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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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The Bible tells the most magnificent stories of promoting well-being for all (UN-SDG 3). the story
of how you have been redeemed. It is also full of wisdom for daily living. It teaches you how to treat
other people, how to handle your fears and sorrows, how to get your priorities straight. The wisdom of the
Bible shows you how to become the people you were meant to be. For the purpose of this activity, just fill
out the table below. Write the things that are asked for in the second column. But you can do this exercise
on your own following the same steps after this lesson.

Identify a regular time for

prayerful reading and studying the Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Bible. Reflect on one (1) scriptural
reading one day at a time Dates 08;28;2022
Begin by selecting and praying an Psalm
appropriate passage from the Book A prayer to ask the Lord to help us walk
of Psalms.
with Him
Psalm 119:33-40
Lord, teach me the way of your statutes,
And I will keep them to the end.
Grant me insight that I may keep your law,
And observe it wholeheartedly.
Guide me in the path of your commands,
For in them is my delight.
Bend my heart to your decrees,
And not to wrongful gain.
Turn my eyes from gazing on vanities;
In your way, give me life.
Fulfill your promise to your servant,
That you may be revered.
Turn away the taunts I dread,
For your decrees are good.
See, I long for your precepts;
Give me life by your righteousness.

Use your imagination to put

yourself inside some of the gospel
1.      You are a bystander in the
crowd watching Jesus heal the  Mark 10:46-52
blind man Bartimaeus (Mark
10:46-52).  Mark 10:46-52 has a message that is quite simple yet only a
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
Page 2 of 2

few can understand. The message is to have faith in God. As

we can see, many of us today go to church and pray but not
all have faith. Most of the time, we thought that we have
2. You are the Samaritan woman faith when it is not strong.
at the well when Jesus comes
along (John 4:4-42).   John 4:4-42

“Our purpose is to worship the true and living God and to do

it by the power of the Spirit and in the way he has ordained.
The approved worship of the true God leads to salvation;
devotions rendered to false gods and which are not founded on
eternal truth carry no such assurance.

Creating a life well-lived is found in Christ alone.

Let him do the work. Let him be your healer and your
guide. Come back to him daily, for he is the living well, and
He alone allows you to live well.
3. You are one of the disciples
walking with Jesus on the road  Luke 24:13-32
to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32). 
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the
foundation of our hope – the hope that we, too, who
Pay attention to what comes to believe in him will see the living God face to face and share
mind and write your reflections.  in his everlasting glory and joy.

"The Walk to Emmaus offers today's disciples a parallel

opportunity to rediscover Christ's presence in their lives, to
gain fresh understanding of God's transforming grace and to
form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual

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