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5720 NOOL-FOIA June 21, 2011 Anne L. Weismann CREW 1400 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 450 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Weismann: SUBJECT: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT CASE MSC 2011/0L061

This refers to your May 25, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, in which you seek to obtain all documents and records from the MSC, its agencies, offices, and its components described in the following categories: (1) All contracts between Offshore Service Vessels, LLC or Edison Chouest Offshore, LLC or Chouest Edison Offshore Inc. and MSC including any contract modifications, whether formal or informal from Jan 1, 2000 thru the present. (2) All correspondence between Representative Don Young (R-AK) or any member of his staff, or any staff member of the US House of Rep Committee on Natural Resources (Resources Committee) or Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (Transportation Committee) acting on behalf of Rep Young, and any employee of the MSC from Jan 1, 2000 thru present. And all responses by any employee of MSC to Rep Young or any member of his staff, or any staff member of the Resource Committee or Transportation Committee acting on behalf of Rep Young during the same period. The following documents are a partial release to your FOIA request synopsized above. Enclosed are 16 pages of releasable responsive documents for your review. Reference our conversation on June 14, 2011 regarding (Item 1) of your request. Partial redacted copies of the first pages of requested contracts are attached at Enclosure (1). Additionally, reference (item 2) of your request. Redacted copies of all correspondence is attached at Enclosure (2)

5720 NOOL-FOIA June 21, 2011 Our review of the responsive documents reveals that they contain personal information, particularly other service members' social security numbers which has been redacted to protect their privacy. Disclosure of this type of information would result in a "clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy," as defined under the FOIA [5 U.S.C. 552(b) (6) as amended]. We have categorized you as a "News media Requester" for the purpose of assessing FOIA processing fees. You are charged the cost of reproduction alone, except the first 100 pages are provided free of charge. Please be advised that there are no fees associated with your request at this time. In conclusion, after review of the enclosed documents, please notify our office no later than (NLT) 24 June 2011, if these documents are responsive to your request. If additional records are needed, fees for this request will be consolidated at the end of processing your request. Please contact Mrs. Lorna M. Taylor at (202)685-5156, if you have any questions concerning the status of your request, or send an email to Sincerely,

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Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Coordinator

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