Cfe 101 - Final Exam - 1stsem - Ay 22-23 - Adrian Kurt M. Javier - Bs Arch I-6

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Saint Louis University A.

Bonifacio Street,
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts
Baguio City
First Semester AY 2022-2023

General Instructions:
1. Strictly follow instructions.
2. Discuss your answers in five to eight sentences.
3. Use the attached rubric for your guidance.

ESSAY: (30 points)

1. The Public ministry of Jesus became the reason for his persecution. Along this line, explain how his crucifixion can be
meaningful (without using the expression “he died for our sins”). (10 points)

His crucifixion is significant to us due to the fact he could have asked his Father for help and forever damn humanity to a life
of hell for what they have done to his son, especially after looking down on him and torturing him because he thought of life
rather differently. But we all know well that Jesus wasn't that kind of man, especially when he was still selfless and kind to
people, regardless of what they did and how they had wronged him. He had forgiven people who did not deserve such
kindness and changed them into better people. His crucifixion is a symbol of a second chance- and attempt to redo what we
have done wrong, and instead act better, and be better people. He died so the current generation of people can repent and
learn from what generations of sinners had done, and hopefully become part of God's kingdom once more, like how Adam
and Eve once were.

2. The Kingdom of God that Jesus is referring to is about our commitment to the transformation of our individual lives and
communities. Cite and discuss a significant activity that you can do to help transform your community. (10 points)

If I were given the time, I would go down to a local homeless shelter and spend time with the people there and learn about
their experiences. With what I know, I would do my best to help improve their lives by volunteering there whenever I have
the time and helping the shelter, and proving architectural education to those who are interested. I would also recruit my
classmates to come to help me at the shelter where with more people we can transform the shelter into something more than a
place to stay it can become a genuine, warm home for those who live there. Also, community pantry-related activities and the
planting of trees and vegetables are crucial to this. In order to respond to this query, we must emphasize Genesis 1:26, which
states, "Then God said," Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and
the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." This
verse makes it clear that God has given people the authority to rule over the entirety of His creation. Therefore, it follows that
mankind should be in charge of overseeing the transformation of their immediate neighborhood and environment. To further
explain, the tutor's study interests include the context of nature, notably fossil fuel. To put this in perspective, fossil fuels
enable humanity to ignore the cycles and demands of nature. This simply implies that, especially in the industrial era, when
individuals design their surroundings as their desired habitat, mankind has permitted itself to stray beyond the bounds of
nature. Unfortunately, humankind does not treat their surroundings with the proper respect; instead, they operate on their own
terms. The idea that every human economy is always and everywhere completely dependent on the natural economy seemed
to pass from memory, despite the fact that Earth's economy is always the foundation for every human economy, as noted by
the fact that "few bothered even to ask about the rest of nature's demands for regeneration and renewal on its complex and
nonnegotiable terms." Furthermore, the belief that people might govern the ecosphere entails releasing humanity from
freedom and labor. It is a cruel misconception to think that because nature has an infinite supply of everything, we can create
a world with a Promethean purpose by ignoring its cycles and demands for regeneration. These are essential tools to enable a
striking transformation of our human communities and environment, along with the community pantry and tree planting.
Since God commanded humans to rule and have dominion over His creation, which includes such an environment or one's
nature, this cannot be done without the active participation of mankind, realizing and living to one of its primary calls.

3. The challenge of the resurrection of Jesus is for us to be a resurrection people, which means that we make alive in our
communities the values he lived and died for. Choose two of these values and elaborate on how you can make these alive in
your personal life. (10 points)

The values are generosity – this is the core Christian value of being kind and unselfish, especially with our money and time.
"The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." – Proverbs 22:9. And love – Love is a
fundamental characteristic of who God is and it’s a value that is to describe His children as well. "We love because he first
loved us." – 1 John 4:19. A person who is "good in the eye" sincerely seeks the good of others; they actively look for ways to
help. This proverb directly connects this attitude with actions: we know such a person has a "good eye" because we see them
sharing with those less fortunate. Helping others is success for my personal life and I think that is the essence of success by
helping others. We are not to take credit for the love we have and show to others. God loved us before we were capable of
loving Him, and we can only love others because of what He has done in our lives. As Christians, we have been taught that
the very essence of God is love. When asked by would-be disciples, what is the greatest commandment, Jesus responded very
simply— “Love God with everything you have and everything you are and Love your neighbor— 'the other” as you love
yourself.” Love is the fruit of sacrifice. Wealth is the fruit of generosity. Generous people are the ones who give more than is
expected of them. A generous heart is willing to give and help people in need. They spread love and kindness with the gifts of
time, money, motivation, and things which is a great moral support to people who really need it. Having a big heart is the

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Saint Louis University A. Bonifacio Street,
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts
Baguio City
virtue of being liberal in giving and being generous to people and the community at large without expecting anything in
return. To be generous is a noble quality of women/men who work for the benefit of others. This what make the worlds alive.

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