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Roadie Schedule 2022

Like it or not, moving stuff is a big part of putting on a show! And spreading out the moving of stuff will make things
easy and smooth for everyone! Below is a list of dates and times your band is responsible for doing your shift of lift!

Date Location Time Band

July 10th - Load In Edison Square 10:00am Band 3

July 10th - Load Out Edison Square 3:00pm Band 4

July 17th - Load In Real Art 5:00pm Band 6

July 17th - Load Out Real Art 8:30pm Band 1

July 23rd - Load in Alma Mater 10:00am Band 2

July 23rd - Load Out Alma Mater 3:00pm Band 5

July 31st - Load in Real Art 4:00pm Band 7

July 31st - Load Out Real Art 9:00pm Band 4

Aug 2 - Load In Alma Studios 11:00am Band 5

Aug 4 - Load Out Alma Studios 5:00pm Band 3

Aug 7 - Load In McMenamin’s TBA Band 1

Aug 7 - Load Out McMenamin’s TBA Band 6

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