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Let's say you have an OJ business.

You buy oranges,

Let's say you have an OJ business. You buy oranges,

sell juice and create waste. And your super-smart assistant figures out a way to
make less waste

sell juice and create waste. And your super-smart assistant figures out a way to
make less waste

sell juice and create waste. And your super-smart assistant figures out a way to
make less waste

and more juice.

So now that you can get more juice with fewer oranges

So now that you can get more juice with fewer oranges

you charge less in order to attract new

customers. Maybe you expand your stand

you charge less in order to attract new

customers. Maybe you expand your stand

you charge less in order to attract new

customers. Maybe you expand your stand

into an OJ empire serving the entire

nation with your preferred pulpy product.

into an OJ empire serving the entire

nation with your preferred pulpy product.

into an OJ empire serving the entire

nation with your preferred pulpy product.

Pretty quickly, you end up with even more

waste. Orange farmers are expanding

Pretty quickly, you end up with even more

waste. Orange farmers are expanding

Pretty quickly, you end up with even more

waste. Orange farmers are expanding

production and the people saving all the

money on cheap OJ can

production and the people saving all the

money on cheap OJ can

production and the people saving all the

money on cheap OJ can

use that cash on plane tickets,

cheeseburgers, and

use that cash on plane tickets,

cheeseburgers, and

more orange juice. [Music playing]

more orange juice. [Music playing]

This is the story of growth

but instead of orange peels and a stand, we have

but instead of orange peels and a stand, we have

but instead of orange peels and a stand, we have

carbon emissions and the economy as

better technology and more efficient

carbon emissions and the economy as

better technology and more efficient

processes allow us to get more energy

from a given amount of dirty fuel

processes allow us to get more energy

from a given amount of dirty fuel

processes allow us to get more energy

from a given amount of dirty fuel

energy then gets cheaper and in turn,

families increase their energy use

energy then gets cheaper and in turn,

families increase their energy use

energy then gets cheaper and in turn,

families increase their energy use

Since the products made in factories can be

produced with less fuel

Since the products made in factories can be

produced with less fuel

Since the products made in factories can be

produced with less fuel

all sorts of goods get cheaper.

all sorts of goods get cheaper.

And when people can buy more, they do.

And when people can buy more, they do.

Very serious people guffaw at this inherent contradiction

Very serious people guffaw at this inherent contradiction

Very serious people guffaw at this inherent contradiction

pointing out that GDP is just the measure value

pointing out that GDP is just the measure value

not a measure resources or stuff.

not a measure resources or stuff.

They say that through efficiency, we can continue

endless compound growth

They say that through efficiency, we can continue

endless compound growth

They say that through efficiency, we can continue

endless compound growth

with less environmental damage.

with less environmental damage.

But, uh, so far, that

doesn't come close to happening.

But, uh, so far, that

doesn't come close to happening.

In the last two decades, the only year

we've reduced carbon emissions is 2009

In the last two decades, the only year

we've reduced carbon emissions is 2009

In the last two decades, the only year

we've reduced carbon emissions is 2009

which also happens to be the only year

the world's economy didn't grow.

which also happens to be the only year

the world's economy didn't grow.

which also happens to be the only year

the world's economy didn't grow.

But growth help fight poverty, right?

Not exactly.

But growth help fight poverty, right?

Not exactly.
In the U.S., GDP has tripled in the last
40 years.

In the U.S., GDP has tripled in the last

40 years.

But the bottom fifth of American households

haven't gotten a raise

But the bottom fifth of American households

haven't gotten a raise

But the bottom fifth of American households

haven't gotten a raise

And the median hasn't cashed in on that

growth either.

And the median hasn't cashed in on that

growth either.

And the median hasn't cashed in on that

growth either.

So who's making more money as the national income increases?

So who's making more money as the national income increases?

The top 5 percent of earners,

The top 5 percent of earners,

the one percent, and the top 100th of the one percent.

the one percent, and the top 100th of the one percent.

the one percent, and the top 100th of the one percent.

As for global poverty, you can argue that growth causes it to some extent.

As for global poverty, you can argue that growth causes it to some extent.

GDP counts money spent on new

products in the economy.

GDP counts money spent on new

products in the economy.

GDP counts money spent on new

products in the economy.

So, one sure way for less developed

countries to achieve growth

So, one sure way for less developed

countries to achieve growth

is to literally sell things that used to

be free.
is to literally sell things that used to
be free.

is to literally sell things that used to

be free.

When communal orange groves that provide for

everyone are privatized by a corporation

When communal orange groves that provide for

everyone are privatized by a corporation

When communal orange groves that provide for

everyone are privatized by a corporation

And the juice is sold back to the community

by the plastic half gallon jug

And the juice is sold back to the community

by the plastic half gallon jug

And the juice is sold back to the community

by the plastic half gallon jug

that's considered growth.

You could argue that the

community doesn't have to buy orange juice

You could argue that the

community doesn't have to buy orange juice

You could argue that the

community doesn't have to buy orange juice

but if this were to happen with communal

water sources, I think you see the problem.

but if this were to happen with communal

water sources, I think you see the problem.

but if this were to happen with communal

water sources, I think you see the problem.

Or, when healthy communities get sick and

have to buy expensive patented medicines

Or, when healthy communities get sick and

have to buy expensive patented medicines

Or, when healthy communities get sick and

have to buy expensive patented medicines

Or, when healthy communities get sick and

have to buy expensive patented medicines
that counts is growth, too.

Basically, GDP measures costs not benefits, but we can't just turn around and
decrease the GDP since growth-based economies tend to

Basically, GDP measures costs not benefits, but we can't just turn around and
decrease the GDP since growth-based economies tend to

Basically, GDP measures costs not benefits, but we can't just turn around and
decrease the GDP since growth-based economies tend to

Basically, GDP measures costs not benefits, but we can't just turn around and
decrease the GDP since growth-based economies tend to

either grow or collapse.

either grow or collapse.

Half a year without growth

is officially called a recession.

Half a year without growth

is officially called a recession.

Half a year without growth

is officially called a recession.

Degrowth offers an entirely different

economic possibility.

Degrowth offers an entirely different

economic possibility.

Degrowth is about reducing our society's metabolism, slowing down the rate at which
we use up

Degrowth is about reducing our society's metabolism, slowing down the rate at which
we use up

Degrowth is about reducing our society's metabolism, slowing down the rate at which
we use up

Degrowth is about reducing our society's metabolism, slowing down the rate at which
we use up

all the oranges, guzzle down the juice, and sh*t out rinds all over the land.

all the oranges, guzzle down the juice, and sh*t out rinds all over the land.

all the oranges, guzzle down the juice, and sh*t out rinds all over the land.

Instead of cutting costs to profit and grow our OJ stands

Instead of cutting costs to profit and grow our OJ stands

we make sure all our workers are paid

well – or, even better, own company and
we make sure all our workers are paid
well – or, even better, own company and

we make sure all our workers are paid

well – or, even better, own company and

farm cooperatively.

farm cooperatively.

So we gotta charge a little

So we gotta charge a little

more, but we spread the wealth around

a little better so no one is excluded

more, but we spread the wealth around

a little better so no one is excluded

more, but we spread the wealth around

a little better so no one is excluded

We compost the peels for the community

orange grove and take Fridays off to

We compost the peels for the community

orange grove and take Fridays off to

We compost the peels for the community

orange grove and take Fridays off to

spend time with our friends and family.

spend time with our friends and family.

In other words: We don't have to devise

eco-alternatives that accommodate growth.

In other words: We don't have to devise

eco-alternatives that accommodate growth.

In other words: We don't have to devise

eco-alternatives that accommodate growth.

Instead, we can focus on improving the quality of life.

Instead, we can focus on improving the quality of life.

Instead, we can focus on improving the quality of life.

Now there's no set script for de-growth.

It might be putting caps on resource use

and auctioning off limited permits to

It might be putting caps on resource use

and auctioning off limited permits to

It might be putting caps on resource use

and auctioning off limited permits to

mine fossil fuels and distributing the

proceeds evenly to everyone.

mine fossil fuels and distributing the

proceeds evenly to everyone.

mine fossil fuels and distributing the

proceeds evenly to everyone.

Or it can be a job guarantee program to

make sure everyone has meaningful work

Or it can be a job guarantee program to

make sure everyone has meaningful work

Or it can be a job guarantee program to

make sure everyone has meaningful work

even as the economy produces less stuff


even as the economy produces less stuff


even as the economy produces less stuff


People can be paid for restoring

ecosystems growing organic veggies

People can be paid for restoring

ecosystems growing organic veggies

or taking care of their aging grandparents.

or taking care of their aging grandparents.

or taking care of their aging grandparents.

Degrowth is urban gardens, open sourced software,

and community credit unions

Degrowth is urban gardens, open sourced software,

and community credit unions

It's cooperatives for child care and

health care emphasizing voluntary work

It's cooperatives for child care and

health care emphasizing voluntary work

It's cooperatives for child care and

health care emphasizing voluntary work
to meet local needs.

to meet local needs.

Degrowth, above all, is a cultural shift.

Degrowth, above all, is a cultural shift.

The growth-at-all-costs mindset divides surplus production into wasteful

The growth-at-all-costs mindset divides surplus production into wasteful

The growth-at-all-costs mindset divides surplus production into wasteful

individualistic consumption and

reinvestment for growth

individualistic consumption and

reinvestment for growth

to make an even bigger surplus next time.

Meanwhile, two billion of us aren't even

to make an even bigger surplus next time.

Meanwhile, two billion of us aren't even

to make an even bigger surplus next time.

Meanwhile, two billion of us aren't even

meeting our basic needs.

meeting our basic needs.

In DegrowthTopia, we share the surplus to

live better

In DegrowthTopia, we share the surplus to

live better

make rad art, and drink the finest hand-squeezed orange juice at our wild parties.

make rad art, and drink the finest hand-squeezed orange juice at our wild parties.
disons que vous avez une entreprise O J, vous achetez des oranges, vendez du jus et
créez des déchets et vous êtes un assistant super intelligent qui trouve un moyen
de faire moins de déchets et plus de jus, alors maintenant que vous pouvez obtenir
plus de jus avec moins d'oranges, vous facturez moins afin de attirez de nouveaux
clients peut-être que vous élargissez votre stand dans un empire OG desservant
toute la nation avec votre produit pulpeux préféré assez rapidement vous vous
retrouvez avec encore plus de déchets les agriculteurs d'orange augmentent la
production et les gens économisent tout l'argent sur cheapo Jake et utilisent cet
argent sur billets d'avion cheeseburgers et plus n'est-ce pas c'est l'histoire de
la croissance, mais au lieu de pelures d'orange dans un stand, nous avons des
émissions de carbone dans l'économie car une meilleure technologie et des processus
plus efficaces nous permettent d'obtenir plus d'énergie à partir d'une quantité
donnée de carburant sale l'énergie devient alors moins chère et à son tour les
familles augmentent leur consommation d'énergie puisque les produits fabriqués dans
les usines peuvent être fabriqués avec moins de carburant toutes sortes de biens
deviennent moins chers et quand les gens peuvent acheter plus qu'ils ne le font,
les gens très sérieux se font acheter cette contradiction apparente soulignant que
le PIB n'est qu'une mesure de la valeur et non une mesure des ressources ou des
choses, ils disent que grâce à l'efficacité, nous pouvons continuer une croissance
composée sans fin avec moins de dommages environnementaux, mais alors jusqu'à
présent, cela n'a pas été près de se produire au cours des deux dernières
décennies, la seule année où nous avons réduit les émissions de carbone est 2009,
qui se trouve également être la seule année où l'économie mondiale n'a pas
augmenté, la croissance aide à lutter contre la pauvreté, pas exactement en le PIB
américain a triplé au cours des 40 dernières années, mais le cinquième inférieur
des ménages américains n'a pas obtenu d'augmentation et la médiane n'a pas non plus
profité de cette croissance, alors qui gagne plus d'argent alors que le revenu
national augmente les 5% supérieurs de les salariés le 1% et le centième supérieur
du 1% en ce qui concerne la pauvreté mondiale, vous pouvez affirmer que la
croissance en est la cause dans une certaine mesure. Le PIB compte l'argent dépensé
pour de nouveaux produits dans l'économie, donc un moyen sûr pour l Les pays les
moins développés pour atteindre la croissance, c'est littéralement vendre des
choses qui étaient gratuites lorsque les orangeraies communales qui fournissent à
tout le monde sont privatisées par une société et que le jus est revendu à la
communauté par la cruche en plastique d'un demi-gallon qui est considérée comme une
croissance, vous pourriez dire que la communauté n'a pas à acheter de jus
d'orange, mais si cela devait arriver avec des sources d'eau communales, je pense
que vous voyez le problème ou lorsque des communautés en bonne santé tombent
malades et doivent acheter des médicaments brevetés coûteux qui comptent comme une
croissance pour fondamentalement le PIB mesure les coûts non avantages, mais nous
ne pouvons pas simplement faire demi-tour et réduire le PIB puisque les économies
basées sur la croissance ont tendance à croître ou à s'effondrer six mois sans
croissance est officiellement appelée une récession D la croissance offre une
possibilité économique entièrement différente D la croissance consiste à réduire le
ralentissement du métabolisme de notre société réduire la vitesse à laquelle nous
utilisons toutes les oranges avaler le jus et chier les écorces partout dans le lan
d au lieu de réduire les coûts pour profiter et développer nos propres peuplements,
nous nous assurons que tous nos travailleurs sont bien payés ou même mieux
possèdent l'entreprise et cultivent en coopérative, nous devons donc facturer un
peu plus mais qui répartit la richesse un peu mieux donc non on est exclu nous
compostons les pelures pour la communauté l'orangeraie et prenons le vendredi pour
passer du temps avec nos amis et notre famille en d'autres termes nous n'avons pas
à concevoir des alternatives écologiques qui s'adaptent à la croissance au lieu de
cela nous pouvons nous concentrer sur l'amélioration de la qualité de vie
maintenant il y a pas de scénario défini pour la croissance D, il pourrait s'agir
de plafonner l'utilisation des ressources et de vendre aux enchères des permis
limités pour exploiter les combustibles fossiles et de distribuer le produit de
manière égale à tout le monde ou il peut s'agir d'un programme de garantie d'emploi
pour s'assurer que chacun a un travail significatif alors même que l'économie
produit moins de choses dans l'ensemble, les gens peuvent être payés pour
restaurer les écosystèmes en cultivant des légumes biologiques ou en prenant soin
de leurs grands-parents vieillissants D la croissance est des jardins urbains open
source logiciels et coopératives de crédit communautaires ses coopératives pour la
garde d'enfants et les soins de santé mettant l'accent sur le travail bénévole pour
répondre aux besoins locaux D la croissance est avant tout un changement culturel
la croissance à tout prix l'état d'esprit divise la production excédentaire en
gaspillage consommation individualiste et réinvestissement pour la croissance pour
faire un égal plus gros surplus la prochaine fois pendant que deux milliards
d'entre nous ne satisfont pas à nos besoins de base et D growtopia nous partageons
le surplus pour mieux vivre faire de l'art rad et boire le meilleur

make rad art, and drink the finest hand-squeezed orange juice at our wild parties.
jus d'orange pressé à la main lors de nos fêtes sauvages

make rad art, and drink the finest hand-squeezed orange juice at our wild parties.

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