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Synopsis THE

A story full of mystery and facts that will
leave you with the intrigue to continue
reading, something happens in those wagons...
Do you want to find out?
A missing girl and her sister is willing to do
anything to find her, but she does not know
that the events that will happen will not be of
this world.

Mystery and horror book

Group 3
Thursday, 2:30 p.m. - cloudy
At the end of Mr. Bruce's classes, I went straight to my house
trying to find clues to know where my sister was.
My sister Maggie disappeared 2 years ago on a train on the way
to Avonlea, in case she has died the police have found no trace of
her body and regarding the passengers they didn’t see her leave
but they looked her enter, I don't have an idea what happened ,
but I know that I am going to figure it out, in my opinion what
happened to her is something out of the ordinary, because as
soon as my sister disappeared, the train she was on disappeared,
she changed from having 4 wagons to having 3, I know she
doesn’t have a lot of sense but it can be a clue.
Maggie and I weren’t very close since she was always the favorite
of our parents, she knew how to defend herself from a very
young age, she was good at everything except for natural
sciences and formulas, but even so I miss her and I will find her.
Friday, 5:15 a.m. - early morning
I woke up from a nightmare in which my sister was in a ghost
town sprinkled with strange and radioactive beings.
I was too tired to go to class, so I decided to skip it, so as not to
waste time, I investigated more about what happened to my
sister. Lilith my childhood friend left me a voice message- See
you in the attic now, I discovered something that I think connects
What is it that Lilith discovered?
Friday, 4:30 p.m - sunny
Friday, 5:00 p.m - rainy
Lilith told me that it was something urgent, I took my things and
Lilith showed me the sheets. I was shocked- I also found more
went out to the shot, I met Lilith in the attic of her house, when I
clues, that train has something strange and we have to find out- I
arrived I could saw the confusion on her face, I quickly sat down
told her- The two cases happened on the train- she said while she
next to her, when she saw me she began to look between the
was looking at me, my face reflected concern.
papers that were in her hands. -I don't get it, but then...where is my sister supposed to be?- I said
before thinking for a few seconds.
Now everything made sense, everything connected to Maggie's
-The police don't do anything, so I'll have to find her by myself- I
disappearance, I still don't have a good explanation for
said hoping to get an answer from her- I'll help you, but we don't
everything, but I was sure this could help. A few days ago I went
know what we're getting into, we'll have to be careful- She
to the library, where I found a newspaper that was never
answered me and then we started to make a plan.
published, entitled "A girl went up in smoke and with her one of
the train wagons" in which there was a great similarity with Friday, 6:00 p.m - rainy
Maggie's disappearance, but In this case, there was a witness Coming back from the library, I try to look for clues in Maggie's
who stated that she had seen her friend the second before going room.
through the tunnel, and when she left, the aforementioned In the library I told Lilith about the dream I had, but between the
person disappeared without a trace. two of us we couldn't find any answer.
Are they close to
finding a way to
get Maggie backª
CHAPTER 5 Saturday, 9:00 a.m - sunny
Lilith and I bought tickets to Avonlea. Already in the train we
??? - cloudy and hot
began to collect information, when suddenly the weather turned
rainy and dark.
I don't know how long it's been, but I know it's been a long time
-The tunnel is approaching, I'm afraid, my intuition tells me that
since all this happened, it's a torment that doesn't end. I've been
something is close, but at the same time very far- Lilith said
in unimaginable worlds, without finding the world where I
suddenly, I replied- Don't worry, it's just a tunnel and when we
belong. I'm alone and loneliness is the only thing I can see.
get out I'll return to this world- I said before laughing, but Lilith's
Where I am there are terrorific and unimaginable beings, who
expression didn't change.
look for any carelessness to hurt me or devour me. I don't
know the time or the day, in this world knowing it is almost
impossible since the days remain the same. It is very hot and the
fog does not allow me to visualize, so it is impossible to know
what is around me. I think my family has stopped looking for
me, but if they continue, I doubt they will be able to find me
since I don't even know where I am and I can't find an
explanation for all this.
Saturday, 4 p.m - Avonlea Sunday, 7 a.m -
Lilith: sunny Lizy:
I know that what Lizy said was to lighten the mood, but I feel
that behind that joke there is a truth... When I woke up I saw Lilith awake, I could see eyebags under
Upon arrival we checked into a hotel, already in the room I told her eyes, I noticed her lack of sleep- What happened- I asked
Lizy that such a sudden change in weather was not normal or her- I couldn't sleep, I dreamed something that prevented me-
was it just a simple coincidence?... She said with a trembling voice- I still feel them here ...
I stayed lost in my thoughts for a long time, Lizy made me come What Lilith said gave me goosebumps, what or who did she mean
back to reality and I realized that we were already in the room- by what she had just told me- I was in a very similar place to the
You better rest- Lizy told me when she saw me so thoughtful one you described in your dream, but suddenly everything went
after getting off the train. from being silent to listening whispers in my ears, I don't know
Sunday, 2:50 a.m - very cold what it was, I didn't see anything around me, but from afar I saw
I woke up sweaty and breathless, still scared even though I was a shadow in the fog that got bigger with every step It took, but
already awake, I had to tell Lizy, but she was so comfortably asleep then I heard Maggie's voice behind me, so I turned around, bad
that I decided it was better not to wake her up. idea, I never saw Maggie, but the last thing I heard her say was
I was unable to sleep the rest of the night… "Behind you", and then i heard she screamed heartbreakingly, I
tried to turn around, but I couldn't, I froze, I heard a breath near
my ear,
then I felt my back being scratched, it felt so real and then I woke why that we stayed here for short time, we told her our situation,
up- she ends by saying, I couldn't describe how scared she was she didn't seem surprised and she asked us to meet today at 6
and I was starting to feel bad for getting her into all of this. p.m, at a place far from the hotel and not tell anyone what she
Sorry for getting you into my sister's case, my selfishness caused would tell us, now we are on our way to the location she gave us,
this- I said while i hugged her, I couldn't see her but I could hear yesterday Lilith already bought the return tickets, so as soon as
her sobs- None of this is your fault Lizy, things happen for a we get back from talking to the woman we'll pick up our bags
reason and I'm sure this dream wasn't just a coincidence, maybe and go to the station to wait for the train to leave.
it's one more clue to find your sister

CHAPTER 8 We had met with Rose an older woman who apparently had
something important to tell us- Sorry for making you come so
Monday, 9am - sunny far, but it is important that you know and please don't tell
Lizy: anyone, because anyone who listens would think you are crazy-
Said Rose hoping to get an answer from us so she could
Today was our last day here in Avonlea, These 2 days have continue- We won't do it, you can trust- I told her to calm her
helped us to investigate more, we didn't discover much but there down.
was someone who will help us a lot, the receptionist woman is an
old person, the day we arrived at the hotel she asked us the
then I felt my back being scratched, it felt so real and then I woke why that we stayed here for short time, we told her our situation,
up- she ends by saying, I couldn't describe how scared she was she didn't seem surprised and she asked us to meet today at 6
and I was starting to feel bad for getting her into all of this. p.m, at a place far from the hotel and not tell anyone what she
Sorry for getting you into my sister's case, my selfishness caused would tell us, now we are on our way to the location she gave us,
this- I said while i hugged her, I couldn't see her but I could hear yesterday Lilith already bought the return tickets, so as soon as
her sobs- None of this is your fault Lizy, things happen for a we get back from talking to the woman we'll pick up our bags
reason and I'm sure this dream wasn't just a coincidence, maybe and go to the station to wait for the train to leave.
it's one more clue to find your sister

CHAPTER 8 We had met with Rose an older woman who apparently had
something important to tell us- Sorry for making you come so
Lizy: far, but it is important that you know and please don't tell
anyone, because anyone who listens would think you are crazy-
Today was our last day here in Avonlea, These 2 days have Said Rose hoping to get an answer from us so she could
helped us to investigate more, we didn't discover much but there continue- We won't do it, you can trust- I told her to calm her
was someone who will help us a lot, the receptionist woman is an down.
old person, the day we arrived at the hotel she asked us the
CHAPTER 9 challenge for me, unfortunately I can't tell you how to get out
there, but something that I'm sure helped me get out was this
necklace- I took off the necklace that was around my neck and
put it in to the brunette girl- What I could tell you is that if you
want save your sister, you have to enter that horrible world and
When I was young I went from living with my parents to
the only way is to fall asleep, but you will need a lot of courage
becoming independent, so every weekend I had to come by train
if you want to survive, I wish you the best of luck.
to Avonlea so as not to lose contact with them, it was December
20, I would spend time with my family until January to celebrate
Christmas, action thanksgiving and new year, I was on the train
on the way to avonlea, I had been sitting on the train for hours
We thanked Rose for her help and we went straight to the hotel,
and only decided to sleep 1 hour before arriving, it was not long
we picked up our bags, also we went to buy some things that
before I crossed the tunnel, but it didn't matter, when I woke up I
could help us if we got there, food and things to defend
was alone, I only heard silence I felt very hot, which seemed
ourselves, then we went to the train station to wait for the time to
strange to me because when I was on the train the weather was
get on- Rose was very
rainy, I slowly opened my eyes, I didn't see anything, everything
was fog. It's been many years that I don't remember everything I
experienced there, but I can assure you that nothing I
experienced there was pretty and getting out was certainly a
I thanked Rose for that information and we quickly said goodbye
to Rose, we ordered a taxi to the train station and while we were
in the taxi I told Lilith:
-You don't have to come, Rose said it was difficult to leave that
place and I don't want you to risk it, she is my sister and I must
bring her back.
Lilith answered me:
- I want to do it, I am your friend and I will always be here for
you, if things get complicated I will be at peace because I try to
help, and I know that we are all going to return to this world.
I told her that I loved Lilith very much for being my friend, while
she was telling her this we had already arrived at the train station
and ran down the stairs to catch up with the train.
place and I don't want you to risk it, she is my sister and I must
bring her back.
Lilith answered me:
- I want to do it, I am your friend and I will always be here for
you, if things get complicated I will be at peace because I try to
help, and I know that we are all going to return to this world.
I told her that I loved Lilith very much for being my friend, while
she was telling her this we had already arrived at the train station
and ran down the stairs to catch up with the train.

I thanked Rose for that information and we quickly said goodbye
to Rose, we ordered a taxi to the train station and while we were
in the taxi I told Lilith:
-You don't have to come, Rose said it was difficult to leave that
CHAPTER 12 ??? - too cold and cloudy
I was too cold but the supplies had run out so I had to go to the
5:54 pm -
ghost town to look for more, where there were a lot of monsters,
Sunset Lilith:
I was walking on the train tracks since there were no monsters
Already on the train we got on the car and went to our seats, and
there and it was a safe way to get to the ghost town, when
the train already began to leave.
suddenly you hear the screeching of the train rails.
I was watching the sunset through the train window and I was
admiring the landscape, it was the last thing I remember since
after that I fell asleep, not knowing that it would be the last time I
would see the sun.

I don't know how to fall asleep easily so as soon as we sat in the
car I took some sleeping pills that I had taken from my mother's
bedroom, and hoped that I would fall asleep before reaching the
The arrival of the CHAPTER 13
??? - too cold and cloudy

train will be the

I suppose that the effect of the pill ended because I felt too cold
and when I opened my eyes I knew that I would find my sister
here, when I looked at the window everything was full of fog but
I managed to see a human figure that was walking to one side of

hope of maggieª the train tracks.

I went back to see the seat where Lilith was and she was sleeping
there, I immediately tried to wake her up and she reacted.
We got up from our seats and got out of the car and we weren't
the only ones who fell asleep before reaching the tunnel.

I immediately ran to the train station but at the main entrance
there was a monster and in order not to waste energy I decided to
enter from the other end, when I entered the train I saw 3 human I didn't know who did it, but as soon as that zombie fell to the
figures and I recognized one, it was... my sister! I saw her I ground, I saw my sister Maggie with a crossbow in her hands, as
wanted to run towards her but I didn't want to ignore the 2 people soon as I saw her I ran towards her and Maggie extended her
who were next to her and I approached silently. arms to me.

??? - too cold and cloudy
When we opened the door of the car we saw a figure that seemed
human but when we looked at it I wasn't sure, it looked like a
radioactive zombie, I just thought about running but I had
remained immobile.

I saw the figure and I was wrong, it wasn't something human,
and he tried to attack us, but before he did, an arrow
pierced his brain,
Maggie: Monday, October 31, 2022 -
I told my sister: Rainy Lizzy:
- Did he bite you, do you feel alright? I put Lilith's hand on the necklace and the train started, we
- Lizzy: -I am because you say so? passed out and suddenly I heard Maggie call me, I woke up and
- Maggie: -Something is shining under your neck everything was back to normal, it had all been a dream, I woke
Lizzy took out a necklace under her shirt and was about to burst up in a hospital full of serums and needles, I had woken up from
from so much brightness, I could only hear that several monsters a coma for 3 days.
were coming for us, they were attracted by the light, but
suddenly Lilith and I put our hands on the necklace and the last
thing I remember is that the train began to move quickly without
even letting me be alert as we all fell tired to the point of falling
Was this story a dream
or is it a predictionª
Maybe there are places
we don't know or this
world is not what we

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