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Project Name: Expanded Editorial Production

Project Code: WKFEE

Goals: Migration to SimFlex Online Flatform

Engineering Product
Owner: James Ian Lumapas/Rainidah Alimatar

Production Product
Owner: Snaira Ballesta
Pages/Features Admin Manager User

Dashboard and dashboard reports display will be changes according to user roles.
User Profile display will vary based on the role.
This section should contain a diagram that could be a process flow or conceptual diagram
Purpose is to see what are the main features of the system to be developed


User Panel User Panel User


2 User
4 User

5 User

6 System
7 User

10 System


Web Harvest Registration User
User Panel User Panel User

TITO Task-In/Task-Out Production


Task-In Production
Task-Out User

QA Utilities/Checking and User



Reports REPORTS \ WKFEE Tracker User/

REPORTS \Daily User/
Transmission Tracker Manager


REPORTS \TAT Report User/
(WKFEE) Manager


Consolidated Query (WKFEE) Utilities/Checking and User/
Validation/Expanded Manager
idated Query (WKFEE)
As a user, I will select the Project 'WKFEE' in the combo list
As a user, I wil select the Process 'WKFEE Registration' in the combo list
As a user, I will click log in to start processing
As a user, I will click get allocation to get job to process.
As a user, I click Task In and should be directed to the Registration module.
As a user, I should see the following in the front-end job regisration main interface:

(1) Button: 'New'

(2) Table with the following column headers
a. WorkFlow Name
b. Jurisdiction
c. Services
d. Current Citation
e. Action
f. Filename
g. User Comment

(3) Pagination option

(4) Label: Total Jobs for Registration: ##
(5) Button: Submit

As a user, at 'New' button click, a dialog should appear similar to the below:

Note: please change the front-end interface to a suitable styling if needed

With the following buttons below:

-Add to Queue
As a user, after pasting(ctrl+V) the text file on the left side textbox field , I want to see the following:

1. clipboard content as the data at the top-most textbox field (editable).

2. parsed contents extracted as the data entry of the following textbox object:

UI Fields: Clipboard Section (separated by LineFeed)

1. WorkFlow Name WorkFlow Name: {Value}
2. Jurisdiction Jurisdiction: {Value}
3. Services
4. Count default value: '0'
5. Current Citation(s)
6. Action
7. Filename WorkFlow Name: {Value}
8. User Comment

As a user, I want to make updates on the pasted data in the top-most textbox field. These changes/updates should
also be implemented in the extracted fields like Filename; State; etc.

As a user, i should be able edit ALL the text inside each fields in the UI.

As a user, once 'Submit' button is clicked, I want a validation to be performed for the required field data.

*All Fields are Required except the left side textbox field

As a system, do not allow to submit the record if there are missing required fields. Redirect to the missing field and
disable the 'Submit' initially and enable only when all required fields are filled-in. Otherwise, close the dialog interface

As a system, add a (new) single row in the main job registration main interface based on all the data gathered in the
'New' process. All fields are read-only

a. WorkFlow Name
b. Jurisdiction
c. Services
d. Current Citation
e. Action
f. Filename
g. User Comment

As a system, allow to (a) edit the added row by clicking the edit action icon or delete using the (b) delete action icon
present in the main job registration interface.

(a) Edit - display the same interface as the other projects implemented
(b) Delete - prompt for confirmation before deleting the row
"As a user, I want to click the 'Submit' button so I can insert the below record/s in the project database tables and
register in the WMS/Simflex database.

1. WorkFlow Name: {WorkFlowName}

2. Jurisdiction: {Jurisdiction}
3. Services: {Services}
4. Count: {Count}
5. Current Citation: {Citation}
6. Action: {Action}
7. Filename: {WorkFlowName}
8. User Comment: {UserComment}
9. (Date Registered): {DateAcquired}

As a system, remove all the processed rows in the main job registration interface once successfully processed. Retain
all row/s with encountered error during the project table insertion and/or registration to WMS/Simflex routine
As a system, after the user clicked the 'Register' button in the registration main interface. I should return to User
panel interface.
As a user, I should click Task Out once done with registration.
Please copy the registration SimflexOnline logic created by RND team.
3.1 As a user, I will select the Project 'WKFEE' in the combo list
3.2 As a user, I wil select the Process 'Citation Format' in the combo list
3.3 As a user, I will click log in to start processing
3.4 As a user, I will click get allocation to get job to process.
3.1 As a Production Associate, I shall be able to use a UI with the following functions:
3.1.2 Select job to process.
3.1.3 Start function to initiate task in.
3.1.4 Set as pending to save pending files to be resumed later.
3.1.5 Hold and Un-Hold function, ask user to enter value in Remarks field when job is put on Hold status.
As a Production Associate, after task-in I shall be able to see new interface with the following fields and functions:

- Current Citations
- Citation Count
- Action Date
- Effective date
- CRC count

With the following buttons below:

- Save
- Closed
As a user, I want to click the 'Save' button so I can insert the below record/s in the project database tables and
register in the WMS/Simflex database.

1. Action Date: {ActionDate}

2. Effective Date: {EffectiveDate}
3. CRC: {CRC}
4. CRC count: {CRCcount}
5. get the (current Date) and save as: {TransmittedDate}
6. Add additional column {WorkflowStatus} and save the value as: 'Done'

As a user, I should have an option if 'For Process' or 'Not for Process'

As a sytem, once 'For Process' clicked I should saved in the Project database. {JobStatus} with the value 'For Process'
As a sytem, once 'Not for Process' clicked I should saved in the Project database. {JobStatus} with the value 'Not for
As a user, I want to click the 'QA WKFEE' menu item and can see the following in the front-end interface:

(1) Date Range (Date Picker)

(2) Table with the following column headers
a. Date Available in Queue
b. Workpackage Name
c. Citations
d. State
e. Book
f. Bills
g. Section
h. Action Type
i. Action Date
j. Effective Date
k. Status
l. User
m. User Name
n. Jobname
o. Cluster Name

(3) Pagination option

(4) Label: Total Jobs Gathered: ###
(5) Button: Generate Email

As a user, after selecting the date range all Job with status 'Done' in the selected date should display.
- All fields are editable
As a system, allow to (a) edit the added row by clicking the edit action icon or delete using the (b) delete action icon
present in the main job registration interface.

(a) Edit - All fields are editable

(b) Delete - prompt for confirmation before deleting the row

As a system, Once the button 'Generate Email' was clicked the {QAStatus} should update the value to "Task Done" so
that it won't show again on the next load.
As a system, Once the button 'Generate Email' was clicked the {ClusterName} should be auto generated with the
value "CLOCQA"+ incrementing number {6 digits}. sample:CLOCQA250502
As a user, at 'Generate Email' button clicked, I want to auto generate an email with the details below.

- Emails Subject: " (configurable) + {current month}{current day}{current year}"

- To: (configurable)
- CC: (configurable)
- Attached the generated report in excel file.

In the Excel file set generated filename to "{current month} {current day}{current year} +.xlsx"

Get {current month}{current day} and {current year} from the selected date range.

Always get the {current month} {current day}and {current year} on the Date From range value

As a system, I should call out an template excel and extract the value found in the QA WKFEE menu item.

As a system, once the excel file was generated. On 'Endorsements' tab, show only the unique Workpackage Name on
'OTHER INFO' column and count the Workpackage Name in 'UNIT COUNT' See sample excel on the Engineering note.
As a user/manager, I want to click the 'WKFEE Tracker' menu item and can see the following in the front-end

(1) Date Range (Date Picker): defaullt {current date}

(2) Table with the following column headers
a. Date Acquired
b. Workflow Name
c. Citations
d. Jurisdiction
e. Service
f. Action
g. Action Date
i. Effective Date
j. CRC
k. Transmitted Date
l. CRC Count
m. Workflow Status
n. User
o. Jobname
p. ClusterName
q. QA Remarks
r. User Comments
(3) Pagination option
(4) Label: Total Jobs Gathered: ###
(5) Button: Generate Excel File

As a user/manager, at 'Generate Excel File' button click, I want to save the generated report into excel file using a

Set generated filename to "Alfresco Tracker" + " - " + {current year} + ".xlsx"

Get {current year} from the selected date range.

Always get the {current year} on the Date From range value
As a user/manager, I want to click the 'Daily Transmission Tracker (WKFEE)' menu item and can see the following in
the front-end interface:

(1) Date Range (Date Picker)

(2) Table with the following column headers
a. Date Acquired
b. Juriscdiction
c. Service
d. Section
e. Citation
f. Number of Links
g. WorkFlow Name
h. User #
(3) Pagination option
(4) Label: Total Jobs Gathered: ###
(5) Button: Generate Excel File
(6) Button: Generate Report

As a user, at 'Generate Excel File' button click, I want to save the generated report into excel file using a template.

Set generated filename to "Daily Transmission Tracker" + " - " + {current month} {current day}{current year} + ".xlsx"

Get {current month} and {current year} from the selected date range.

Always get the {current month} and {current year} on the Date From range value

As a system, generate the first row to "Expanded Editorial (Acquisition-Editorial) + current month} /{current
day}/{current year} "
"As a user/manager, I want to click the 'TAT Report (WKFEE)' menu item and can see the following in the front-end

(1) Date Range (Date Picker)

(2) Table with the following column headers
a. Jurisdiction
b. Service
c. WorkFlow Name
d. Citation
e. Date Received
f. Date Returned
g. TAT
h. Remarks
i. Additional Notes
j. Holidays
(3) Pagination option
(4) Label: Total Jobs Gathered: ###
(5) Button: Generate Excel File
(6) Button: Generate Report"

* editable fields: Remarks, Additional Notes, Holidays

As a user, at 'Generate Excel File' button click, I want to save the generated report into excel file using a template.

Set generated filename to "Insource Editorial workflow" + " - " + {current month} {current year} + "TAT Report".xlsx""

Get {current month} and {current year} from the selected date range.

Always get the {current month} and {current year} on the Date From range value

As a system, I should call out an template excel and extract the value found in the TAT Report (WKFEE) menu item.
As a user, I want to click the 'Consolidated Query (WKFEE) ' menu item and see the following in the front-end job
query main interface:

(1) Date Range (Date Picker)

(3) Drop Down: Filter {Date Query, Workflow Name, Citations, Jurisdiction, Service, User ID}
(4) Search Box
(5) Drop Down: Status {Open, Closed}
(6) Button: Search
(7) Button: Add Query
(8) Button: Export
(9) Table with the following column headers
a. Date Query
b. Workflow Name
c. Citations
d. Jurisdiction
e. Service
f. User ID
g. Query Details
h. Status
i. Date Replied
j. Query Reply
k. Answered By
l. Date Requery
m. Requery Details
n. Date Replied
o. Requery Reply
p. Answered by
(10) Pagination option
(11) Label: Total Jobs Gathered: ###

As a user, I can search a query by selecting the fields in the drop down 'Filter' and input a text in the Search box then
clicking the 'Search' button to view the query.

As a user, I can filter and view only the open query by selecting the 'Open' in the drop down 'Status'.
As a user, at 'Add Query' button click, a dialog should appear with the following fields:
a. Date Query (date picker)
b. Workflow Name
c. Citations
d. Jurisdiction
e. Service
f. User ID
g. Status {'Open', 'Closed'}
h. Query Details
i. Date Replied
j. Query Reply
k. Answered By
l. Date Requery
m. Requery Details
n. Date Replied
o. Requery Reply
p. Answered by

- Submit
- Closed

As a user, once 'Submit' button is clicked, I want a validation to be performed for the required field data.

*Required fields: Date Query, Workflow Name, Citations, State, User ID, Status, Query Details
Not required fields: Date Replied, Query Reply, Answered By, Date Requery, Requery Details, Date Replied, Requery
Reply, Answered by

As a system, do not allow to submit the record if there are missing required fields. Redirect to the missing field and
disable the 'Submit' initially and enable only when all required fields are filled-in. Otherwise, close the dialog interface
As a system, add a (new) single row in the Consolidated Query main interface based on all the data gathered in the
'Add query' process. All fields are read-only

a. Date Query
b. Workflow Name
c. Citations
d. Jurisdiction
e. Service
f. User ID
g. Query Details
h. Status
i. Date Replied
j. Query Reply
k. Answered By
l. Date Requery
m. Requery Details
n. Date Replied
o. Requery Reply
p. Answered by

As a system, allow to (a) edit the added row by clicking the edit action icon or delete using the (b) delete action icon
present in the main job registration interface.

(a) Edit - display the same interface as the other projects implemented
(b) Delete - prompt for confirmation before deleting the row

As a user, once 'Submit' button is clicked, I want a validation to be performed for the duplicate entry.

- The system shoud not accept an entry If the 'Workflow Name', 'citation' and 'Query details' are same value with the
new entry.

As a system, do not allow to submit a duplicate entry. Promt an error message "Duplicate Entry".
"As a user, I want to click the 'Submit' button so I can insert the below record/s in the project database tables and
register in the WMS/Simflex database.

a. Date Query: {DateQuery}

b. Workflow Name: {WorkflowName}
c. Citations: {Citation}
d. Jurisdiction: {Jurisdiction}
e. Service: {Services}
f. User ID: {NM_Users}
g. Status: {QueryStatus}
h. Query Details: {QueryDetails}
i. Date Replied: {DateReplied}
j. Query Reply: {QueryReply}
k. Answered By: {AnsweredBy}
l. Date Requery: {DateRequery}
m. Requery Details: {RequeryDetails}
n. Date Replied: {DateReplied}
o. Requery Reply: {RequeryReply}
p. Answered by: {Answeredby}

As a user, at 'Export' button click, I want to save the generated query into excel file using a template.

Set generated filename to "Query Tracking" + " - " + {current month} {current year} + ".xlsx"

Get {current month} and {current year} from the selected date range.

Always get the {current month} and {current year} on the Date From range value
Considerati Engineering Note

- similar interface with CCHIN and WKFII

- Services: Selection ('GNA', 'HFC', 'HMR', 'MBC', 'MIN', 'OTK',
'OAG', 'PRC', 'RPG', 'RRR', 'SIC', 'SRL' )
- Action: Selection ('added', 'Amended', 'CX', 'Renumbered',
'Repealed', 'Uncodified')
- Count: After the user input/paste the value in 'Current
citation' it will count automatically. The total count of
'Current Citation', every value are separated with the

Count '3'
Current Citation(s): SeCP S 1245.060, Civ s 2983.3, Civ s 52.1

- One jobname per registration

- One jobname can contain multiple citation (Current
- one 'current citation' equal to one batch name
- One 'current citation' is equal to external reference

-There are instance that the user will manually input the text
in the field. The system should accept the inputted value
without pasting in left side textbox field.
-Allocation Category=Default name should automatically
reflect those who log-on the application – no need to
manual searches the user/name
-External Reference='Citation' (One 'citation' is equal to
external reference)
-Batch Count=1
-TAT (hours)="24"
-Due Date={adjust based on the inputted TAT value}

The ff fields are editable:

- Action Date - {date}

- Effective Date - {date}
- CRC (text) - not required
- CRC count - {int} - automatically count the 'CRC' value. Each
value separated with semicolon

The ff fields are auto generated from the Project Database:

- Citation Count: {Count}
- Current Citation: {Citation}
-Selection {'For Process' 'Not for Process'}

Get the value of the ff column in Project Database/WMS

a. Date Available in Queue: {DateAcquired}
b. Workpackage Name: {WorkFlowName}
c. Citations: {Citation}
d. State: {Jurisdiction}
e. Book: {Services}
f. Bills
g. Section
h. Action Type: {Action}
i. Action Date: {ActionDate}
j. Effective Date: {EffectiveDate}
k. Status: {Status}
l. User: get in wsm db {NM_Users}
m. User Name:get in wsm db {NM_Users}
n. Jobname: get in wsm db {Jobname}
o. Cluster Name: {ClusterName}

Filter to {WorkflowStatus} value: "Done" and {QAStatus}

value: 'blank'
Please use this template to auto generate the excel file.


Below are the default value in Endorsements tab:

BATCHES - default value: "0"
UNIT COUNT- count value from 'OTHER INFO' column
BYTES- default value: "0"
ITEMCODE- default value: "WKFEE"
AUDIT REMARKS- default value: "FP"

Below are the value from the "Sheet1" tab

SHIPMENT CODE: 'Date Available in Queue' {DateAcquired}
CLUSTER: 'Cluster Name' {ClusterName}
JOBNAME: 'Jobname' {Jobname}
OTHER INFO: 'Workpackage Name' {WorkFlowName}
Get the value of the ff column in Project Database.
a. Date Acquired: {DateAcquired}
b. Workflow Name: {WorkFlowName}
c. Citations: {Citation}
d. Jurisdiction: {Jurisdiction}
e. Service: {Services}
f. Action: {Action}
g. Action Date: {ActionDate}
i. Effective Date: {EffectiveDate}
j. CRC: {CRC}
k. Transmitted Date: {TransmittedDate}
l. CRC Count: {CRCcount}
m. Workflow Status: {WorkflowStatus}
n. User: get in wsm db {NM_Users}
o. Jobname: get in wsm db {Jobname}
p. ClusterName: {ClusterName}
q. QA Remarks
r. User Comments: {UserComment}
Get the value of the ff column in Project Database.
a. Date Acquired: {Dateacquired}
b. Juriscdiction: {Jurisdiction}
c. Service: {Services}
d. Section
e. Citation: {Citation}
f. Number of Links: {CRCcount}
g. WorkFlow Name: {WorkFlowName}
h. User: get in wsm db {NM_Users}

Sample Daily Transmission Tracker:

Transmission Tracker - 02242022.xlsx
Get the value of the ff column in Project Database:
a. Jurisdiction: {Jurisdiction}
b. Service: {Services}
c.Workflow Name: {WorkFlowName}
d. Citation: {Citation}
e. Date Received: {DateAcquired}
f. Date Returned: {CurrentDate}
g. TAT

and save the ff in Project database:

h. Remarks: {TATRemaks}
i. Additional Notes: {TATAddNotes}
j. Holidays: {Holidays}

Please use this template to auto generate the excel file.

Insource Editorial
workflow - January 2022 TAT Report.xlsx
Insource Editorial
workflow - January 2022 TAT Report.xlsx
- The previous Consolidated query should be uploaded first.
So that the user can search the previous query.

a. Date Query (date picker) default to {current date}
b. Workflow Name (text)
c. Citations (text)
d. Jurisdiction (text)
e. Service (text)
f. User ID (text)
g. Status - Drop list {'Open', 'Closed'} default to 'Open'
h. Query Details (text)
i. Date Replied (date picker)
j. Query Reply (text)
k. Answered By (text)
l. Date Requery (date picker)
m. Requery Details (text)
n. Date Replied (date picker)
o. Requery Reply (text)
p. Answered by (text)
Sample Query Tracking:

No. Key System Considerations
1 Cloud access
2 Multi-browser support
Access over web browser into WMS
Supports popular browsers eg Chrome, Edge
13.1.17. A functionality to easily perf
14.1 As an admin or Team Manager,

15.1. As a Production user, I will be a

functionality to easily perfrom the tagging of TRPIP for citation/reference
admin or Team Manager, I will be able to use the commone WMS modules:

Production user, I will be able to retrieve the SPECS modules:

Implementation Start:

WKFEE SimFlex Web Implemention Week: 1 Dec 25, 1899 Jan 1, 1900 Jan 8, 1900 Jan 15, 1900 Jan 22, 1900 Jan 29, 1900 Feb 5, 1900 Feb 12, 1900 Feb 19, 1900 Feb 26, 1900 Mar 5, 1900 Mar 12, 1900
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
WBS Task Name Resource Start Finish Duration Percent Complete M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S
1 12/30/99 12/30/99 0
1.1 Kick-Off Prod, Engg 0 0%
1.2 Planning, Scoping, Prioritization and etc., Prod, Engg 0 0%
1.3 Presentation and approval Prod, Engg 0 0%
2.00 Process Development (Sprint 1) Engg 12/30/99 12/30/99 0
2.1.1 Job Registration Engg 0 0%
2.1.2 Reports Engg 0 0%
2.1.3 Testing and feedback cycle Engg 0 0%
2.1.4 Deployment PD Testing Prod, Engg 0 0%
2.1.5 Deployment PD Sign-off Prod, Engg 0 0%
3.00 Process Development (Sprint 2) Engg 12/30/99 12/30/99 0
3.1.1 PDSuite Web Conversion Engg TBD TBD 0%
3.1.2 Testing and feedback cycle Engg TBD TBD 0%
3.1.3 Deployment Testing Prod, Engg TBD TBD 0%
4.00 End-to-End Testing Prod 12/30/99 12/30/99 0 0%
4.1 Testing & Bug fixing Engg, Prod 0 0%
4.2 Sign-off Prod 0 0%
4.3 Deployment Live Engg 0 0%
4.4 Post-Implementation Reviews Engg, Prod 0 0%
4.5 Documentations Engg, Prod 0 0%

Page 45 of 55

System Testing


Date Revised 6/10/2021 04:00:00 PM FM-ENG-044

The online version of this manual is th
System Testing


Date Revised 6/10/2021 04:00:00 PM FM-ENG-044 Rev. 02 E

The online version of this manual is the updated version and takes precedence
Sprint 1-3 (Iteration 1)

Rev. 02 Effective from : 6/10/2021

is the updated version and takes precedence over any printed copy.
Sprint 1-3 (Iteration 1) Sprint I-3 (Iteration 2)
Date Tested Test Status Date Tested
EDG Remarks
Passed Closed
Failed Open
Counter Items with Clarifications
Response from PD

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