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chapter 15 From Gene

to Protein


Dannielle Tegeder, Chromosome Constellation, need date.

Finding the Messenger lem is easy to solve: A message is sent from one
location to the other. In addition, the message must
and Breaking the Code
be translated from German, the language in which

e live in a global economy. The headquar- the decision was made, to English, the language in
ters of a corporation may be located in which the decision must be implemented.
one country—say, Germany—but the Eukaryotic cells face similar challenges. Genes
company’s factories may be located elsewhere—say, work by controlling the production of proteins.
the United States. Immediately there is a problem: Whereas genes are located in the nucleus of the cell,
Decisions made in Germany need to be communi- their protein products are made on ribosomes,
cated to employees in the United States. This prob- which are located outside of the nucleus, in the

By controlling the production of
proteins, genes play a key role in
determining the organism’s pheno-

A Model of a tRNA Molecule

Transfer RNA molecules like this one read the genetic code.

the ribosomes, how do the

ribosomes “read” it?
This last question
highlights another
similarity between
cells and our
imaginary inter-
national corpora-
tion: To be effec-
tive, the
information con-
tained in genes must
be translated from one “language” (that of DNA,
cytoplasm. How which is based on its four nucleotide bases) to
does a gene control from another (that of proteins, which is based on the 20
a distance how a ribo- amino acids they contain). In the mid-1950s, biolo-
some constructs a protein? gists working on this problem realized that cells
Like our imaginary corporate must have a “genetic code” that allows the instruc-
headquarters, the gene does this by tions of the gene to be translated from the language
sending a message. What is the of DNA to the language of proteins. The discovery
chemical messenger that carries the of how cells do this was one of the crowning
gene’s instructions from the nucleus to the achievements of twentieth-century science: the
ribosome? And once the message reaches breaking of the genetic code.
254 UNIT 3 Genetics

1. Most genes contain instructions for building proteins. 5. Translation occurs in the cytoplasm and converts the
The DNA sequence of a gene encodes the amino acid sequence of bases in an mRNA molecule to the sequence
sequence of its protein product. of amino acids in a protein.

2. A few genes encode RNA molecules as their final product. 6. Mutations can alter the sequence of amino acids in a
gene’s protein product. Such changes, in turn, can alter the
3. Two steps are required to go from gene to protein: tran- protein’s function. Although changes in protein function
scription and translation. are usually harmful, occasionally they benefit the organism.

4. In eukaryotic cells, transcription occurs in the nucleus

and produces a messenger RNA copy of the information
stored in the gene.

hapters 12 through 14 have described how human metabolic disorders. In 1902, he argued that
genes are inherited, where they are located (on these disorders were caused by an inability of the body
chromosomes), and what they are made of to produce specific enzymes. Garrod was particularly
(DNA). But we have yet to describe how genes work. interested in alkaptonuria, a condition in which the
How do genes store the information needed to build urine of otherwise healthy infants turns black when
their final products, proteins? How does the cell use exposed to air. He proposed that infants with alkap-
that information? Knowing how genes work can help tonuria had a defective version of an enzyme that ordi-
us understand how mutations produce new pheno- narily would break down the substance that caused
types, including disease phenotypes. We begin this urine to turn black. Garrod did not stop there; he and
chapter by discussing how genetic information is en- his collaborator, William Bateson, went on to suggest
coded in genes and how the cell uses that information that in general, genes worked by controlling the pro-
to build proteins. We then discuss how a change to a duction of enzymes.
gene can change an organism’s phenotype.
Genes contain information for the synthesis
Genes Encode Proteins of RNA molecules
Genes work by controlling the production of proteins. Garrod and Bateson were on the right track, but they
For most genes, the relationship between gene and pro- were not entirely correct: Genes control the production
tein is direct: The gene contains instructions for how to of all proteins, not just enzymes. In addition, as men-
build a particular protein. Some genes have an indirect tioned above, a few genes do not directly specify pro-
relationship to proteins. Rather than encoding a partic- teins. Rather, these genes specify as their final product
ular protein, these genes specify how to build ribonu- one of several RNA molecules used in the construction
cleic acid (RNA) molecules that help the cell construct of proteins. Thus, directly and indirectly, genes control
proteins. the production of proteins.
Proteins are essential to life. They are used by cells As we will see shortly, even genes that specify pro-
and organisms in many ways: Some provide structural teins make an RNA molecule as their initial product.
support, others transport materials, still others defend Thus, modifying the definition in Chapter 12, we can
against disease-causing organisms. In addition, the redefine a gene as a sequence of DNA that contains
many chemical reactions on which life depends are con- information for the synthesis of one of several types of
trolled by a crucial group of proteins, the enzymes. RNA molecules used to make proteins.
Enzymes and other proteins influence so many features
of the organism that they, along with the environment,
determine the organism’s phenotype.
Three types of RNA are involved
Early clues that genes work by controlling the pro-
in the production of proteins
duction of proteins came at the beginning of the twen- The nucleic acids DNA and RNA (see Chapter 5) play
tieth century from the work of British physician key roles in the construction of proteins. Several types
Archibald Garrod, who studied several inherited of RNA, as well as many enzymes and other proteins,
CHAPTER 15 From Gene to Protein 255

are required for the cell to make proteins. As already RNA is single-
described, DNA controls the production of all these stranded.
essential molecules, so DNA controls all aspects of pro-
tein production.
Cells use three types of RNA molecules to construct P
In RNA, U replaces
proteins: ribosomal RNA (abbreviated rRNA), messen- U the DNA base T.
ger RNA (mRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA). The func-
tion of each kind of RNA is defined in Table 15.1 and P Phosphate
discussed in more detail in the sections that follow. But
first we describe several general differences between the Sugar
structure of RNA and the structure of DNA. Whereas (ribose) Base
DNA molecules are double-stranded, most RNA mol- P
ecules are single-stranded. Overall, the structure of a U
single strand of RNA is similar to the structure of a sin- Nucleotide
gle strand of DNA. RNA is composed of a long string P In RNA, nucleotides use the sugar
of nucleotides covalently bonded together. Each A ribose rather than the sugar
nucleotide, in turn, is composed of a sugar–phosphate deoxyribose that is used in DNA.
backbone and one of four nitrogen-containing bases
(Figure 15.1). However, the nucleotides in RNA and P
DNA differ in two respects: (1) RNA uses the sugar
ribose, whereas DNA uses the sugar deoxyribose; and
(2) in RNA, the base uracil (U) replaces the DNA base
P Figure 15.1 The Structure
thymine (T). The other three bases (A, C, and G) are the
same in RNA and DNA. C of RNA
RNA molecules are composed
of a single strand of
P nucleotides, each of which
G consists of a phosphate, a
■ Genes work by controlling the production of pro- ribose sugar, and a base (ade-
teins. A gene contains information for the synthesis nine, cytosine, guanine, or
of one of several types of RNA molecules used to make uracil).
proteins. Three types of RNA and many enzymes and
other proteins are required for this process. RNA con-
sists of a single strand of nucleotides, each composed rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA molecules direct the synthe-
sis of a given gene’s protein product.
of a sugar–phosphate backbone and one of four nitro-
We will discuss transcription and translation in detail
gen-containing bases: A, C, G, or U.
later in the chapter. First, however, let’s consider how
genes work from the perspective of information flow.
We will describe the flow of genetic information in
eukaryotes. Events are similar in prokaryotes except
How Genes Control that, because they lack a nucleus, both genes and ribo-
the Production of Proteins somes are located in the cytoplasm.

In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes,

genes specify the production of proteins
in two steps: transcription and translation. 15.1 RNA Molecules and Their Functions
In transcription, an RNA molecule is
Type of RNA molecule Function
made from the DNA sequence of a gene.
If the gene specifies the production of Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Major component of ribosomes, the molecular
rRNA or tRNA, its transcription produces machines that make the covalent bonds that
link amino acids together into a protein
those molecules as the final product. If the
Messenger RNA (mRNA) Specifies the order of amino acids in a protein
gene specifies a protein, however, its tran-
Transfer RNA (tRNA) Transfers the correct amino acid to the ribosome,
scription produces an mRNA molecule, on the basis of the information encoded in the
which in turn specifies the amino acid mRNA
sequence of a protein. In translation,
256 UNIT 3 Genetics

For a protein to be made, the information in the gene

must be sent from the gene, which is located in the nucle- ■ Two steps are required for the synthesis of proteins:
us, to the site of protein synthesis. As we learned in transcription and translation. In transcription, an mRNA
Chapter 6, proteins are synthesized at ribosomes, which molecule is made using the DNA sequence of the gene.
are located in the cytoplasm (Figure 15.2). Ribosomes are In translation, rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA molecules direct
made up of rRNA and proteins. The information in the protein synthesis. Information for the synthesis of a
gene is transferred from the nucleus to the ribosome by protein flows from the gene, located in the nucleus,
mRNA. This transfer of information is made possible by to the site of protein synthesis, the ribosome, located
transcription, in which the sequence of bases in mRNA in the cytoplasm.
is copied directly from the DNA sequence of a gene.
Because it is a direct copy of the gene’s DNA sequence,
mRNA provides the ribosome with all the information
that is contained in the gene.
Once the mRNA molecule arrives at the ribosome, the
information on how to build the protein must be trans-
Transcription: From DNA to RNA
lated from the language of DNA (nucleotide bases) to Transcription is the synthesis of an RNA molecule using
the language of proteins (amino acids). The information the DNA sequence of a gene as a template. As we saw
is translated at the ribosomes by tRNA molecules. One above, transcription produces all the kinds of RNA mol-
portion of each tRNA molecule can bind to one specific ecules we have mentioned; here, we focus on the tran-
sequence of mRNA, while another portion can bind to scription of mRNA from genes that encode proteins.
and carry one specific amino acid. The specificity of Transcription is somewhat similar to DNA replication
these binding rules is essential because it allows the mes- in that one strand of DNA is used as a template from
sage in mRNA to be translated into the exact sequence which a new strand—in this case, a strand of mRNA—
of amino acids that is called for by the gene. is formed. However, transcription differs from DNA
replication in three important ways. First, a different
enzyme guides the process: Whereas the enzyme used
in DNA replication is DNA polymerase, the key enzyme
Figure 15.2 The Flow of Genetic Information in transcription is RNA polymerase. Second, whereas
Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein in
two steps, transcription and translation. Transcription pro- the entire DNA molecule is duplicated in DNA replica-
duces an mRNA molecule, which then moves to the ribo- tion, in transcription only the small portion of a DNA
some, where translation occurs and the protein is made. molecule that includes a particular gene is transcribed
Different amino acids in the protein being constructed at into mRNA. Finally, whereas the process of DNA repli-
the ribosome are represented by different colors. This illus- cation produces a double-stranded DNA molecule, the
tration shows the flow of information in a eukaryotic cell. process of transcription produces a single-stranded
mRNA molecule.
An mRNA copy of the gene is Transcription begins when the RNA
made in the nucleus.
polymerase enzyme binds to a region of
DNA that is called a promoter. Pro-
DNA moters contain specific base sequences
to which RNA polymerase can bind.
Nuclear Once bound to the promoter, the RNA
polymerase enzyme unwinds the DNA
Transcription Translation double helix and separates the two
strands. Then the enzyme begins to con-
mRNA struct an mRNA molecule (Figure 15.3).
As discussed earlier, RNA molecules
Nucleus consist of four bases: adenine (A), cyto-
Cytoplasm sine (C), guanine (G), and uracil (U).
These four bases pair with the four

fpo Eukaryotic cell Amino acids are linked to one another

at the ribosome to form a protein.
bases in DNA according to specific
rules: A in RNA pairs with T in DNA,
C in RNA pairs with G in DNA, G in
CHAPTER 15 From Gene to Protein 257

Figure 15.3 Overview of Transcription

Transcription Translation
RNA polymerase

1 Transcription begins when

RNA polymerase binds to
the promoter DNA.

RNA polymerase
New mRNA Template strand
DNA of gene strand of DNA

Direction of movement
of RNA polymerase
Promoter DNA
(in yellow)
Terminator DNA
(in red)

an mRNA molecule synthesized from this DNA tem-

plate would have the sequence

2 A new mRNA strand is produced
as RNA polymerase moves Synthesis of an mRNA molecule from the DNA tem-
down the DNA template. plate continues until the RNA polymerase enzyme
3 Transcription ends when reaches a sequence of bases called a terminator, at which
RNA polymerase reaches point transcription ends and the newly formed mRNA
the terminator DNA. molecule separates from its DNA template. The two
strands of the DNA template then bond back to each
other, ready to be used again when needed by the cell.
Messenger RNA molecules produced by transcription
will carry the information from the gene to the ribosome,
where the protein specified by the gene is built. First,
however, the newly formed mRNA molecule must often
be modified before it is used. In eukaryotes, most genes
contain internal sequences of bases called introns that
do not specify part of the protein encoded by the gene
(Figure 15.4). Introns must be removed from the initial
mRNA product if the protein encoded by the gene is to
function properly.
RNA pairs with C in DNA, and U in RNA pairs with A
in DNA. These base-pairing rules determine the
sequence of bases in the mRNA molecule that is made ■ In transcription, an mRNA molecule is synthesized
from a DNA template. For example, if the DNA from a gene’s DNA template. In eukaryotes, genes con-
sequence were tain internal sequences of DNA called introns that must
be removed from the initial mRNA product.
258 UNIT 3 Genetics

Figure 15.4 Removal of Introns by

Eukaryotic Cells
Introns are regions of DNA
within a gene that do not
Before mRNA molecules can be used,
encode any part of the gene’s enzymes in the nucleus must remove non-
Coding coding sequences (introns) and link the
protein product.
region Intron remaining coding sequences together.


Initial RNA
The Genetic Code
Genes are composed of DNA and con-
Introns removed
sist of a sequence of the four bases ade-
nine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.
The information in a gene is encoded in
its sequence of bases. As we learned in
fpo Coding regions linked the previous section, the gene’s DNA
sequence is used during transcription as
mRNA a template to produce an mRNA mole-
cule. How does the sequence of bases in
Coding sequence mRNA encode, or specify, the sequence
Nucleus Messenger RNA
moves out of the of amino acids in a protein? From the
nucleus to the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, geneticists
cytoplasm, where worked feverishly to figure out the code
Nuclear it is used to guide
envelope protein synthesis.
that accomplishes this task. By 1966, the
genetic code had been broken (Figure
Nuclear pore Cytoplasm 15.5).
In the genetic code, an amino acid is
specified by a nonoverlapping sequence
of three nucleotide bases in an mRNA
molecule. Each group of three bases in
mRNA is called a codon. For example,
UAA, UAG, and UGA do as Figure 15.6 shows, if a portion of an
Figure 15.5 The Genetic Code not code for an amino acid. mRNA molecule con-
Translation stops when
these codons are reached. sisted of the sequence
Second letter of codon
U C A G first codon (UUC)
Like arginine, most
UCU Tyrosine amino acids are would specify one
UUC alanine UCC UAC UGC Cysteine C specified by more
U Serine amino acid (phenylala-
UUA UCA UAA Stop codon UGA Stop codon A than one codon.
Leucine UCG nine), the next codon
UUG UAG Stop codon UGG Tryptophan G
(ACU) would specify a
CAU U second amino acid
CUU CCU Histidine CGU
First letter of codon

CUC CCC CGC C (threonine), and the last codon (CAG)

Third letter of codon

C Leucine Proline Arginine

CUA CCA CAA CGA A would specify a third amino acid (glut-
G amine). There are four possible bases at
AUU ACU AAU AGU U each of the three positions of a codon,
AUC Isoleucine ACC AAC Asparagine AGC Serine C so there are a total of 64 possible codons
A AUA Threonine
ACA AAA AGA A (4 × 4 × 4 = 64).
AUG Methionine; ACG AAG Lysine AGG Arginine G When reading the code, the cell
start codon
GAU U begins at a fixed starting point, called a
GUC GCC GAC Aspartate GGC C start codon (usually the codon AUG),
G Valine Alanine Glycine and ends at one of several stop codons
GUG GCG GAG Glutamate GGG (such as UGA or UAA) (see Figure 15.5).
fpo G
By beginning at a fixed point, the cell
CHAPTER 15 From Gene to Protein 259

Translation: From mRNA to Protein

The genetic code provides the cell with the equiv-
alent of a dictionary with which to translate the
language of DNA into the language of proteins.
The conversion of a sequence of bases in mRNA
to a sequence of amino acids in a protein is called trans-

In transcription, the DNA

fpo lation. Translation is the second major step in the process
by which genes specify proteins (see Figure 15.2). It
sequence of a gene is used to occurs at the ribosomes, which are composed of sever-
produce an mRNA molecule. al different sizes of rRNA molecules and more than 50
DNA strand
different proteins. The ribosomes are molecular
machines that make the covalent bonds that link amino
acids together into a protein. As a major component of
ribosomes, rRNA plays a central role in protein synthe-
sis (see Table 15.1).
mRNA Transfer RNA molecules also play a crucial role in the
synthesis of proteins at ribosomes. There are several types
Codon Codon Codon
of tRNA molecules, but they all have a similar structure
with two binding sites (Figure 15.7). First, each tRNA
molecule has a particular sequence of nucleotide bases,
called an anticodon, that can bind to a particular mRNA
Protein Phenyl- Threo- Gluta- codon. Each tRNA molecule also has a site that can bind
alanine nine mine
to a particular amino acid. Each tRNA molecule can carry
In translation, the genetic code is the specific amino acid that is called for by the mRNA
used to determine the amino acid codon to which it can bind. If this were not the case, the
that corresponds to each codon… …and the amino acids are genetic code would not work.
linked to one another at the
ribosome to form a protein.

Figure 15.7 Transfer RNA (tRNA)

Figure 15.6 How Cells Use the Genetic Code
Translation is accomplished by tRNA molecules, which bind
to specific mRNA codons and to specific amino acids. Shown
here are a computer model (at left) and a simplified illustra-
tion (at right) of a tRNA molecule. Similar regions in the
computer model and simplified illustration of a tRNA mole-
ensures that the message from the gene does cule are drawn in matching colors. The site at which tRNA
not become scrambled. To see why this is binds to an mRNA codon is called the anticodon.
important, use Figure 15.5 to determine the
amino acid sequence that would results if the Amino acid
sequence UUCACUCAG in Figure 15.6 were Amino acid
read in codons that began with the second U, attachment
not the first. site

■ The information in a gene is encoded in

its sequence of bases. In the genetic code,
Anticodon (binds
an amino acid is specified by a codon, a to a specific
nonoverlapping sequence of three nucleo- codon on mRNA)
tide bases in an mRNA molecule. When
reading the genetic code, the cell begins at Codon (on an
a fixed starting point, thus ensuring that the mRNA molecule)
message from the gene does not become
scrambled. fpo mRNA
260 UNIT 3 Genetics

Figure 15.8 Translation Step 1: Translation begins when

mRNA binds to the ribosome.

A tRNA molecule carrying A tRNA molecule

the amino acid methionine carrying glycine binds
binds to the start codon. to the second codon.

Transcription Translation

Cytoplasm mRNA
Stop codon
Start codon

The ribosome links the first

amino acid (methionine) to the
second (glycine) to form the
Glycine beginning of an amino acid chain.
For translation to occur, an mRNA molecule
must first bind to a ribosome. Once this binding
has occurred, translation begins at the AUG start
codon that is nearest to the region where mRNA
is bound to the ribosome. Here’s how the amino
acid chain of the protein is built. Stop codon
First, a tRNA molecule binds to the AUG
Start codon
codon, bringing with it the
amino acid methionine Step 2: As the ribosome moves one
(Figure 15.8). Next, anoth- codon at a time, tRNA molecules The first tRNA
er tRNA molecule, carrying bind to mRNA, allowing the is released.
ribosome to link the amino acids
the appropriate amino acid in the correct order.
(in this example, glycine) Serine
binds to the second codon
on the mRNA molecule (GGG). The ribosome
then forms a covalent bond between the first
amino acid (methionine) and the second amino
acid (glycine). The ribosome then moves to the
next mRNA codon, and the first tRNA—the one mRNA
bound to AUG—is released. Stop codon
Once the first tRNA is released, a tRNA mole-
Start codon
cule binds to the third codon, bringing with it the Completed
third amino acid of the growing amino acid chain Later amino
serine. The ribosome links the first two amino acid chain
acids to the third one, and
releases the second tRNA.
This process continues until Step 3: When the ribosome reaches a stop
codon, the mRNA and the completed amino
a stop codon is reached, at acid chain both separate from the ribosome.
which point the mRNA
molecule and the complet-
ed amino acid chain both
separate from the ribosome. The new pro- mRNA
tein then folds into its compact, specific Start codon
three-dimensional shape. Stop codon
CHAPTER 15 From Gene to Protein 261

Insertion or deletion mutations occur when a sin-

■ In translation, a sequence of bases in mRNA is con- gle base is inserted into or deleted from a DNA
verted into a sequence of amino acids in a protein. sequence. Such mutations alter the identity of many of
Transfer RNA molecules carry the specific amino acids the amino acids in the encoded protein (see Figure 15.9),
called for by the mRNA to the ribosome, which links which usually prevent the protein from functioning
them together to form a protein molecule. properly. When an insertion or deletion mutation occurs,
it is said to cause a frameshift. A genetic frameshift is
similar to what happens if you accidentally record the
answer to a question twice on the answer sheet of a mul-
tiple choice test: All the answers from that point forward
The Effect of Mutations are likely to be wrong, since each is an answer to the pre-
on Protein Synthesis vious question. Similarly, a frameshift shifts all the
codons by one base, scrambling the message.
In Chapter 13 we discussed two types of mutations:
those that affect individual genes and those that alter
the number or structure of chromosomes. Both types of
mutations alter the DNA of a cell. In general, we can
define a mutation as a change in either the sequence or Normal gene
the amount of DNA found in a cell. Mutations range DNA template
in extent from a change in the identity of a single base
pair to the addition or deletion of one or more chro-
mosomes. mRNA
In this section we describe how mutations affect pro- Protein Valine Serine Serine leucine Proline

tein synthesis. Here we focus on mutations that occur in

the portions of a gene that encode proteins, rather than In a substitution mutation, a single Mutations
base is changed. This change can
mutations that occur in introns or mutations that affect
entire chromosomes.
cause one amino acid to be substi-
tuted for another, as happened here.
Base substitution
Many mutations alter a single base pair
Many mutations are changes in a single base pair of a
gene’s DNA sequence. There are three major types of
such mutations: substitution, insertion, and deletion
mutations. In a substitution mutation, one base is Valine Serine Serine Valine Proline
changed to another at a single position in the DNA
sequence of the gene. In the substitution mutation
The insertion of a single base
shown in Figure 15.9, for example, the sequence of the shifts the translation of the
gene is changed when a thymine (T) is replaced by a codons, causing a frameshift.
cytosine (C). As the figure shows, this particular change The deletion of a single base also
causes the substitution of one amino acid for another causes a frameshift (not shown).
because the mRNA codons made from the DNA Base insertion
sequences TAA and CAA encode different amino acids
(isoleucine and valine, respectively).
Not all substitution mutations lead to changes in the
amino acid sequence of a protein. For example, although
a change in the DNA sequence from GGG to GGA would
Valine Serine Serine Tyrosine Serine
alter the mRNA sequence from CCC to CCU, since both
CCC and CCU code for the same amino acid, glycine (see
Figure 15.5), this change would not alter the amino acid
Figure 15.9 Effects of DNA Mutations
sequence of the protein. In such cases, the substitution Changes to the sequence of bases in a gene can change the
mutation is said to be “silent” because it produces no sequence of amino acids in the gene’s protein product. DNA
change in the structure of the protein, and thus no change bases, RNA bases, and amino acids that change as a result of
in the phenotype. a mutation are shown in red.
262 UNIT 3 Genetics

is a substitution of a single base and does not result in

Insertions or deletions of a series the substitution of one amino acid for another, the struc-
of bases are common ture and function of the protein are not changed. Even
Mutations can alter more than one base pair of the DNA if one or a few amino acids of the protein are changed,
sequence of a gene. For example, from two to thousands there may be little or no effect. For example, changes that
of bases can be inserted within a DNA sequence. Unless do not alter the region of the protein that binds to its sub-
the number of bases that are inserted is a multiple of strate may not affect protein function. However, amino
three (the length of a complete codon), such an insertion acid changes that alter the binding region of a protein
will cause a frameshift, usually preventing the protein usually do change how the protein works (see the box
from functioning properly. Even if no frameshift occurs, on p. 000). Such changes often are harmful to the organ-
the insertion of extra bases into a gene causes extra ism because they decrease or destroy protein function.
amino acids to be added to the protein being built, often On rare occasions, changes to the binding region of a
destroying protein function and hence harming the protein benefit the organism by improving its efficien-
organism. cy, or by causing the protein to take on a new and use-
ful function.
Mutations can cause a change
■ Many mutations are caused by the substitution,
in protein function
insertion, or deletion of a single base pair. Insertions or
Mutations alter the DNA sequence of a gene, which in deletions of a series of bases are also common.
turn alters the sequence of bases in an mRNA molecule Mutations can change the function of a gene’s protein
made from the gene. Changes to the sequence of bases
in mRNA can have a wide range of effects. If the change


Coffee by Design: All the Taste, None of the Jolt

ava. The aroma of a hot cup of cof- add an intron to the caffeine synthase
fee, its taste, and the “kick start” it gene, thereby destroying the function
provides makes coffee a beverage of the enzyme it encodes and render-
of choice for many people. But coffee ing the coffee plant unable to make
has a dark side, with side effects that caffeine. The coffee that resulted
include increased blood pressure, would be 100 percent caffeine-free
insomnia, anxiety, tremors, heart pal- and should keep all of its flavor, since
pitations, and gastrointestinal distur- caffeine is odorless and tasteless.
bances. Because many people love To some people, coffee without
coffee but are sensitive to its side Decaf Anyone? the kick will always be an oxymoron.
effects, there has been increasing Genetic engineering techniques may But for people who are strongly
demand for decaffeinated coffee. soon produce a cup of decaf with as affected by caffeine or who are trying
Unfortunately, flavors and aromas much flavor as regular coffee. to reduce their coffee consumption,
can be lost in the decaffeination the availability of a fully flavored
process, making decaf a less attrac- for caffeine synthase, an enzyme that decaf would be a welcome develop-
tive choice than it otherwise would controls the final two steps in the caf- ment. A cup of decaf could then be
be. And decaf is not 100 percent caf- feine biosynthesis pathway in the cof- savored like a regular cup of coffee,
feine-free, so for some people, even fee plant. With this gene in hand, it but without the aftereffects. If a jump-
a single cup of decaf after dinner can should now be possible to develop start were desired, there would still
mean a long night with the jitters. caffeine-free coffee that retains all of be the option of a cup of caffeinated
Coffee lovers, take heart. Re- its flavor. For example, genetic engi- coffee. And it would taste just as
searchers have now isolated the gene neering techniques could be used to good as decaf.
CHAPTER 15 From Gene to Protein 263

Putting It Together: lation (see Figure 15.2). In transcription, the sequence of

From Gene to Phenotype bases in the DNA of a gene is used as a template to pro-
duce an mRNA molecule. The cell then transports this
Humans have approximately 35,000 genes. More than mRNA molecule to a ribosome, where translation
99 percent of these genes code for the amino acid occurs. In translation, the sequence of bases in the
sequences of proteins; the rest specify RNA molecules mRNA molecule is used to synthesize the gene’s protein
such as tRNA or rRNA. Here we review the major steps product.
in how cells go from gene to protein to phenotype, focus- The proteins encoded by genes are essential to life. A
ing on genes that encode proteins. However, it is impor- mutation in a gene can alter the sequence of amino acids
tant to remember that transcription—the first step in the in the gene’s protein product, and this change can dis-
process that leads from gene to protein—is similar in all able or otherwise alter the function of the protein. When
genes, including the small percentage that specify tRNA a critical protein is disabled, the entire organism may be
and rRNA molecules. Translation does not occur for harmed. For example, in people who suffer from the
genes that specify tRNA or rRNA because the tRNA and genetic disease sickle-cell anemia, a single base in the
rRNA molecules produced by such genes are the gene’s gene that encodes hemoglobin is altered (Figure 15.10).
final product. Hemoglobin is a protein that functions in the transport
Chromosomes contain many genes. Each gene on a of oxygen by red blood cells. The red blood cells of peo-
chromosome is composed of DNA and consists of a ple with sickle-cell anemia are curved and distorted
sequence of the four bases adenosine (A), cytosine (C), under low oxygen conditions, such as those found in nar-
guanine (G), and thymine (T). The particular sequence row blood vessels like our capillaries. The distorted red
of bases in the DNA of the gene specifies the amino acid blood cells clog these narrow blood vessels, thereby lead-
sequence of the gene’s protein product. ing to a wide range of serious effects, including heart and
As we have discussed in this chapter, the two major kidney failure.
steps from gene to protein are transcription and trans- In sickle-cell anemia, a gene mutation alters the gene’s
protein product, which in turn produces a change in the
organism’s phenotype. A similar chain of events occurs
for other genes. Overall, the phenotype of an organism
Normal hemoglobin Sickle-cell is determined by the organism’s proteins and by the
DNA hemoglobin DNA
environment (see Chapter 12).
Because genes control the produc-
tion of proteins, genes play an
Only one base differs from the sequence important role in determining the
of the normal hemoglobin allele…
Transcription phenotype of the organism.
…causing the GAG codon in normal hemoglobin
mRNA mRNA mRNA to be replaced by a GUG codon…
■ Proteins are essential to life. In
conjunction with the environment,
fpo …which in turn causes
proteins determine an organism’s
phenotype. Because genes control
Translation glutamate to be replaced the production of proteins, they
by valine.
play a key role in determining an
Normal hemoglobin Sickle-cell hemoglobin organism’s phenotype.
Glutamate Valine

The replacement of glutamate

by valine causes individuals with
sickle-cell anemia to have
abnormally shaped red blood cells. Figure 15.10 A Small Genetic Change
Can Have a Large Effect
Sickle-cell anemia is caused by a
change in a single base. People with
sickle-cell anemia usually die before
Normal red blood cells A sickled red blood cell they reach childbearing age.
264 UNIT 3 Genetics

unused codon. If an organism no longer uses a particu-

■ HIGHLIGHT lar codon, that codon can change its meaning without
damaging the organism.
The Evolving Genetic Code Such changes appear to have happened repeatedly,
albeit very slowly, during the history of life. Early in the
The genetic code lies at the heart of the process by which
history of life, all organisms probably did have the same
genes make proteins: It provides the “dictionary” that
genetic code. But since that time, the genetic code, like
cells use to translate the language of DNA into the lan-
all other aspects of life, has evolved and continues to
guage of proteins. As we have learned in this chapter,
the genetic information stored in genes is first tran-
scribed into mRNA molecules, then translated by tRNA
molecules. Transfer RNA molecules are able to translate ■ The genetic code has evolved slowly over time. It
the genetic code because one portion of their structure can change without killing the organism because dif-
binds to a specific mRNA codon while another portion
ferent codons call for the same amino acid, and in
binds to the specific amino acid called for by that mRNA
some cases, some of these redundant codons are not
We might expect the consequences of any change in used.
the genetic code to be disastrous. For example, consid-
er what would happen if a particular type of tRNA mol-
ecule began carrying the wrong amino acid. For every
protein made by every cell in the body, whenever the
codon recognized by that tRNA was translated, the
wrong amino acid would be inserted into the protein
How Genes Work
that was being built. As a result, the function of many
proteins would probably be destroyed, which would kill
■ Genes work by controlling the production of proteins.
or severely harm the organism. ■ Most genes encode proteins.
This line of reasoning suggests that once the genetic ■ A few genes do not encode proteins, but rather specify as
code reached its current form, early in the history of life, their final product one of several RNA molecules that are
it should have remained “frozen” in place because any used to synthesize proteins.
changes to it would be so harmful. This strong empha- ■ Three types of RNA (rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA) and many
sis on the unchanging nature of the genetic code explains enzymes and other proteins are required for the cell to
why it is often called a universal code, common to all make proteins.
life. ■ RNA consists of a single strand of nucleotides, each com-
All organisms do have a similar genetic code, and posed of a ribose sugar–phosphate backbone and one of
many use the exact same genetic code, the one shown in four nitrogen-containing bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C),
guanine (G), or uracil (U).
Figure 15.5. But the genetic code is not really “frozen.”
Instead, it has slowly evolved, or changed over time. In How Genes Control the Production of Proteins
six species of yeasts, for example, CUG codes for serine ■ In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, two steps are
instead of leucine. In the mitochondria of many organ- required for the synthesis of proteins: transcription and
isms, AUA codes for methionine instead of isoleucine. translation.
Such departures from the genetic code are not limited to ■ In transcription, an RNA molecule is made using the DNA
yeasts and mitochondria; bacteria, protists, and even sequence of the gene.
humans violate portions of the code. In total, 15 of the
■ In translation, rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA molecules direct
64 codons—almost 25 percent—have changed their protein synthesis.
meaning at least once throughout the history of life.
■ In eukaryotes, information for the synthesis of a protein
How did the genetic code evolve without killing the
flows from the gene, located in the nucleus, to the site of
organisms in which the changes occurred? One answer protein synthesis, the ribosome, located in the cytoplasm.
to this question is that much of the genetic code is
“redundant” in the sense that several codons have the Transcription: From DNA to RNA
same meaning—that is, they call for the same amino acid ■ In transcription, an mRNA molecule is synthesized from a
(see Figure 15.5). In some cases, organisms do not use gene’s DNA template.
one of the redundant codons at all, nor do they produce ■ The mRNA molecule is constructed using the DNA
the tRNA molecules that are usually associated with the sequence of the gene according to specific base-pairing
CHAPTER 15 From Gene to Protein 265

rules: A in DNA pairs with U in RNA, T in DNA pairs KEY TERMS

with A in RNA, and C pairs with G.
■ In eukaryotes, genes contain internal sequences of DNA anticodon p. 000 messenger RNA (mRNA)
(introns) that must be removed from the initial mRNA codon p. 000 p. 000
product if the protein encoded by the gene is to function deletion mutation p. 000 promoter p. 000
properly. ribosomal RNA (rRNA) p. 000
frameshift p. 000
The Genetic Code gene p. 000 substitution mutation p. 000
■ The information in a gene is encoded in its sequence of genetic code p. 000 transcription p. 000
bases. insertion mutation p. 000 transfer RNA (tRNA) p. 000
■ In the genetic code, an amino acid is specified by a intron p. 000 translation p. 000
nonoverlapping sequence of three nucleotide bases, called
a codon, in an mRNA molecule.
■ When reading the genetic code, the cell begins at a fixed CHAPTER REVIEW
starting point, thus ensuring that the message from the
gene does not become scrambled.
Translation: From mRNA to Protein 1. For genes that specify a protein, what molecule carries
■ In translation, a sequence of bases in mRNA is converted information from the gene to the ribosome?
into a sequence of amino acids in a protein. a. DNA
■ Translation occurs at the ribosomes, which are composed b. mRNA
of rRNA and more than 50 different proteins. c. tRNA
d. rRNA
■ Ribosomes are molecular machines that make the covalent
bonds that link amino acids together into a protein. 2. During translation, the nucleotide bases in mRNA are
read _____ at a time to produce a protein.
■ Transfer RNA molecules carry the specific amino acids a. one
called for by the mRNA to the ribosome. b. two
c. three
The Effect of Mutations on Protein Synthesis d. four
■ Many mutations are caused by the substitution, insertion, 3. Which molecule carries the amino acid called for by
or deletion of a single base pair of a gene’s DNA sequence. mRNA to the ribosome?
■ Insertion or deletion of a single base pair causes a a. rRNA
frameshift, which usually destroys the function of the b. tRNA
gene’s protein product. c. codon
d. DNA
■ Insertions or deletions of a series of bases are also com-
mon. 4. In transcription, which of the following molecules is pro-
■ Mutations can change the function of a gene’s protein
a. mRNA
b. rRNA
Putting It Together: From Gene to Phenotype c. tRNA
d. all of the above
■ More than 99 percent of genes specify proteins.
5. A portion of the DNA sequence of a gene has the
■ Proteins are essential to life. In conjunction with the envi- nucleotide bases CGGATAGGGTAT. What is the sequence
ronment, proteins determine an organism’s phenotype. of amino acids specified by this DNA sequence?
■ Because genes control the production of proteins, genes a. alanine-tyrosine-proline-isoleucine
play a key role in determining an organism’s phenotype. b. arginine-tyrosine-tryptophan-isoleucine
c. arginine-isoleucine-glycine-tyrosine
Highlight:The Evolving Genetic Code d. none of the above
■ The genetic code has evolved slowly over time. 6. What molecular machine makes the covalent bonds that
■ The genetic code can change without killing the organism link the amino acids of a protein together?
because different codons call for the same amino acid and, a. tRNA
in some cases, particular codons are not used. b. mRNA
c. rRNA
d. ribosome
266 UNIT 3 Genetics

Review Questions 3. Summarize the key steps in transcription and translation.

1. What is a gene? 4. Why is it essential that tRNA be able to bind to both an
amino acid and an mRNA codon?
2. What are the functions of the three types of RNA used by
cells to make proteins: rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA? 5. Describe the flow of genetic information from gene to phe-

Gene Therapy Bounces Back

In the past 50 years, science has re- hard times: It has produced few un- two patients, aged 8 and 11
vealed that genes work by control- qualified success stories, and a gene months, suffering from SCID-X1.
ling the production of proteins. Our therapy patient died within the past Three years later, the results are
knowledge of how genes work has few months, apparently as a result very encouraging: The numbers of
raised a tantalizing prospect: Could of the therapy. The lack of progress T and natural killer cells in the pa-
we reach inside our cells and repair and the recent death have led many tients are up to normal levels, sug-
genes that cause disease? Scientists to argue that gene therapy is both a gesting that they will be able to live
in France appear to have done just scientific failure and unsafe. a healthy and disease-free life.
that in a groundbreaking study on The new results from France That’s good news for the patients
SCID-X1, a lethal human immune may provide the boost gene thera- and their families. And the news
deficiency disease that leaves its py needs to bounce back. SCID-X1 will also be welcomed by recently
victims vulnerable to many kinds is caused by a gene that produces a beleaguered gene therapy advo-
of infections. defective version of a protein, the cates, who argue that despite the in-
The French scientists used a usual version of which plays a crit- evitable setbacks associated with
technique known as gene therapy, ical role in the development of two any new technology, gene therapy
which seeks to correct genetic dis- types of white blood cells used in holds more potential than any other
orders by fixing the genes that the human immune system, T cells area of medicine to provide cures
cause the disorder. This technique, and natural killer cells. The French for human genetic disease.
which is still in the early stages of scientists successfully inserted a
development, has recently fallen on corrected version of this gene into

Evaluating “The News”

1. Despite more than a decade of 2. Gene therapy has been criticized for a key component of gene therapy.
effort, gene therapy has produced promising too much and delivering In general, do you think it is ethi-
few success stories. Should society too little since its inception in the cally acceptable for people to modi-
continue to fund gene therapy early 1990s. Is this a fair criticism fy the genes of organisms? In par-
research, which is relatively expen- for a technology in the early stages ticular, do you think gene therapy,
sive but may, in the long run, allow of development? which strives to cure human genet-
us to fix otherwise incurable genetic ic diseases, is ethically acceptable?
3. Many people think it is ethically
diseases? Or would our money be Why or why not? If you find gene
wrong for people to use modern
spent more wisely on low-cost pre- therapy ethically acceptable, are
genetic techniques to modify the
ventative measures that we know there modifications of human genes
genes of organisms, including our-
can reduce the frequency of AIDS, that you would not find ethical?
selves. The modification of genes is
cancer, and other human diseases?

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