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How are you my sweetie, are you tired of me, are you ok?' and lots of questions
like these I always ask you. Not because I just want to ask or curious, but every
question comes from inside of my heart. I know we are so far apart from each other
and I try so much to be with you. I know, this is so hard but nothing on earth can
make me lose my love for you.

Although we've never met in person, I still really love you. I don't know when I
started to love you, it started with sending e-mails to you everyday wishing you a
good morning and good night with a lot of feeling in them. Then, one day, I found
myself loving you and couldn't stop this
feeling. Just you knowing me more and more each day and how you understand me in
everything, that's why I love you more and more. Every time you say those lovely
words, you brighten my life.

I love the way you put in every effort that you can just to make everything work
for us. With just the thought that somebody like you would always be there to lend
me some of her time just to make me happy and complete is incomparable. I really
appreciate that

The distance is our problem but if we look at it in a different view, we will know
this is the thing that can prove our true love. It's not so long, babe, every dream
will be come true and we will smile with a tear of happiness together when we talk
about the past, in our house. I will wait for the day we are together and we can
finally be together

You changed suddenly because i ask for your help cos of the situation,this is not
what our love ought to be..I love you with all of my heart,try and understand that.


The first day we were introduced over the computer, I knew you were the one for me.
The first hello and the first goodbye we both knew. It has been a little over some
weeks, and we are still fondly in each other's minds, souls, and hearts. Before I
met you I had no idea what love really was until my heart truly started aching for

Every day we did not chat, and each day we are apart, tears ran down my face
unconditionally for the longing of you near me. I never knew a woman could have
stolen my heart and made it truly hers. I never knew I could love a woman more then
my own life. I long for the day I can finally look into your beautiful soft kind
eyes and tell you how much I love you, and need you. The true beginning of my life
is when i'm going to be with you if our proposal is accepted

These long years we have both waited, and all my dreams are finally coming true. I
don't know about all of yours? Seeing you every day is going to be the biggest
blessing to my heart knowing you are in touching reach of me, which does scare me,
however in a wonderful way.

You are my every heartbeat, my every gasping breathe of life. What I need to
survive and make it through this lonely world can only be conquered with you by my
side. I do not think there are any words that could describe the way I actually
feel about you.Do have a nice day at work and hope to hear from you soon


Every day I think about our love and think about you. I miss you so much. I know
too many things have happened in this 1 week that we have been trying to get
together for us to even try to work things out again. Too many nasty words were
said between both of us. I know you will forever be my best friend and I will
forever love you and keep you in my heart. No matter what I will never forget you.

Every day that goes by without you I think will be easy to forget, but it's not,
it's actually harder every day to get over you and the kind of love you and I
shared.I know you still love me and I still love you, but things will never be like
they used to be if you dont get the transaction done..We need this to be done

Again, you are my everything and I know I was the one responsible for about to
loose you and everything else that has gone wrong between us, and for that I am
forever sorry!. Please forgive me for everything that I have done to you.I don't
mean to,at-all..Please do understand the situation and get this done

I love you now and will for the next 100 years!


I sit right here, thinking of you, and how you make my heart beat and how I am in
love. I could never have thought that I would feel this way. You know all too well
how surprising this is, I just love you so much. I don't know how it happened, and
frankly I don't even care, I just want to love you and you to love me. I'll love
you forever and never leave you. You'll be in my arms, I promise you.

This may start sounding like a poem, I don't know; must be the rhythm of my heart
that's calling for you. I just wanted to tell you, and the world, that you are my
heart and my every thought. That I love you with everything I have and hold dear,
that you mean more to me than this bright blue sphere. I miss you so much.

You're probably be at work now, but when you come back, this will greet you. In
this little letter I'm pouring my heart, can you feel how I feel for you? Katrina,
you mean the world to me... I'll never forget you. I'll be faithful and never leave

I've done what I've wanted for so very long now. I've told the world how I feel for
you. I'm blushing like heck too! But once I press this send button everyone will
know� I love you my angel. I'll hold you forever. you're the heart I treasure.

Hi, Baby Bear. You're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I
feel so happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my
baby. You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have
faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and
love you righteously deserve.

Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme or a dream! Every
moment we share together we grow closer.Thou the situation right now is tight for
us all i know is that all will be well soon,

I'm simply hanging by a moment, waiting to see you so you can hold me so tight that
all else fades, everyday I wake up dreaming of our time together. I love you with
all that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be.

Please know that my love and I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and
if time could express my love for you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to
be with you, see your smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your
perfect words and kiss your perfect lips.

The way I feel about you some people call crazy, some call it insane, but I call it
true love. I really love you.


I know i've been busy lately with work and what not. I wanted to send you this
letter to let you know that I'm thinking of you and love you very much. I'm very
lucky to have such a wonderful woman and I wanted to say thank you for changing my

Before you came along, I felt empty inside. You filled an empty void in my heart
and I can never thank you enough for loving me unconditionally.

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