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Likert-Type Scale Response Anchors Citation: Vagias, Wade M. (2008). Likert-type scale response anchors. Clemson International Institute for Tourism & Research Development, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. Clemson University. Level of Acceptability My boliots Level of SupporvOpposition + 1 Totally unacceptable + 1—Very untrue of what | believe + 1=Strongly oppose + 2 Unacceptable + 2-Untue of what I lieve + 2—Somewnat oppose + 3-Silightly unacceptable + 3 Somewhat untrue of what | + 3—neutral + 4—Neutral believe + 4=Somewhat favor + 5~Slightly acceptable + 4—Neutral + 8—Stronaly favor + 6—Acceptable + 5—Somewhat tue of what | + Perfectly Acceptable believe Level of Probability + 8—True of what believe * 1=Not probable Level of Appropriateness + 7=Very true of what | believe + 2—Somewhat improbable +1 = Absolutely inappropriate + 3oNeutal + 2-Inappropriate Priority: + 4=Somewhat probable + 3-Sighty inappropriate + 1-Nota priority + 5=Very probable 2 ao Neutral 2~Low priory + 5-Slightly appropriate + 3=Somewnhat prionity Level of Agreement + 6-Appropriate + 4=Neutal + 1=Strongly disagree + 7 Absolutely appropriate + 5—Moderste Priority + 2-Disagree + 6oHigh priority + 3=Nelther agree or disegree Level of importance + 7=Essential prorty 1 4-Agree: +1 =Notat all important 5 Strongly agree + 2=Low importance Level of Concern + 3-Slightly important +f =notat all concerned Level of Desirability 4—Neutral 2- Slightly concerned + 1—Very undesirable + 5~Moderately important 3 Somewhat concerned + 2-Undesirable + 8— Very important + 4—Maderately concemed + 3=neutral +7 Extremely important + 5— Extremely concerned 2 = Desirable + 5-Very desirable Level of Agreement Priority Level + 1=Strongy disagree + d-Notapronty Level of Participation + 2=Disagree: + 2-Low prority + 1=No, and not considered + 8=Somewnat disagree 3 Medium priority 2—No, but considered + 4oNeither agree or 1 4=High prionty + 37 Yes. disagree + S-Essential + B= Somewhat agree Frequency ~§ point 6—Agree Level of Problem + 1-Never + 7=Sirongly agree + 1-Notatalla problem + 2-Rerely + 2—Minor problem + 3-Sometimes Knowledge of Action + 3—Moderate proolem + 40ften + 1 Never true + 4—Serious problem +B Always + 2-Rerely tue + 3=Sometimes but Affect on X Froquoncy infrequently true 1 =No affect + TNever + 4-Neutral + 2-Minor affect + 2-Rarely + 5=Sometimes true 3S Neutral + 3-Oceastonally + 6—Usually true + 4 Moderate affect + 4A moderate amount + 7 Always true + S=Major affect + 5-Agreat deal Reflect Me? Level of Consideration Frequency of Use 4 Very untrue of me 1 — Would not consider + TeNever + 2—Untrue of me + 2-Might or might not consider + 2-Almost never + 3—Somewnat untrue of me + 3-Definitely consider + 3-Occasionally/Sometimes + 4 "Neutral + 4— Almost every time 1 5= Somewhat tre of me + 5-Every time + 8—True of me 7 Very tue of me Frequen ‘Amount Level of Level of ey ~7 point 1 Never 2—Rarely in less then 10% ofthe chances when I could have 3 Occasionally, in about 30% of the chanoes when | ‘ould have 4 Sometimes, in about 50% of he chances when | could have 5~ Frequently, in about 70% of the chances when I could have 6 — Usually, in about 90% of the chaness | could have. 7~ Every ime of Use 1 Never use 2 Almost never 3 ~ Occasionaliy/Sometimes 4— Almost every tne 5 Frequently use Familiarity 4 not at all familiar 2~ Slightly familiar '3= Somewhat familar 4—Moderately familar 5~ Extremely fariiar ‘Avaroness 4=notat al aware 2-Slghty aware 3 Somewhat aware 4— Moderately aware 5 Extremely aware Level of Difficulty 41 = Very dificult 2=Diffcult 3—Neutral 4- Easy 5 Very easy Likelihood +1 Extremely unlikely 2 unlikely 3— Neutral 4 likely 5 ~ Extremely Ikely Level of Detraction 1 detracted very litle + 20 + 32 Neutal oan + 5=Detracted very much Good / Bad +1 Very negative ee + 3—Neutal ae + 5=Very positive Barriers {Nota barrier + 2-Somewnat of a barier + 8oModerate barrier + 42Brtreme barrier Level of Satisfaction - point + 1—Very dissatisfied 2- dissatisfied 3—unsure 4 satsied 5 Very satisied Level of Satisfaction ~ 5 point 1 —Not at all satisfied 2~ slightly satisfied 3- moderately satisfiea 4— Very satisfied 5 Extremely satisfied Level of Satisfaction - 7 point + 1=Completaly dissatisfied + 2~Mosty dissatisfied + 3-Somewhat cissatisfied + 4 neither satisfied or dissatisfied 5~ Somewhat satisfied 6—Mostly satisfied + 7—Completely satisfied Level of Quality ~§ point + 1=Poor 2 2-Fair + 3-Good + 4=Very good + 8 Excellent Comparison of Two Products T= much worse + 2 somewhst worse + 3 aboutthe same + 4—somewhat better + So much netter Level of Responsibility + 1=Notatall responsible + 2= somewhat responsiole + 3-mosty responsioie + 4—completely responsible Level of influence + 1=not at al influential 2- slighty influential 3 somewhat influential 4 very influential 5 extremely infential

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