Secret of Success - Cid

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My First Journey

Hannah Cid
The word success is not only about for rich person. It is for everyone-for
everyone who dream, everyone who do hard works and for everyone who have
courage to journey beyond on what they see...

I’ll start my story when I was 2 years old. My mother abondoned me in the
front of an old orphanage. I can still remember how I touched her face, and she
slowly kissed my cheek and her tears fell down, I don’t understand why. And all of
the sudden she drop me in the gate and left. I start to cry and someone heared
me. They ask my name, and the reason why I’m in this place. But for all the
questions that they asked, the only word that comes in my head is “My Mama left

At the age of 17 I learned to dream, I learned to follow what’s in my heart.

Because dream is the reason why I’m still living and fighting to my own fears. And
it is dream who fill my heart with hope, courage and love for my work. But hard
work is not enough, I’ll need more patience, diligence and enthusiasm to succeed.
When I saw the beauty of ocean, I knew what I wanted to be, I want to journey
and see what’s beyond on that. I want to see if my future is on the end of the
ocean. I want to escape in this old orphanage and follow my heart until the last
road toward the success.

It is hard to live in an orphanage, the nuns and the priests mistreated us, so
Sally and I decided to escape. At first, we fail. But I don’t easily give up for my
dreams. We tried again and we succeed. I know that it will be hard to live on our
own, but you know what, the strongest person is that who lives alone without any
approval of others. That’s why they know their strenght and weaknesses and they
know how to fight from their fears and deals with their problems.

Sally and I has an agreement that we’ll help each other until we escaped.
Sally wants to live far fron the orphanage, but I want to travel the world and
journey the oceans. We promised to each other that we’ll be successful someday.
After we got seperated, I start to find a job and luckily I met Mrs. Ferrer, I trust
her so much that I’d even tell her my dreams and our suffering on that old
orphanage. She promised that she’ll help me find a job.

After 7 years of working, I lose my motivation

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