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Health and Nutrition

Promotion in Migrant
Azizah Ajeng Pratiwi

Highly appreciate to the author for parts of these slides are

taken: Rachmah, 2021


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Migrant in Health and Health and Nutrition Delivering the Health and
Indonesia Nutrition Nutrition Information Information Nutrition
Problems in Promotion Needs of Promotion
Migrant Migrants Media

3 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Migrants in Indonesia

Source: IOM, 2021

4 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Migrants in Indonesia

Source: IOM, 2021

5 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Migrants in Indonesia

6 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health Problems in Migrant
Pre-departure • Traumas suffered from war, conflict, violence, torture, etc

During the • Travel mode (alone or as part of a mass movement; by foot, boat, lorry, etc)
• Conditions (strenuous, perilous, crammed; lacking basic health necessities, etc)
journey • Duration of the journey

• In host community → living conditions in refugee camps or reception centers,

Upon arrival length of stay, legal status and access to healthcare, language and cultural norms,

7 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Accidental injuries and small wounds

Problem Burns and blisters

in Migrant Sunburn
Injuries and other conditions
suffered during migration


Musculoskeletal problem
Health Problems in Migrant
Transmitted person to person via contaminated water or food, or through a

The spread is linked to the poor living condition related to migration,

• Communicable inadequate sanitation, suboptimal hygiene, unsafe water and food
(foodborne diseases)
Crowded setting → vector-borne diseases

Attention to vulnerable groups → children, pregnant women and the elderly

9 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health Problems in Migrant
Diseases that last for a long period of time and progress slowly, including
cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes

• Non-Communicable The health of those migrants already suffering from NCDs may deteriorate
Diseases during migration due to loss of access to medication, disruption of treatment,
lack of shelter, water and food, or psychological strain

An example being the high rates of hypertension that have been observed among
Syrian refugees

10 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health Problems in Migrant
Health problems related to reproductive health, such as complication with
pregnancy and childbirth

• Specific to Women
Breastfeeding issues

Risk of exposure to (sexual) violence and abuse

11 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health Problems in Migrant

DBM among Migrant and

Refugees in Developed Country
Ankomah et al, 2022

12 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health Problems in Migrant

Obstacles to Healthy Eating

among Refugees in Geneva
Amstutz et al, 2020

13 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health Problems in Migrant

Nutrition Transition
Alexander et al, 2016
14 Migrant Nutrition 2022
Health Promotion
• Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and
to improve their health
• Promosi kesehatan adalah upaya mempengaruhi masyarakat agar menghentikan
perilaku berisiko tonggo dan menggantikannya dengan perilaku yang aman atau
paling tidak berisiko rendah
• Health Promotion Actions:
• Build healthy public policy
• Create supportive environments
• Strengthen community actions
• Develop personal skills
• Reorient health services
15 Migrant Nutrition 2022
16 Migrant Nutrition 2022
Health Promotion

+ Health literacy Healthy behavior

17 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Nutrition Information Needs of Migrants

Changes in the Challenges for Acculturation process

physical and social migrants arriving into (replacing traditional
environments new cultures, as they healthier foods and
contextualize are places into new active lifestyles for the
behaviors and play food systems, and typical higher-fat,
increasingly important new social and built higher-density foods
roles in the choices environments (less and more sedentary
that individuals can industrialized societies lifestyle of the host
make relating to food into more industrialized country)
and exercise → societies)

18 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Stage of Needs
Within 6 months of Six to 18 months after Eighteen months to 3
arrival: food safety → arrival: information on years after arrival:
how to identify, cook the home country education on the diet-
and prepare home dietary guidelines and disease relationships
country foods, and healthy lunchboxes and how nutrition and
budgeting physical activity
relates to their lifestyle
including short and
long term health

19 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Content of The Promotion
1. Start from the basics as a way of establishing good practices and habits in early
settlement to have a positive long-term impact on nutrition behaviors
2. What is available at the supermarkets
3. Ingredient content and nutritional composition of unfamiliar foods; names, uses
and preparation of local foods in the absence of their traditional foods
4. Information needs to be delivered in a manner that is appropriate for the
populations of interest

20 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Delivering the Information
Who • Health/ nutrition expert, peer-to-
peer, community member

How • More hands-on activity and visual


Language • Trained interpreter

21 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health and Nutrition Promotion Media
Metode Promosi Kesehatan dan Gizi

Teknik Komunikasi Jumlah Sasaran Indera Penerima

1. Penyuluhan 1. Perorangan (home 1. Melihat/
langsung (home visit, visit, konseling, memperhatikan
FGD, penyuluhan telepon, dll) (poster, pemutaran
kelompok) film, media cetak)
2. Kelompok
2. Penyuluhan tidak (penyuluhan, diskusi 2. Pendengaran
langsung kelompok, (pidato, radio,
(menggunakan demonstrasi, dll) ceramah, dll)
media sebagai
3. Massal 3. Kombinasi
(demonstrasi, hands-
on activity

22 Migrant Nutrition 2022

Health and Nutrition Promotion Media
Tipe Media

No Type Example Advantage Disadvantage

1 Benda Asli Real food Memberikan efek visual Tidak semua benda asli
nyata bagi sasaran portable
2 Benda Tiruan Food model Lebih mudah dibawa Bergantung pada
kemiripan terhadap benda
3 Media Grafis Poster, leaflet, booklet, Dapat memberikan pesan Hanya menggunakan 1
komik, flipchart, dsb spesifik indera (melihat)
4 Media Alat Optik Power point slide, Menjelaskan satu topik Time consuming
film/video, photo secara komperhensif,
slideshow audio-visual

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Health and Nutrition Promotion Media
Tingkat Penyerapan Pesan

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Health and Nutrition Promotion Media

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Developing Nutrition Promotion Media

Tetapkan tujuan promosi gizi kesehatan

Segmentasi sasaran

Positioning pesan

Memilih media promosi gizi kesehatan

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Nutrition Education


Audience/ Migrant

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