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NAME: Adrian Kurt M.

CODE: 2277
I. Looking at the performers’ movements and the visual design aspect (costume, lighting,
set, props), which particular element of the musical play is the most appealing to you?
a. Specify which element (e.g. the protagonist’s costume, the set, the movements of the
extra performers, etc.).
The most appealing parts of the video are the movements of the main characters and the
dancer, the way they sing their scripts , and also the lighting and costume of the set.
b. Explain why it is the most appealing.
As I see and watch it, It catches my attention when they present these elements, and these
elements give an interesting performance to the overall impact of the stage play. Having
these kinds of elements catches the viewer’s attention and that is the most important
thing, using these elements in proper/correctly, effectiveness, and creativity make your
performance more lively.

II. Evaluate the element of theater chosen in the previous question.

• Literal description
How do you describe the physical appearance of the element?
I described these as minimalistic and functional physical appearance of the element, why
do I say so? because having simple elements and presenting well makes your
performance standout and that was what I encountered in this theater play.
• Comprehensive feeling
What emotions do you feel when looking at that particular element?
I felt happy when they performed the elements properly. Last Junior High School, I was a
student of SPA(Special program in the arts) which in these fields include any kind of
arts(visual, theater, media, creative writing, and performer arts) . That's why I already
know how these elements are used effectively. As for my reaction, they performed well
and presented properly. When it comes to the elements, I felt happy, overwhelmed and
proud at the same time. Knowing the reaction of the viewers is the most important thing
of being an actors/actresses or the whole team of the stage play and that’s only the goal of
the team of the stage play to make viewer's happy to the performance
• Formal analysis
How was the element constructed? What are its components?
The characters and the backup dancers acting constructed whey the going to perform
their part in character that they portraying, and the components of it are involves a broad
range of skills, including a well-developed imagination, emotional facility, physical
expressivity, vocal projection, clarity of speech, and the ability to interpret drama. Script
and singing are constructed when the director, writer, and trainor made conceptualizing
you role in characters/part which you would perform on stage play, and its component
involves memorization, feeling adaptation. Lastly, the costumes and lighting are
constructed when the concepts are being represented to the stage play, the way the
costumes are presented to their own character and the way the lighting presents to every
section or part of the script. The costumes components are wearing or presenting
accessories such as masks, walking sticks, head gear, hairdo, make-up and personal items
like bracelets and necklaces, are important components of costumes. Apart from the
theatre, most people think of costumes in terms of the outfits people wear to parties,
offices, traditional ceremonies and so on. The component of lighting are Intensity, this is
referring to the brightness of your light and how the brightness relates to other lights
Direction, this is where you are shooting in relation to your light. This affects the shape
and depth of your subject and how that subject is perceived by the audience. in the shot.
Lighting ratios have a huge effect on the mood of your scene. Softness, this is how soft or
harsh your light is on your subject. This is affected not only by the modifiers that you
place on your light but also by the size of the light source (the larger the light, the softer
the light). Softness can make or break the emotional mood of your scene. Color ,this last
element of lighting is based upon the color temperature of your light, or how warm or
cool it is. Blue-r tones typically feel more sad and cold, while yellow-er tones typically
feel more happy and warm. Contrasting tones can be used to even further emit emotion
however, this is usually not the best look on skin tones.

• Interpretation
What do you think do the components of the element signify?
Components of the elements signify what is needed to the elements. Applying these
components to the elements having these skills and broad knowledge makes a wonderful
and perfect outcome to the stage play. Drama needs a visual element. Spectacle and
atmosphere can bring new meaning to the language and characters. Atmosphere and
spectacle can make a drama memorable. Often when you go to see a play or watch a film
you will remember how it made you feel.

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