Listen A Minute Tailor Made Adults I 2021

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A long time ago, robots belongs to_____________ fiction. Children loved

looking at movies with robots. Today, robots are real, and they
are_______________us. In the future, we will all have robots. They will vacuum
the ________________, wash the_________________, even________________ our
cars. I even think one day we’ll have robot friends. In Japan today,
_______________are making robots to_______ old people and to keep
them____________. It’s still early days. I’d say we are another 20 to 30 years
away from robots being everywhere in______ lives. What will happen to us
when the world is full of robots? There’ll be no jobs. McDonalds will be full of
__________ ___________. Maybe one day we won’t be able to tell robots and
humans apart. Maybe they´ll take over the _________________.


The weather means different things to different __________. I come from

England, so the weather is always a big topic there. People in England can't
deal with the weather. A tiny bit of _________, and no one goes to work. Two
________ of thirty-degree temperatures and it's a ____________. Three days
and it's an emergency. I once lived in Dubai. No one really talked about the
weather there. It was the same almost every day of the _________. Hot,
_________, blue skies, no rain. I never looked at the weather forecast. I
always knew what the weather would be like. Not like in England where
people pray for the _________to be OK. But the weather is changing. Global
warming is making it __________ in the desert and dry in the rainforests


I’m not sure how many people ever stop to think how wonderful four
__________are. I think people who live in cities don’t care about the seasons.
City _______ spend half their lives indoors or underground. I live in the
country and I love watching the seasons come and go.________ is different in
the countryside. I love watching the crops grow in the fields. I watch them
push their way up from the ground in the______ and then grow tall in
the________ sun. Just before ________ arrives, the farmer harvests them and
then ________ comes. Seasons means it’s like living in a new place every four
months. Everything changes. One ________ thing about seasons is the
seasonal food you get. There’s always something tasty that’s just come in

Would you like to change your face and body? Would you like movie _____
looks? A lot of people want to do this. They pay lots of ______ to go to a
cosmetic surgeon and change their appearance. The most ________
operation we call a “nose job” . People who are unhappy with their______
have it reshaped. Other people want their wrinkles to disappear to make
themselves look ________. People also go under the knife and have things
made bigger or smaller. I think this is a waste of money. I'm not the best-
looking ________ in the world but I would never consider plastic surgery -
even if it was free. Some people have so many operations they end up
looking like they’re made of ________. I'd rather stay looking human


Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our _______. Many
politicians and scientists say it is the biggest _________ we face. I read
almost every day that climate change is changing the Earth forever. Many
species of animal, fish, ________, frog, etc. are dying. The ice caps in the
Arctic and Antarctica are melting. Our ___________ is changing so places are
getting warmer, or _________, or are having more and stronger ___________.
We all need to do our bit so that climate change does not destroy us. It’s
important to cut down on things that produce greenhouse gasses. These
warm the planet and _________ the climate. Doing simple things like turning
off lights and recycling paper all help.


I think home schooling is great. I wish my __________ had done this. The idea
of never going to school sounds too good to be _______. I hated school. I
wanted to stay at home every day. I really wouldn’t have minded staying at
home and studying. ___________, you need to be careful not to forget
studying. One thing about home schooling I like is visiting museums or
watching documentaries to learn _______. This is so much better than
learning in school. I think my learning at school suffered because there were
many_________ who didn’t want to learn. I could have got better marks if I
had stayed at _________. Perhaps there’ll be more home schooling in the
future because of the Internet.

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