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Team Contract for Teddies for Trauma

Team Expectations

Working on this project as a team, we all have expectations of each other's work.

Everyone wants to finish this project in the allotted time, to the very best of their ability, and

receive a good grade on it. Working in a team, we will all divide the work and contribute to the

project separately. In doing so, we must communicate well with information when needed.

Team Norms and Behaviors

In order to accomplish this project, team members need to remain flexible, not rigid,

when it comes to execution. The project, tasks, and responsibilities will be decided by a majority

vote. There may be times when the agreed-upon plans, tasks, and responsibilities need to change

for the project to be successful. If change is required, then the change will be agreed to by a

consensus being reached. All team members are expected to participate when the team is sharing

ideas, making plans, dividing responsibilities, and voting. Team members need to exercise active

listening skills and remain open to the ideas of others and compromise. Team members are

expected to be reliable in accomplishing their tasks and responsibilities on time. Team members

also need to come to meetings ready to participate and give notice to the other team members in

advance if they will not be able to attend. They will be expected to support what was decided in

their absence.

Communication and Collaboration Methods

Communication is key to any team or project. Our team will communicate in a variety of

ways. We will have weekly meetings during or after class to discuss the project in person. We

also correspond throughout the week via text messaging first, and phone calls if needed. Our
communication plan works by following the first communication form on the list, then going to

the next one if it does not work. Our list is as follows:

1. Meeting in person (when scheduled)

2. Text (anytime)

3. Call (when text fails)

4. Shared online documents (anytime)

To share and collaborate on written work we will use shared Google Docs.

Conflict Management

Our team will try to avoid conflict through open discussion of hurt feelings or issues

important to an individual team member at meetings. Decisions will be made in our group

meetings by majority rule. If these steps should fail and conflict arises, we will open a discussion

on the problem, where each individual would get a turn to state their position and reasoning, to

help the group to solve the conflict. If we are unable to achieve conflict resolution ourselves, we

will ask a mediator (Professor Pennington) to attend our next meeting to facilitate a compromise

that all individuals on the team will uphold.

Consequences of Non-participation

There will be a one-time pass on one assignment not completed as long as notification of

a conflict is given within 72 hours of the assignment's due date, barring emergencies. The

template will also need to provide any completed work to the rest of the team providing the other

team members a chance to complete the assignment. Following the one-time pass, if a team

member has a second offense, the team member will score lower on the participation portion or

peer review portion of the project’s grade. If this behavior persists, the remaining team members

will ask the instructor to reduce the offending team member’s one letter grade on the project.
Criteria for Evaluating Team's Effectiveness

We will use the following criteria to evaluate our team’s effectiveness:

1. The number of stuffed animals collected for donation

Measuring Progress

We will measure our team’s progress on the project through the following:

1. Status updates on assignments from team members at every meeting.

2. How well we do at meeting milestones and deadlines on time.

3. How we do on having assignments for class done on time.

4. Tracking our donations every week.

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