Meridium RBI-580 Inspection Strategies - Q12016

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RBI 580 Inspection Strategies

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This documentation contains proprietary information of Meridium, Inc. It is provided under a license agreement containing
restrictions on use and disclosure. All rights including reproduction by photographic or electronic process and translation
into other languages of this material are fully reserved under copyright laws. Reproduction or use of this material in whole
or in part in any manner without written permission from Meridium, Inc., is strictly prohibited.


Meridium is a registered trademark.

Other product names that are mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies and are hereby acknowledged.

Revision History

Revision Date Author Description

0 10/11/2011 Michael Warren Draft
1 6/1/2012 Michael Warren Published
2 4/2/2013 Michael Warren Updated
3 2013 Michael Warren Updated per 3.5.1
4 12/15/2014 Mike Taylor Updated per
5 10/01/2016 Vipin Nair Updated to RBI 580 Inspection strategies
document for sharing with customers
Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. 3

(APPENDIX F) ....................................................................................................................... 69
PIPING (APPENDIX G) ........................................................................................................... 97
(APPENDIX I) ..................................................................................................................... 150
10 PRD STRATEGIES ......................................................................................................... 158
1 Guidelines for Establishing Individual Inspection Confidence

The Individual Inspection Confidence (IIC) represents the degree of confidence that an inspection for a particular damage
mechanism will indentify it and be able to accurately measure its rate. Likewise the Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC)
represents the sum total confidence of all the inspections performed for particular damage mechanism as to how effective
they were in finding the damage mechanism and measuring its rate. The Aggregate Number of Inspections is total number
of past inspections at an Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC).

The Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC) is based on historical evidence accumulated from a review of
past inspection documentation and/or information obtained from discussions with plant personnel. In
most cases the analyst will be considering multiple past inspection records. Per API-581 no more than 6 of
the most recent inspections are required to provide the best information.

For each Degradation Mechanism the Meridium RBI methodology requires the Aggregate Number of
Inspections along with the Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC) in order to perform the risk assessment.
In order to obtain an Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC) and an Aggregate Number of Inspections for
each damage mechanism, each individual inspection needs to be assigned an Individual Inspection
Confidence (IIC). This is accomplished by comparing the type and extent of inspection to that provided in
the Strategy Rule Sets in the appendices directly following. Appendices B – G provide these guidelines for
determining the confidence for individual inspection scopes per degradation mechanism.

Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC) can be ascertained in terms of the number of the highest Individual Inspection
Confidence (IIC) assigned to those past inspections. The table below outlines the inspection confidence equivalency.
This table is the primary tool that is used for performing this roll up.

Inspection Confidence Equivalence

3 Highs (H) = 1 Very High (VH)

3 Mediums (M) = 1 High (H)
3 Lows (L) = 1 Medium (M)

For example, let’s consider that we have 3 internal inspections and they have already had their individual inspection
confidences assigned as follows:

 1 VH
 1H
 1M

Following the rule of 3’s, the Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC) would be assigned as a Very High (VH) level since
the highest Individual Inspection Confidence (IIC) considered was a Very High (VH). Using the triangular figure below,
we would then equivocate the number of lower confidence inspections to the assigned Aggregate Inspection
Confidence (AIC) of VH as follows:



27 L

 1 VH = 1VH
 1 H = 1/3 VH
 1 M = 1/9 VH

Therefore the equivalent number of VH inspections = 1 + 1/3 + 1/9 = 1 4/9 VH. Since the ar/t table from API-581 only
uses integers, the 1 4/9 should be rounded down to the nearest whole number and for this example that is 1.

Therefore the Aggregate Inspection Confidence (AIC) would be assigned VH and Aggregate Number of Inspections
would be calculated to be 1.
2 Internal Corrosion Strategy Rules for Vessels, Exchangers, and Tanks (Appendix B)

Internal Corrosion Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix given in Fig 1
of this document. Table 1 below provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and minimum confidences by
risk level (Inspection Priority). Table 2 provides a list of the Intrusive Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work per each
minimum Inspection confidence level. Table 2 will always be used to specify inspection method and extent unless the rules
are satisfied in Appendix C for the allowance of Non-Intrusive Inspection methods. Table 3 provides a list of those Non-
Intrusive Inspection Methods and Extents.

Table 1 – Recommended Inspection Frequency and Confidence

Internal Corrosion Recommended Inspection Intrusive Inspection Non -Intrusive
Inspection Priority Frequency (Years) Recommended Inspection Inspection
Category Confidence Recommended
Inspection Confidence
1–5 5 Very High High
6 – 12 10 Very High High
13 – 19 15 High High
20 – 25 20 Medium Medium
1. These intervals are applicable provided corrosion half life is not exceeded

Table 2 – Intrusive Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- Int. Corrosion
Inspection Method and Scope Options for General, Localized, or Pitting Corrosion
Very – High 100% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal
visual examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or
API 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
High 50% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of 50% of the nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or
API 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
Medium 25% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of 25% of the nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or
API 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
Table 3 – Non-Intrusive Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- Int. Corrosion
Inspection Method and Scope Options for General Corrosion Only
Very – High N/A
High 4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet
and 1 Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
Medium 2 UT readings per head, 4 UT readings per shell course/band,
1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
Low N/A
The above strategy tables apply to those vessels directly inspected that have only General Internal Corrosion. Vessels that
are grouped using the rules for similar service and are not directly inspected, need to discount the confidence of the
inspection in the above tables by 1 level when recalculating risk. Example, performing a Low confidence inspection on the
represented vessel would require that no credit be given in number or confidence of inspections to those vessels not
Internal Corrosion Strategy Rules for Pressure Vessels, Shell and Tube Heat
Exchangers Channels and Shells, Double Pipe Heat Exchangers Outer Pipe, and
Tank Shells

Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
1-5 6 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25

Nonintrusive Nonintrusive Nonintrusive

No No Yes
Req. Met? Yes No Req. Met? Yes Req. Met?

Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life <
Half Life < 5 yrs
10yrs 10yrs 15yrs 15yrs 20yrs 20yrs
No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC09 LC10 LC11 LC111 LC12 LC121 LC13 LC131 LC14 LC141 LC15 LC151 LC16 LC161

Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen

Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

LC091 LC101 LC112 LC113 LC1132 LC133 LC152 LC153

Inspection Priority 13 -
Inspection Priority 1 - 5 Inspection Priority 6 - 12 19 Inspection Priority 20 - 25
No non-intrusive
inspection in lieu of
intrusive inspection POF category for Int. POF category for Int. POF category for Int. Corr.
allowed. Corr. must be a 4 or 5 Corr. must be a 3, 4, or 5 must be a 3, 4, or 5
1 very high confidence
2 very high confidence intrusive inspections in
intrusive inspections in the last 5 years
the last 10 years confirming that general Can be eliminated at any
confirming that general corrosion is the only time provided that general
corrosion is the only degradation corrosion is the only
degradation mechanism. mechanism. degradation mechanism.*
Corr. Rate < .127mm/yr Corr. Rate < .127mm/yr Corr. Rate < .127mm/yr or
or .005in/yr or .005in/yr .005in/yr
Key process variables Key process variables Key process variables have
have not changed over have not changed over not changed over the time
the time period. the time period. period.
Non Intrusive Criteria that must be met for Non Intrusive inspection in lieu of Intrusive inspection

Task Type ID


100% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing

653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion/Pitting Rate
- Damage Extent


- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and dimensions
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended to
Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.
100% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.
The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing


o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
 Was damage found?
o Good description of the damaged area and its location and dimensions

 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used

o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
 Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing with additional

1 Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
UT for General Corrosion only.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing with additional UT

1 Outlet nozzle).
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
for General Corrosion only.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


100% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
Inspection Required.

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent


o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.
100% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection

examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of all nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive

1 Outlet nozzle).
Inspection Required with additional UT for General

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
Corrosion only.

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
1 Outlet nozzle).
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive
Inspection Required with additional UT for General

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
Corrosion only.

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
1 Outlet nozzle).
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Non

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

Intrusive Inspection.

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Non Intrusive

1 Outlet nozzle).
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


50% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of 50% of the nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

Inspection Required.

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
50% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection

examination of 50% of the nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
1 Outlet nozzle).
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive
Inspection Required with additional UT for General

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
Corrosion only.

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection
Required with additional UT for General Corrosion only.

1 Outlet nozzle).
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Non Intrusive

1 Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
4 UT readings per head, 8 readings per shell course/band, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and
1 Outlet nozzle).
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Non Intrusive

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


25% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
examination of the same percentage of the nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

Inspection Required.

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
25% Visual Coverage of the entire internal surface area of the vessel. This includes the internal visual
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection

examination of the same percentage of the nozzles, man-ways, and supports/appurtenances.

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel or Tank Inspector according to API 510 or API
653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

Task Type ID


2 UT readings per head, 4 UT readings per shell course/band,

1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet nozzle).
Inspection Required with additional UT for General
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
Corrosion only.

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
2 UT readings per head, 4 UT readings per shell course/band,
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection
Required with additional UT for General Corrosion only.

1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet nozzle).

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Strategy Management

Task Type ID


2 UT readings per head, 4 UT readings per shell course/band,

Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Non Intrusive

1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
2 UT readings per head, 4 UT readings per shell course/band,
1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet nozzle).
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Non Intrusive

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
3 Substituting Non-Intrusive Inspections In-Lieu of Intrusive Inspection

In order to perform a non-intrusive inspection in lieu of an intrusive inspection for Internal Corrosion, the conditions listed
in the table below must be satisfied for the particular risk ranking of the RBI Component

Internal Corrosion Risk Internal Corrosion Criteria

Ranking Probability Category
High Never Acceptable
Medium High (Inspection 4 or 5 2 very high confidence intrusive inspections in the last
Priority 6 – 12) 10 years confirming that general corrosion is the only
degradation mechanism, a corrosion rate of less than
or equal to 0.005in/yr, key process variables have not
Medium(Inspection 3, 4, or 5 1 very high confidence intrusive inspections in the last
Priority 13 – 19) 5 years confirming that general corrosion is the only
degradation mechanism, a corrosion rate of less than
or equal to 0.005in/yr, key process variables have not
Low (Inspection Priority 20 3,4,5 Can be eliminated at any time provided that general
– 25) corrosion is the only degradation mechanism with a
corrosion rate of less than or equal to 0.005in/yr, key
process variables have not changed.*
*Air Cooled Heat Exchangers have the addition requirement that the Header Box and Tube materials must have the same
corrosion characteristics.

As an example if a Risk Assessment results in a an Internal Corrosion Risk Ranking of Medium High, a Non Intrusive
Inspection can be performed In-Lieu of Intrusive Inspection if all the following conditions are met:
 Internal Corrosion Probability Category is 4 or 5 (low likelihood of failure).
 Equipment has more than 10 years of acceptable service
 There has been no appreciable impact due to CPP (Critical Process Variable) Excursions.
 Data collected from past Inspections have confirmed that the only degradation mechanism is general corrosion.
Localized and/or pitting corrosion does not qualify.
 Corrosion rate is less than 0.005in/yr.
4 Internal Corrosion Strategy Rule Set for Air Cooled Heat Exchangers (Appendix D)

Internal Corrosion Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix
given in Fig 1 of this document. Table 1 below provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and
minimum confidences by risk level (Inspection Priority). Table 2 provides a list of the Intrusive Inspection
Methods and Scopes of Work per each minimum Inspection confidence level. Table 2 will always be used to
specify inspection method and extent unless the rules are satisfied in Appendix C for the allowance of Non-
Intrusive Inspection methods. Table 3 provides a list of those Non-Intrusive Inspection Methods and Extents.

Table 1 – Recommended Inspection Frequency and Confidence

Internal Corrosion Recommended Intrusive Inspection Non-Intrusive Inspection
Inspection Priority Inspection Frequency Recommended Inspection Recommended Inspection
Category (Years)1 Confidence Confidence2
1–5 5 Very High High
6 – 12 10 Very High High
13 – 19 15 High High
20 – 25 20 Medium Medium
1. These intervals are applicable provided corrosion half life is not exceeded
2. Air Cooled Heat Exchangers have the addition requirement that the Header Box and Tube materials must
have the same corrosion characteristics.

Table 2 – Intrusive Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- Int. Corrosion

Confidence Method and Scope Options for General, Localized, or Pitting Corrosion
Minimum of 100% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for partial
internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a tube examination by
EC, RFEC, and backed up by IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that conform to
ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work as a
minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and Instrument be qualified to
work by demonstration examination on the user’s equipment.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including
mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-
sheet to the indication, type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet
visually inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their
Very – High locations on a tube-sheet map.
Confidence Method and Scope Options for General, Localized, or Pitting Corrosion
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Minimum of 70% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for partial
internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a tube examination by
EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that conform to
ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work as a
minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and Instrument be qualified to
work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including
mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-
sheet to the indication, type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet
visually inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their
locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
High mechanism it was intended to find..
Minimum of 50% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for partial
internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a tube examination by
EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that conform to
ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work as a
minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and Instrument be qualified to
work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including
mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-
sheet to the indication, type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
Medium  Inspection Extent
Confidence Method and Scope Options for General, Localized, or Pitting Corrosion
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet
visually inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their
locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Low N/A

Table 3 – Non-Intrusive Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- Int. Corrosion
Confidence Method and Scope Options for General Corrosion Only with Header Box and Tube Material
Corrosion Characteristics the same. The tube corrosion rate will be inferred from the header
box UT.
Very – High N/A
High 8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1 Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Medium 4 UT readings on each header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. of 1 outlet and 1 inlet

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Low N/A
Internal Corrosion Strategy Rules for Air Cooled Heat Exchangers

Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
1-5 6 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25

Nonintrusive Nonintrusive Nonintrusive

No No Yes
Req. Met? Yes No Req. Met? Yes Req. Met?

Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life <
Half Life < 5 yrs
10yrs 10yrs 15yrs 15yrs 20yrs 20yrs
No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC17 LC171 LC18 LC181 LC19 LC191 LC20 LC201 LC21 LC211 LC22 LC221 LC23 LC231

Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen

Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr? Corr?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

LC172 LC173 LC182 LC183 LC202 LC203 LC222 LC223

Non Intrusive Criteria that must be met for Non Intrusive inspection in lieu of Intrusive inspection
Inspection Priority 1 -
5 Inspection Priority 6 - 12 Inspection Priority 13 - 19 Inspection Priority 20 - 25
No non-intrusive
inspection in lieu of
intrusive inspection POF category for Int. Corr. POF category for Int. Corr. POF category for Int. Corr.
allowed. must be a 4 or 5 must be a 3, 4, or 5 must be a 3, 4, or 5
2 very high confidence
intrusive inspections in 1 very high confidence
the last 10 years intrusive inspections in the Can be eliminated at any
confirming that general last 5 years confirming that time provided that
corrosion is the only general corrosion is the general corrosion is the
degradation mechanism. only degradation only degradation
Air Cooled Heat mechanism. Air Cooled mechanism. Air Cooled
Exchangers have the Heat Exchangers have the Heat Exchangers have the
addition requirement that addition requirement that addition requirement that
the Header Box and Tube the Header Box and Tube the Header Box and Tube
materials must have the materials must have the materials must have the
same corrosion same corrosion same corrosion
characteristics. characteristics. characteristics.
Corr. Rate < .127mm/yr or Corr. Rate < .127mm/yr or Corr. Rate < .127mm/yr or
.005in/yr .005in/yr .005in/yr
Key process variables Key process variables have Key process variables
have not changed over not changed over the time have not changed over
the time period. period. the time period.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 100% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal
for partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with
a tube examination by EC, RFEC, and backed up by IRIS Inspection in the same

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing

start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination on the user’s


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent


o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,
distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 100% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal
for partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with
a tube examination by EC, RFEC, and backed up by IRIS Inspection in the same

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the

start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing

Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination on the user’s



The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,
distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing with additional

Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
UT for General Corrosion only.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing with additional UT

Outlet nozzle).
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
for General Corrosion only.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 100% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required.

for partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with
a tube examination by EC, RFEC, and backed up by IRIS Inspection in the same

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the
start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination on the user’s


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent


o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,
distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 100% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal
for partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required.

a tube examination by EC, RFEC, and backed up by IRIS Inspection in the same

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the

start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination on the user’s


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,
distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive

Outlet nozzle).
Inspection Required with additional UT for General

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate



 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including CML locations and dimensions

 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Outlet nozzle).
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive
Inspection Required with additional UT for General

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including CML locations and dimensions

 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Outlet nozzle).
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Non

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

Intrusive Inspection.

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Med High Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Non Intrusive

Outlet nozzle).
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 70% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required.

partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a
tube examination by EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the
start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area


including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,

distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find..

Task Type ID


Minimum of 70% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for
partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required.

tube examination by EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the

start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,
distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find..

Task Type ID


8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Outlet nozzle).
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive
Inspection Required with additional UT for General

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate



 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including CML locations and dimensions

 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection
Required with additional UT for General Corrosion only.

Outlet nozzle).
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Non Intrusive

Outlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
8 UT readings per header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. 1 Inlet and 1
Outlet nozzle).
Med Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Non Intrusive

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 50% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required.

partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a
tube examination by EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the
start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and

Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area


including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,

distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 50% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for
partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required.

tube examination by EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the

start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area

including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,
distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


Minimum of 50% of the header plugs removed or complete end plate removal for
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Intrusive Inspection Required with

partial internal visual inspection of the header box followed immediately with a
tube examination by EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS Inspection in the same percentage.

The Technician must hold certifications for EC, RFEC, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the
additional UT for General Corrosion only.

start of work as a minimum with best practice dictating that the Technician and
Instrument be qualified to work by demonstration examination.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area


including mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions,

distance from the tube-sheet to the indication, type of indication,
and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-
sheet visually inspected and the total number of the tubes
examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings on each header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. of 1 outlet

Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Intrusive Inspection
Required with additional UT for General Corrosion only.

and 1 inlet nozzle).

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
4 UT readings on each header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. of 1 outlet
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Not Governing. Non Intrusive

and 1 inlet nozzle).

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

Task Type ID


4 UT readings on each header box, 1 reading on 50% of nozzles (Min. of 1 outlet

and 1 inlet nozzle).
Low Int Cor Risk- Half Life Governing. Non Intrusive

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT examination that conform to ASNT
SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.
5 Internal Corrosion Strategy Rule Set for Piping (Appendix E)

Internal Corrosion Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix given in Fig 1
of this document. Table 1 below provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and minimum confidences by
risk level (Inspection Priority). Table 2 provides a list of the Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work for general or localized
internal corrosion with predictable locations for each minimum Inspection Confidence level. Table 3 provides a list of the
Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work for localized or pitting internal corrosion which is not predictable for each
minimum Inspection Confidence level.

Table 1 – Recommended Percentage, Frequency, and Confidence

Internal Pitting or General and Pitting or General and Recommended
Corrosion Localized Predictable Localized Predictable Confidence
Inspection Unpredictable Localized Unpredictable Localized
Priority Percentage of Percentage of Recommended Recommended
Category Representative Representative Frequency (Years)1 Frequency (Years)1
Piping Circuits (%) Piping Circuits (%)
2,3 2,3

1–5 100 50 3 5 High

6 – 12 50 25 5 7.5 High
13 – 19 25 10 7.5 10 Medium
20 – 25 10 5 10 15 Low
1. These intervals are applicable providing corrosion half life is not exceeded
2. For Internal Corrosion, all piping in a Unit can be grouped by Inspection Priority and then by Wall Ratio. The grouping
allows one or a small number of piping circuits to represent a larger population of piping. When selecting
representative circuits from each Inspection Priority and Wall Ratio, select the piping circuits with the highest
Inspection Priority first and those that have the same Inspection Priority are to be decided by wall ratio.
3. 100 percent (%) of Injection Circuits require inspection. The number of assigned CML’s shall be defined per API 570.
The recommended upstream limit of the injection circuit is a minimum of 12 inches or three (3) pipe diameters
upstream of the injection point, whichever is larger. The recommended downstream limit is the second change in flow
direction after the injection point or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction, whichever is less. In some cases,
it may be more appropriate to extend this circuit to the next piece of pressure equipment.

Table 2 – Piping Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- General or Localized Predictable Internal Corrosion
Inspection Method and Scope Options for General and Predictable Localized
Very – High N/A
High Inspect a minimum of 50% of the assigned CML’s locations. Assigned CML’s are defined by a
combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion problems and or
failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of direction, and
straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment process.
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow access, should be
avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion problems or failures.
Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping its diameter is 10”
or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT, then discount the “Confidence” one
(1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Medium Inspect a minimum of 25% of the assigned CML’s locations. If CML’s have not been previously
defined then locations should be determined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion problems and or
failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 25% of all tees, elbows, changes of direction, and
straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment process.
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow access, should be
avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping its diameter is 10”
or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT, then discount the “Confidence” one
(1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Low Inspect a minimum of 10% of the assigned CML’s locations. If CML’s have not been previously
defined then locations should be determined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion problems and or
failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 10% of all tees, elbows, changes of direction, and
straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment process.
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow access, should be
avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping its diameter is 10”
or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT, then discount the “Confidence” one
(1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Table 3 – Piping Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- Pitting or Localized Unpredictable Internal Corrosion
Confidence Method and Scope Options for Unpredictable Localized and Pitting Corrosion
Very – High N/A
High Inspect a minimum of 100% of the assigned CML’s locations. If CML’s have not been previously
defined then locations should be determined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion problems and or
failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 100% of all tees, elbows, changes of direction, and
straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment process.
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow access, should be
avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping its diameter is 10”
or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
Medium Inspect a minimum of 50% of the assigned CML’s locations. If CML’s have not been previously
defined then locations should be determined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion problems and or
failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of direction, and
straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment process.
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow access, should be
avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping its diameter is 10”
or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or Smart Pigging.
The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Low Inspect a minimum of 25% of the assigned CML’s locations. If CML’s have not been previously
defined then locations should be determined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion problems and or
failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 25% of all tees, elbows, changes of direction, and
straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment process.
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow access, should be
avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping its diameter is 10”
or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML
locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Internal Corrosion
for Piping

Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
6 - 12 20 - 25

General or Loc. General or Loc.

No Predictable? Yes No Predictable? Yes

Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion

Half Life < Half Life < Half Life <
Inspection Priority Half Life < 5yrs Inspection Priority
7.5yrs 10yrs 15yrs
1-5 13 - 19
No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC26 LC261 LC27 LC271 LC30 LC301 LC31 LC311

General or Loc. General or Loc.
No Predictable? Yes No Predictable? Yes

Half Life < Half Life <

Half Life < 3yrs Half Life < 5yrs
7.5yrs 10yrs
No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC24 LC241 LC25 LC251 LC28 LC281 LC29 LC291

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 52 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect a minimum of 100% of the assigned CML’s locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 100% of all tees, elbows, changes
High Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Not Governing.

of direction, and straight run mid points.

 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or


Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 53 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect a minimum of 100% of the assigned CML’s locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 100% of all tees, elbows, changes
of direction, and straight run mid points.
High Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Governing.

 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or

Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 54 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
High Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Not Governing.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.


The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 55 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
High Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Governing.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 56 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
Med-High Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Not Governing.

 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 100% of all tees, elbows, changes
of direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or


Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 57 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 100% of all tees, elbows, changes
Med-High Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Governing.

of direction, and straight run mid points.

 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or

Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 58 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Med-High Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Not Governing

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.


The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 59 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Med-High Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Governing.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 60 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of::

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
Med Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Not Governing.

 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or
Smart Pigging.


The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 61 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 50% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
Med Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Governing.

 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow

access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or
Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 62 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 25% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Med Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Not Governing

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.


The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 63 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 25% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Med Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Governing.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 64 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 25% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
Low Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Not Governing.

 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or
Smart Pigging.


The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 65 of 161



Task Type ID


I Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 25% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
Low Int. Cor. Risk- Pitting or Localized - Half Life Governing.

 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow

access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion
problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External Shear wave UT, Phased Array or
Smart Pigging.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 66 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 10% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Low Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Not Governing

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow
access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.


The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 67 of 161



Task Type ID


Inspect 100% of the assigned CML locations.

Assign CML’s to be defined by a combination of:

Inspection/Failure History – First assign to all locations with known corrosion

problems and or failures regardless of access requirements.
 Turbulent Flow Areas – Then assign to 10% of all tees, elbows, changes of
direction, and straight run mid points.
 Every injection point CML shall be defined per API-570 and inspected.
 Access requirements need to be considered as part of the assignment
Low Int. Cor. Risk- General - Half Life Governing.

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

 Locations that require external support, such as scaffolding to allow

access, should be avoided unless the location is one with known corrosion

problems or failures.

Recommend using Profile RT as the primary method for monitoring when piping
its diameter is 10” or less, otherwise use External UT. If UT is used in place of RT,
then discount the “Confidence” one (1) level.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT or UT examination that conform to

ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area
including CML locations and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the
damage mechanism it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 68 of 161

6 External and CUI Strategy Rule Sets For Vessels, Exchangers, Tanks and Piping (Appendix F)

External Degradation and CUI Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix
given in Fig 1 of this document. External Degradation inspection is accomplished in two parts. One is for all equipment,
insulated or not, and that recommended technique is external visual inspection. The other part is only for insulated
equipment and the recommended techniques are stripping of insulation accompanied by external visual inspection and/or
using NDT such as RT to look at the surface. These two inspections/parts are separate events and this appendix provides
strategy rules for both. Table 1 below provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and minimum
confidences by risk level (Inspection Priority) for both external visual inspection and the CUI inspection. Table 2 provides a
list of the Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work for external visual inspection for both insulated and non-insulated
equipment. Table 3 provides a list of the Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work for CUI inspection for each minimum
Inspection Confidence level.

Table 1 – Recommended Percentage, Frequency, and Confidence

External Percentage of Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended
Corrosion Representative Frequency Frequency CUI Confidence for all Confidence for all
Inspection for CUI Inspection of External Visual for all Equipment Equipment Types Equipment Types
Category of all Equipment for all Equipment Types (Years)1 External Visual CUI Inspection
Types Types Coverage
(%)3 (Years)1
1–5 50% 3 5 Very – High/ High
6 – 12 25% 5 10 Very – High/ High
13 – 19 10% 7 15 Very – High/ Medium
20 – 25 N/A2 10 N/A2 Very – High/ Low
1. These intervals are applicable provided corrosion half life is not exceeded.
2. Pressure Vessels, Tanks excluding floors, and Piping with a Low Criticality rating for CUI will not be inspected unless the
external visual inspection identifies a condition that indicates significant CUI is occurring on the vessel.
3. For CUI, all Pressure Vessels, Tanks, and Piping in a Unit can be grouped by Equipment Type, Criticality Rating, and then
by operating temperature range. The grouping allows one or a small number of piping circuits to represent a larger
population of piping. The temperature range groupings in degrees F are [0 - 75], [75 - 150], [150 - 200], [200 – 300] and
[300 - 350]. When choosing representative components from each criticality rating and temperature range, select the
piping circuits with the highest likelihood for CUI and those that may have damaged or wet insulation or other
indications of external corrosion from the external visual inspection checklist.
4. Confidence taken when performing a visual external inspection on insulated equipment.

Table 2 – Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- External Inspection Pressure Vessels, Tanks, & Piping
Inspection Method and Scope Options for insulated and non-insulated
Very – High/ 100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510, external
Medium inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 69 of 161

 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on its supports.

During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to attach
components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any signs of leakage
should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally, weep holes in reinforcing
plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage as well as to prevent pressure build-
up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation
 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API
510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

High N/A
Medium N/A
Low N/A

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 70 of 161

Table 3 – Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- CUI Inspection Pressure Vessels, Tanks, & Piping
Inspection Method and Scope Options for CUI Inspection with and without Insulation Removal.
Very – High N/A
High Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually examine a
minimum of 50% of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings,
 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for piping only

If damage is found, continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API
510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to
ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Medium Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually examine a
minimum of 25% of the barrier penetrations:
 larger than 10” diameter and smaller penetrations that are not properly sealed,
 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings,
 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for piping only

If damage is found continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API
510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to
ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 71 of 161

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Low Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually examine a
minimum of 10% of the barrier penetrations:
 larger than 10” diameter and smaller penetrations that are not properly sealed,
 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings, and
 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for piping only

If damage is found continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API
510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to
ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 72 of 161

External Degradation For Pressure Vessels, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Channels
and Shells, Double Pipe Heat Exchangers Outer Pipe, Tank Shells and Roofs, and

External External External External

Degradation Degradation Degradation Degradation
Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
1-5 6 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25

Insulated? Insulated? Insulated? Insulated?

No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Insulation
Half Life < 5yrs Half Life < 5yrs
10yrs 10yrs 10yrs 15yrs 15yrs Damage?

No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC32 LC321 LC33 LC34 LC35 LC351 LC36 LC37 LC38 LC381 LC39 LC40 LC41 LC411 LC42 LC421

LC331 LC341 LC361 LC371 LC391 LC401

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 73 of 161

Logic Case ID
Logic Case
Task Type ID

RBI Strategy Rule Sets


Page 74 of 161
Recommended Inspection Scope
100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
Strategy for High Risk – Non-Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
remaining half

life from NDE

Strategy for


external inspections are performed to check the condition of:

High Risk –

– Half- Life

 The outside surface of the vessel,



 Insulation systems,

 Painting and coating systems,

 Supports and associated structure;

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 75 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

and to check for:

 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation
 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 76 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
Strategy for High Risk – Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
Half Life Not
Strategy for

examine a minimum of 50% of:

High Risk –


 barrier penetrations


 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 77 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for

piping only

If damage is found, continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT
examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior
to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 78 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
Strategy for High Risk – Insulated – Half Life Governing

attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation

 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
Strategy for

High Risk –


from NDE
Half Life

examine a minimum of 50% of:


half life


 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 79 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

 insulation support rings,

 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for
piping only

If damage is found, continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
further damage is seen.
The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT
examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior
to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 80 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
Strategy for Med-High Risk – Non-Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
- NON-
Med-High Risk

life from NDE
Strategy for


external inspections are performed to check the condition of:


Half Life
– Non-

 The outside surface of the vessel,




 Insulation systems,

 Painting and coating systems,

 Supports and associated structure;

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 81 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

and to check for:

 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation
 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 82 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
Strategy for Med-High Risk – Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
Med-High Risk
Half Life Not
Strategy for

examine a minimum of 50% of:

– Insulated

 barrier penetrations


 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 83 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for

piping only

If damage is found, continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT
examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior
to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 84 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
Strategy for Med-High Risk – Insulated – Half Life Governing

During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation

 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
Med-High Risk

remaining half
life from NDE
Strategy for

examine a minimum of 50% of:

– Insulated
Half Life

 barrier penetrations


 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 85 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for

piping only

If damage is found, continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT
examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior
to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 86 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
Strategy for Med Risk – Non-Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
remaining half

life from NDE

Strategy for


external inspections are performed to check the condition of:

Med Risk –

– Half- Life

 The outside surface of the vessel,



 Insulation systems,

 Painting and coating systems,

 Supports and associated structure;

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 87 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

and to check for:

 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation
 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 88 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
Strategy for Med Risk – Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
Half Life Not
Strategy for

Med Risk –

examine a minimum of 25% of the barrier penetrations:


 larger than 10” diameter and smaller penetrations that are not properly

 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 89 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

 insulation support rings,

 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for
piping only
If damage is found continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
further damage is seen.
The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT
examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior
to the start of work.
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 90 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
Strategy for Med Risk – Insulated – Half Life Governing

attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation

 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
Life Governing
Risk- Internal –
Env Crack

Possible – Half
Strategy for

Med Risk –

examine a minimum of 25% of the barrier penetrations:


No Entry
Half Life

 larger than 10” diameter and smaller penetrations that are not properly

 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 91 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

 insulation support rings,

 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for
piping only

If damage is found continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT
examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior
to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 92 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
Strategy for Low Risk – Non-Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,

weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
remaining half

life from NDE

Strategy for


external inspections are performed to check the condition of:

Low Risk –
– Half- Life

 The outside surface of the vessel,



 Insulation systems,

 Painting and coating systems,

 Supports and associated structure;

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 93 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

and to check for:

 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage
as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.
If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation
 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 94 of 161

100% External Visual of the entire outer surface noting any discontinuities. Per API 510,
external inspections are performed to check the condition of:
 The outside surface of the vessel,
 Insulation systems,
 Painting and coating systems,
 Supports and associated structure;
and to check for:
 Leakage,
 Hot spots,
 Vibration,
 The allowance for expansion and the general alignment of the vessel on
its supports.
Strategy for Med Risk – Insulated – Half Life Not Governing

During the external inspection, particular attention should be given to welds used to
attach components (e.g. reinforcement plates, and clips) for cracking or other defects. Any
signs of leakage should be investigated so that the sources can be established. Normally,
weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage

as well as to prevent pressure build-up behind the reinforcing plate.

If the Pressure Vessel, Tank, or Piping is insulated, please make certain to note the
number of:
 barrier penetrations
 termination of insulation
 damaged insulation


 insulation support rings

For piping specifically note the number of vertical changes of direction.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of
The inspection should return the following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

If the equipment is insulated use the “Confidence” in red.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 95 of 161

Logic Case ID

Task Type ID

Logic Case

Recommended Inspection Scope

Profile RT may be used for piping 10” or less in diameter, otherwise strip and visually
As Required – If external visual inspection identifies a condition that indicates significant

examine a minimum of 10% of the barrier penetrations:

 larger than 10” diameter and smaller penetrations that are not properly
 termination of insulation,
 damaged insulation,
 insulation support rings, and
 the number of vertical changes of direction identified as damaged for
Strategy for Low Risk – Insulated – As Required

piping only

If damage is found continue stripping likely locations by doubling the percentage until no
CUI is occurring on the vessel.

further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510, 570, or 653 for the visual inspection or must hold certifications for RT

examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior

to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 96 of 161

7 Environmental Cracking Strategy Rule Sets For Vessels, Exchangers, Tanks, and Piping (Appendix

Environmental Cracking Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix given in
Fig 1 of this document. This strategy covers both internal and external cracking degradation mechanisms. Table 1 below
provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and minimum confidences by risk level (Inspection Priority).
Table 2 provides a list of the Recommended Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work per each minimum Inspection
Confidence level when internal access is possible. Table 2 is also the preferred method and scope for all types of external
cracking. Table 3 provides a list of the Optional Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work per each minimum Inspection
Confidence level when access is not available to the internal surface.

Table 1 – Recommended Frequency and Confidence

Environmental Cracking Recommended Inspection Recommended Confidence
Inspection Category Frequency (Years)1
1–5 3 High
6 – 12 5 Medium
13 – 19 10 Low
20 – 25 (15) (Low)2
1. If cracking is identified, remaining life has to be evaluated and this information must be used to set inspection
2. Vessels with Low Criticality rating for environmental cracking will not be inspected unless the internal visual
inspection of the equipment item or inspections performed on equipment in similar service identify a
condition that indicates cracking is occurring in the vessel.

Table 2 – Recommended Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- MT or PT

Inspection Method and Scope for Internal and External Environmental Cracking when access is available (entry is
Confidence possible).
Very – High N/A
High Use MT or PT to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for examination
should include:
 pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where
longitudinal welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
 if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
 where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
 tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
 any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
 pipe supports that a attached by welding,
 joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride deposition.
 pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could
be lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 6,
in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 97 of 161

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8,
in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT is
not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations
and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Medium Use MT or PT to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for examination
should include:
 pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where
longitudinal welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
 if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
 where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
 tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
 any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
 pipe supports that a attached by welding,
 joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
 pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could
be lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 6,
in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 98 of 161

joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8,
in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT is
not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations
and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Low Use MT or PT to examine 10% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for examination
should include:
 pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where
longitudinal welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
 if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
 where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
 tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
 any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
 pipe supports that a attached by welding,
 joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
 pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could
be lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 6,
in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8,
in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 99 of 161

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT is
not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations
and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 100 of 161

Table 3 – Optional Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- External UT Shearwave
Inspection Method and Scope Options for Internal Environmental Cracking only when access is not available
Confidence (entry is not possible).
Very – High N/A
High Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
 pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where
longitudinal welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
 if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
 where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
 tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
 any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
 pipe supports that a attached by welding,
 joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
 pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could
be lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section V,
Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-
1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations
and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Medium Use UT Shearwave to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
 pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where
longitudinal welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
 if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
 where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
 tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
 any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
 pipe supports that a attached by welding,
 joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 101 of 161

 pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could
be lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section V,
Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-
1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations
and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Low Use UT shear wave to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
 pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where
longitudinal welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
 if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
 where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
 tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
 any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
 pipe supports that a attached by welding,
 joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
 pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could
be lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section V,
Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-
1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 102 of 161

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations
and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 103 of 161

Environmental Cracking Strategy Rule Sets For Pressure
Vessels, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Channel and Shells,
Double Pipe Heat Exchangers Outer Pipe, Tank Shells and
Bottoms, and Piping

Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental

Cracking Cracking Cracking Cracking
Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
1-5 6 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Is Entry Is Entry Is Entry Evidence of

Yes Yes Yes LC59 No
Possible? Possible? Possible? Cracking?

No No No

PT or MT PT or MT PT or MT Is Entry
No Access? No Access? No Access? Possible? Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < PT or MT
Half Life < 3yrs Half Life < 5yrs Half Life < 5yrs Half Life < 5yrs Half Life < 5yrs Half Life < 5yrs
10yrs 10yrs 10yrs 15yrs Access?
No Yes
No No Yes No No No No No
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Half Life < Half Life <
15yrs 15yrs
LC44 LC441 LC45 LC451 LC46 LC461 LC49 LC491 LC50 LC501 LC51 LC511 LC54 LC541 LC55 LC551 LC56 LC561 LC60 LC601
Yes No Yes

LC61 LC611 LC62 LC621

RBI Strategy Rule Sets Page 104 of 161





Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
High Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Not Governing

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
High Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Governing

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in

accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,

- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in

accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.
Use MT or PT to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride deposition.
High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of
all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,


Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.
Use MT or PT to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride deposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of

all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,
Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
Med. High Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Not Governing

- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
Med. High Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Governing

- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in

accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
Med. High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 100% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
Med. High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,

- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in

accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conforms to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.
Use MT or PT to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride deposition.
Med. High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of
all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,


Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.
Use MT or PT to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride deposition.
Med. High Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of

all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,
Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT Shearwave to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
Med. Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Not Governing

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT Shearwave to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
Med Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Governing

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in

accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT Shearwave to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
Med Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,

- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT Shearwave to examine 50% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
Med Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in

accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use MT or PT to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
Med Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of


all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,
Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use MT or PT to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
Med Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of

all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,
Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
Low Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Not Governing

- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
Low Env Crack Risk- Internal – No Entry Possible – Half Life Governing

- pipe supports that a attached by welding,

- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
Low Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.


If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use UT shear wave to examine 25% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
Low Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – No PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,

- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

UT shear wave shall be performed per a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME Section
V, Article V. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 12, in
accordance to the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must hold certifications for UT shear wave examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use MT or PT to examine 10% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
Low Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Not Governing

- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of


all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,
Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.



Task Type ID


Use MT or PT to examine 10% of all potential cracking locations. Location categories for
examination should include:
- pressure-containing welds (category A, B, & D welds), especially tee sections where longitudinal
welds end at circumferential welds and circumferential shell to tubesheet welds,
- if access permits category C welds [weld categories defined by ASME Section VIII],
- where non-pressure components are attached by welding to pressure retaining components,
- tank critical zone welds especially the bottom to shell weld and
- any locations identified by the visual inspection, drawings or Degradation Mechanisms study,
- pipe supports that a attached by welding,
- joint welds on elbows, tees, and bends that have high external tension loading due to lack of
support or where the fluid flow may provide swirling and chloride disposition.
- pipe dead legs and normally closed bypasses where the normal operating temperature could be
Low Env Crack Risk- Internal – Entry Possible – PT or MT Access - Half Life Governing

lower than the process and fall into the correct temperature range for external SCC.

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with
ASME Section V, Article 7 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to
be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides
of all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,

Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

Appendix 6, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of

all joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII,
Appendix 8, in accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Method chosen for the inspection may be dictated by the material of construction, for instance MT
is not applicable for austenitic stainless steel materials.

The Inspector must hold certifications for MT or PT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work. The inspection should return the
following minimum information:
- Damage Rate
- Corrosion Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including CML locations and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- The total number of the CML’s examined and their descriptions.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended
to find.
8 Corrosion and Cracking Strategy Rule Sets Exchanger Bundles / Tubes (Appendix H)

Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix given in Fig 1 of this document.
This strategy covers both internal corrosion and cracking degradation mechanisms. Table 1 below provides a list of the
recommended inspection frequencies and minimum confidences by risk level (Inspection Priority). Table 2 provides a list of
the Recommended Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work per each minimum Inspection Confidence level. Table 3
provides a list of the Optional Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work per each minimum Inspection Confidence level.
Table 3 will only be used for internal environmental cracking when access is not available to the internal surface.

Table 1 – Recommended Frequency and Confidence

Inspection Priority Recommended Recommended
Category Frequency (Years)1 Confidence
1–5 5 High
6 – 12 7.5 Medium
13 – 19 10 Low
20 – 25 15 Low
1. These intervals are applicable provided corrosion half life is not exceeded
2. For Bundle and Inner Pipe Corrosion, all bundles and inner pipes in a Unit can be grouped by Component Type,
Inspection Priority, and then by Wall Ratio. The grouping allows one or a small number of components to represent a
larger population. When selecting representative components from each Component Type, Inspection Priority, and
Wall Ratio, select the piping circuits with the highest Inspection Priority first and those that have the same Inspection
Priority are to be decided by wall ratio.

Table 2 – Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence for

S&T Heat Exchanger Tube Bundle
Confidence Method and Scope Options for General Corrosion and Cracking
Very – High N/A
High 100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified problem areas and
tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 100 % of the tubes with follow-up on any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API 510
for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT, ECT, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet visually
inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-
sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.
Medium 100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified problem areas and
tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 50 % of the tubes with follow-up on any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API 510
for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT, ECT, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet visually
inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-
sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further damage
is seen.
Low 100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified problem areas and
tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 25 % of the tubes with follow-up on any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in accordance with ASME
Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection. Surface prep by cleaning the area to be
inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least 1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all
joints to be inspected. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User specifications.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector according to API 510
for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT, ECT, and/or IRIS examination that
conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet visually
inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-
sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it
was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further damage
is seen.
Table 3 – Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence for
Double Pipe Exchanger Inner Pipe
Confidence Method and Scope Options for General Corrosion and Cracking
Very – High N/A
High 100% Visual Examination of the inner tube sealing surface with testing (ECT, IRIS) performed
on the inner pipe straight runs followed by profile RT of the return bend/s and inlet nozzles
with calculated exposure time set to reveal the inner tube only.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for RT, ECT,
and IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be
verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including
mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-
sheet to the indication, type of indication, and % wall loss or wall
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet
visually inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their
locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Medium 100% Visual Examination of the inner tube sealing surface with testing (ECT, IRIS) performed
on the inner pipe straight runs followed by profile RT of the inlet nozzles with calculated
exposure time set to reveal the inner tube only.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for RT, ECT,
and IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need to be
verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including
mapped out tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-
sheet to the indication, type of indication, and % wall loss or wall
 Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
o Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
 Inspection Extent
o Including a description of the amount of the header box and tube-sheet
visually inspected and the total number of the tubes examined and their
locations on a tube-sheet map.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Low Profile RT on the inner pipe straight runs with calculated exposure time set to reveal the
inner tube only.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its
location and dimensions
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage
mechanism it was intended to find.
Corrosion and Cracking Strategy Rule Sets for Shell &
Tube Exchanger-Bundle and Double Pipe Exchanger
Inner Pipe

Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion

Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
1-5 6 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25

Bundle or Inner Bundle or Inner Bundle or Inner Bundle or Inner

Bundle Pipe? Inner Pipe Bundle Pipe? Inner Pipe Bundle Pipe? Inner Pipe Bundle Pipe? Inner Pipe

Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life < Half Life <
Half Life < 5yrs Half Life < 5yrs
7.5yrs 7.5yrs 10yrs 10yrs 15yrs 15yrs

No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC65 LC651 LC66 LC661 LC67 LC671 LC68 LC681 LC69 LC691 L70 LC701 LC71 LC711 LC72 LC721




Task Type ID



100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 100 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
High Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Not Governing.

Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector


according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 100 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
High Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Governing

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


If damage is found continue inspecting likely locations by doubling the percentage

until no further damage is seen.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector

according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,

ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the inner tube sealing surface with testing (ECT, IRIS)
performed on the inner pipe straight runs followed by profile RT of the return bend/s
and inlet nozzles with calculated exposure time set to reveal the inner tube only.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
Med. High Cor. Risk- Bundle - Half Life Not Governing

according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for RT,
ECT, and IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need

to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,


type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.

- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the inner tube sealing surface with testing (ECT, IRIS)
performed on the inner pipe straight runs followed by profile RT of the return bend/s
and inlet nozzles with calculated exposure time set to reveal the inner tube only.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for RT,
Med. High Cor. Risk- Bundle - Half Life Governing

ECT, and IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need

to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,

type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.


- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used

- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 50 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
Med. High Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Not Governing

1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of thetube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until
no further damage is seen.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 50 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Med. High Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Governing

Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of thetube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until
no further damage is seen.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the inner tube sealing surface with testing (ECT, IRIS)
performed on the inner pipe straight runs followed by profile RT of the inlet nozzles
with calculated exposure time set to reveal the inner tube only.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
Med. Cor. Risk- Bundle - Half Life Not Governing

according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for RT,
ECT, and IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need

to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out

tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,

type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.

- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of thetube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the inner tube sealing surface with testing (ECT, IRIS)
performed on the inner pipe straight runs followed by profile RT of the inlet nozzles
with calculated exposure time set to reveal the inner tube only.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for RT,
Med. Cor. Risk- Bundle - Half Life Governing


ECT, and IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials need
to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out

tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,

type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.

- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of thetube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 25 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Med. Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Not Governing

Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until
no further damage is seen.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 25 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
Med. Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Governing

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until
no further damage is seen.



Task Type ID


Profile RT on the inner pipe straight runs with calculated exposure time set to reveal
the inner tube only.
Low Cor. Risk- Bundle - Half Life Not Governing

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-

TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion/Pitting Rate
- Damage Extent


- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

Profile RT on the inner pipe straight runs with calculated exposure time set to reveal
the inner tube only.

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
Low Cor. Risk- Bundle - Half Life Governing


TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion/Pitting Rate
- Damage Extent

- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and

- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 25 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
Low Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Not Governing

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.


The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until
no further damage is seen.



Task Type ID


100% Visual Examination of the tube sheets with PT examination of the identified
problem areas and tube testing (ECT, IRIS) on 25 % of the tubes with follow-up on
any indications.

Penetrant Testing (PT) shall be performed to a written procedure that is in

accordance with ASME Section V, Article 6 along with internal visual inspection.
Surface prep by cleaning the area to be inspected in accordance with SSPC-6 at least
1 inch beyond the heat affected zone on both sides of all joints to be inspected.
Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, in
Low Cor. Risk- Inner Pipe - Half Life Governing

accordance with the applicable construction code, or in accordance with Owner User


The Inspector must be an API Authorized Pressure Vessel, Piping, or Tank Inspector
according to API 510 for the visual inspection and/or must hold certifications for PT,
ECT, and/or IRIS examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These credentials
need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area including mapped out
tube-sheet locations and dimensions, distance from the tube-sheet to the indication,
type of indication, and % wall loss or wall penetration.
- Proper documentation of the type/s and inspection technique/s used
- Enough to repeat it including serial numbers of the equipment.
- Inspection Extent
- Including a description of the amount of the tube-sheet visually inspected and the
total number of the tubes examined and their locations on a tube-sheet map.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until
no further damage is seen.



Task Type ID


Profile RT on the inner pipe straight runs with calculated exposure time set to reveal
the inner tube only.
High Risk for Tank Bottoms – Half Life Not Governing

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-

TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion/Pitting Rate
- Damage Extent


- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

Profile RT on the inner pipe straight runs with calculated exposure time set to reveal
the inner tube only.
High Risk for Tank Bottoms – Half Life Governing

The Inspector must hold certifications for RT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-

TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

- Damage Rate
- Corrosion/Pitting Rate
- Damage Extent

- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and

- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
9 Plate Corrosion and Weld Cracking Strategy Rule Sets for Storage Tank Bottoms (Appendix I)

The Combined Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix given in Fig 1 of
this document. Table 1 below provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and minimum confidences by risk
level (Inspection Priority). Table 2 provides a list of the Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work per each minimum
Inspection confidence level.

Table 1 – Recommended Inspection Frequency and Confidence

Combined Recommended Inspection Inspection Recommended Inspection
Inspection Priority Category Frequency (Years)1 Confidence
1–5 5 Very High
6 – 12 10 High
13 – 19 15 Medium
20 – 25 (20)2 (Medium)2
1. These intervals are applicable provided corrosion half life is not exceeded
2. Tank Bottoms with Low Criticality rating will not be inspected unless inspections performed on tanks in similar service
identify a condition that indicates weld leaks or plate corrosion may be occurring in the tank.

Table 2 – Inspection Method and Scope vs. Confidence- Int. Corrosion

Confidence Method and Scope Options for General, Localized, or Pitting Corrosion
Very – High 100% Floor Scan with 100% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual
inspection and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.
High 100% Floor Scan with 50% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The 50% will include as a
minimum the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified
to be obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual
inspection and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Medium 100% Floor Scan with 25% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The25% will include as a minimum
the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to be
obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual
inspection and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-
TC-1A. These credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate
o Corrosion/Pitting Rate
 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
Low N/A
Plate Corrosion and Weld Cracking Strategy
Rule Sets for Storage Tank Bottoms

Bottom Corrosion Bottom Corrosion Bottom Corrosion Bottom Corrosion

Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority Inspection Priority
1-5 6 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25

Half Life < 5 yrs Half Life < Half Life <
10yrs 15yrs

No Yes No Yes No Yes

LC73 LC731 LC74 LC741 LC75 LC751



Task Type ID


100% Floor Scan with 100% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The 100% will include as a
minimum the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to
be obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.
Med. High Risk for Tank Bottoms – Half Life Not Governing

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual inspection
and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate

 Damage Extent

o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Task Type ID


100% Floor Scan with 100% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The 100% will include as a
minimum the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to
be obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.
Med. High Risk for Tank Bottoms – Half Life Governing

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual inspection
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Task Type ID


100% Floor Scan with 50% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The 50% will include as a minimum
the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to be
obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.
Med. Risk for Tank Bottoms – Half Life Not Governing

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual inspection
and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate


 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Task Type ID


100% Floor Scan with 50% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The50% will include as a minimum
the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to be
obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.
Med. Risk for Tank Bottoms – Half Life Governing

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual inspection
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:

 Damage Rate

o Corrosion/Pitting Rate

 Damage Extent
o Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and
 Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
o Enough to repeat it.
 Inspection Extent
o Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
 Inspection Confidence
o A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism
it was intended to find.

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.
100% Floor Scan with 25% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The25% will include as a minimum
Low Risk for Tank Bottoms – No Evidence of Cracking or Plate Corrosion

the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to be
obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual inspection
and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:


- Damage Rate
- Corrosion/Pitting Rate


- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and dimensions
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended to

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.

Task Type ID


100% Floor Scan with 25% Vacuum Box Testing of all weld seams. The25% will include as a minimum
the entire shell to floor circumferential seam with the balance of the percentage specified to be
obtained from welds in the critical zone (12 to 18 inches from the shell) and any other weld
discontinuities visually observed.
Calculated remaining half life from NDE data.

The Inspector must be an API Authorized Tank Inspector according to API 653 for the visual inspection
and/or must hold certifications for MFL and LT examination that conform to ASNT SNT-TC-1A. These
credentials need to be verified prior to the start of work.

The inspection should return the following minimum information:


- Damage Rate


- Corrosion/Pitting Rate
- Damage Extent
- Was damage found? - Good description of the damaged area and its location and dimensions
- Proper documentation of the inspection technique used
- Enough to repeat it.
- Inspection Extent
- Good description of the total amount of the asset examined as a percentage.
- Inspection Confidence
- A gradation on how likely the inspection performed found the damage mechanism it was intended to

If damage is found, continue testing likely locations by doubling the percentage until no further
damage is seen.




No Inspection Required
10 PRD Strategies

Internal Corrosion Inspection Priority Categories referenced in the Tables below are based on the Risk Matrix given in Fig 1
of this document. Table 1 below provides a list of the recommended inspection frequencies and minimum confidences by
risk level (Inspection Priority). Table 2 provides a list of the Inspection Methods and Scopes of Work for each minimum
Inspection Confidence level.

Table 1 – Recommended Percentage, Frequency, and Confidence

Internal Percentage of Recommended Recommended
Corrosion Representative Frequency Confidence
Inspection Piping Circuits (%) (Years)
2, 3
1–5 100 1 High
6 – 12 50 2 High
13 – 19 25 3 Medium
20 – 25 10 5 Low
1. These intervals are applicable providing corrosion half life is not exceeded
2. For Internal Corrosion, all piping in a Unit can be grouped by Inspection Priority and then by Wall Ratio. The grouping
allows one or a small number of piping circuits to represent a larger population of piping. When selecting
representative circuits from each Inspection Priority and Wall Ratio, select the piping circuits with the highest
Inspection Priority first and those that have the same Inspection Priority are to be decided by wall ratio.
3. 100 percent (%) of Injection Circuits require inspection. The number of assigned CML’s shall be defined per API 570.
The recommended upstream limit of the injection circuit is a minimum of 12 inches or three (3) pipe diameters
upstream of the injection point, whichever is larger. The recommended downstream limit is the second change in flow
direction after the injection point or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction, whichever is less. In some cases,
it may be more appropriate to extend this circuit to the next piece of pressure equipment.
Table 2 – TBD
Inspection Method and Scope Options for Unpredictable Localized and Pitting Corrosion


PRD Strategies

No Rupture Disk? Yes

Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion Internal Corrosion
Inspection Priority No Inspection Priority No Inspection Priority Inspection Priority No Inspection Priority
1 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25 1 - 19 20 - 25

PSV01 PSV02 PCV03 RD01 RD02




Task Type ID

A bench test should be performed on the PRV in the as received condition from the unit and the

initial leak pressure opening pressure and the reseat pressure Should be documented. The inlet
and outlet piping should be examined for signs of excessive plugging or fouling.


A bench test should be performed, however, the PRD should cleaned or steamed out prior to the

bench test. Additionally, a visual inspection should be performed with detailed documentation of
the condition of the PRD internal components. An in-place test may be performed using the

actual process fluid to pressurize the system where permitted by local jurisdiction.


A visual inspection may be performed without a pop test, with detailed documentation of the
condition of the PRD internal components. An in-place test may be performed where the actual

process fluid was not used to pressurize the system where permitted by local jurisdiction.


The rupture disk is removed and visually inspected for damage or deformations.


The space between the disk and the PRV is monitored for leakage in accordance with the ASME
Code and API RP 520 Part 2.


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