5.1.6 Irregular Verbs of The Third Conjugation

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The stem ends in a stressed vowel other than -a.

As in the first conjugation the

infinitive = the stem. Endings are -r (present), -dde (past), -tt (supine), -dd
(past participle) and -ende (present participle). The vowel is long in the
infinitive but is shortened in the past, supine and past participle. (NB. This last
form also inflects for number and gender: see 5.2.14.) The stem vowels
involved are:
-e: bete sig, behave; förete, show; ske, occur; te (sig), appear
-o: anförtro, confide; bo, live; bero, depend; glo, stare; gno, rub; gro,
sprout; ro, row; sno, twist; tro, believe
-y: avsky, detest; bry sig, care; fly, flee; gry, dawn; spy, vomit
-å: flå, flay; förebrå, reproach; förmå, be capable of; klå, thrash; må,
feel; nå, reach; spå, predict; så, sow; åtrå, desire
-ö: förströ, entertain; strö, sprinkle
Note – The third conjugation also includes the deponent verb brås (på), ‘take
after’. See 5.5.4.

5.1.6 Irregular verbs of the third conjugation

Some verbs conform broadly to the inflexion of the third conjugation (with
largely regular present, supine and past participle forms) but possess one or
more irregular forms. These irregular forms are marked * in the table. A
hyphen before a past participle form in the table below indicates that it usually
only occurs in a compound.

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