the Devil’s doll, is strictly given by examination of the hunter’s skills, after application.
Jeff, the Illusionist Outlaw, Ravnos:
A pain in the ass for the European Camarilla. He is accused for multiple masquerade violations.
He has been Embraced in Scotland. Served as the right hand of the Sheriff of Edinburgh for the
years 1970-1998. 49 million euros is given to each one that will be on the operation which will
catch the Illusionist.
Charming (Appearance: 4) and a talker. He likes to be in sexual adventures, getting to know
other’s secrets and make use of them. Brown hair, 1.85 m tall, brown eyes, sharp characteristics
and usually wears small sunglasses of black glass. Master in disguise and a master mind thief.
Many of his operations have been a mystery for the Europol and the Interpol causing major
Masquerade violations, making the Camarilla work day and night to clear the trace to the
Runs a criminal organization, with specialty in frauds and thefts, after the name “Mind’s eye
Theatre”. Mind’s eye Theatre has as targets mainly banks, casinos, stock markets. Any operation
that brings more than 8 million to Jeff is acceptable. Organizes operations that brings to Jeff 48%
of the profits. Jeff helps with the tactics and the organization of the hits, with one rule. For each
dead body of the operation Jeff gets an additional 1% of the profits. Jeff runs this organization
remotely, allowing the existence of numerous cores of the Mind’s eye Theatre around the globe.
For each core a hunter brings to justice, with proof for its connection to Jeff a bounty of 3 million
euros per head is provided, with a bonus of 10 for the whole core.

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