Quiz Ancient China

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1. What is the River in china that is also called “china’s sorrow?

A) Yantze River C) Mekong River
B) Hwang Ho River D) Pasig River
2. What kind of climate is there in north china?
A) Tropical climate C) Temperate climate
B) Polar climate D) Subartic climate
3. What is the River in china that flows across southern china?
A) Yangtze River C) Xijiang River
B) Indus River D) Yenisie River
4. What is the main purpose of The Great wall of china?
A) For tourist destination C) For architecture
B) To prevent tribes of Mongols D) Both A & B
5. What dynasty does the word china came from?
A) Ch’in Dynasty C) Ming Dynasty
B) Ch’ing Dynasty D) Chou Dynasty
6. What dynasty does the Boxer Rebellion happened?
A) Yuan Dynasty C) Ch’ing Dynasty
B) Sung Dynasty D) Chinese Republic
7. What dynasty did the civil service system first introduced?
A) Chou Dynasty C) Ch’in Dynasty
B) Xia Dynasty D) Han Dynasty
8. What dynasty did the Mongol domination occurred?
A) Ming Dynasty C) Zhou Dynasty
B) Shang Dynasty D) Yuan Dynasty
9. What is the duty of every member of a Chinese family?
A) To safeguard the home C) To decorate the home
B) To Burn the home D) Both C and B
10. In the Chinese family system, what does the father arrange
A) Decorations C) The property
B) Marriages D) Both B and C

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