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dölja, conceal; kvälja, nauseate; skilja, separate; smörja, grease; vänja,

(j) Stems in a mutated vowel in the infinitive and present only:

Verbs like böra with stems in -r assimilate the -er in the present. Cf. (b)
töras, dare [Deponent, see also 5.5.4]. IIb: Main paradigm

These verbs have stems ending in -k, -ck, -n, -p, -pp, -s, -ss, -t, -x, i.e. largely
the voiceless consonants. The past tense ends in -te and the past participle in -
t. (NB. This form also inflects for number: see 5.2.14.)
Some verbs with stems in a consonant +n are IIa, see above.
(a) Examples:
-k -ck: leka, play; märka, notice; rycka, snatch; räcka, reach; röka,
smoke; skänka, donate; släcka, extinguish; steka, fry; styrka,
support; stärka, strengthen; söka, seek; trycka, press; tycka,
think; täcka, cover; tänka, think; väcka, waken; åka, travel
-n: begynna, begin; kröna, crown; röna, experience; syna, inspect
-p: hjälpa, help; köpa, buy; löpa, run; skärpa, sharpen
-pp: klippa, cut; knäppa, button; släppa, release;
-s: resa, travel; frysa, freeze; låsa, lock; läsa, read; lösa, solve
-ss: kyssa, kiss
-x: växa, grow. See also 5.1.4,

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