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EvaTheEpic (She/her) — Today at 21:47

we need to deal with them

Hubert H Humphrey — Today at 21:47

Anyway Hi Shaquex!

EvaTheEpic (She/her) — Today at 21:48

lizard w/ gun

Hubert H Humphrey — Today at 21:48

Do not give a lizard a gun

alpa — Today at 21:48


EvaTheEpic (She/her) — Today at 21:48

youre a lizard with gun

Hubert H Humphrey — Today at 21:49


EvaTheEpic (She/her) — Today at 21:50

a factual statement

Shaquex — Today at 21:50

hi! n.n

Hubert H Humphrey — Today at 21:51

When I get into hunt... that is kinda how it is

I do usually have guns

EvaTheEpic (She/her) — Today at 21:51

silly dragon

Allagash — Today at 21:53

tfw randoms run away with 1 token and leave you 1v3 against 6 stars

very cocol


Shaquex — Today at 21:54

just get some friends, that way you don't play with randos 5head

Hubert H Humphrey — Today at 21:54


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